def codice_fiscale_persona(persona): from base.comuni import COMUNI try: codice_comune = COMUNI[persona.comune_nascita.lower()] except KeyError: codice_comune = 'D000' try: return build(persona.cognome, persona.nome, persona.data_nascita, persona.genere, codice_comune) except: # Dati personali imcompatibili per creare un codice fiscale corretto. return build(names.get_last_name(), names.get_first_name(), persona.data_nascita, persona.genere, codice_comune)
def codice_fiscale_persona(persona): from base.comuni import COMUNI try: codice_comune = COMUNI[persona.comune_nascita.lower()] except KeyError: codice_comune = 'D000' return build(persona.cognome, persona.nome, persona.data_nascita, persona.genere, codice_comune)
def calcola_cf(self): if not self.data_nascita or \ not self.municipalita or \ not self.sesso: raise Exception('Dati mancanti') return, self.nome, self.data_nascita, self.sesso, self.municipalita)
def compute_fc(self, cr, uid, ids, context): active_id = context.get('active_id', []) partner = self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr, uid, active_id, context) form_obj = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) for wizard in form_obj: if (not wizard.fiscalcode_surname or not wizard.fiscalcode_firstname or not wizard.birth_date or not wizard.birth_city or not raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('One or more fields are missing')) if not wizard.birth_city.cadaster_code: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('Cataster code is missing')) birth_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(wizard.birth_date, "%Y-%m-%d") # CF = self._codicefiscale( # wizard.fiscalcode_surname, wizard.fiscalcode_firstname, str( #, # str(birth_date.month), str(birth_date.year),, # wizard.birth_city.cadaster_code) CF = build(wizard.fiscalcode_surname, wizard.fiscalcode_firstname, birth_date,, wizard.birth_city.cadaster_code) if partner.fiscalcode and partner.fiscalcode != CF: raise osv.except_osv( _('Error'), _('Existing fiscal code %s is different from the computed ' 'one (%s). If you want to use the computed one, remove ' 'the existing one') % (partner.fiscalcode, CF)) self.pool.get('res.partner').write(cr, uid, active_id, { 'fiscalcode': CF, 'individual': True }) return {}
def compute_fc(self): active_id = self._context.get('active_id') partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(active_id) for f in self: if (not f.fiscalcode_surname or not f.fiscalcode_firstname or not f.birth_date or not f.birth_city or not raise UserError(_('One or more fields are missing')) nat_code = self._get_national_code(, f.birth_province.code, f.birth_date) if not nat_code: raise UserError(_('National code is missing')) c_f = build(f.fiscalcode_surname, f.fiscalcode_firstname, f.birth_date,, nat_code) if partner.fiscalcode and partner.fiscalcode != c_f: raise UserError( _('Existing fiscal code %(partner_fiscalcode)s is different ' 'from the computed one (%(compute)s). If you want to use' ' the computed one, remove the existing one' % { 'partner_fiscalcode': partner.fiscalcode, 'compute': c_f })) partner.fiscalcode = c_f partner.company_type = 'person' return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
def compute_fc(self): active_id = self._context.get('active_id') partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(active_id) for f in self: if (not f.fiscalcode_surname or not f.fiscalcode_firstname or not f.birth_date or not f.birth_city or not raise except_orm(_('Error'), ('One or more fields are missing')) nat_code = self._get_national_code(,, f.birth_date) if not nat_code: raise except_orm(_('Error'), _('National code is missing')) birth_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(f.birth_date, "%Y-%m-%d") CF = build(f.fiscalcode_surname, f.fiscalcode_firstname, birth_date,, nat_code) if partner.fiscalcode and partner.fiscalcode != CF: raise except_orm( _('Error'), ('Existing fiscal code %s is different from the computed' ' one (%s). If you want to use the computed one, remove' ' the existing one') % (partner.fiscalcode, CF)) partner.fiscalcode = CF partner.individual = True return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
