Esempio n. 1
def coint_johansen(x, p, k, coint_trend=None):

    #    % error checking on inputs
    #    if (nargin ~= 3)
    #     error('Wrong # of inputs to johansen')
    #    end
    nobs, m = x.shape

    # why this?  f is detrend transformed series, p is detrend data
    if p > -1:
        f = 0
        f = p

    if coint_trend is not None:
        f = coint_trend  # matlab has separate options

    x = detrend(x, p)
    dx = tdiff(x, 1, axis=0)
    # dx    = trimr(dx,1,0)
    z = mlag(dx, k)  # [k-1:]
    print z.shape
    z = trimr(z, k, 0)
    z = detrend(z, f)
    print dx.shape
    dx = trimr(dx, k, 0)

    dx = detrend(dx, f)
    # r0t   = dx - z*(z\dx)
    r0t = resid(dx, z)  # diff on lagged diffs
    # lx = trimr(lag(x,k),k,0)
    lx = lag(x, k)
    lx = trimr(lx, 1, 0)
    dx = detrend(lx, f)
    print "rkt", dx.shape, z.shape
    # rkt   = dx - z*(z\dx)
    rkt = resid(dx, z)  # level on lagged diffs
    skk =, rkt) / rows(rkt)
    sk0 =, r0t) / rows(rkt)
    s00 =, r0t) / rows(r0t)
    sig =,, (sk0.T)))
    tmp = inv(skk)
    # du, au = eig(, sig))
    au, du = eig(, sig))  # au is eval, du is evec
    # orig =, sig)

    #% Normalize the eigen vectors such that (du'skk*du) = I
    temp = inv(chol(,, du))))
    dt =, temp)

    # JP: the next part can be done much  easier

    #%      NOTE: At this point, the eigenvectors are aligned by column. To
    #%            physically move the column elements using the MATLAB sort,
    #%            take the transpose to put the eigenvectors across the row

    # dt = transpose(dt)

    #% sort eigenvalues and vectors

    # au, auind = np.sort(diag(au))
    auind = np.argsort(au)
    # a = flipud(au)
    aind = flipud(auind)
    a = au[aind]
    # d = dt[aind,:]
    d = dt[:, aind]

    #%NOTE: The eigenvectors have been sorted by row based on auind and moved to array "d".
    #%      Put the eigenvectors back in column format after the sort by taking the
    #%      transpose of "d". Since the eigenvectors have been physically moved, there is
    #%      no need for aind at all. To preserve existing programming, aind is reset back to
    #%      1, 2, 3, ....

    # d  =  transpose(d)
    # test =,, d))

    #%EXPLANATION:  The MATLAB sort function sorts from low to high. The flip realigns
    #%auind to go from the largest to the smallest eigenvalue (now aind). The original procedure
    #%physically moved the rows of dt (to d) based on the alignment in aind and then used
    #%aind as a column index to address the eigenvectors from high to low. This is a double
    #%sort. If you wanted to extract the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue by,
    #%using aind as a reference, you would get the correct eigenvector, but with sorted
    #%coefficients and, therefore, any follow-on calculation would seem to be in error.
    #%If alternative programming methods are used to evaluate the eigenvalues, e.g. Frame method
    #%followed by a root extraction on the characteristic equation, then the roots can be
    #%quickly sorted. One by one, the corresponding eigenvectors can be generated. The resultant
    #%array can be operated on using the Cholesky transformation, which enables a unit
    #%diagonalization of skk. But nowhere along the way are the coefficients within the
    #%eigenvector array ever changed. The final value of the "beta" array using either method
    #%should be the same.

    #% Compute the trace and max eigenvalue statistics */
    lr1 = zeros(m)
    lr2 = zeros(m)
    cvm = zeros((m, 3))
    cvt = zeros((m, 3))
    iota = ones(m)
    t, junk = rkt.shape
    for i in range(0, m):
        tmp = trimr(log(iota - a), i, 0)
        lr1[i] = -t * np.sum(tmp, 0)  # columnsum ?
        # tmp = np.log(1-a)
        # lr1[i] = -t * np.sum(tmp[i:])
        lr2[i] = -t * log(1 - a[i])
        cvm[i, :] = c_sja(m - i, p)
        cvt[i, :] = c_sjt(m - i, p)
        aind[i] = i
    # end

    result = Holder()
    #% set up results structure
    # estimation results, residuals
    result.rkt = rkt
    result.r0t = r0t
    result.eig = a
    result.evec = d  # transposed compared to matlab ?
    result.lr1 = lr1
    result.lr2 = lr2
    result.cvt = cvt
    result.cvm = cvm
    result.ind = aind
    result.meth = "johansen"

