Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, currentver, manifest=None, manifesturi=None):
        Fetch a manifest and verify that it matches the given version.

        # fetch the manifest
        if manifest is None:
            if manifesturi is None:
                raise Exception("Update not given manifest object or URI")

            with URI(manifesturi) as uri:
                manifest = Manifest.from_yaml(

        # verify versions match
        if currentver != manifest["current-version"]:
            log.error("Current version '{0}' does not match manifest '{1}'".format(
                currentver, manifest["current-version"]))
            raise Exception("Current version does not match manifest")

        self.manifest = manifest
        self.package = None
Esempio n. 2
    def generate_update(self, currentver, currentpath, updatever, updatepath,
        Given the current version/path and update version/path, generate a
        manifest, package, and individual update files in the appropriate
        locations and formats as specified by the configuration files.

        manifest = Manifest()
        manifest.add_property("current-version", currentver)
        manifest.add_property("update-version", updatever)

        if platform is None:
            platform = system()

        unmodified, modified, added, removed = self._walk(currentpath, updatepath)

        fileformat = Config.get("formats", "file")
        archiveformat = Config.get("formats", "archive")

        packageextension = extension(archiveformat, dot=False)
        packagepath = Config.get("paths", "package",
                                 vars={"platform": platform,
                                       "current_version": currentver,
                                       "update_version": updatever,
                                       "extension": packageextension,

        # build the package archive
        with Package() as package:

            for filename in unmodified:
                fullname = filename + extension(fileformat)
                fulluri = Config.get("uris", "file",
                                     vars={"platform": platform,
                                           "update_version": updatever,
                                           "filename": fullname,

                filepath = Config.get("paths", "file",
                                     vars={"platform": platform,
                                           "update_version": updatever,
                                           "filename": fullname,
                with File(filepath, mode="w") as fh:
                    fh.compress(path.join(updatepath, filename))

                    "action": "verify",
                    "filename": filename,
                    "sha1-before": sha1(path.join(updatepath, filename)),
                    "full-uri": fulluri,
                    "full-format": fileformat,

            for filename in modified:
                fullname = filename + extension(fileformat)
                fulluri = Config.get("uris", "file",
                                     vars={"platform": platform,
                                           "update_version": updatever,
                                           "filename": fullname,

                filepath = Config.get("paths", "file",
                                     vars={"platform": platform,
                                           "update_version": updatever,
                                           "filename": fullname,
                with File(filepath, mode="w") as fh:
                    fh.compress(path.join(updatepath, filename))

                with, "w") as fh:
                    fh.compress(path.join(updatepath, filename))

                    "action": "replace",
                    "filename": filename,
                    "sha1-before": sha1(path.join(currentpath, filename)),
                    "sha1-after": sha1(path.join(updatepath, filename)),
                    "full-uri": "package:///" + filename,
                    "full-format": "raw",

            for filename in added:
                with, "w") as fh:
                    fh.compress(path.join(updatepath, filename))

                    "action": "create",
                    "filename": filename,
                    "sha1-after": sha1(path.join(updatepath, filename)),
                    "full-uri": "package:///" + filename,
                    "full-format": "raw",

            for filename in removed:
                    "action": "delete",
                    "filename": filename,


        manifest.add_property("package-sha1", sha1(packagepath))
        manifest.add_property("package-format", archiveformat)
        manifest.add_property("package-uri", Config.get("uris", "package",
                                 vars={"platform": platform,
                                       "current_version": currentver,
                                       "update_version": updatever,
                                       "extension": packageextension,

        manifestpath = Config.get("paths", "manifest",
                                  vars={"platform": platform,
                                        "current_version": currentver,

        with File(manifestpath, mode="w") as mh: