Esempio n. 1
class Engine(object):
	def __init__(self, mapSizeX, mapSizeY, collisionHandler = None):
		self._objectList = {}
		self._objectIdCount = 9999
		self._map = Map(mapSizeX,mapSizeY)
		self._collisionManager = CollisionManager(collisionHandler)

	def engineStep(self):
		# ipdb.set_trace()
		# self._drawBounds()
		i = 0
		for key in self._objectList:
			obj = self._objectList[key]
			if type(obj) is dynamicObject :
				collisionList = self._collisionManager.collisionDetection(obj, self._objectList, i)
				# for collision in collisionList :
					# ipdb.set_trace()
				# self._objectList[key] = obj.getBackup()
				# 	ipdb.set_trace(frame=None)
			i += 1

	def showCollisions(self):
		newColList = self._collisionManager.newCollisionList
		endedColList = self._collisionManager.getEndOfCollisions()
		if newColList :
			print 'New Collisions : '
			print newColList
		if endedColList :
			print 'End Of Collisions : '
			print endedColList

	def _drawBounds(self):
		newBounds = []
		for key in self._objectList:
			obj = self._objectList[key]
			if':')[0] != 'bounds' : 
				name = "bounds:%d" %
				bounds = obj.shape.bounds()
				shape = Rectangle(bounds.minX, bounds.minY, bounds.maxX - bounds.minX, bounds.maxY - bounds.minY)
				if self.getObjectbyName(name) is not None :
					self.getObjectbyName(name).shape = shape
				else :
					newbound = {}
					newbound['name'] = name
					newbound['shape'] = shape
		for bounds in newBounds :
			self._objectIdCount += 1
			self.addNewObject(bounds['name'], True, bounds['shape'], "bounds")

	def addNewObject(self, objectName, isStatic, shape, objectId=None, objectType=None):
		if objectId is None :
			self._objectIdCount += 1
			objectId = self._objectIdCount
		if isStatic :
			newObject = staticObject(objectName, objectId, shape, objectType)
		else : 
			newObject = dynamicObject(objectName, objectId, shape, objectType)
		self._objectList[objectId] = (newObject)
		return newObject

	def deleteObjectById(self, objectId):
		for key in self._objectList:
			if self._objectList[key]._id == objectId :
				toDel = key
		del self._objectList[toDel]

	def deleteObject(self, objectId):
			del self._objectList[objectId]
			# ipdb.set_trace(frame=None)
			boundObjId = self.getObjectbyName(('bounds:%d' % int(float(objectId)))).id
			del self._objectList[boundObjId]
		except KeyError:

	def getObjectbyId(self, objectId):
		for key in self._objectList:
			if self._objectList[key]._id == objectId :
				return self._objectList[key]
		return None

	def getObjectbyName(self, objectName):
		for key in self._objectList:
			if self._objectList[key]._name == objectName :
				return self._objectList[key]
		return None

	def objectList():
	    doc = "The objectList property."
	    def fget(self):
	    	objList = []
	    	for key in self._objectList:
	        return objList
	    return locals()
	objectList = property(**objectList())

	def objectDict():
	    doc = "The objectDict property."
	    def fget(self):
	        return self._objectList
	    return locals()
	objectDict = property(**objectDict())

	def map():
	    doc = "The map property."
	    def fget(self):
	        return self._map
	    return locals()
	map = property(**map())
Esempio n. 2
class Engine(object):
    def __init__(self, mapSizeX, mapSizeY, collisionHandler=None):
        self._objectList = {}
        self._objectIdCount = 9999
        self._map = Map(mapSizeX, mapSizeY)
        self._collisionManager = CollisionManager(collisionHandler)

    def engineStep(self):
        # ipdb.set_trace()
        # self._drawBounds()
        i = 0
        for key in self._objectList:
            obj = self._objectList[key]
            if type(obj) is dynamicObject:
                collisionList = self._collisionManager.collisionDetection(obj, self._objectList, i)
                # for collision in collisionList :
                # ipdb.set_trace()
                # self._objectList[key] = obj.getBackup()
                # 	ipdb.set_trace(frame=None)
            i += 1

    def showCollisions(self):
        newColList = self._collisionManager.newCollisionList
        endedColList = self._collisionManager.getEndOfCollisions()
        if newColList:
            print "New Collisions : "
            print newColList
        if endedColList:
            print "End Of Collisions : "
            print endedColList

    def _drawBounds(self):
        newBounds = []
        for key in self._objectList:
            obj = self._objectList[key]
            if":")[0] != "bounds":
                name = "bounds:%d" %
                bounds = obj.shape.bounds()
                shape = Rectangle(bounds.minX, bounds.minY, bounds.maxX - bounds.minX, bounds.maxY - bounds.minY)
                if self.getObjectbyName(name) is not None:
                    self.getObjectbyName(name).shape = shape
                    newbound = {}
                    newbound["name"] = name
                    newbound["shape"] = shape
        for bounds in newBounds:
            self._objectIdCount += 1
            self.addNewObject(bounds["name"], True, bounds["shape"], "bounds")

    def addNewObject(self, objectName, isStatic, shape, objectId=None, objectType=None):
        if objectId is None:
            self._objectIdCount += 1
            objectId = self._objectIdCount
        if isStatic:
            newObject = staticObject(objectName, objectId, shape, objectType)
            newObject = dynamicObject(objectName, objectId, shape, objectType)
        self._objectList[objectId] = newObject
        return newObject

    def deleteObjectById(self, objectId):
        for key in self._objectList:
            if self._objectList[key]._id == objectId:
                toDel = key
        del self._objectList[toDel]

    def deleteObject(self, objectId):
            del self._objectList[objectId]
            # ipdb.set_trace(frame=None)
            boundObjId = self.getObjectbyName(("bounds:%d" % int(float(objectId)))).id
            del self._objectList[boundObjId]
        except KeyError:

    def getObjectbyId(self, objectId):
        for key in self._objectList:
            if self._objectList[key]._id == objectId:
                return self._objectList[key]
        return None

    def getObjectbyName(self, objectName):
        for key in self._objectList:
            if self._objectList[key]._name == objectName:
                return self._objectList[key]
        return None

    def objectList():
        doc = "The objectList property."

        def fget(self):
            objList = []
            for key in self._objectList:
            return objList

        return locals()

    objectList = property(**objectList())

    def objectDict():
        doc = "The objectDict property."

        def fget(self):
            return self._objectList

        return locals()

    objectDict = property(**objectDict())

    def map():
        doc = "The map property."

        def fget(self):
            return self._map

        return locals()

    map = property(**map())