Esempio n. 1
        def headers_handler(response):
            # retrieves the various information from
            # the response object to be used as diagnostics
            # information in the observer object
            status_code = response.status_code
            status_message = response.status_message
            content_length = response.headers_map.get("Content-Length") or 0
            content_type = response.headers_map.get("Content-Type") or "N/A"
            content_length_integer = int(content_length)
            content_length_string = colony.size_round_unit(content_length_integer, space=True)

            # prints a series of message to the observer object
            colony.message(handlers_map, "Request sent, awaiting response... %d %s" % (status_code, status_message))
            colony.message(handlers_map, "Received headers [%s] [%s]" % (content_length_string, content_type))
            colony.message(handlers_map, "Receiving data... ")

            # updates the message length in the current context
            context["message_length"] = content_length_integer
Esempio n. 2
    def download_package(self, address, target_directory=None, handlers_map={}):
        Downloads a package from the given url address to a target directory.

        @type address: String
        @param address: The url address of the package to download.
        @type target_directory: String
        @param target_directory: The target directory of the download.
        @type handlers_map: Dictionary
        @param handlers_map: The map of handlers for the execution events.

            # retrieves the current time for the initial time
            initial_time = time.time()

            # sets the target directory
            target_directory = target_directory or self._get_default_target_directory()

            # retrieves the client http plugin
            client_http_plugin = self.plugin.client_http_plugin

            # notifies the handlers about the message
            colony.message(handlers_map, "Get %s" % address)

            # creates a new set of handlers map (for http client) for
            # the current context
            _handlers_map = self._create_handlers_map(handlers_map)

            # retrieves the file name from the url path
            file_name = self.get_file_name_url(address)

            # creates the http client
            http_client = client_http_plugin.create_client({})

            # opens the http client

                # fetches the url retrieving the http response
                http_response = http_client.fetch_url(address, handlers_map=_handlers_map)

                # retrieves the status code from the http response
                status_code = http_response.status_code

                # in case the status code is not valid
                if not status_code in VALID_STATUS_CODES:
                    # retrieves the status message from the http response
                    status_message = http_response.status_message

                    # raises the invalid status code exception
                    raise exceptions.InvalidStatusCodeException("%i - %s" % (status_code, status_message))

                # retrieves the file contents from the http response
                file_contents = http_response.received_message
                # closes the http client

            # in case there is no directory
            if not os.path.isdir(target_directory):
                # creates the directory and intermediate directories

            # creates the file path by joining the target directory (path)
            # and the file name
            target_path = os.path.join(target_directory, file_name)

            # opens a new file and creates it if necessary
            file = open(target_path, "wb")

                # writes the contents to the file
                # closes the file

            # retrieves the current time for the final time
            # and calculates the delta time
            final_time = time.time()
            delta_time = final_time - initial_time

            # calculates the file contents length and then
            # uses it to calculate the speed of the download
            # measured in bytes
            file_contents_length = len(file_contents)
            speed = int(float(file_contents_length) / delta_time)

            # converts the speed value into a size string (speed string)
            # for simpler scale values
            speed_string = colony.size_round_unit(speed, space=True)

            # notifies the handlers about the message
            colony.message(handlers_map, "Saved data as %s [%s/s]. " % (file_name, speed_string))

        except Exception as exception:
            # prints an info message
                "Problem while downloading file: " + address + ", error: " + colony.legacy.UNICODE(exception)
Esempio n. 3
    def handle_directory_list(self, request, directory_list):
        # sets the request content type
        request.content_type = HTML_MIME_TYPE

        # retrieves the plugin manager
        plugin_manager = self.plugin.manager

        # retrieves the template engine plugin
        template_engine_plugin = self.plugin.template_engine_plugin

        # retrieves the plugin path
        plugin_path = plugin_manager.get_plugin_path_by_id(

        # creates the template file path
        template_file_path = plugin_path +\

        # parses the template file path
        template_file = template_engine_plugin.parse_template(
            encoding = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_ENCODING

        # retrieves the directory entries
        directory_entries = directory_list["entries"]

        # iterates over all the directory entries in the directory
        # entries (list) to process their values for the template
        for directory_entry in directory_entries:
            # retrieves the directory entry type
            directory_entry_type = directory_entry["type"]

            # retrieves the directory entry size
            directory_entry_size = directory_entry["size"]

            # in case the directory entry type is file must round
            # the size of the file according to the predefined rules
            # otherwise a slice must be used to indicate the size
            if directory_entry_type == "file":
                directory_entry_size_string = colony.size_round_unit(directory_entry_size)
            else: directory_entry_size_string = "-"

            # sets the directory entry size string value
            directory_entry["size_string"] = directory_entry_size_string

        # retrieves the requested resource base path
        resource_base_path = request.get_resource_base_path_decoded()

        # splits the resource base path into various values
        resource_path_values = resource_base_path.strip("/").split("/")

        # retrieves the prefix resource path values
        prefix_resource_path_values = resource_path_values[:-1]

        # retrieves the suffix resource path value
        suffix_resouces_path_value = resource_path_values[-1]

        # creates the directory list
        directory_list = []

        # starts the index value with the length of the
        # prefix resource path values
        index = len(prefix_resource_path_values)

        for prefix_resource_path_value in prefix_resource_path_values:
            # creates the resource item
            resource_item = {}

            # sets the resource item value
            resource_item["name"] = prefix_resource_path_value
            resource_item["link"] = "../" * index

            # decrements the index value
            index -= 1

            # adds the resources item to the directory list

        # retrieves the format attribute from the request
        format = request.get_attribute("format") or "table"

        # creates the format file path
        format_file = "formats/" + format + ".html.tpl"

        # creates a new formats map from the original one
        formats_map = copy.copy(FORMATS_MAP)

        # retrieves the initial time
        start_time = request.request_time

        # retrieves the end time
        end_time = time.time()

        # calculates the delta time
        delta_time = end_time - start_time

        # rounds the delta time
        delta_time_rounded = round(delta_time, 2)

        # sets the current format as active
        formats_map[format] = "active"

        # assigns the template variables
        template_file.assign("directory_list", directory_list)
        template_file.assign("directory_final_item", suffix_resouces_path_value)
        template_file.assign("directory_entries", directory_entries)
        template_file.assign("format", format)
        template_file.assign("format_file", format_file)
        template_file.assign("formats_map", formats_map)
        template_file.assign("delta_time", delta_time_rounded)

        # processes the template file
        processed_template_file = template_file.process()

        # encodes the processed template file using the default encoding
        processed_template_file_encoded = processed_template_file.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING)

        # writes the processed template file encoded to the request