def test_build(self): tests = { 'RCCMNL83S18D969H': ( "Rocca", "Emanuele", datetime.datetime(1983, 11, 18), 'M','D969' ), 'CNTCHR83T41D969D': ( "Cintoi", "Chiara", datetime.datetime(1983, 12, 1), 'F','D969' ), 'BNCSFN85T58G702W': ( "Bianucci", "Stefania", datetime.datetime(1985, 12, 18), 'F','G702' ), 'RCDLSN84S16D969Z': ( "Arcidiacono", "Alessandro", datetime.datetime(1984, 11, 16), 'M','D969' ), 'FOXDRA26C24H872Y': ( "Fo", "Dario", datetime.datetime(1926, 3, 24), 'M', # born in Sangiano 'H872' ), 'MAILCU91A25F839D': ( "Maio", "Luca", datetime.datetime(1991, 1, 25), 'M', 'F839' ), 'HRYXXX11S05Z222K': ( "Haryana", # Indian person with only one name reported on her passport "", datetime.datetime(1911, 11, 5), 'M', 'Z222' ) } for expected, data in tests.items(): cf = build(surname=data[0], name=data[1], birthday=data[2], sex=data[3], municipality=data[4]) self.assertEquals(expected, cf)
def compute_fiscal_code(self, cr, uid, ids, context): partners = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) for partner in partners: if not partner.fiscalcode_surname or not partner.fiscalcode_firstname or not partner.birth_date or not partner.birth_city or not raise orm.except_orm('Error', 'One or more fields are missing') birth_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(partner.birth_date, "%Y-%m-%d") CF = build(partner.fiscalcode_surname, partner.fiscalcode_firstname, birth_date,, partner.birth_city.cadaster_code) partner.write({'fiscalcode': CF}) return True
def test_01_locale_bug(self): try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "it_IT") except locale.Error: print "Skipping test_01_locale_bug, it_IT not available" return expected = "MRARSS91A25G693C" actual = build("mario", "rossi", datetime.datetime(1991, 1, 25), "M", "G693") self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
def test_01_locale_bug(self): try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "it_IT") except locale.Error: print("Skipping test_01_locale_bug, it_IT not available") return expected = "MRARSS91A25G693C" actual = build("mario", "rossi", datetime.datetime(1991, 1, 25), "M", "G693") self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
def cf_build(surname, name, year, month, day, sex, municipality): """``cf_build(surname, name, year, month, day, sex, municipality) -> string`` Computes the fiscal code for the given person data. eg: cf_build('Rocca', 'Emanuele', 1983, 11, 18, 'M', 'D969') -> RCCMNL83S18D969H """ birthday = datetime.datetime(year, month, day) return, name, birthday, sex, municipality)
def test_build(self): tests = { 'RCCMNL83S18D969H': ("Rocca", "Emanuele", datetime.datetime(1983, 11, 18), 'M', 'D969'), 'CNTCHR83T41D969D': ("Cintoi", "Chiara", datetime.datetime(1983, 12, 1), 'F', 'D969'), 'BNCSFN85T58G702W': ("Bianucci", "Stefania", datetime.datetime(1985, 12, 18), 'F', 'G702'), 'RCDLSN84S16D969Z': ("Arcidiacono", "Alessandro", datetime.datetime(1984, 11, 16), 'M', 'D969'), 'FOXDRA26C24H872Y': ( "Fo", "Dario", datetime.datetime(1926, 3, 24), 'M', # born in Sangiano 'H872'), 'MAILCU91A25F839D': ("Maio", "Luca", datetime.datetime(1991, 1, 25), 'M', 'F839'), 'HRYXXX11S05Z222K': ( "Haryana", # Indian person with only one name reported on her passport "", datetime.datetime(1911, 11, 5), 'M', 'Z222'), 'FOXMRA83S18D969V': ( "Fo'", "Mario", # Short surname with apostrophe datetime.datetime(1983, 11, 18), 'M', 'D969'), 'YXXAXX83S18D969R': ( "Y", "A", # Extremely short surname, and name (Korean example) datetime.datetime(1983, 11, 18), 'M', 'D969'), } for expected, data in tests.items(): cf = build(surname=data[0], name=data[1], birthday=data[2], sex=data[3], municipality=data[4]) self.assertEquals(expected, cf)
