def getMaps(self): orderMap, codes, mCodes = {}, [], [] b = BaseInfo([]) obj = interface_pyctp(baseInfo=b, userkey='zhao') res = obj.qryPositionDetail() methodName = 'mZhao' codes55 = ['J1905', 'Y1905', 'P1905', 'NI1905', 'HC1905'] for r in res: if r['Volume'] > 0: s = r['InstrumentID'].decode('gbk') if s not in orderMap: m = b.parseMCode(s) c = b.parseCode(m) order = { "symbol": s, "code": m, "mode": 1 if r['Direction'].decode('gbk') == '0' else -1, "isopen": 1, "hands": r['Volume'], "price": r['OpenPrice'], "method": methodName, "createdate": public.parseTime(r['OpenDate'].decode('utf-8'), format='%Y%m%d', style='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') } orderMap[s] = order else: orderMap[s]["hands"] += r['Volume'] orders = [] for key in orderMap.keys(): doc = orderMap[key] if doc['code'] in codes55: v = doc['hands'] v0 = int(v / 2) doc['hands'] = v0 orders.append(doc) # method55 v1 = v - v0 doc1 = copy.deepcopy(doc) doc1['hands'] = v1 doc1['method'] = 'mZhao55' orders.append(doc1) else: orders.append(doc) return orders
def pool(self, func=None): print(1222) self.Rice = Rice = interface_Rice() self.Rice.setIndexList(self.indexCodeList) self.Base = Base = future_baseInfo() self.Tick = mon_tick() codes = Base.getUsedMap(hasIndex=True) BI = BaseInfo(codes) mCodes = Rice.getMain(codes) period = 14 self.count = count = 300 self.preDict = {} self.exKtype = self.getKtype() self.renewQuicktype() self.klines = self.quickPeriodList + self.periodList docs, ex, trends = [], [], [] for mcode in mCodes: print(mcode) code = BI.parseCode(mcode) nt = BI.att(code, 'nightEnd') Rice.setTimeArea(BI.att(code, 'nightEnd')) doc, base = {"code": code}, 1 for ktype in self.klines: start = self.getStart(nt, ktype) df0 = Rice.kline([mcode], period=ktype, start=start, pre=0)[mcode] if func is not None: res = func(df0, period) if isinstance(res, dict): doc.update({'kline': res}) else: doc.update({ 'k_' + ktype: res, 'r_' + ktype: res / base }) if ktype == self.quickPeriodList[0]: doc.update({'r_' + ktype: 1}) base = res docs.append(doc) if len(docs) > 0: #columns = [ ('k_'+ k, 'r_'+ k) for k in (self.klines)] self.saveCsv(docs, 'atrCompare_%s_.csv')
def csv(self): dates = ['226'] BI = BaseInfo([]) self.T0.empty() for d in dates: file = self.filepath + 'future_sg.csv' # 去除 df = pd.read_csv(file, encoding='gb2312') df['createdate'] = df['date'] + ' ' + df['time'] df['name'] = df['code'].apply(lambda x: BI.parseCode(x)) df['vol'] = df.apply( lambda row: (BI.att(row['name'], 'contract_multiplier') * row['hands']), axis=1) df.sort_values(['code', 'createdate'], ascending=[True, True], inplace=True) df = df.reset_index(drop=True) df = self.setIncome1(df) print(df['income'].sum()) pc = 1500 df.sort_values(['createdate'], ascending=[True], inplace=True) df = df.reset_index(drop=True) if len(df) > pc: pages = len(df) // pc + 1 for p in range(pages): s, e = p * pc, (p + 1) * pc if e > len(df): e - len(df) docs = df.iloc[s:e].to_dict(orient='records') print(s, e) self.T0.insertAll(docs) else: docs = df.to_dict(orient='records') self.T0.insertAll(docs)
