Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, dir, host, rrd, period="day"):
        api = twirrdy.RRDBasicAPI()
        self.rrd = rrd = host
        path = "%s/%s/%s" % (dir, host, rrd)
        self.rrd_path = "%s.rrd" % path =
        self.color = Colorator()
        self.period = period

            coil_fd = open("%s.coil" % path)
              coil_stat = os.fstat(coil_fd.fileno())
              self.private = not (coil_stat.st_mode & stat.S_IROTH)
              self.conf = coil.parse(
        except (IOError, OSError), ex:
            raise errors.InitError("Unable to read coil file: %s" % ex)
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: mv/nagcat
def are_graphable(host, service_list):
    """Flags services of host that are graphable (has state or trend)"""
    rra_path = settings.RRA_PATH
    for service in service_list:
        coilfile = '%s%s/%s.coil' % \
            (rra_path, host, service['service_description'])
        rrd = '%s%s/%s.rrd' % (rra_path, host, service['service_description'])
        if os.path.exists(coilfile) and os.path.exists(rrd):
            coilstring = open(coilfile).read()
            coilstruct = coil.parse(coilstring)
            query = coilstruct.get('query')

            # rrdtool hates unicode strings, and Django gives us one,
            # so convert to ascii
            rrdslice = rrdtool.fetch(str(rrd),
                        '--start', '0',
                        '--end', '10',
                        '--resolution', '1',

                service['is_graphable'] = True
            except ValueError:
                for key in query.keys():
                    val = query.get(key)
                    if type() == type(query) and 'trend' in val:
                        service['is_graphable'] = True
                service['is_graphable'] = False

            service['is_graphable'] = False
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: mv/nagcat
def is_graphable(host, service):
    """Checks if service of host is graphable (has state or trend)"""
    rra_path = settings.RRA_PATH
    coilfile = '%s%s/%s.coil' % (rra_path, host, service)
    rrd = '%s%s/%s.rrd' % (rra_path, host, service)

    if os.path.exists(coilfile) and os.path.exists(rrd):
        coilstring = open(coilfile).read()
        coilstruct = coil.parse(coilstring)
        query = coilstruct.get('query')

        # rrdtool hates unicode strings, and Django gives us one,
        # so convert to ascii
        rrdslice = rrdtool.fetch(str(rrd),
                    '--start', '0',
                    '--end', '10',
                    '--resolution', '1',

            return True
        except ValueError:
            for key in query.keys():
                val = query.get(key)
                if type() == type(query) and 'trend' in val:
                    return True
            return False
    return False
Esempio n. 4
 def setUp(self):
     self.notification =,
     self.macros = {
             'host': notify.Macros(test_notify.ENVIRONMENT_HOST),
             'service': notify.Macros(test_notify.ENVIRONMENT_SERVICE)}
     self.factory = dummy_server.SMTP()
     self.server = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.factory)
     self.config = coil.parse(notify.DEFAULT_CONFIG)
     self.config['smtp.port'] = self.server.getHost().port
Esempio n. 5
 def setUp(self):
     self.macros = {
             'host': notify.Macros(ENVIRONMENT_HOST),
             'service': notify.Macros(ENVIRONMENT_SERVICE)}
     self.config = coil.parse(notify.DEFAULT_CONFIG)
Esempio n. 6
def get_data(host, service, start=None, end=None, resolution='150'):
    if not end:
        end = int(time.time())
    if not start:
        start = end - DAY

    rra_path = settings.RRA_PATH
    rrd = '%s%s/%s.rrd' % (rra_path, host, service)
    coilfile = '%s%s/%s.coil' % (rra_path, host, service)
    railroad_conf = 'railroad_conf'
    statistics = 'statistics'
    trend_attributes = ['color', 'stack', 'scale', 'display']

    # calculate custom resolution
    resolution = (int(end) - int(start)) / int(resolution)

    # rrdtool hates unicode strings, and Django gives us one,
    # so convert to ascii
    rrdslice = rrdtool.fetch(str(rrd),
                '--start', str(start),
                '--end', str(end),
                '--resolution', str(resolution),

    time_struct = time.gmtime()
    time_dict = {'h': time_struct.tm_hour, 'm': time_struct.tm_min, \
                 's': time_struct.tm_sec}
    current_time = '%(h)02d:%(m)02d:%(s)02d UTC' % time_dict

