def updateImu(self, imu): self.imu_last_update = self.imu_init = True if not self.imu_data : angle = euler_from_quaternion([imu.orientation.x, imu.orientation.y, imu.orientation.z, imu.orientation.w]) imu_data = PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(angle[0], angle[1], angle[2]) imu_data = self.imu_tf.M * imu_data angle = imu_data.GetRPY() self.last_imu_orientation = angle self.last_imu_update = imu.header.stamp self.imu_data = True else: angle = euler_from_quaternion([imu.orientation.x, imu.orientation.y, imu.orientation.z, imu.orientation.w]) imu_data = PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(angle[0], angle[1], angle[2]) imu_data = self.imu_tf.M * imu_data angle = imu_data.GetRPY() angle_quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(angle[0], angle[1], angle[2]) self.odom.pose.pose.orientation.x = angle_quaternion[0] self.odom.pose.pose.orientation.y = angle_quaternion[1] self.odom.pose.pose.orientation.z = angle_quaternion[2] self.odom.pose.pose.orientation.w = angle_quaternion[3] # Derive angular velocities from orientations ####################### period = (imu.header.stamp - self.last_imu_update).to_sec() self.odom.twist.twist.angular.x = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(angle[0] - self.last_imu_orientation[0]) / period self.odom.twist.twist.angular.y = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(angle[1] - self.last_imu_orientation[1]) / period self.odom.twist.twist.angular.z = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(angle[2] - self.last_imu_orientation[2]) / period self.last_imu_orientation = angle self.last_imu_update = imu.header.stamp ##################################################################### if self.makePrediction(): self.ekf.updatePrediction() self.publishData()
def updateImu(self, imu): config = self.config config.imu_last_update = imu.header.stamp config.imu_init = True if not config.imu_data : angle = euler_from_quaternion([imu.orientation.x, imu.orientation.y, imu.orientation.z, imu.orientation.w]) imu_data = PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(angle[0], angle[1], angle[2]) imu_data = config.imu_tf.M * imu_data angle = imu_data.GetRPY() config.last_imu_orientation = angle config.last_imu_update = imu.header.stamp # Initialize heading buffer in order to apply a savitzky_golay derivation if len(config.heading_buffer) == 0: config.heading_buffer.append(angle[2]) inc = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(angle[2] - config.heading_buffer[-1]) config.heading_buffer.append(config.heading_buffer[-1] + inc) if len(config.heading_buffer) == len(config.savitzky_golay_coeffs): config.imu_data = True else: angle = euler_from_quaternion([imu.orientation.x, imu.orientation.y, imu.orientation.z, imu.orientation.w]) imu_data = PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(angle[0], angle[1], angle[2]) imu_data = config.imu_tf.M * imu_data angle = imu_data.GetRPY() angle_quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(angle[0], angle[1], angle[2]) config.odom.pose.pose.orientation.x = angle_quaternion[0] config.odom.pose.pose.orientation.y = angle_quaternion[1] config.odom.pose.pose.orientation.z = angle_quaternion[2] config.odom.pose.pose.orientation.w = angle_quaternion[3] # Derive angular velocities from orientations ####################### period = (imu.header.stamp - config.last_imu_update).to_sec() # For yaw rate we apply a savitzky_golay derivation inc = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(angle[2] - config.heading_buffer[-1]) config.heading_buffer.append(config.heading_buffer[-1] + inc) config.heading_buffer.pop(0) config.odom.twist.twist.angular.z = convolve(config.heading_buffer, config.savitzky_golay_coeffs, mode='valid') / period # TODO: Roll rate and Pitch rate should be also savitzky_golay derivations config.odom.twist.twist.angular.x = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(angle[0] - config.last_imu_orientation[0]) / period config.odom.twist.twist.angular.y = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(angle[1] - config.last_imu_orientation[1]) / period config.last_imu_orientation = angle config.last_imu_update = imu.header.stamp ##################################################################### try: self.LOCK.acquire() if self.makePrediction(imu.header.stamp): self.filter.updatePrediction() self.publishData() finally: self.LOCK.release()
