Esempio n. 1
def checkFile(fpath):
    #print('checking %s' % fpath)
    disabledTests = []
    txt = read_file(fpath)
    # First, look through for tests that are disabled in the way we expect.
    standardDisableCount = 0
    for match in DISABLED_PAT.finditer(txt):
            DisabledUnitTest(fpath, txt, match.start(), match.end()))
        standardDisableCount += 1
    improper = []
    java = bool(fpath.endswith('.java'))
    # Now, scan through the file looking for stuff that's maybe disabled in the wrong way.
    # We do this so that over time, everyone who's working in the codebase converges on
    # the same best practices, instead of circumventing the system.
    if java:
        # In java, look for //@Test where we can't tie the associated method to a
        # standard comment about being disabled.
        for match in DISABLED_JAVA_PAT.finditer(txt):
            name = getNameOfNextTestMethod(fpath, txt, match.start())
            if not disabledTestIsProperlyDocumented(name, disabledTests):
                tuple = (name,
                         1 + codescan.getLineNumForOffset(txt, match.start()))
        nextInactiveBlock = codescan.getNextInactiveJavaBlock
        testnamePat = _JAVA_TESTNAME_PAT
    elif fpath.endswith('.cpp') or fpath.endswith('.h'):
        nextInactiveBlock = codescan.getNextInactiveCppBlock
        testnamePat = _CPP_TESTNAME_PAT
        nextInactiveBlock = _findNoInactiveBlocks
        testnamePat = None
    # In both java and C++, look for methods that have been completely commented
    # out. In C++, also check for methods that have been #ifdef'ed out.'
    i = 0
    while testnamePat:
        range = nextInactiveBlock(txt, i)
        if not range:
        block = txt[range[0]:range[1]]
        for match in testnamePat.finditer(block):
            name = _extractTestNameFromMatch(match, java)
            if not disabledTestIsProperlyDocumented(name, disabledTests):
                lineNum = 1 + codescan.getLineNumForOffset(
                    txt, range[0] + match.start())
                tuple = (name, lineNum)
        i = range[1]
    return disabledTests, improper
 def __init__(self, path, txt, start, end):
     self.when = ''
     self.which = ''
     self.where = '' = ''
     self.ticket = ''
     self.owner = ''
     self.why = ''
     self.path = path
     self.revision = vcs.revno(path, True)
     self.scope = ''
     i = start
     j = end - 2
     while txt[j] == '*':
         j-= 1
     self.lineNum = codescan.getLineNumForOffset(txt, i)
     lines = [re.sub(r'^\s*\*', '', l).strip() for l in txt[i:j].split('\n') if l.strip()]
     lbl = None
     for l in lines:
         m = _LBL_PAT.match(l)
         if m:
             if lbl:
                 DisabledUnitTest._assign(self, lbl, val)
             lbl =
             val =
         elif lbl:
             val += ' ' + l
     if lbl:
         DisabledUnitTest._assign(self, lbl, val)
     if self.ticket:
         m =
         if m:
             self.ticket =
     if self.owner:
         self.owner = ', '.join([x.strip() for x in self.owner.replace(';',',').split(',')])
def checkFile(fpath):
    #print('checking %s' % fpath)
    disabledTests = []
    txt = read_file(fpath)
    # First, look through for tests that are disabled in the way we expect.
    standardDisableCount = 0
    for match in DISABLED_PAT.finditer(txt):
        disabledTests.append(DisabledUnitTest(fpath, txt, match.start(), match.end()))
        standardDisableCount += 1
    improper = []
    java = bool(fpath.endswith('.java'))
    # Now, scan through the file looking for stuff that's maybe disabled in the wrong way.
    # We do this so that over time, everyone who's working in the codebase converges on
    # the same best practices, instead of circumventing the system.
    if java:
        # In java, look for //@Test where we can't tie the associated method to a
        # standard comment about being disabled.
        for match in DISABLED_JAVA_PAT.finditer(txt):
            name = getNameOfNextTestMethod(fpath, txt, match.start())
            if not disabledTestIsProperlyDocumented(name, disabledTests):
                tuple = (name, 1 + codescan.getLineNumForOffset(txt, match.start()))
        nextInactiveBlock = codescan.getNextInactiveJavaBlock
        testnamePat = _JAVA_TESTNAME_PAT
    elif fpath.endswith('.cpp') or fpath.endswith('.h'):