def cf_build(surname, name, year, month, day, sex, municipality): """``cf_build(surname, name, year, month, day, sex, municipality) -> string`` Computes the fiscal code for the given person data. eg: cf_build('Rocca', 'Emanuele', 1983, 11, 18, 'M', 'D969') -> RCCMNL83S18D969H """ birthday = datetime.datetime(year, month, day) if sex.upper() in ['MASCHILE','MASCHIO','UOMO','M']: sex='M' else: sex='F' return, name, birthday, sex, municipality)
def test_new_registered_gender_is_set(self): genere_list = ['M', 'F'] for genere in genere_list: nome = names.get_first_name() cognome = names.get_last_name() nascita = datetime(random.randint(1960, 1990), random.randint(1, 12), random.randint(1, 28)) p = Persona( nome=nome, cognome=cognome, data_nascita=nascita,, cognome, nascita, genere, 'D969'), comune_nascita=random.sample(COMUNI.keys(), 1)[0], indirizzo_residenza='Via Prova, 34', comune_residenza=random.sample(COMUNI.keys(), 1)[0], provincia_residenza='EE', cap_residenza='00100',) self.assertEquals(p.genere_codice_fiscale, genere) self.assertEquals(p.genere, genere)
def compute_fc(self): active_id = self._context.get("active_id") partner = self.env["res.partner"].browse(active_id) for f in self: if ( not f.fiscalcode_surname or not f.fiscalcode_firstname or not f.birth_date or not f.birth_city or not ): raise UserError(_("One or more fields are missing")) nat_code = self._get_national_code(, f.birth_province.code, f.birth_date ) if not nat_code: raise UserError(_("National code is missing")) c_f = build( f.fiscalcode_surname, f.fiscalcode_firstname, f.birth_date,, nat_code, ) if partner.fiscalcode and partner.fiscalcode != c_f: raise UserError( _( "Existing fiscal code %(partner_fiscalcode)s is different " "from the computed one (%(compute)s). If you want to use" " the computed one, remove the existing one" % {"partner_fiscalcode": partner.fiscalcode, "compute": c_f} ) ) partner.fiscalcode = c_f partner.company_type = "person" return {"type": "ir.actions.act_window_close"}
def import_file(self, invoice_file): csv_data = base64.b64decode(invoice_file.datas) data_file = StringIO(csv_data.decode("utf-8")) file_reader = [] csv_reader = csv.DictReader(data_file) file_reader.extend(csv_reader) agency = "" freelancer = "" for line in file_reader: if line['Agency'] != "": if self.env['res.partner'].search([('name', '=', line['Agency'])]): agency = self.env['res.partner'].search([('name', '=', line['Agency'])]) else: # Update for fiscale code compute generic_city = self.env[ ''].search([('name', '=', 'MILANO')]) generic_state = self.env[''].search([ ('name', '=', 'Milano') ]) generic_country = self.env[''].search([ ('name', '=', 'Italy') ]) national_code = self.env[ 'wizard.compute.fc']._get_national_code(, generic_state.code, fiscal_code = build(line['Agency'], line['Agency'],, 'M', national_code) agency = self.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': line['Agency'], 'company_type': 'company', 'supplier': True, 'street': 'Generic freelancer address', 'city': 'MILANO', 'country_id':, 'zip': '20019', 'vat': 'BE0477472701', 'fiscalcode': fiscal_code, }) if line['Freelancer'] != "": if self.env['res.partner'].search([('name', '=', line['Freelancer'])]): freelancer = self.env['res.partner'].search([ ('name', '=', line['Freelancer']) ]) else: # Update for fiscale code compute name = self.splitFullName(line['Freelancer']) generic_city = self.env[ ''].search([('name', '=', 'MILANO')]) generic_state = self.env[''].search([ ('name', '=', 'Milano') ]) generic_country = self.env[''].search([ ('name', '=', 'Italy') ]) national_code = self.env[ 'wizard.compute.fc']._get_national_code(, generic_state.code, fiscal_code = build(name['lastname'], name['firstname'],, 'M', national_code) freelancer = self.env['res.partner'].create({ 'firstname': name['firstname'], 'lastname': name['lastname'], 'name': line['Freelancer'], 'company_type': 'person', 