def deleteBackupOnAgentResource(backupIP): try: agent_resource, agent_resource_id = CIMI.getAgentResource() ar = AgentResource.load(agent_resource) if ar.backupIP != backupIP: LOG.warning( 'Backup [{}] does not match [{}] stored in Agent Resource'. format(backupIP, ar.backupIP)) ar2 = AgentResource(None, None, None, None, None, backupIP='') LOG.debug( 'Removing backup [{}] in Agent Resource. Updated agent resource: {}' .format(backupIP, ar2.getCIMIdicc())) CIMI.modify_resource(agent_resource_id, ar2.getCIMIdicc()) except: LOG.exception('Add backup in Agent resource failed')
def addBackupOnAgentResource(backupIP): try: agent_resource, agent_resource_id = CIMI.getAgentResource() ar = AgentResource.load(agent_resource) if ar.backupIP is not None or (ar.backupIP != '' and ar.backupIP is not None): LOG.warning( 'Non-empty backupIP value when adding a new backup! Agent resource: {}' .format(ar.getCIMIdicc())) ar2 = AgentResource(None, None, None, None, None, backupIP='{}'.format(backupIP)) LOG.debug( 'Adding backup [{}] in Agent Resource. Updated agent resource: {}'. format(backupIP, ar2.getCIMIdicc())) CIMI.modify_resource(agent_resource_id, ar2.getCIMIdicc()) except: LOG.exception('Add backup in Agent resource failed')
def __leader_switch_flow(self): """ Agent become leader :return: """ # 1. Start sending beacons if self._connected: self.discovery_leader_failed = True self.discovery_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending Broadcast trigger to discovery...') try: r = self.__trigger_switch_discovery() self.detectedLeaderID = self.deviceID self.discovery_leader_failed = not r except Exception as ex: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Discovery broadcast trigger failed!') self.detectedLeaderID = self.deviceID + 'Discovery Broadcast Trigger Done.') else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.discovery_leader_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Discovery broadcast failed, interrupting leader switch.') return self.discovery_failed = self.discovery_leader_failed # 2. Start CAU-client if self._connected: self.cauclient_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending trigger to CAU client...') attempt = 0 r = False while self._connected and not r and attempt < self.MAX_CAUCLIENT_FAILURES: try: r = self.__trigger_triggerCAUclient() self.cauclient_failed = not r except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'CAUclient failed.') self.cauclient_failed = True finally: attempt += 1 if not r: sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_CAUCLIENT) + 'CAU client Trigger Done in {} attempts and ok={}.'. format(attempt, r)) else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.cauclient_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'CAU-Client failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 3. VPN get IP attempt = 0 while self._connected and self.vpnIP is None and attempt < self.MAX_VPN_FAILURES: vpn_ip = VPN.getIPfromFile() self.vpnIP = vpn_ip if vpn_ip != '' else None if self.vpnIP is None: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'VPN IP cannot be obtained... Retry in {}s'.format( self.WAIT_TIME_VPN)) sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_VPN) attempt += 1 if self.vpnIP is None: LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'VPN IP cannot be obtained.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies module cannot continue its activity without VPN IP' ) exit(4) else: + 'VPN IP: [{}]'.format(self.vpnIP)) # 4. Switch leader categorization (or start if not started) if self.categorization_started: self.categorization_leader_failed = True # Switch! LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending switch trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_switch_categorization() self.categorization_leader_failed = False except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization switch to leader failed') + 'Categorization Switch Trigger Done.') else: # Start as leader! LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_startCategorization() self.categorization_leader_failed = False self.categorization_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed') + 'Categorization Start Trigger Done.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.categorization_leader_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed, interrupting leader switch.') return self.categorization_failed = self.categorization_leader_failed # 5. Start Area Resilience (if not started) if not self.arearesilience_started: self.policies_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Policies...') try: self.__trigger_startLeaderProtectionPolicies() self.policies_failed = False self.arearesilience_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed!') + 'Policies Area Resilience Start Trigger Done.