class WhiteRandomOneColor(object):
	def __init__(self, sheep_sides): = "White Random One Color"
		self.sheep = sheep_sides.both

		self.speed = 0.1

		self.color = RGB(255,255,255)	# White
		self.panel_map = {}	# Dictionary of panels: value is Panel object

		for cell in self.sheep.all_cells():
			newpanel = Panel()
			self.panel_map[cell] = newpanel

	def next_frame(self):
		while True:
			for cell, panel in self.panel_map.iteritems():

				adj_color = self.color.copy()
				adj_color.v = panel.intensity / 100.0
				self.sheep.set_cell(cell, adj_color)

			yield self.speed
Esempio n. 2
class Sparkle(object):
    def __init__(self, sheep_sides): = "Sparkle"
        self.sheep = sheep_sides.both

        self.speed = 0.05
        self.color = RGB(0,255,0)

        # set background to dim white
        self.background = RGB(255,255,255)
        self.background.v = 0.2

        self.neighbor_count = None

    def set_param(self, name, val):
        # name will be 'colorR', 'colorG', 'colorB'
        rgb255 = int(val * 0xff)
        if name == 'colorR':
            self.color.r = rgb255
        elif name == 'colorG':
            self.color.g = rgb255
        elif name == 'colorB':
            self.color.b = rgb255

    def clear(self):

    def next_frame(self):
        while True:

            color = self.color.copy()
            start = random.choice(sheep.ALL)

            for i in range(random.randint(3,5)):

                neighbors = sheep.edge_neighbors(start)
                if len(neighbors) > 2:
                    edges = random.sample(neighbors, 2)
                    edges = []

                color.v = 1.0
                self.sheep.set_cell(start, color)
                color.v = 0.8
                self.sheep.set_cells(edges, color)
                yield self.speed

            yield 1.0
Esempio n. 3
class Sparkle(object):
    def __init__(self, sheep_sides): = "Sparkle"
        self.sheep = sheep_sides.both

        self.speed = 0.05
        self.color = RGB(0, 255, 0)

        # set background to dim white
        self.background = RGB(255, 255, 255)
        self.background.v = 0.2

        self.neighbor_count = None

    def set_param(self, name, val):
        # name will be 'colorR', 'colorG', 'colorB'
        rgb255 = int(val * 0xff)
        if name == 'colorR':
            self.color.r = rgb255
        elif name == 'colorG':
            self.color.g = rgb255
        elif name == 'colorB':
            self.color.b = rgb255

    def clear(self):

    def next_frame(self):
        while True:

            color = self.color.copy()
            start = random.choice(sheep.ALL)

            for i in range(random.randint(3, 5)):

                neighbors = sheep.edge_neighbors(start)
                if len(neighbors) > 2:
                    edges = random.sample(neighbors, 2)
                    edges = []

                color.v = 1.0
                self.sheep.set_cell(start, color)
                color.v = 0.8
                self.sheep.set_cells(edges, color)
                yield self.speed

            yield 1.0
Esempio n. 4
class Neighbors(object):
    def __init__(self, sheep_sides): = "Test neighbors"
        self.sheep = sheep_sides.both

        self.color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
        self.speed = 1.0

    def set_param(self, name, val):
        # name will be 'colorR', 'colorG', 'colorB'
        rgb255 = int(val * 0xFF)
        if name == "colorR":
            self.color.r = rgb255
        elif name == "colorG":
            self.color.g = rgb255
        elif name == "colorB":
            self.color.b = rgb255

    def next_frame(self):
        while True:
            for cellnum in sheep.ALL:
                self.sheep.clear()  # unnecessary for it to do a go here?

                col = self.color.copy()
                # set the primary panel to the base color
                self.sheep.set_cell(cellnum, col)

                # set edge neighbors to 80% brightness
                col.v = 0.8
                self.sheep.set_cells(sheep.edge_neighbors(cellnum), col)

                # set vertex neighbors to 20% brightness
                col.v = 0.2
                self.sheep.set_cells(sheep.vertex_neighbors(cellnum), col)

                yield self.speed
Esempio n. 5
class Neighbors(object):
    def __init__(self, sheep_sides): = "Test neighbors"
        self.sheep = sheep_sides.both

        self.color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
        self.speed = 1.0

    def set_param(self, name, val):
        # name will be 'colorR', 'colorG', 'colorB'
        rgb255 = int(val * 0xff)
        if name == 'colorR':
            self.color.r = rgb255
        elif name == 'colorG':
            self.color.g = rgb255
        elif name == 'colorB':
            self.color.b = rgb255

    def next_frame(self):
        while True:
            for cellnum in sheep.ALL:
                self.sheep.clear()  # unnecessary for it to do a go here?

