async def suggest(self, ctx, option, *, suggestion): """ Suggestion command that sends them to the creator. This command is on a 2 minute cooldown after one use Example: rd/suggest Feature Your bot is dumb, stop programming. :param ctx: :param option: :param suggestion: :return: """ await ctx.message.delete() features = ['feature', 'bug', 'general'] embed = discord.Embed(title='Suggestion', color=discord.Color.from_rgb(0, 128, 0)) if option.lower() not in features: embed.add_field(name='General', value=f'{option} {suggestion}') else: option = f'{option[0].upper()}{option[1:]}' embed.add_field(name=option, value=suggestion) owner = await owner.send(embed=embed) await ctx.send('Your suggestion has been sent.') log.commandinfo(ctx)
async def unsub(self, ctx, *subreddit): """ This command will 'unsubscribe' from a reddit and will no longer make posts. Usage: rd/unsub <subreddit> Ex. rd/unsub news funny husky Permissions required: Administrator :param ctx: :param subreddit: :return: """ sid = sid = str(sid) subs =[sid]['watching'] removed = [] for reddit in subreddit: if reddit in subs: subs.remove(reddit.lower()) removed.append(reddit.lower()) else: await ctx.send( f'Subreddit: {reddit} not found. Please make sure you are spelling' f' it correctly.') if removed:[sid]['watching'] = subs await ctx.send( f"Subreddit(s): {', '.join(removed)} removed!\n" f"You will notice this change when I scour reddit again.") log.commandinfo(ctx)
async def about(self, ctx): """ Base command for all about commands. :param ctx: :return: """ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: log.commandinfo(ctx) ctx.message.content = ctx.prefix + 'help ' + ctx.invoked_with await
async def setDefaults(self, ctx): """ Base command to set the options for a guild. Usage: rd/default Permissions required: Administrator :param ctx: :return: """ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: log.commandinfo(ctx) ctx.message.content = ctx.prefix + 'help ' + ctx.invoked_with await
async def botabout(self, ctx): """ About the bot. Usage rd/about bot :param ctx: :return: """ await ctx.send( '```' 'This is a bot developed by LittlemanSMG in python using v1.0.0(rewrite\n' 'I use a standard json file to store ID\'s and all the options for each guild.\n' 'Code is free to use/look at, following the MIT lisence at ' ' \n' 'Have any recommendations for/issues with the bot? Open up an Issue on github!\n' '```') log.commandinfo(ctx)
async def devabout(self, ctx): """ About the Developer Usage: rd/about dev :param ctx: :return: """ await ctx.send( '```' "I really don't feel like I need this, but here it is. I'm Scott 'LittlemanSMG' Goes, and" "I made this bot, with some help from the r/discord_bots discord. Originally, this bot was " "made using Praw, a reddit api wrapper, but ran into some massive blocking issues. There was so many" "issues that I had to remake the bot using aiohttp and it's a much better bot now. " "mee6 has this kind of functionality, but I didn't want to deal with all of mee6. I just wanted " "the reddit portion. The original intention was to streamline my meme consumption, but " "I realised that this bot could be used for more than just memes. All of my work is currently " "on github( It isn't much because i'm still learning, " "but I am getting better.\n" "```") log.commandinfo(ctx)
async def listsubs(self, ctx): """ Shows a list of subreddits that the bot is subscribed to on a guild. Usage rd/listsubs :param ctx: :return: """ sid = sid = str(sid) subs =[sid]['watching'] strsub = '' if not subs: await ctx.send( 'This guild isn\'t subbed to anything. Have an adminstrator type ' '`r/sub <subreddit name>` to sub. EX `r/sub funny`') else: for sub in subs: strsub += f'r/{sub}\n' await ctx.send(f"This guild is subbed to:\n{strsub}") log.commandinfo(ctx)
async def subscribe(self, ctx, *subreddit): """ This command will 'subscribe' to a reddit and will make posts from it. Usage: rd/sub <subreddit> Ex. rd/sub news funny husky Permissions required: Administrator :param ctx: :param subreddit: :return: """ sid = sid = str(sid) subs =[sid]['watching'] added = [] for reddit in subreddit: url = f"{reddit}/new/.json" posts = await resp.respcheck(url) if posts: if reddit.lower() in subs: await ctx.send(f'{reddit} is already in your list!') continue else: subs.append(reddit.lower()) added.append(reddit.lower()) else: await ctx.send( f'Sorry, I can\'t reach {reddit}. ' f'Check your spelling or make sure that the reddit actually exists.' ) if added:[sid]['watching'] = subs await ctx.send( f"Subreddit(s): {', '.join(added)} added!\n" f"You will notice this change when I scour reddit again.") log.commandinfo(ctx)