class data_future_Rice(object): # 更新夜盘收盘时间和最新价格 sql_nightEnd = """ update future_baseInfo set lastPrice = %s, lastVolume = %s where code = '%s' """ # 更新夜盘收盘时间和最新价格 sql_width15 = """ update future_baseInfo set width15 = %s, slope=%s, range = %s , atr=%s where code = '%s' """ ch_index = ['零', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '三特', '无'] trend_index = ['无', '多', '空'] def __init__(self): self.indexCodeList = [('IH', '000016.XSHG'), ('IF', '399300.XSHE'), ('IC', '399905.XSHE')] mZhao = model_future_zhao_v1() self.banCodeList = mZhao.banCodeList # 暂时不操作的code(不列交易量低的) self.longCodeList = mZhao.longCodeList # 只做多仓的list self.shortCodeList = mZhao.shortCodeList # 只做空仓的list self.oneCodeList = ['SC', 'IH', 'IF', 'IC'] # 最低为1手单的 self.columns_posiDetail = [ 'InstrumentID', 'Direction', 'OpenPrice', 'Volume', 'CloseProfitByTrade', 'PositionProfitByTrade', 'ExchangeID', 'OpenDate' ] # def getAllMain(self): Rice = interface_Rice() codes = Rice.allFuture(isSave=True) print(codes) def k_fix(self, row, mode): close, open, high, low = (row[key] for key in ['close', 'open', 'high', 'low']) d0 = abs(close - open) / open lim, rate = 0.003, 0.075 if mode == 1: if close > open and open != 0: trend = 1 if high == open else abs(close - open) / (high - open) opt = (d0 < lim and trend < rate) or (d0 > lim and trend < rate * 2) return close if opt else high else: return high elif mode == -1: if close < open and open != 0: trend = 1 if low == open else abs(open - close) / (open - low) opt = (d0 < lim and trend < rate) or (d0 > lim and trend < rate * 2) return close if opt else low else: return low # 买入后的最高/最低价 def getMax(self, df0, s, e, mode): s = str(s)[:10] if mode > 0: ss = df0[(df0['datetime'] >= s) & (df0['datetime'] <= e)] mm = ss.ix[:-1, 'close'].max() if np.isnan(mm): print(s, e, ss) return df0[(df0['datetime'] >= s) & (df0['datetime'] <= e)].ix[:-1, 'close'].max() else: return df0[(df0['datetime'] >= s) & (df0['datetime'] <= e)].ix[:-1, 'close'].min() def isout0(self, row): close, ma20, ma55 = (row[key] for key in "close,ma20,ma55".split(",")) return 0 if np.isnan(ma55) else 1 if close > ma55 else -1 def isout(self, row, pos): close, ma20, ma55, trend = ( row[key] for key in "close,ma20,ma55,trend".split(",")) pt = pos if pos != 0 else trend if trend != 0 else 1 if ma20 < ma55 else -1 return 1 if close > ma55 and pt > 0 else -1 if close < ma55 and pt < 0 else 0 def isMam(self, row): # mad, mac, mac2, mac3 = (row[key] for key in "mad,mac,mac2,mac3".split(",")) opt = np.isnan(mad) or mad > 0 or mac == 0 # 为零时同向偏转 opt1 = (mad == 0 and (mac * mac2 > 0 or (mac2 == 0 and mac * mac3) > 0)) return 0 if (opt or opt1) else 1 if mac > 0 else -1 # 每日自动计算ATR和最新 def autoCreateAtr(self, type=0): Rice = interface_Rice() Rice.setIndexList(self.indexCodeList) Base = future_baseInfo() Record = self.Record = future_orderForm() Model = model_future_zhao_v1() methods = ['mZhao', 'mZhao55'] self.iniAmount, self.stopLine = 15400000, 0.0025 if type == 1: methods = ['zhao', 'zhao55'] self.iniAmount, self.stopLine = 20000000, 0.0025 codes = Base.getUsedMap(hasIndex=True) BI = BaseInfo(codes) mCodes = Rice.getMain(codes) #print(codes) end = None dd = str(public.getTime(style='%H:%M:%S')) valids = Rice.getValidDate(start=-15, end=0) if ('18:15:00' < dd < '23:59:59'): end = public.getDate(diff=0) else: end = str(valids[-2]) dfs = Rice.kline(mCodes, period='1d', start=public.getDate(diff=-150), end=end, pre=20) docs = [] Tmap = Record.trendMap(methods) Pos = [] j = 0 for m in methods: Pos.append(Record.getOpenMap(method=m, batchNum=1)) for mcode in mCodes: code = BI.parseCode(mcode) if code in self.banCodeList: continue df = dfs[mcode] close = df['close'] df["datetime"] = df.index df["ma10"] = ma10 = ta.MA(close, timeperiod=10) df["ma20"] = ma20 = ta.MA(close, timeperiod=20) df["ma55"] = ta.MA(close, timeperiod=55) atr21 = ta.ATR(df['high'], df['low'], close, timeperiod=21) df['3atr'] = atr21 * 3 # 计算ma10-ma20 穿越线间距 df['mac'] = mac = ma10 - ma20 df['mac2'] = mac.shift(2) df['mac3'] = mac.shift(3) # isPoint df['mad'] = mac * mac.shift(1) df['mam'] = mam = df.apply(lambda row: self.isMam(row), axis=1) minidx, maxidx = ta.MINMAXINDEX(mam, timeperiod=75) df['interval'] = abs(minidx - maxidx) # 修正不正常K线 df['high'] = df.apply(lambda row: self.k_fix(row, 1), axis=1) df['low'] = df.apply(lambda row: self.k_fix(row, -1), axis=1) # 唐奇安线18日 df['tu_s'] = ta.MAX(df['high'], timeperiod=18 - 1) df['td_s'] = ta.MIN(df['low'], timeperiod=18 - 1) # 唐奇安线27日 df['tu_s1'] = ta.MAX(df['high'], timeperiod=27 - 1) df['td_s1'] = ta.MIN(df['low'], timeperiod=27 - 1) # 唐奇安线34日 df['tu_34'] = ta.MAX(df['high'], timeperiod=33) df['td_34'] = ta.MIN(df['low'], timeperiod=33) # 40日低点 ld = close[close.notnull()] p = 40 if len(ld) > 40 else len(ld) - 1 df['tu_d'] = ta.MAX(df['high'], timeperiod=p - 1) df['td_d'] = ta.MIN(df['low'], timeperiod=p - 1) fp, fd = 27, 5 # 计算穿越值 out = df.apply(lambda row: self.isout0(row), axis=1) df['out_s'] = ta.SUM(out, timeperiod=fp) df['trend'] = df['out_s'].apply(lambda x: -1 if x > fd else 1 if x < -fd else 0) #posTrend = 0 if code not in trendMap else trendMap[code]['trend'] df['isout'] = isout = df.apply(lambda row: self.isout(row, 0), axis=1) df['isout3'] = ta.SUM(isout, timeperiod=3) df['isout5'] = ta.SUM(isout, timeperiod=5) param = copy.deepcopy(df.iloc[-1]).to_dict() isLong, type = 1, 0 if code in Tmap: isLong = Tmap[code]['trend'] type = 1 elif param['trend'] != 0: isLong = param['trend'] type = 2 else: isLong = -1 if param['ma20'] > param['ma55'] else 1 type = 3 j += 1 isL = -1 if code in self.shortCodeList else 1 if code in self.longCodeList else 0 if code in []: print(code, isLong, isL, param['trend']) file = Rice.basePath + '%s_%s_%s.csv' % ( code, public.getDatetime(style='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'), methods[0]) df.to_csv(file, index=0) # 计算交易手数 mul = BI.att(code, "contract_multiplier") dp = param['td_d'] if isLong > 0 else param['tu_d'] p18 = param['tu_s'] if isLong > 0 else param['td_s'] p27 = param['tu_s1'] if isLong > 0 else param['td_s1'] if np.isnan(param['ma55']) or np.isnan(p18): print('period no long:', code) continue ma20v_18 = (self.iniAmount * self.stopLine / abs(p18 - dp) / mul) ma20v_18 = int(ma20v_18 + 0.2) ma20v_27 = (self.iniAmount * self.stopLine / abs(p27 - dp) / mul) ma20v_27 = int(ma20v_27 + 0.2) # ma55v = (self.iniAmount * self.stopLine / param['3atr'] / mul) ma55v = int(ma55v + 0.2) # 固定一手交易 if code in self.oneCodeList: ma55v = ma20v_18 = ma20v_27 = 1 # 计算持仓和止损 p = np.zeros((2, 3)) i = 0 mp = 0 for pos in Pos: if code in pos: d = pos[code][0] # 最近高点 sign = np.sign(int(d['mode'])) p[i][0] = sign * d['hands'] p[i][2] = mul * d['hands'] * (param['close'] - d['price']) * sign if i == 0: p[i][1] = param['td_d'] if sign > 0 else param['tu_d'] else: mp = self.getMax(df, d['createdate'], public.getDate(diff=1), d['mode']) if np.isnan(mp): print('no max Price:', code, mp) p[i][1] = round(mp, 1) - sign * round(param['3atr'], 1) i += 1 param.update({ 'code': mcode, '方向': '多' if isLong == 1 else '空', 'price_18': p18, 'vol_18': ma20v_18, 'price_27': p27, 'vol_27': ma20v_27, 