def execute_long_fp(self): CommMgr.send('X', CommMgr.ARDUINO) _long_cmd = [] _fCount = 0 for _act in self._actions: if _act == Action.FORWARD: _fCount += 1 if _fCount == 9: #self._robot.move_multiple(_fCount) _command = 'F' + str(_fCount) _long_cmd.append(_command) _fCount = 0 elif _act == Action.RIGHT or _act == Action.LEFT: if _fCount > 0: #self._robot.move_multiple(_fCount) _command = 'F' + str(_fCount) _long_cmd.append(_command) _fCount = 0 #self._robot.move(_act) _long_cmd.append(_act.value) if _fCount > 0: #self._robot.move_multiple(_fCount) _command = 'F' + str(_fCount) _long_cmd.append(_command) _fCount = 0 time.sleep(1) CommMgr.send('{}{}'.format('FULL', ''.join(_long_cmd)), CommMgr.ANDROID) time.sleep(1) self._robot.notify_arduino(''.join(_long_cmd)) self._actions = [] return '{}'.format(''.join(_long_cmd))
def run(self): if self._robot.is_actual_robot(): print('Awaiting Start Point/Waypoint') while True: _spwp = CommMgr.recv() print(_spwp) if _spwp[:2] == 'SP': #spxxyywpxxyy _sp = (abs(int(_spwp[2:4]) - 19), int(_spwp[4:6])) print(_sp) #if self._surface is not None: # self._explored_map.draw(self._surface) self._wp = (abs(int(_spwp[8:10]) - 19), int(_spwp[10:12])) print(self._wp) self._robot.notify_arduino(Action.CALIBRATE.value) CommMgr.recv() self._robot.notify_arduino(Action.RIGHT.value) CommMgr.recv() self._robot.notify_arduino(Action.CALIBRATE.value) CommMgr.recv() self._robot.notify_arduino(Action.RIGHT.value) CommMgr.recv() self._robot.set_pos(_sp[0], _sp[1]) self._explored_map.set_robot_explored() print(_spwp[-1]) if _spwp[-1] == 'N': self.turn_robot(Orientation.NORTH.value) elif _spwp[-1] == 'E': self.turn_robot(Orientation.EAST.value) elif _spwp[-1] == 'S': self.turn_robot(Orientation.SOUTH.value) elif _spwp[-1] == 'W': self.turn_robot(Orientation.WEST.value) break print('Awaiting EX_START') while True: _command = CommMgr.recv() print(_command) if _command == 'EX_START': break print("Starting Exploration") self._start_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) self._end_time = self._start_time + (self._time_limit * 1000) if self._robot.is_actual_robot(): self._robot.notify_arduino( Action.SENSOR.value) #, self._explored_map, False) self.sense_and_update() area_explored = self.calculate_area_explored() print("Explored Area: {}".format(area_explored)) self.do_exploration(self._robot.get_pos())
def notify_android(self, action, explored_map): if self._actualRobot and action != Action.CALIBRATE: ArenaUtils.generate_arena_descriptor(explored_map) _ex_mdf = ArenaUtils.hex_string('map/generated/MapExplored.txt') _obs_mdf = ArenaUtils.hex_string('map/generated/MapObstacle.txt') _pos = str(self._pos[0]).zfill(2) + str(self._pos[1]).zfill(2) _to_android = "***{},{},{}:{}:{}".format( _pos, Orientation.getText(self._ori), action.value, _ex_mdf, _obs_mdf) CommMgr.send(_to_android, CommMgr.ANDROID)
def main(): CommMgr.connect() while True: if CommMgr.recv() == 'EX_START': CommMgr.send(Action.FORWARD.value, CommMgr.ANDROID) time.sleep(1) CommMgr.send(Action.LEFT.value, CommMgr.ANDROID) CommMgr.close()
def main(): robot = Robot((18,1), True) #robot.set_speed(100) #_real_map = Arena(robot) #ArenaUtils.load_arena_from_file(_real_map, 'map/SampleWeek11.txt') _explore_map = Arena(robot) _explore_map.set_allunexplored() CommMgr.connect() _explore = Exploration(_explore_map, robot, 300, 3600) CommMgr.close()
def main(): #command = input('Enter 1: Actual Run, 2: Fastest Path => ') CommMgr.connect() #if int(command) == 1: explore() #else: # fp() command = input('Press ENTER to close connection.... ') if command == '': CommMgr.close()
def fp(): robot = Robot((18, 1), True) _real_map = Arena(robot) ArenaUtils.load_arena_from_file(_real_map, 'map/17_week10.txt') print('Awaiting FP_START') while True: _command = CommMgr.recv() if _command == 'FP_START': CommMgr.send('X', CommMgr.ARDUINO) break _go_to_wp_goal = FastestPath(_real_map, robot) _status = _go_to_wp_goal.do_fastest_path_wp_goal( (7, 10), ArenaConstant.GOAL_POS.value)