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.policies_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 8. Watch Leader if self._connected and not self.discovery_failed: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Start Discovery Leader Watch...') try: self.__trigger_startDiscoveryWatchLeader() except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Watch Discovery Start Fail.') + 'Watch Discovery Start Trigger Done.') elif self.discovery_failed: LOG.warning( self.TAG + 'Discovery Watch cancelled due Discovery Trigger failed') # Create/Modify Agent Resource # IF static IP configuration setup self.deviceIP = CPARAMS.DEVICE_IP_FLAG self.leaderIP = CPARAMS.LEADER_IP_FLAG if self.deviceIP is None or self.leaderIP is None: LOG.debug( self.TAG + 'No static configuration was detected. Applying VPN values') self.deviceIP = self.vpnIP self.leaderIP = self.cloudIP self.TAG + 'deviceIP={}, leaderIP={}'.format(self.deviceIP, self.leaderIP)) # Print summary self.__print_summary() self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource(self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, True, True, self.imLeader, leaderIP=self.leaderIP) # deprecated: real values of Auth and Conn (as now are None in the Leader) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id is None: # Create agent resource self._cimi_agent_resource_id = CIMI.createAgentResource( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) else: # Agent resource already exists status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) # 6. Finish self.isCompleted = True return
def __cloud_flow(self): + 'Cloud flow started.') # 0. Cloud Agent is Leader by definition self.imLeader = self.imCloud # 1. Discovery LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Discovery trigger ignored in Cloud flow.') self.discovery_failed = False self.discovery_leader_failed = False self.detectedLeaderID = self.deviceID # 2. Start CAU-client if self._connected: self.cauclient_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending trigger to CAU client...') attempt = 0 r = False while self._connected and not r and attempt < self.MAX_CAUCLIENT_FAILURES: try: r = self.__trigger_triggerCAUclient() self.cauclient_failed = not r except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'CAUclient failed.') self.cauclient_failed = True finally: attempt += 1 if not r: sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_CAUCLIENT) + 'CAU client Trigger Done in {} attempts and ok={}.'. format(attempt, r)) else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.cauclient_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'CAU-Client failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 3. VPN get IP attempt = 0 while self._connected and self.vpnIP is None and attempt < self.MAX_VPN_FAILURES: vpn_ip = VPN.getIPfromFile() self.vpnIP = vpn_ip if vpn_ip != '' else None if self.vpnIP is None: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'VPN IP cannot be obtained... Retry in {}s'.format( self.WAIT_TIME_VPN)) sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_VPN) attempt += 1 if self.vpnIP is None: LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'VPN IP cannot be obtained.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies module cannot continue its activity without VPN IP' ) exit(4) else: + 'VPN IP: [{}]'.format(self.vpnIP)) # 4. Switch leader categorization (or start if not started) if self._connected and not self.categorization_started: self.categorization_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_startCategorization() self.categorization_failed = False self.categorization_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed') self.categorization_failed = True + 'Categorization Start Trigger Done.') elif not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.categorization_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 5. Area Resilience LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Area Resilience trigger ignored in Cloud flow.') self.policies_failed = False # Print summary self.__print_summary() # Create Agent Resource self.deviceIP = self.vpnIP self.leaderIP = None self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource(self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, True, True, self.imLeader) LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CIMI Agent Resource payload: {}'.format( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc())) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id is None: # Create agent resource self._cimi_agent_resource_id = CIMI.createAgentResource( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id == '': LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'Agent resource creation failed.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG: LOG.error( 'Stopping Policies module due to resource creation failure.' ) exit(4) else: # Agent resource already exists status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) self.isCompleted = True return