'vol_55': ma55v, '乘数': mul, '3ATR': round(param['3atr'], 1), '系统1持仓': p[0][0], 'price_40': dp, '40日止损价': p[0][1], '浮盈1': p[0][2], '系统2持仓': p[1][0], '最高点': mp, '3ATR止损价': p[1][1], '浮盈2': p[1][2], '状态': Model.getStatus(methods, code), '指定方向': Model.getTrend(code), }) docs.append(param) res = pd.DataFrame(docs, columns=[ 'code', 'close', '方向', 'price_40', 'price_18', 'vol_18', 'price_27', 'vol_27', '3ATR', 'vol_55', '乘数', '系统1持仓', '40日止损价', '浮盈1', '系统2持仓', '最高点', '3ATR止损价', '浮盈2', '状态', '指定方向' ]) res = res.sort_values('code', ascending=True) file = Rice.basePath + 'future_%s_%s.csv' % (public.getDate(), methods[0]) res.to_csv(file, index=0)'autoCreateAtr finished:', len(docs))) return res def getStatus(self, methods, code): posMode = self.Record.openMode(methods, code) lastStop = self.Record.lastStop(methods, code) trend = self.getTrend(code) status = -1 if posMode[1] == 0: if lastStop[0] == 6 or (lastStop[0] == 0 and trend == 0): status = 0 elif lastStop[0] in [3, 5] or (lastStop[0] == 0 and trend != 0): status = 1 elif lastStop[0] == 2: status = 2 elif posMode[1] == 1: if posMode[0].find('55') > -1: status = 5 elif lastStop[0] == 3: status = 3.5 else: status = 3 elif posMode[1] == 2: status = 4 return status def getTrend(self, code): return 1 if code in self.longCodeList else -1 if code in self.shortCodeList else 0 def getMaps(self): orderMap, codes, mCodes = {}, [], [] b = BaseInfo([]) obj = interface_pyctp(baseInfo=b, userkey='zhao') res = obj.qryPositionDetail() methodName = 'mZhao' codes55 = ['J1905', 'Y1905', 'P1905', 'NI1905', 'HC1905'] for r in res: if r['Volume'] > 0: s = r['InstrumentID'].decode('gbk') if s not in orderMap: m = b.parseMCode(s) c = b.parseCode(m) order = { "symbol": s, "code": m, "mode": 1 if r['Direction'].decode('gbk') == '0' else -1, "isopen": 1, "hands": r['Volume'], "price": r['OpenPrice'], "method": methodName, "createdate": public.parseTime(r['OpenDate'].decode('utf-8'), format='%Y%m%d', style='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') } orderMap[s] = order else: orderMap[s]["hands"] += r['Volume'] orders = [] for key in orderMap.keys(): doc = orderMap[key] if doc['code'] in codes55: v = doc['hands'] v0 = int(v / 2) doc['hands'] = v0 orders.append(doc) # method55 v1 = v - v0 doc1 = copy.deepcopy(doc) doc1['hands'] = v1 doc1['method'] = 'mZhao55' orders.append(doc1) else: orders.append(doc) return orders def getMaps2(self, mapList): codes = [c[0] for c in mapList] orders = [] mCodes = self.Rice.getMain(codes) snaps = self.Rice.snap(mCodes) i = 0 for m in mCodes: s = self.BI.ctpCode(m) order = { "symbol": s, "code": m, "name": mapList[i][0], "mode": mapList[i][1], "isopen": mapList[i][2], "hands": mapList[i][3], "price": snaps[m]['last'] if len(mapList[i]) < 6 else mapList[i][5], "method": mapList[i][4], "createdate": public.getDatetime(diff=0), } orders.append(order) i += 1 return orders # 平仓 def closeFuture(self, id='278231', price=5059, isstop=2, date=None): self.Record = future_orderForm() self.BI = BaseInfo([]) doc = self.Record.getById(id) docnew = copy.deepcopy(doc) base = self.BI.doc(doc['name']) amount = price * doc['hands'] * base['contract_multiplier'] r = base['ratio'] fee = doc['hands'] * r if r >= 0.5 else amount * r docnew.update({ "isopen": 0, "isstop": isstop, "price": price, "mode": -doc["mode"], "vol": doc['hands'] * base['contract_multiplier'], "status": 6, "fee": fee, "createdate": public.getDatetime() if date