def select_data(stu): """ 封装一个带条件查询方法 使用 动态生成sql的方式 来完成不同条件的查询功能 :param stu: 字典对象 假如可能有以下key stuid stuname sex startDay 起始生日 endDay 结束生日 minHeight 最小身高 maxHeight 最大身高 :return: """ conn = DBUtil.getConn() try: cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "select * from student where 1 = 1 " params = [] # 用来存放具体的条件参数 if "stuid" in stu: sql += " and stuid = %s" params.append(stu["stuid"]) if "stuname" in stu: if stu["stuname"]: sql += " and stuname like concat('%',%s,'%')" params.append(stu["stuname"]) if "sex" in stu: sql += " and sex = %s" params.append(stu["sex"]) if "startDay" in stu: sql += " and birthday >= %s" params.append(stu["startDay"]) if "endDay" in stu: sql += " and birthday <= %s" params.append(stu["endDay"]) if "maxHeight" in stu: sql += " and height <= %s" params.append(stu["maxHeight"]) if "minHeight" in stu: sql += " and birthday >= %s" params.append(stu["minHeight"]) print(sql) cursor.execute(sql, tuple(params)) # 将tuple的list 转成Student对象的list stus = [] for s in cursor.fetchall(): stu = model.Stduent(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4]) stus.append(stu) return stus finally: if conn: conn.close() # 关闭连接
def update(stu): """修改数据""" conn = DBUtil.getConn() try: cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "update student set stuname=%s, sex=%s, birthday=%s, height=%s where stuid=%s" cursor.execute(sql, stu) conn.commit() return cursor.rowcount finally: if conn: conn.close() # 关闭连接
def delete(stuid): """删除数据""" conn = DBUtil.getConn() try: cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "delete from student where stuid = %s" cursor.execute(sql, (stuid, )) conn.commit() return cursor.rowcount finally: if conn: conn.close() # 关闭连接
def insert(stu): """ 新增学生 :param stu: 学生对象tuple :return: """ conn = DBUtil.getConn() try: cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "insert into student (stuname, sex, birthday, height) values (%s, %s, %s, %s)" cursor.execute(sql, stu) conn.commit() return cursor.rowcount finally: if conn: conn.close() # 关闭连接
def login(username, password): """ 登录功能 :param username: :param password: :return: """ conn = DBUtil.getConn() try: cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "select * from user where username=%s and password = %s" cursor.execute(sql, (username, password)) user = cursor.fetchone() return user finally: if conn: conn.close()
def select_all(): """ 不带条件查询 :return: """ conn = DBUtil.getConn() try: cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "select * from student" cursor.execute(sql) # 将tuple的list 转成Student对象的list stus = [] for s in cursor.fetchall(): stu = model.Stduent(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4]) stus.append(stu) return stus finally: if conn: conn.close() # 关闭连接
def select_page(stu, pageNum): """ 封装一个带条件 分页 查询方法 使用 动态生成sql的方式 来完成不同条件的查询功能 :param stu: 字典对象 假如可能有以下key stuid stuname sex startDay 起始生日 endDay 结束生日 minHeight 最小身高 maxHeight 最大身高 :return: page 对象 """ conn = DBUtil.getConn() try: cursor = conn.cursor() sqlData = "select * from student" sqlCount = "select count(*) from student" sql = " where 1 = 1" # 放查询条件 params = [] # 用来存放具体的条件参数 if "stuid" in stu: if stu["stuid"]: sql += " and stuid = %s" params.append(stu["stuid"]) if "stuname" in stu: if stu["stuname"]: sql += " and stuname like concat('%',%s,'%')" params.append(stu["stuname"]) if "sex" in stu: sql += " and sex = %s" params.append(stu["sex"]) if "startDay" in stu: if stu["startDay"]: sql += " and birthday >= %s" params.append(stu["startDay"]) if "endDay" in stu: if stu["endDay"]: sql += " and birthday <= %s" params.append(stu["endDay"]) if "maxHeight" in stu: if stu["maxHeight"]: sql += " and height <= %s" params.append(stu["maxHeight"]) if "minHeight" in stu: if stu["minHeight"]: sql += " and birthday >= %s" params.append(stu["minHeight"]) print(sql) page = Page.Page() # 查询总条数 sqlCount += sql cursor.execute(sqlCount, tuple(params)) countTotal = cursor.fetchone()[0] page.countTotal = countTotal # 计算总页数 if countTotal % page.pageSize == 0: pageTotal = countTotal // page.pageSize else: pageTotal = countTotal // page.pageSize + 1 page.pageTotal = pageTotal page.pageNum = pageNum # 查询记录 sqlData += sql sqlData += " limit %s, %s" params.append((pageNum - 1) * page.pageSize) params.append(page.pageSize) cursor.execute(sqlData, tuple(params)) # 将tuple的list 转成Student对象的list stus = [] for s in cursor.fetchall(): stu = { "stuid": s[0], "stuname": s[1], "sex": s[2], "birthday": str(s[3]), "height": s[4] } stus.append(stu) = stus return page finally: if conn: conn.close() # 关闭连接