    # Parse the data
    actual_start, actual_end, res = rrdslice[0]

    # Multiply by 1000 to convert to JS timestamp (millisecond resolution)
    res *= 1000

    coilstring = open(coilfile).read()
    coilstruct = coil.parse(coilstring)

    query = coilstruct.get('query', {})

    if not(query):
        raise RailroadError("OMG PONIES! query doesn't exist in coil file")

    # Graph options for FLOT
    graph_options = {
        'xaxis': {
            'mode': 'time',
        'yaxis': {},
        'legend': {'position': 'nw'},
        'selection': {'mode': 'x'},
        'pan': {'interactive': True},
        'grid': {
            'hoverable': True,

    # Handle unconventional trend definitions
    root_trend = coilstruct.get('trend', {})
    all_labels = rrdslice[1]
    labels = []

    root_label = None
    if root_trend:
        root_label = root_trend.get('label', None)
        if not(root_label):
            root_label = coilstruct.get('label', None)

    compound = query.get('type') == 'compound'

    if compound:
        for key in query.keys():
            val = query.get(key)
            if isinstance(val, coil.struct.Struct):
                trend = val.get('trend', None)
                if trend and trend.get('type', None):
                    label = trend.get('label', None)
                    if not(label):
                        label = key
                    labels.append((key, label))

    if 'query' in all_labels:
        trend = query.get('trend', None)
        if trend:
            query_label = trend.get('label', None)
            if not(query_label):
                query_label = root_label
            labels.append(('query', query_label if query_label else 'Result'))

    if '_result' in all_labels:
        labels.append(('_result', root_label if root_label else 'Result'))

    length = len(labels)

    indices = range(length)
    dataset = {}

    # flot_data and flot_data are of the format
    # [ { label: "Foo", data: [ [10, 1], [17, -14], [30, 5] ] },
    #   { label: "Bar", data: [ [11, 13], [19, 11], [30, -7] ] } ]
    # See Flot Reference (
    flot_data = [{'label': label[1], railroad_conf: {}, 'data': []}
                    for label in labels]

    labels = map(lambda x: x[0], labels)
    state_data = []

    graph_options['colors'] = getColors(labels)

    # Reading graph options
    for index in indices:
        key = labels[index]
        trend = query.get(key, {}).get('trend', {})
        if not(trend):

        trend_settings = {}
        for var in trend_attributes:
            trend_settings[var] = trend.get(var, '')

        flot_data[index]['lines'] = {'show': True}
        if trend_settings['display']:
            flot_data[index]['lines']['fill'] = (
                    0.5 if trend_settings['display'] == 'area' else 0)

        if trend_settings['scale']:
            flot_data[index][railroad_conf]['scale'] = trend_settings['scale']
            flot_data[index][railroad_conf]['scale'] = 1

        if trend_settings['color']:
            flot_data[index]['color'] = trend_settings['color']

        if trend_settings['stack']:
            flot_data[index]['stack'] = True
            if index > 0:
                flot_data[index-1]['stack'] = True

    # See above
    x = actual_start * 1000

    transform = [all_labels.index(z) for z in labels]
    state_index = all_labels.index('_state')

    # Set defaults
    datapoint = rrdslice[2][0]
    for index in indices:

        flot_data[index][statistics] = {}
        flot_data[index][statistics]['cur'] = None
        flot_data[index][statistics]['num'] = 0
        flot_data[index][statistics]['sum'] = 0
        flot_data[index][statistics]['max'] = None
        flot_data[index][statistics]['min'] = None
        if not 'scale' in flot_data[index][railroad_conf]:
            flot_data[index][railroad_conf]['scale'] = 1

        data = datapoint[transform[index]]
        if data:
            data *= flot_data[index][railroad_conf]['scale']
            flot_data[index][statistics]['max'] = data
            flot_data[index][statistics]['min'] = data