is None else date, "income": np.sign(doc["mode"]) * (price - doc['price']) * doc['hands'] * base['contract_multiplier'] - fee, "memo": '' }) print(docnew) self.Record.insert(docnew) # 平仓 def newFuture(self, id='278231', price=5059, mode=2, hands=5, date=None, test=False, new_method=None, mcode=None, memo=''): self.Record = future_orderForm() self.BI = BaseInfo([]) doc = self.Record.getById(id) docnew = copy.deepcopy(doc) base = self.BI.doc(doc['name']) amount = price * hands * base['contract_multiplier'] r = base['ratio'] * 1.1 fee = hands * r if r >= 0.5 else amount * r del docnew['id'] name = doc['name'] # 替换method if new_method is None: mode_old = doc['mode'] uid, method = doc['uid'], doc['method'] m0 = method[:-2] if method.find('55') != -1 else method + '55' print(mode_old, uid, m0) if (abs(mode_old) < 5 and abs(mode) > 4) or (abs(mode_old) > 4 and abs(mode) < 5): uid = uid.replace(method, m0) method = method.replace(method, m0) else: uid, method = doc['uid'], doc['method'] uid = uid.replace(method, new_method) method = new_method docnew.update({ "code": self.BI.mCode(name) if mcode is None else mcode, "symbol": self.BI.ctpCode(name), "isopen": 1, "isstop": 0, "price": price, "mode": mode, "hands": hands, "ini_hands": hands, "ini_price": price, "vol": hands * base['contract_multiplier'], "status": 6, "fee": round(fee, 2), "batchid": str(uuid.uuid1()), "createdate": public.getDatetime() if date is None else date, "income": round(-fee, 2), "method": method, "uid": uid, "memo": memo }) print(docnew) if not test: self.Record.insert(docnew) def alterFuture(self, id='278231', price0=0, price1=0, mCode=None): # 平仓 self.closeFuture(id=id, price=price0, isstop=4) # 开仓 Rice = interface_Rice() doc = self.Record.getById(id) docnew = copy.deepcopy(doc) if mCode is None: m = Rice.getMain([doc['name']])[0] else: m = mCode docnew.update({ "price": price1, "ini_price": price1, "code": m, "symbol": self.BI.parseCtpCode(m), "status": 6, #"createdate": str(doc['createdate']), "batchid": str(uuid.uuid1()) }) print(docnew) self.Record.insert(docnew) def orderStart(self): self.BI = BaseInfo([]) self.Rice = interface_Rice() self.Record = future_orderForm() self.Record.tablename = 'future_orderForm_1' self.Rice.setIndexList([('IH', '000016.XSHG'), ('IF', '399300.XSHE'), ('IC', '399905.XSHE')]) map = [ ['AP', 1, 1, 5, 'mZhao', 11087], #['IH', 1, 1, 1, 'mZhao55'] ] orderMap = self.getMaps2(map) self.addOrder(orderMap) # def addOrder(self, orderMap): res = [] for order in orderMap: m = order['code'] dfs = self.Rice.kline([m], period='1d', start=public.getDate(diff=-100), pre=10) df0 = dfs[m] # 计算40天最小值 df0['high'] = df0.apply(lambda row: self.k_fix(row, 1), axis=1) df0['low'] = df0.apply(lambda row: self.k_fix(row, -1), axis=1) period = 40 if len(df0) >= 40 else len(df0) print(m, period) mx = ta.MAX(df0['high'], timeperiod=period).values[-1] mi = ta.MIN(df0['low'], timeperiod=period).values[-1] dp = mx if order['mode'] < 0 else mi ra, mul = self.BI.att(m, 'ratio'), self.BI.att( m, 'contract_multiplier') fee0 = (order['hands'] * ra) if ra > 0.5 else (mul * order['hands'] * order['price'] * ra) doc = copy.deepcopy(order) doc.update({ "vol": order['hands'] * mul, "fee": fee0, "ini_hands": order['hands'], # 提交单数 "ini_price": order['price'], # 提交价格 "isstop": 0, "income": -fee0, 'stop_price': dp, "batchid": uuid.uuid1(), "status": 6, # 定单P执行CT返回状态 "uid": '%s_40_2.0_1_0_%s' % (self.BI.parseCode(m), order['method']) }) res.append(doc) self.Record.insertAll(res) def getMonTick(self, codes=None, method='dema5', num=4000): Tick = mon_tick() Rice = interface_Rice() if codes is None: codes = ['MA', 'A'] diff = -1 for c in codes: docs = Tick.getTick(c, count=num, method=method) print(c, len(docs)) if len(docs) > 0: f = Rice.basePath + "%s_%s.csv" % (c, public.getDate()) r = [d for d in docs] r.reverse() df = pd.DataFrame(r) df.drop(['_id'], axis=1, inplace=True) try: df.to_csv(f, index=0) print("%s output" % f) except: continue def getDf(self, codes, period='1d'): Rice = interface_Rice() Rice.setIndexList(self.indexCodeList) Base = future_baseInfo() BI = BaseInfo([]) if len(codes) == 0: codes = Base.getUsedMap(hasIndex=True) mCodes = Rice.getMain(codes) dfs = Rice.kline(mCodes, period=period, start=public.getDate(diff=-10), pre=200) i = 0 for mcode in mCodes: c = codes[i] last = BI.att(c, 'nightEnd')[0:6].replace(':', '') file = Rice.basePath + 'future_%s_%s_%s.csv' % ( mcode, last, public.getDatetime(style='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')) print(mcode, last) df = dfs[mcode] df['datetime'] = df.index df0 = df[df['datetime'] > '2019-01-17 13:47:40.000'] print(df0.index, len(df0)) #df.to_csv(file, index=0) i += 1 break def compare(self, type=''): if type == 'm': user = '******' methods = ['mZhao', 'mZhao55'] else: user = '******' methods = ['zhao', 'zhao55'] b = BaseInfo([]) Ctp = interface_pyctp(baseInfo=b, userkey=user) map = Ctp.posMap Rice = interface_Rice() Orders = future_orderForm() posMap = {} for pos in Orders.posByCode(methods): posMap[pos[0]] = pos[1] if pos[0] in map and pos[1] == map[pos[0]][0]: print('match ', pos, map[pos[0]]) else: if pos[0] in map: print('unmatch ', pos, map[pos[0]]) else: print('no purchase', pos) # 检查是否调仓 pCode, name = pos[2], pos[0].split("_")[0] mCode = Rice.getMain([name])[0] if pCode != mCode: print(' --------- Need alter position:', pCode, mCode) for key in map: if len(key) < 6 and key not in posMap: print('no record', key, map[key]) print(len(posMap.keys()))
def autoCreateAtr(self, type=0): Rice = interface_Rice() Rice.setIndexList(self.indexCodeList) Base = future_baseInfo() Record = self.Record = future_orderForm() Model = model_future_zhao_v1() methods = ['mZhao', 'mZhao55'] self.iniAmount, self.stopLine = 15400000, 0.0025 if type == 1: methods = ['zhao', 'zhao55'] self.iniAmount, self.stopLine = 20000000, 0.0025 codes = Base.getUsedMap(hasIndex=True) BI = BaseInfo(codes) mCodes = Rice.getMain(codes) #print(codes) end = None dd = str(public.getTime(style='%H:%M:%S')) valids = Rice.getValidDate(start=-15, end=0) if ('18:15:00' < dd < '23:59:59'): end = public.getDate(diff=0) else: end = str(valids[-2]) dfs = Rice.kline(mCodes, period='1d', start=public.getDate(diff=-150), end=end, pre=20) docs = [] Tmap = Record.trendMap(methods) Pos = [] j = 0 for m in methods: Pos.append(Record.getOpenMap(method=m, batchNum=1)) for mcode in mCodes: code = BI.parseCode(mcode) if code in self.banCodeList: continue df = dfs[mcode] close = df['close'] df["datetime"] = df.index df["ma10"] = ma10 = ta.MA(close, timeperiod=10) df["ma20"] = ma20 = ta.MA(close, timeperiod=20) df["ma55"] = ta.MA(close, timeperiod=55) atr21 = ta.ATR(df['high'], df['low'], close, timeperiod=21) df['3atr'] = atr21 * 3 # 计算ma10-ma20 穿越线间距 df['mac'] = mac = ma10 - ma20 df['mac2'] = mac.shift(2) df['mac3'] = mac.shift(3) # isPoint df['mad'] = mac * mac.shift(1) df['mam'] = mam = df.apply(lambda row: self.isMam(row), axis=1) minidx, maxidx = ta.MINMAXINDEX(mam, timeperiod=75) df['interval'] = abs(minidx - maxidx) # 修正不正常K线 df['high'] = df.apply(lambda row: self.k_fix(row, 1), axis=1) df['low'] = df.apply(lambda row: self.k_fix(row, -1), axis=1) # 唐奇安线18日 df['tu_s'] = ta.MAX(df['high'], timeperiod=18 - 1) df['td_s'] = ta.MIN(df['low'], timeperiod=18 - 1) # 唐奇安线27日 df['tu_s1'] = ta.MAX(df['high'], timeperiod=27 - 1) df['td_s1'] = ta.MIN(df['low'], timeperiod=27 - 1) # 唐奇安线34日 df['tu_34'] = ta.MAX(df['high'], timeperiod=33) df['td_34'] = ta.MIN(df['low'], timeperiod=33) # 40日低点 ld = close[close.notnull()] p = 40 if len(ld) > 40 else len(ld) - 1 df['tu_d'] = ta.MAX(df['high'], timeperiod=p - 1) df['td_d'] = ta.MIN(df['low'], timeperiod=p - 1) fp, fd = 27, 5 # 计算穿越值 out = df.apply(lambda row: self.isout0(row), axis=1) df['out_s'] = ta.SUM(out, timeperiod=fp) df['trend'] = df['out_s'].apply(lambda x: -1 if x > fd else 1 if x < -fd else 0) #posTrend = 0 if code not in trendMap else trendMap[code]['trend'] df['isout'] = isout = df.apply(lambda row: self.isout(row, 0), axis=1) df['isout3'] = ta.SUM(isout, timeperiod=3) df['isout5'] = ta.SUM(isout, timeperiod=5) param = copy.deepcopy(df.iloc[-1]).to_dict() isLong, type = 1, 0 if code in Tmap: isLong = Tmap[code]['trend'] type = 1 elif param['trend'] != 0: isLong = param['trend'] type = 2 else: isLong = -1 if param['ma20'] > param['ma55'] else 1 type = 3 j += 1 isL = -1 if code in self.shortCodeList else 1 if code in self.longCodeList else 0 if code in []: print(code, isLong, isL, param['trend']) file = Rice.basePath + '%s_%s_%s.csv' % ( code, public.getDatetime(style='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'), methods[0]) df.to_csv(file, index=0) # 计算交易手数 mul = BI.att(code, "contract_multiplier") dp = param['td_d'] if isLong > 0 else param['tu_d'] p18 = param['tu_s'] if isLong > 0 else param['td_s'] p27 = param['tu_s1'] if isLong > 0 else param['td_s1'] if np.isnan(param['ma55']) or np.isnan(p18): print('period no long:', code) continue ma20v_18 = (self.iniAmount * self.stopLine / abs(p18 - dp) / mul) ma20v_18 = int(ma20v_18 + 0.2) ma20v_27 = (self.iniAmount * self.stopLine / abs(p27 - dp) / mul) ma20v_27 = int(ma20v_27 + 0.2) # ma55v = (self.iniAmount * self.stopLine / param['3atr'] / mul) ma55v = int(ma55v + 0.2) # 固定一手交易 if code in self.oneCodeList: ma55v = ma20v_18 = ma20v_27 = 1 # 计算持仓和止损 p = np.zeros((2, 3)) i = 0 mp = 0 for pos in Pos: if code in pos: d = pos[code][0] # 最近高点 sign = np.sign(int(d['mode'])) p[i][0] = sign * d['hands'] p[i][2] = mul * d['hands'] * (param['close'] - d['price']) * sign if i == 0: p[i][1] = param['td_d'] if sign > 0 else param['tu_d'] else: mp = self.getMax(df, d['createdate'], public.getDate(diff=1), d['mode']) if np.isnan(mp): print('no max Price:', code, mp) p[i][1] = round(mp, 1) - sign * round(param['3atr'], 1) i += 1 param.update({ 'code': mcode, '方向': '多' if isLong == 1 else '空', 'price_18': p18, 'vol_18': ma20v_18, 'price_27': p27, 'vol_27': ma20v_27, 'vol_55': ma55v, '乘数': mul, '3ATR': round(param['3atr'], 1), '系统1持仓': p[0][0], 'price_40': dp, '40日止损价': p[0][1], '浮盈1': p[0][2], '系统2持仓': p[1][0], '最高点': mp, '3ATR止损价': p[1][1], '浮盈2': p[1][2], '状态': Model.getStatus(methods, code), '指定方向': Model.getTrend(code), }) docs.append(param) res = pd.DataFrame(docs, columns=[ 'code', 'close', '方向', 'price_40', 'price_18', 'vol_18', 'price_27', 'vol_27', '3ATR', 'vol_55', '乘数', '系统1持仓', '40日止损价', '浮盈1', '系统2持仓', '最高点', '3ATR止损价', '浮盈2', '状态', '指定方向' ]) res = res.sort_values('code', ascending=True) file = Rice.basePath + 'future_%s_%s.csv' % (public.getDate(), methods[0]) res.to_csv(file, index=0)'autoCreateAtr finished:', len(docs))) return res