def do_exploration(self, pos): while True: self.next_move() #input_var = input("Enter something to continue: ") #print ("you entered " + input_var) #time.sleep(self._robot.get_speed() / 1000) area_explored = self.calculate_area_explored() if self._robot.get_pos()[0] == pos[0] and self._robot.get_pos( )[1] == pos[1]: if area_explored >= 100: break print(area_explored) if area_explored > self._coverage_limit or int( round(time.time() * 1000)) > self._end_time: break self.go_home() if self._robot.is_actual_robot(): #self._robot.notify_android(Action.CALIBRATE, self._explored_map) print('Awaiting FP_START') while True: _command = CommMgr.recv() if _command == 'FP_START': break _go_to_wp_goal = FastestPath(self._explored_map, self._robot) _go_to_wp_goal.do_fastest_path_wp_goal(self._wp, ArenaConstant.GOAL_POS.value)
def move_robot(self, action): print(action) self._action_taken.append(action) self._robot.move(action) self._robot.notify_arduino(action) #, self._explored_map, True) #if self._surface is not None: # self._explored_map.draw(self._surface) if action is not Action.CALIBRATE: self.sense_and_update() self._robot.notify_android(action, self._explored_map) else: _status = CommMgr.recv() print(_status) if self._robot.is_actual_robot() and not self.calibration_mode: self.calibration_mode = True if self.can_calibrate_on_spot(self._robot.get_ori()): self.last_calibrate = 0 self.move_robot(Action.CALIBRATE) #self._robot.notify_arduino(Action.CALIBRATE)#, self._explored_map, False) else: self.last_calibrate += 1 if self.last_calibrate >= 3: _target_calibrate = self.get_calibrate_ori() if _target_calibrate is not None: self.last_calibrate = 0 self.calibrate(_target_calibrate) self.calibration_mode = False
def move_robot(self, action): print(action) if not self.calibration_mode: self._action_taken.append(action) self._robot.move(action) self._robot.notify_arduino(action.value) #, self._explored_map, True) #if self._surface is not None: # self._explored_map.draw(self._surface) if action is not Action.CALIBRATE and not self.calibration_mode: self.sense_and_update() self._robot.notify_android(action.value, self._explored_map) else: if not self.end_calibrate: _status = CommMgr.recv() print(_status) else: self.sense_and_update() self._robot.notify_android(action.value, self._explored_map) if self._robot.is_actual_robot() and not self.calibration_mode: self.calibration_mode = True if self.can_calibrate_on_spot(self._robot.get_ori()): self.last_calibrate = 0 self.move_robot(Action.CALIBRATE) if self.can_calibrate_on_spot( Orientation.getPrev(self._robot.get_ori())): self.calibrate(Orientation.getPrev(self._robot.get_ori())) self.end_calibrate = False elif self.can_calibrate_on_spot( Orientation.getNext(self._robot.get_ori())): self.calibrate(Orientation.getNext(self._robot.get_ori())) self.end_calibrate = False else: _last_act = self._action_taken[len(self._action_taken) - 1] if _last_act == Action.UTURN: self.last_calibrate += 2 else: self.last_calibrate += 1 if self.last_calibrate >= 5: _target_calibrate = self.get_calibrate_ori() if _target_calibrate is not None: self.last_calibrate = 0 self.calibrate(_target_calibrate) self.end_calibrate = False self.calibration_mode = False
def run_exploration(self, robot, map_file): self.init_objects(robot, map_file) while True: # _mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # if 450 + self._ex_rect.left < _mouse[0] < 450 + self._ex_rect.right and < _mouse[1] < self._ex_rect.bottom: # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (255,0,0), self._ex_rect, 3) # else: # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._ex_rect, 3) # if 450 + self._timed_rect.left < _mouse[0] < 450 + self._timed_rect.right and < _mouse[1] < self._timed_rect.bottom: # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (255,0,0), self._timed_rect, 3) # else: # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._timed_rect, 3) # if 450 + self._coverage_rect.left < _mouse[0] < 450 + self._coverage_rect.right and < _mouse[1] < self._coverage_rect.bottom: # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (255,0,0), self._coverage_rect, 3) # else: # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._coverage_rect, 3) # if 450 + self._wp_rect.left < _mouse[0] < 450 + self._wp_rect.right and < _mouse[1] < self._wp_rect.bottom: # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (255,0,0), self._wp_rect, 3) # else: # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._fp_rect, 3) # if 450 + self._fp_rect.left < _mouse[0] < 450 + self._fp_rect.right and < _mouse[1] < self._fp_rect.bottom: # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (255,0,0), self._fp_rect, 3) # else: # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._fp_rect, 3) # if 450 + self._mdf_rect.left < _mouse[0] < 450 + self._mdf_rect.right and < _mouse[1] < self._mdf_rect.bottom: # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (255,0,0), self._mdf_rect, 3) # else: # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._mdf_rect, 3) # self._screen.blit(self._menu, (ArenaConstant.ARENA_COL.value * self.BLOCK_SIZE,0)) # pygame.display.update() keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: CommMgr.close() pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif keys[pygame.K_RETURN]: self.init_objects(robot, map_file) if self._real_run: CommMgr.connect() _explore = Exploration(self._explore_map, self._real_map, self._robot, 300, 3600, (self._screen, self._background)) if self._real_run: CommMgr.close()
def sense(self, explored_map, real_map=None): result = [None for x in range(6)] # if not self._actualRobot: # result[0] = self._SSFrontLeft.sense(explored_map, real_map) # result[1] = self._SSFrontCenter.sense(explored_map, real_map) # result[2] = self._SSFrontRight.sense(explored_map, real_map) # result[3] = self._SSLeftTop.sense(explored_map, real_map) # result[4] = self._LSRightCenter.sense(explored_map, real_map) # result[5] = self._SSRightTop.sense(explored_map, real_map) # else: _sensor_str = CommMgr.recv().rstrip() print(_sensor_str) result = _sensor_str.split('-') for i in range(len(result)): if result[i] == '': result[i] = 0 else: result[i] = int(float(result[i])) self._LSRightCenter.sense_real( explored_map, result[0]) #, (10 <= result[0] < 20 and 10 <= result[1] < 20)) self._SSLeftTop.sense_real( explored_map, result[1]) #, (10 <= result[0] < 20 and 10 <= result[1] < 20)) self._SSFrontLeft.sense_real( explored_map, result[2] ) #, (10 <= result[2] < 20 and 10 <= result[3] < 20 and 10 <= result[4] < 20)) self._SSFrontCenter.sense_real( explored_map, result[3] ) #, (10 <= result[2] < 20 and 10 <= result[3] < 20 and 10 <= result[4] < 20)) self._SSFrontRight.sense_real( explored_map, result[4] ) #, (10 <= result[2] < 20 and 10 <= result[3] < 20 and 10 <= result[4] < 20)) self._SSRightTop.sense_real(explored_map, result[5]) #, (10 <= result[5] < 20)) return result
def notify_arduino(self, action): if self._actualRobot: #if isinstance(action, str): # CommMgr.send(action, CommMgr.ARDUINO) #else: CommMgr.send(action.value, CommMgr.ARDUINO)
def process_sensor_val(self, explored_map, sensor_val, row_inc, col_inc, check): sensor_val = sensor_val + 10 if len(self._id) == 4: if explored_map.check_valid_coord( (self._pos[0] + row_inc, self._pos[1] + col_inc)): if self._id[3] == 'L' and (explored_map.get_block( (self._pos[0] + row_inc, self._pos[1] + col_inc)).is_obstacle()): return if explored_map.check_valid_coord( (self._pos[0] + (row_inc * 2), self._pos[1] + (col_inc * 2))): if self._id[3] == 'L' and (explored_map.get_block( (self._pos[0] + (row_inc * 2), self._pos[1] + (col_inc * 2))).is_obstacle()): return for i in range(self._range[0], self._range[1] + 1): _pos = (self._pos[0] + (row_inc * i), self._pos[1] + (col_inc * i)) if not explored_map.check_valid_coord(_pos): print('{} Processing End'.format(self._id)) return if explored_map.get_block(_pos).is_obstacle( ): #or explored_map.get_block(_pos).is_explored(): print('{} Processing End'.format(self._id)) return explored_map.get_block(_pos).set_explored(True) #if (sensor_val - 10) <= 9: # return if (sensor_val // 10) == 2 and check: CommMgr.send(Action.FORWARD.value, CommMgr.ARDUINO) print('{} Moving Forward to check'.format(self._id)) _sensor_str = CommMgr.recv().rstrip() _check = int(float(_sensor_str.split('-')[int( self._id[2])])) + 10 print('{} check value: {}'.format(self._id, _check)) if _check // 10 == 1: print('{} sets {} as OBSTACLE => Sensor Value: {}'.format( self._id, _pos, sensor_val)) explored_map.set_obstacle(_pos, True) CommMgr.send(Action.BACKWARD.value, CommMgr.ARDUINO) print('{} Moving Backward'.format(self._id)) CommMgr.recv() return else: print('{} sets {} as CLEARED => Sensor Value: {}'.format( self._id, _pos, sensor_val)) CommMgr.send(Action.BACKWARD.value, CommMgr.ARDUINO) print('{} Moving Backward'.format(self._id)) CommMgr.recv() continue if (sensor_val // 10) == i: print('{} sets {} as OBSTACLE => Sensor Value: {}'.format( self._id, _pos, sensor_val)) explored_map.set_obstacle(_pos, True) return else: print('{} sets {} as CLEARED => Sensor Value: {}'.format( self._id, _pos, sensor_val)) continue