def moveMode_X_Y_Z_YAW(self, req, now): tolerance = [req.position_tolerance.x, req.position_tolerance.y, req.position_tolerance.z, req.orientation_tolerance.roll, req.orientation_tolerance.pitch, req.orientation_tolerance.yaw] z_error = 0.0 yaw_error = 0.0 x_error = 0.0 y_error = 0.0 # Compute Errors # Altitude mode if req.altitude_mode : z_error = self.altitude - req.altitude desired = [req.position.north, req.position.east, req.altitude, req.orientation.roll, req.orientation.pitch, req.orientation.yaw] current = [self.p[0], self.p[1], self.altitude, self.p[3], self.p[4], self.p[5]] # Depth Mode else : z_error = req.position.depth - self.p[2] desired = [req.position.north, req.position.east, req.position.depth, req.orientation.roll, req.orientation.pitch, req.orientation.yaw] current = self.p yaw_error = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(req.orientation.yaw - self.p[5]) [x_error, y_error] = self.computePosError(self.p[0], self.p[1], self.p[5], req.position.north, req.position.east) error = array([x_error, y_error, z_error, 0.0, 0.0, yaw_error]) #Compute Body Velocity request bvr = zeros(6) real_period = (now - self.past_time) #nano seconds to seconds self.past_time = now [bvr, self.ek_1, self.eik_1] = self.pid_x_y_z_yaw.computePid(error, zeros(6), self.ek_1, self.eik_1, real_period) # Send Body Velocity Request if req.disable_axis.z == True: bvr[2] = 0.0 if req.disable_axis.yaw == True: bvr[5] = 0.0 success = self.checkTolerance([False, False, req.disable_axis.z, True, True, req.disable_axis.yaw], current, desired, tolerance) print 'current: ', current print 'desired: ', desired print 'tolerance: ', tolerance return [success, bvr*self.max_velocity]
def moveMode_LOS(self, previous_req, req, now): z_error = 0.0 yaw_error = 0.0 tolerance = [req.position_tolerance.x, req.position_tolerance.y, req.position_tolerance.z, req.orientation_tolerance.roll, req.orientation_tolerance.pitch, req.orientation_tolerance.yaw] # Compute Error # Altitude mode if req.altitude_mode : #TODO: Hem falta llegir la current altitude (hauria de ser ella enlloc de _p[2])!!! z_error = self.altitude - req.altitude desired = [req.position.north, req.position.east, req.altitude, req.orientation.roll, req.orientation.pitch, req.orientation.yaw] current = [self.p[0], self.p[1], self.altitude, self.p[3], self.p[4], self.p[5]] # Depth Mode else : z_error = req.position.depth - self.p[2] desired = [req.position.north, req.position.east, req.position.depth, req.orientation.roll, req.orientation.pitch, req.orientation.yaw] current = self.p #Compute cross-track error alpha = math.atan2(req.position.east - previous_req.position.east, req.position.north - previous_req.position.north) #print "Alpha: " + str(alpha) e = -(self.p[0] - previous_req.position.north)*sin(alpha) + (self.p[1] - previous_req.position.east)*cos(alpha) #print "e:" + str(e) beta = math.atan2(self.v[1], self.v[0]) #print "beta: " + str(beta) delta = 4.0 #print "cross track error: " + str(math.atan(-e/delta)) yaw_error = self.p[5] - (alpha + math.atan(-e/delta)) + beta yaw_error = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(yaw_error) #print "yaw_error: " + str(yaw_error) error = array([0.0, 0.0, z_error, 0.0, 0.0, -yaw_error]) #Compute Body Velocity request bvr = zeros(6) real_period = (now - self.past_time) #nano seconds to seconds self.past_time = now [bvr, self.ek_1, self.eik_1] = self.pid_x_z_yaw.computePid(error, zeros(6), self.ek_1, self.eik_1, real_period) bvr *= self.max_velocity #TODO: All these vars have to be defined in some other place #Set x velocity to a constant value