    # Loop over all data and aggregate it in flot's desired format
    for datapoints in rrdslice[2]:
        data = datapoints[state_index]
        state_data.append([x, data])

        for index in indices:
            data = datapoints[transform[index]]

            if datapoints[state_index] != None:
                flot_data[index][statistics]['cur'] = data
            if data != None:
                flot_data[index][statistics]['num'] += 1
                data *= flot_data[index][railroad_conf]['scale']
                flot_data[index][statistics]['sum'] += data

                if (flot_data[index][statistics]['max'] == None or
                            data > flot_data[index][statistics]['max']):
                    flot_data[index][statistics]['max'] = data

                if (flot_data[index][statistics]['min'] == None or
                            data < flot_data[index][statistics]['min']):
                    flot_data[index][statistics]['min'] = data

            flot_data[index]['data'].append([x, data])

            if 'lines' not in flot_data[index]:
                flot_data[index]['lines'] = {}
            flot_data[index]['lines']['show'] = True

        x += res

    empty_graph = True
    for index in indices:
        if flot_data[index][statistics]['num']:
            empty_graph = False

    base = 1000
    max = 100

    if length > 0:
        value = query.get(labels[0], {}).get('trend', {}).get('base', '')
        if value:
            base = int(value)

        max = flot_data[0][statistics]['max']

        for index in indices:
            if flot_data[index][statistics]['num'] > 0:
                flot_data[index][statistics]['avg'] = (
                    flot_data[index][statistics]['sum'] /

                if flot_data[index][statistics]['max'] > max:
                    max = flot_data[index][statistics]['max']

        # Compute appropriate unit from base
        bases = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T']
        for interval in range(len(bases)):
            if max != None and (max / pow(base, interval)) <= base:

        final_base = pow(base, interval)
        unit = bases[interval]

    if max != None:
        graph_options['yaxis']['max'] = max * 1.1 + 1

    if root_trend and max != None:
        axis_max = root_trend.get('axis_max', '')
        if axis_max and graph_options['yaxis']['max'] < axis_max:
            graph_options['yaxis']['max'] = axis_max * 1.1 + 1

    if root_trend:
        axis_label = root_trend.get('axis_label', '')
        if axis_label:
            graph_options['yaxis']['label'] = axis_label

    for index in indices:

    # Set background of graph based on state
    colors = ['#BBFFBB', '#FFFFBB', '#FFBBBB', '#C0C0C0']
    markings = []
    state = state_data[0][1]
    if type(state) == types.FloatType:
        state = int(state) if float.is_integer(state) else 3
        markings.append({'xaxis': {'from': state_data[0][0]},   \
                            'color': colors[state]})
    for x, y in state_data:
        if type(y) == types.FloatType:
            y = int(y) if float.is_integer(y) else 3
        if y != state:
            if type(state) == types.IntType:
                markings[-1]['xaxis']['to'] = x
            state = y
            if type(state) == types.IntType:
                markings.append({'xaxis': {'from': x}, 'color': colors[state]})
    if type(state) == types.FloatType:
        markings[-1]['xaxis']['to'] = state_data[-1][0]

    empty_graph = empty_graph and (not(len(markings)))

    graph_options['grid']['markings'] = markings

    # Pass state, BUT DONT DRAW!! this is so that graphs with ONLY state
    # still draw (otherwise they don't get axes, ticks, etc)
    flot_data.append({'data': state_data, 'lines': {'show': False}})

    result = {'options': graph_options, 'data': flot_data, 'base': base,
                    'empty': empty_graph, 'current_time': current_time,
                    'start': start, 'end': end,

    return result
Esempio n. 7
                '--resolution', str(resolution),

    time_struct = time.gmtime()
    time_dict = {'h': time_struct.tm_hour, 'm': time_struct.tm_min, \
                 's': time_struct.tm_sec}
    current_time = '%(h)02d:%(m)02d:%(s)02d UTC' % time_dict

    # Parse the data
    actual_start, actual_end, res = rrdslice[0]

    # Multiply by 1000 to convert to JS timestamp (millisecond resolution)
    res *= 1000

    coilstring = open(coilfile).read()
    coilstruct = coil.parse(coilstring)

    query = coilstruct.get('query', {})

    if not(query):
        raise RailroadError("OMG PONIES! query doesn't exist in coil file")

    # Graph options for FLOT
    graph_options = {
        'xaxis': {
            'mode': 'time',
        'yaxis': {},
        'legend': {'position': 'nw'},
        'selection': {'mode': 'x'},
        'pan': {'interactive': True},
Esempio n. 8
def main():
    options, method = parse_options()

    log.init(options.logfile, options.loglevel)

    if not options.dump and options.daemonize:
        if os.fork() > 0:
        if os.fork() > 0:

        config = coil.parse(DEFAULT_CONFIG)
        if method.defaults:
            if isinstance(method.defaults, str):
        if options.config:
    except coil.errors.CoilError, ex:
        log.error("Error parsing config: %s" % ex)