def create(self): self.Rice = Rice = interface_Rice() self.Rice.setIndexList(self.indexCodeList) self.Base = Base = future_baseInfo() self.Tick = mon_tick() codes = Base.getUsedMap(hasIndex=True) BI = BaseInfo(codes) mCodes = Rice.getMain(codes) period = 14 self.count = count = 300 self.preDict = {} self.exKtype = self.getKtype() self.renewQuicktype() docs, ex, trends = [], [], [] for mcode in mCodes: code = BI.parseCode(mcode) nt = BI.att(code, 'nightEnd') Rice.setTimeArea(BI.att(code, 'nightEnd')) #if code in self.banCodeList: continue doc = {'code': code, 'qtype': ''} std0v, maxDiss = 0, 0 ptick = self.getTick(code) doc['qtype'] = self.quickPeriodList[-1] for ktype in self.quickPeriodList + self.periodList: start = self.getStart(nt, ktype) df0 = Rice.kline([mcode], period=ktype, start=start, pre=0)[mcode] close = df0["close"] # bull ma = ta.MA(close, timeperiod=period) std = ta.STDDEV(close, timeperiod=period, nbdev=1) std0 = std / ma * 100 std0v = std0.mean() # ss = std0v if 0.3 < std0v < 0.5 else -1 doc[ktype] = std0v tick = BI.att(code, 'tick_size') / ma.mean() * 100 tick0 = ptick / ma.mean() * 100 tick = tick0 if tick0 > tick else tick # 快速线大于5个tick if ktype in self.quickPeriodList: sub = 3 * tick if std0v > sub and doc['qtype'] == '': doc['qtype'] = ktype doc['qtick'] = std0v continue # sub = 0.2 if code in ['AU', 'AL', 'AG', 'I'] else 0.28 sub = 8 * tick if sub > 0.4: sub = 0.4 if sub < 0.2: sub = 0.2 if sub < std0v and not code in ex: doc['ktype'] = ktype doc['stdv'] = std0v doc['tick'] = tick ex.append(code) # kdj顶点 kd = 5 kdjK, kdjD = ta.STOCH(df0["high"], df0["low"], close, fastk_period=kd, slowk_period=3, slowk_matype=1, slowd_period=3, slowd_matype=1) df0["kdj_d2"] = kdj_d2 = kdjK - kdjD df0["kdjm"] = kdj_d2 * kdj_d2.shift(1) df0["kdjm"] = df0.apply( lambda row: self.turn(row['kdjm'], row['kdj_d2'], 1), axis=1) ah = df0[df0["kdjm"] == 1] diss = count / len(ah) doc['d' + ktype] = diss if diss > maxDiss: doc['diss'] = diss doc['dtype'] = ktype maxDiss = diss # 最小trend if code not in ex: doc['ktype'] = '60m' doc['stdv'] = std0v minx = 100 #I = self.periodList.index('30m') #line = 0.20 if doc['ktype'] in ['30m', '60m'] else 0.40 if doc['ktype'] in ['5m'] else 0.30 line = 0.35 #line = 0.3 for k in self.periodList: v = (doc['diss'] - doc['d' + k]) / doc['diss'] + abs(doc[k] - line) / 0.2 if v < minx: doc['mtype'] = k minx = v if code in self.exKtype: if not doc['mtype'] == self.exKtype[code]: print(code, doc['mtype']) self.updateKtype(code, doc['mtype']) if doc['qtype'] != '': kc = self.klineCompare(doc['mtype'], doc['qtype']) if kc > 4: print(code, doc['qtype']) self.updateQuicktype(code, doc['qtype']) docs.append(doc) #break df = pd.DataFrame(docs) file = Rice.basePath + 'std_%s_.csv' % (public.getDatetime( style='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')) df.to_csv( file, columns=[ 'code', 'mtype', 'qtype', 'qtick', 'ktype', 'stdv', 'tick' ] + self.quickPeriodList + self.periodList + ['dtype', 'diss'] + ['d' + c for c in self.periodList], index=0)