                col = self.color.copy()
                # set the primary panel to the base color
                self.sheep.set_cell(cellnum, col)

                # set edge neighbors to 80% brightness
                col.v = 0.8
                self.sheep.set_cells(sheep.edge_neighbors(cellnum), col)

                # set vertex neighbors to 20% brightness
                col.v = 0.2
                self.sheep.set_cells(sheep.vertex_neighbors(cellnum), col)

                yield self.speed
Esempio n. 6
class ExampleShow(object):
    def __init__(self, sheep_sides): = "ExampleShow"

        # Mirror drawing to both sides of the bus. Can also
        # treat the two sides separately.
        # choices: [both, party, business]
        self.cells = sheep_sides.both

        # color to draw
        self.color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
        # number of seconds to wait between frames
        self.frame_delay = 1.0

    def set_param(self, name, val):
        Receive a command from OSC or other external controller
        'name' is the name of the value being set
        'val' is a floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0
        See 'doc/' for details on the named parameters

        This example responds to three color sliders (corresponding
        to R, G and B) in the OSC controller to set the primary
        color of the show.  RGB color values range from 0-255, so
        we must convert the input value.
        # name will be 'colorR', 'colorG', 'colorB'
        rgb255 = int(val * 255)
        if name == 'colorR':
            self.color.r = rgb255
        elif name == 'colorG':
            self.color.g = rgb255
        elif name == 'colorB':
            self.color.b = rgb255

    def next_frame(self):
        Draw the next step of the animation.  This is the main loop
        of the show.  Set some pixels and then 'yield' a number to
        indicate how long you'd like to wait before drawing the next
        frame.  Delay numbers are in seconds.
        while True:
            # clear whatever was drawn last frame

            # choose a random panel on the sheep
            panel_id = random.choice(sheep.ALL)

            # set the chosen panel to the current color
            self.cells.set_cell(panel_id, self.color)

            # make the neighboring panels dimmer (80% brightness)
            # first find out all of the neighboring panels
            neighbors = sheep.edge_neighbors(panel_id)

            # make a copy of the color so it's safe to change
            dim_color = self.color.copy()
            dim_color.v = 0.8

            # then set multiple panels in one call
            self.cells.set_cells(neighbors, dim_color)

            # then wait to draw the next frame
            yield self.frame_delay
Esempio n. 7
class ExampleShow(object):
    def __init__(self, sheep_sides): = "ExampleShow"

        # Mirror drawing to both sides of the bus. Can also
        # treat the two sides separately.
        # choices: [both, party, business]
        self.cells = sheep_sides.both

        # color to draw
        self.color = RGB(255,0,0)
        # number of seconds to wait between frames
        self.frame_delay = 1.0

    def set_param(self, name, val):
        Receive a command from OSC or other external controller
        'name' is the name of the value being set
        'val' is a floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0
        See 'doc/' for details on the named parameters

        This example responds to three color sliders (corresponding
        to R, G and B) in the OSC controller to set the primary
        color of the show.  RGB color values range from 0-255, so
        we must convert the input value.
        # name will be 'colorR', 'colorG', 'colorB'
        rgb255 = int(val * 255)
        if name == 'colorR':
            self.color.r = rgb255
        elif name == 'colorG':
            self.color.g = rgb255
        elif name == 'colorB':
            self.color.b = rgb255

    def next_frame(self):
        Draw the next step of the animation.  This is the main loop
        of the show.  Set some pixels and then 'yield' a number to
        indicate how long you'd like to wait before drawing the next
        frame.  Delay numbers are in seconds.
        while True:
            # clear whatever was drawn last frame

            # choose a random panel on the sheep
            panel_id = random.choice(sheep.ALL)

            # set the chosen panel to the current color
            self.cells.set_cell(panel_id, self.color)

            # make the neighboring panels dimmer (80% brightness)
            # first find out all of the neighboring panels
            neighbors = sheep.edge_neighbors(panel_id)

            # make a copy of the color so it's safe to change
            dim_color = self.color.copy()
            dim_color.v = 0.8

            # then set multiple panels in one call
            self.cells.set_cells(neighbors, dim_color)

            # then wait to draw the next frame
            yield self.frame_delay