'supplier': True, 'street': 'Generic freelancer address', 'city': 'MILANO', 'country_id':, 'zip': '20019', 'vat': 'BE0477472701', 'fiscalcode': fiscal_code, }) self.env['upwork.invoice'].create({ 'name': line['Ref ID'] if 'Ref ID' in line.keys() else 'Ref ID Missing', 'date': line['Date'] if 'Date' in line.keys() else '', 'invoice_type': line['Type'] if 'Type' in line.keys() else '', 'description': line['Description'] if 'Description' in line.keys() else '', 'agency': if bool(agency) == True else '', 'freelancer': if bool(freelancer) == True else '', 'team': line['Team'] if 'Team' in line.keys() else '', 'account_name': line['Account Name'] if 'Account Name' in line.keys() else '', 'po': line['PO'] if 'PO' in line.keys() else '', 'amount': float(line['Amount']) if bool(line['Amount']) and 'Amount' in line.keys() else None, 'amount_local_currency': float(line['Amount in local currency']) if bool(line['Amount in local currency']) and 'Amount in local currency' in line.keys() else None, 'balance': float(line['Balance']) if bool(line['Balance']) and 'Balance' in line.keys() else None, 'invoice_file': invoice_file, })
def create(self, values): res = super(UpworkInvoice, self).create(values) partner = None upwork_partner = None if bool(res.freelancer): partner = if bool( partner = if bool(self.env['res.partner'].search([('name', '=', 'Upwork')])): upwork_partner = self.env['res.partner'].search([('name', '=', 'Upwork')]) else: generic_city = self.env[''].search([ ('name', '=', 'MILANO') ]) generic_state = self.env[''].search([('name', '=', 'Milano')]) generic_country = self.env[''].search([('name', '=', 'Italy')]) national_code = self.env['wizard.compute.fc']._get_national_code(, generic_state.code, fiscal_code = build('Upwork', 'Upwork',, 'M', national_code) upwork_partner = self.env['res.partner'].create({ 'name': 'Upwork', 'company_type': 'company', 'supplier': True, 'street': 'Generic freelancer address', 'city': 'MILANO', 'country_id':, 'zip': '20019', 'vat': 'BE0477472701', 'fiscalcode': fiscal_code, }) if res.invoice_type == "Hourly": tax = self.env[''].search([('name', '=', 'Iva al 22% (credito)')]) journal = self.env['account.invoice']._default_journal().id product = self.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': res.description, 'type': 'service' }) supplier_line = { 'product_id':, 'name':, 'quantity': 1, 'account_id': journal, 'invoice_line_tax_ids': [(4,, 0)], 'price_unit': abs(res.amount_converted), } record_line = { 'type': 'in_invoice', 'partner_id': partner, 'date_invoice': res.invoice_date if bool(res.invoice_date) else None, 'upwork_invoice':, 'invoice_line_ids': [(0, 0, supplier_line)], } record = self.env['account.invoice'].create(record_line) record.action_invoice_open() wizard = self.env['wizard.export.fatturapa'].create({}) export_e_invoice = wizard.with_context({ 'active_ids': [] }).exportFatturaPA() elif res.invoice_type == "Processing Fee": tax = self.env[''].search([('name', '=', 'Iva al 22% (credito)')]) journal = self.env['account.invoice']._default_journal().id product = self.env['product.product'].create({ 'name': res.description, 'type': 'service' }) supplier_line = { 'product_id':, 'name':, 'quantity': 1, 'account_id': journal, 'invoice_line_tax_ids': [(4,, 0)], 'price_unit': abs(res.amount_converted), } record_line = { 'type': 'in_invoice', 'partner_id':, 'date_invoice': res.invoice_date if bool(res.invoice_date) else None, 'upwork_invoice':, 'invoice_line_ids': [(0, 0, supplier_line)], } record = self.env['account.invoice'].create(record_line) record.action_invoice_open() wizard = self.env['wizard.export.fatturapa'].create({}) export_e_invoice = wizard.with_context({ 'active_ids': [] }).exportFatturaPA() return res
def compute_cf(self): city = City.objects(Denom_Italiana=self.birthplace).first() cf_code = city.Codice self.codice_fiscale = build(self.last_name, self.first_name, self.birthdate, self.gender, str(cf_code))