class AgentStart: TAG = '\033[36m' + '[FCJP]: ' + '\033[0m' ETAG = '\033[31m' + '[FCJP] ERROR: ' + '\033[0m' MAX_MISSING_SCANS = 10 # TODO: ENV Policies Param MAX_VPN_FAILURES = 20 MAX_CAUCLIENT_FAILURES = 5 WAIT_TIME_CIMI = 2. WAIT_TIME_VPN = 5. WAIT_TIME_CAUCLIENT = 5. ALE_ENABLED = False def __init__(self, addr_dis=None, addr_id=None, addr_cat=None, addr_pol=None, addr_CAUcl=None, addr_dcly=None): self._connected = False self.isStarted = False self.isCompleted = False self.isSwitched = False self.imLeader = False self.imCloud = False self.th_proc = threading.Thread() self._cimi_agent_resource_id = None self._cimi_agent_resource = None self.MACaddr = None self.detectedLeaderID = None self.bssid = None self.deviceID = None self.IDkey = None self.isAuthenticated = None self.secureConnection = None self.deviceIP = None self.leaderIP = None self.vpnIP = None self.cloudIP = CPARAMS.CLOUD_AGENT_IP # Default: None self.categorization_started = None self.arearesilience_started = None self.categorization_switched = None self.discovery_switched = None self.dataclay_started = None self.discovery_failed = None self.discovery_leader_failed = None self.discovery_joined = None self.categorization_failed = None self.categorization_leader_failed = None self.identification_failed = None self.cauclient_failed = None self.policies_failed = None self.URL_DISCOVERY = URLS.build_url_address(URLS.URL_DISCOVERY, portaddr=addr_dis) if CPARAMS.WIFI_DEV_FLAG != '': self.URL_DISCOVERY += '{}'.format(CPARAMS.WIFI_DEV_FLAG) # self.URL_DISCOVERY_MAC = urls.build_url_address(urls.URL_DISCOVERY_MAC, portaddr=addr_dis) self.URL_DISCOVERY_JOIN = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_DISCOVERY_JOIN, portaddr=addr_dis) self.URL_DISCOVERY_DHCP = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_DISCOVERY_DHCP, portaddr=addr_dis) self.URL_DISCOVERY_MYIP = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_DISCOVERY_MYIP, portaddr=addr_dis) self.URL_DISCOVERY_SWITCH_LEADER = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_DISCOVERY_SWITCH_LEADER, portaddr=addr_dis) self.URL_IDENTIFICATION = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_IDENTIFICATION, portaddr=addr_id) self.URL_CATEGORIZATION_SWITCH_LEADER = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_CATEGORIZATION_SWITCH_LEADER, portaddr=addr_cat) self.URL_CATEGORIZATION = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_CATEGORIZATION, portaddr=addr_cat) self.URL_CAU_CLIENT = URLS.build_url_address(URLS.URL_CAU_CLIENT, portaddr=addr_CAUcl) self.URL_POLICIES = URLS.build_url_address(URLS.URL_POLICIES, portaddr=addr_pol) self.URL_DISCOVERY_WATCH = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_DISCOVERY_WATCH, portaddr=addr_dis) self.URL_DISCOVERY_WATCH_LEADER = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_DISCOVERY_WATCH_LEADER, portaddr=addr_dis) def start(self, imLeader, imCloud): if self.isStarted: print(self.TAG, 'Procedure is already started...') return False else: self.imLeader = imLeader self.imCloud = imCloud self._connected = True self.th_proc = threading.Thread(name='th_fcjp', target=self.__agent_startup_flow, daemon=True) self.th_proc.start() self.isStarted = True return True def switch(self, imLeader): if not self.isStarted: LOG.error('Agent is not started!') return False if self.th_proc.is_alive(): LOG.debug( self.TAG + 'Stopping thread {} to switch...'.format( self._connected = False self.th_proc.join() LOG.debug('Thread successfully stopped.') self._connected = True if self.imLeader != imLeader: LOG.warning( 'imLeader state is not consequent!') # TODO: Action required if self.imLeader: # Switch to Agent + 'Switch to Agent') self.imLeader = False self.th_proc = threading.Thread(name='fcjp_agent', target=self.__agent_switch_flow, daemon=True) else: # Switch to Leader + 'Switch to Leader') # TODO: Create a thread if we don't want blocking feature (AR wait until leader is set - slow) self.imLeader = True self.th_proc = threading.Thread(name='fcjp_leader', target=self.