that depends on the yaw_error min_yaw_error = 0.05 #6 degrees max_yaw_error = self.max_angle_error min_x_v = self.min_velocity_los[0] max_x_v = self.max_velocity[0] SURGE_DEPEND_ON_YAW = False if SURGE_DEPEND_ON_YAW: error_angle = atan2(max_x_v - min_x_v, max_yaw_error - min_yaw_error) if abs(yaw_error) < min_yaw_error: bvr[0] = max_x_v elif abs(yaw_error) > max_yaw_error: bvr[0] = min_x_v else: bvr[0] = min_x_v + tan(error_angle)*(max_yaw_error - abs(yaw_error)) else: bvr[0] = max_x_v #When the vehicle reaches or leaves a way-point the forward velocity follow a trapezoid #from min_distance to 0.0 distance respect to the way-point, the forward velocity decreases linearly #from 100% of the computed value to min_tant_per_one*100 % of it. #TODO: All these vars have to be defined in some other place min_tant_per_one = 0.10 #tant per one min_distance = 5.0 #meters, this value has to be bigger than the acceptance sphere dist_angle = atan2(1-min_tant_per_one, min_distance) #distance to current way-point distance_current = sqrt((req.position.north-self.p[0])**2 + (req.position.east-self.p[1])**2) #distance to previous way-point distace_previous = sqrt((previous_req.position.north-self.p[0])**2 + (previous_req.position.east-self.p[1])**2) #Take the smaller one distance = min(distance_current, distace_previous) if distance < min_distance: tant_per_one = min_tant_per_one + tan(dist_angle)*distance bvr[0] *= tant_per_one if bvr[0] < min_x_v: bvr[0] = min_x_v # Compute feedback success = self.checkTolerance([False, False, req.disable_axis.z, True, True, True], current, desired, tolerance) #Check if the limit line has been crossed. Where the limit line is the line perpendicular to #the desired path that pass through the current way-point, inc_y = req.position.east - previous_req.position.east if inc_y != 0.0 : m_l = -(req.position.north - previous_req.position.north) / inc_y else: m_l = 999999.9 c_l = -m_l * req.position.north + req.position.east current_d = (m_l * self.p[0] - self.p[1] + c_l)/sqrt(m_l**2 + 1) signe = (m_l * previous_req.position.north - previous_req.position.east + c_l)/sqrt(m_l**2 + 1) if signe * current_d < 0.0: success = True # print "distance: ", current_d # print "signe: ", signe return [success, bvr]
def moveMode_X_Z_YAW(self, req, now): x_error = 0.0 z_error = 0.0 yaw_error = 0.0 tolerance = [req.position_tolerance.x, req.position_tolerance.y, req.position_tolerance.z, req.orientation_tolerance.roll, req.orientation_tolerance.pitch, req.orientation_tolerance.yaw] # Compute Error # Altitude mode if req.altitude_mode : #TODO: Hem falta llegir la current altitude (hauria de ser ella enlloc de _p[2])!!! z_error = self.altitude - req.altitude desired = [req.position.north, req.position.east, req.altitude, req.orientation.roll, req.orientation.pitch, req.orientation.yaw] current = [self.p[0], self.p[1], self.altitude, self.p[3], self.p[4], self.p[5]] # Depth Mode else : z_error = req.position.depth - self.p[2] desired = [req.position.north, req.position.east, req.position.depth, req.orientation.roll, req.orientation.pitch, req.orientation.yaw] current = self.p inc_x = req.position.north - self.p[0] inc_y = req.position.east - self.p[1] desired_yaw = math.atan2(inc_y, inc_x) yaw_error = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(desired_yaw - self.p[5]) if abs(yaw_error) < self.max_angle_error : x_error = math.sqrt(pow(inc_x,2) + pow(inc_y,2)) error = array([x_error, 0.0, z_error, 0.0, 0.0, yaw_error]) #Compute Body Velocity request bvr = zeros(6) real_period = (now - self.past_time) #nano seconds to seconds self.past_time = now [bvr, self.ek_1, self.eik_1] = self.pid_x_z_yaw.computePid(error, zeros(6), self.ek_1, self.eik_1, real_period) # Compute feedback success = self.checkTolerance([False, False, req.disable_axis.z, True, True, True], current, desired, tolerance) # When moving with waypoint mode (normaly short distances) reduce the surge velocity max = list(self.max_velocity) max[0] = max[0] / 2.0 return [success, bvr * max]