    return result
Esempio n. 2
def coint_johansen(xl, p, k, coint_trend=None):
    x = np.array(xl).transpose()
    #    % error checking on inputs
    #    if (nargin ~= 3)
    #     error('Wrong # of inputs to johansen')
    #    end
    nobs, m = x.shape
    # why this?  f is detrend transformed series, p is detrend data
    if (p > -1):
        f = 0
        f = p

    if coint_trend is not None:
        f = coint_trend  #matlab has separate options

    x = detrend(x,p)
    dx = tdiff(x,1, axis=0)
    # dx = trimr(dx,1,0)
    z = mlag(dx,k)# [k-1:]
    # print z.shape
    z = trimr(z,k,0)
    z = detrend(z,f)
    # print dx.shape
    dx = trimr(dx,k,0)

    dx = detrend(dx,f)
    #r0t = dx - z*(z\dx)
    r0t = resid(dx, z)  #diff on lagged diffs
    #lx = trimr(lag(x,k),k,0)
    lx = lag(x,k)
    lx = trimr(lx, 1, 0)
    dx = detrend(lx,f)
    # print 'rkt', dx.shape# , z.shape
    # rkt   = dx - z*(z\dx)
    rkt = resid(dx, z)  #level on lagged diffs
    skk =, rkt) / rows(rkt)
    sk0 =, r0t) / rows(rkt)
    s00 =, r0t) / rows(r0t)
    sig =,, (sk0.T)))
    tmp = inv(skk)
    # du, au = eig(, sig))
    au, du = eig(, sig))  #au is eval, du is evec
    #orig =, sig)

    #% Normalize the eigen vectors such that (du'skk*du) = I
    temp = inv(chol(,, du))))
    dt =, temp)

    #JP: the next part can be done much  easier

    #%      NOTE: At this point, the eigenvectors are aligned by column. To
    #%            physically move the column elements using the MATLAB sort,
    #%            take the transpose to put the eigenvectors across the row

    #dt = transpose(dt)

    #% sort eigenvalues and vectors

    #au, auind = np.sort(diag(au))
    auind = np.argsort(au)
    #a = flipud(au)
    aind = flipud(auind)
    a = au[aind]
    #d = dt[aind,:]
    d = dt[:,aind]

    #%NOTE: The eigenvectors have been sorted by row based on auind and moved to array "d".
    #%      Put the eigenvectors back in column format after the sort by taking the
    #%      transpose of "d". Since the eigenvectors have been physically moved, there is
    #%      no need for aind at all. To preserve existing programming, aind is reset back to
    #%      1, 2, 3, ....

    #d  =  transpose(d)
    #test =,, d))

    #%EXPLANATION:  The MATLAB sort function sorts from low to high. The flip realigns
    #%auind to go from the largest to the smallest eigenvalue (now aind). The original procedure
    #%physically moved the rows of dt (to d) based on the alignment in aind and then used
    #%aind as a column index to address the eigenvectors from high to low. This is a double
    #%sort. If you wanted to extract the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue by,
    #%using aind as a reference, you would get the correct eigenvector, but with sorted
    #%coefficients and, therefore, any follow-on calculation would seem to be in error.
    #%If alternative programming methods are used to evaluate the eigenvalues, e.g. Frame method
    #%followed by a root extraction on the characteristic equation, then the roots can be
    #%quickly sorted. One by one, the corresponding eigenvectors can be generated. The resultant
    #%array can be operated on using the Cholesky transformation, which enables a unit
    #%diagonalization of skk. But nowhere along the way are the coefficients within the
    #%eigenvector array ever changed. The final value of the "beta" array using either method
    #%should be the same.

    #% Compute the trace and max eigenvalue statistics */
    lr1 = zeros(m)
    lr2 = zeros(m)
    cvm = zeros((m,3))
    cvt = zeros((m,3))
    iota = ones(m)
    t, junk = rkt.shape
    for i in range(0, m):
        tmp = trimr(log(iota-a), i ,0)
        lr1[i] = -t * np.sum(tmp, 0)  #columnsum ?
        #tmp = np.log(1-a)
        #lr1[i] = -t * np.sum(tmp[i:])
        lr2[i] = -t * log(1-a[i])
        cvm[i,:] = c_sja(m-i,p)
        cvt[i,:] = c_sjt(m-i,p)
        aind[i]  = i
    result = {"eig": a, "evec": d, "tracestat": lr1, "eigstat": lr2, "tracecv": cvt, "eigcv": cvm, "ind": aind}
#     result = Holder()
#     #% set up results structure
#     #estimation results, residuals
#     result.rkt = rkt# returned
#     result.r0t = r0t# not returned
#     result.eig = a
#     result.evec = d  #transposed compared to matlab ?
#     result.lr1 = lr1
#     result.lr2 = lr2
#     result.cvt = cvt
#     result.cvm = cvm
#     result.ind = aind
#     result.meth = 'johansen'

    return result