        nextInactiveBlock = codescan.getNextInactiveCppBlock
        testnamePat = _CPP_TESTNAME_PAT
        nextInactiveBlock = _findNoInactiveBlocks
        testnamePat = None
    # In both java and C++, look for methods that have been completely commented
    # out. In C++, also check for methods that have been #ifdef'ed out.'
    i = 0
    while testnamePat:
        range = nextInactiveBlock(txt, i)
        if not range:
        block = txt[range[0]:range[1]]
        for match in testnamePat.finditer(block):
            name = _extractTestNameFromMatch(match, java)
            if not disabledTestIsProperlyDocumented(name, disabledTests):
                lineNum = 1 + codescan.getLineNumForOffset(txt, range[0] + match.start())
                tuple = (name, lineNum)
        i = range[1]
    return disabledTests, improper
Esempio n. 4
def cvtMatches(matches, txt, path, idGrp, valGrp, locale):
    m2 = []
    for m in matches:
        offset = m.start()
        linenum = codescan.getLineNumForOffset(txt, offset)
        strdef = StrDef(undoEscapes(, undoEscapes(, locale)
        strdef.addLoc(FileLocation(path, linenum))
    return m2
Esempio n. 5
def cvtMatches(matches, txt, path, idGrp, valGrp, locale):
    m2 = []
    for m in matches:
        offset = m.start()
        linenum = codescan.getLineNumForOffset(txt, offset)
        strdef = StrDef(undoEscapes(,
                        undoEscapes(, locale)
        strdef.addLoc(FileLocation(path, linenum))
    return m2
Esempio n. 6
 def visit(self, folder, item, relativePath):
     if JAVASCRIPT_PAT.match(item):
         path = os.path.join(folder, item)
         txt = _read(path)
         nextInactiveBlock = codescan.pickInactiveBlockFinder(path)
         #Remove all the inactive blocks from our analysis
         txt = codescan.getActiveBlocksOnly(txt, nextInactiveBlock)
         matches = [m for m in CONSOLE_PAT.finditer(txt)]
         comments = [c for c in COMMENT_PAT.finditer(txt)]
         lines = []
         for m in matches:
             offset = m.start()
             linenum = codescan.getLineNumForOffset(txt, offset)
             comment = False
             for c in comments:
                 if (linenum == codescan.getLineNumForOffset(txt, c.start())) and (offset > c.start()):
                     comment = True
             if not comment:
         if lines:
             self.badCount += 1
             self.categorizedFiles[os.path.join(relativePath, item)] = lines
Esempio n. 7
 def __init__(self, path, txt, start, end):
     self.when = ''
     self.which = ''
     self.where = '' = ''
     self.ticket = ''
     self.owner = ''
     self.why = ''
     self.path = path
     self.revision = vcs.revno(path, True)
     self.scope = ''
     i = start
     j = end - 2
     while txt[j] == '*':
         j -= 1
     self.lineNum = codescan.getLineNumForOffset(txt, i)
     lines = [
         re.sub(r'^\s*\*', '', l).strip() for l in txt[i:j].split('\n')
         if l.strip()
     lbl = None
     for l in lines:
         m = _LBL_PAT.match(l)
         if m:
             if lbl:
                 DisabledUnitTest._assign(self, lbl, val)
             lbl =
             val =
         elif lbl:
             val += ' ' + l
     if lbl:
         DisabledUnitTest._assign(self, lbl, val)
     if self.ticket:
         m =
         if m:
             self.ticket =
     if self.owner:
         self.owner = ', '.join(
             [x.strip() for x in self.owner.replace(';', ',').split(',')])
Esempio n. 8
def analyzeFile(fpath, stats):
    fpath = os.path.abspath(fpath)
    rel = stats.getRelativePath(fpath)
    #print('analyzing %s' % rel)
    txt = read_file(fpath)
    byteCount = len(txt)
    stats.addStat(fpath, 'byte count, impl + test', byteCount)
    lineCount = codescan.getLineNumForOffset(txt, byteCount)
    stats.addStat(fpath, 'line count, impl + test', lineCount)
    isTest = bool(
    codeType = 'impl'
    if isTest:
        codeType = 'test'
    stats.addStat(fpath, 'byte count, ' + codeType, byteCount)
    stats.addStat(fpath, 'line count, ' + codeType, lineCount)
    # See if we know how to do any further analysis on this file.
    pat = getClassPatForPath(fpath)
    if pat:
        if isTest:
            pat = getTestnamePatForPath(fpath)
            if pat:
                stats.addStat(fpath, 'unit test count', len(pat.findall(txt)))
            stats.addStat(fpath, 'class count', len(pat.findall(txt)))
Esempio n. 9
def analyzeFile(fpath, stats):
    fpath = os.path.abspath(fpath)
    rel = stats.getRelativePath(fpath)
    #print('analyzing %s' % rel)
    txt = read_file(fpath)
    byteCount = len(txt)
    stats.addStat(fpath, 'byte count, impl + test', byteCount)
    lineCount = codescan.getLineNumForOffset(txt, byteCount)
    stats.addStat(fpath, 'line count, impl + test', lineCount)
    isTest = bool(
    codeType = 'impl'
    if isTest:
        codeType = 'test'
    stats.addStat(fpath, 'byte count, ' + codeType, byteCount)
    stats.addStat(fpath, 'line count, ' + codeType, lineCount)
    # See if we know how to do any further analysis on this file.
    pat = getClassPatForPath(fpath)
    if pat:
        if isTest:
            pat = getTestnamePatForPath(fpath)
            if pat:
                stats.addStat(fpath, 'unit test count', len(pat.findall(txt)))
            stats.addStat(fpath, 'class count', len(pat.findall(txt)))