Esempio n. 1
    def index_metadata(self, metadata, fid):

        Implements the following scenario:
        1. Metadata are extracted for a file (file info and phenomena).
        2. If phenomena do not exist in database then they are created.
        3. Phenomena ids are stored in the json representing file info.
        4. File info is stored in database.
        5. This is done for all files in the list. Current size is 700.
        fmeta = metadata[0]
        # fid = hashlib.sha1(fmeta["info"]["name"]).hexdigest()
        if len(metadata) == 1:
            index.index_file(, self.es_index, self.es_type_file, fid, fmeta)

            phen_list = metadata[1]
            if phen_list != None:

                phen_ids = []
                # Test if phenomenon exist in database.
                # if not create it.
                for item in phen_list:

                    query = index.create_query(item)
                    self.logger.debug("Query created: " + str(query))
                    # print "Query created: " + str(query)
                    res = index.search_database(, self.es_index, self.es_type_phen, query)
                    # print "Query result: " + str(res)
                    self.logger.debug("Query result: " + str(res))

                    phen_id = self.is_valid_result(res)
                    if phen_id is not None:
                        # print "phenomenon found!"
                        self.logger.debug("phenomenon found!")
                        # print "phenomenon needs to be inserted in the database."
                        phen_id = index.index_phenomenon(, self.es_index, self.es_type_phen, item, 800)
                        # print "Phen created : " + str(phen_id)
                        self.logger.debug("Phen created : " + str(phen_id))

                    index.index_phenomenon(, self.es_index, self.es_type_phen)
                    # if wait_init:
                    #    time.sleep(1)
                    #    wait_init = False

                fmeta["info"]["phenomena"] = phen_ids

            if len(metadata) == 3:
                if metadata[2] != None:
                    lid = self.index_location(metadata[2])
                    fmeta["info"]["location"] = lid
        # if something fails at least index the basic information.
        except Exception as ex:

        index.index_file(, self.es_index, self.es_type_file, fid, fmeta)
Esempio n. 2
    def index_location(self, coordinates):

        Indexes location only if does not exists.

        lid = hashlib.sha1(str(coordinates)).hexdigest()
        query = index.create_sp_query(lid)
        res = index.search_database(, self.es_index, self.es_type_loc, query)
        lid_found = self.is_valid_result(res)
        if lid_found is None:
            lmeta = self.create_location_json(lid, coordinates)
            index.index_file(, self.es_index, self.es_type_loc, lid, lmeta)

        return lid