__leader_switch_flow, daemon=True) self.th_proc.start() return True def stop(self): # TODO: Clean stop self._connected = False def __agent_startup_flow(self): while self._connected: # 0. Init self.detectedLeaderID, self.MACaddr, self.bssid = None, None, None # 0.1 Check CIMI is UP CIMIon = False while self._connected and not CIMIon: CIMIon = CIMI.checkCIMIstarted() if not CIMIon: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CIMI is not ready... Retry in {}s'.format( self.WAIT_TIME_CIMI)) sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_CIMI) + 'CIMI is ready!') # 1. Identification if self._connected: self.identification_failed = True # Reset variable to avoid false positives LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending trigger to Identification...') try: self.__trigger_requestID() self.identification_failed = False except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Identification trigger failed!') self.identification_failed = True + 'Identification Trigger Done.') else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.identification_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Identification failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 2.1. Check if im Cloud Agent if self.imCloud: # start cloud flow self.__cloud_flow() return # 2.2. Check if im a Leader - PLE if self.imLeader: # switch to leader self.__leader_switch_flow() return # remain as agent # 3. Scan for Leaders count = 0 self.discovery_failed = True while self._connected and count < self.MAX_MISSING_SCANS and self.detectedLeaderID is None and self.MACaddr is None: # TODO: new protocol required LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending SCAN trigger to Discovery...') try: self.__trigger_startScan() self.discovery_failed = False except Exception: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Discovery failed on attepmt {}.'.format(count)) self.discovery_failed = True if self.detectedLeaderID is not None and self.MACaddr is not None and self.bssid is not None: + 'Discovery Scan Trigger Done.') count += 1 self.TAG + 'Discovery trigger finished in #{} attempts and ok={}'.format( count, self.detectedLeaderID is not None and self.MACaddr is not None and self.bssid is not None)) if not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.discovery_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'Discovery failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 4.1. If no leader detected, switch to leader IF policy and capable - ALE if not self.discovery_failed and self.detectedLeaderID is None and self.MACaddr is None and self.bssid is None and self.ALE_ENABLED: self.__leader_switch_flow() # TODO: imCapable? return # 4.2 If detected, join to the Leader if not self.discovery_failed and self.bssid is not None and self._connected: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending JOIN trigger to discovery...') try: r = self.__trigger_joinDiscovery() self.discovery_failed = not r self.discovery_joined = r if not self.discovery_failed: self.leaderIP = CPARAMS.LEADER_DISCOVERY_IP except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Discovery JOIN trigger failed.') self.discovery_failed = True self.discovery_joined = False LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Discovery JOIN trigger Done.') # 4.3 If not detected or failed, static configuration if setup if self.discovery_failed or (self.detectedLeaderID is None and self.MACaddr is None and self.bssid is None): LOG.debug( self.TAG + 'Discovery failed or leader was not detected. Fetching deviceIP and leaderIP from env variables.' ) self.deviceIP = CPARAMS.DEVICE_IP_FLAG self.leaderIP = CPARAMS.LEADER_IP_FLAG # 5. CAU client if self._connected: self.cauclient_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending trigger to CAU client...') attempt = 0 r = False while self._connected and not r and attempt < self.MAX_CAUCLIENT_FAILURES: try: r = self.__trigger_triggerCAUclient() self.cauclient_failed = not r except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'CAUclient failed.') self.cauclient_failed = True finally: attempt += 1 if not r: sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_CAUCLIENT) + 'CAU client Trigger Done in {} attempts and ok={}.'. format(attempt, r)) else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.cauclient_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'CAU-Client failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 5.1. VPN get IP attempt = 0 while self._connected and self.vpnIP is None and attempt < self.MAX_VPN_FAILURES: vpn_ip = VPN.getIPfromFile() self.vpnIP = vpn_ip if vpn_ip != '' else None if self.vpnIP is None: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'VPN IP cannot be obtained... Retry in {}s'. format(self.WAIT_TIME_VPN)) sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_VPN) attempt += 1 if self.vpnIP is None: LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'VPN IP cannot be obtained.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies module cannot continue its activity without VPN IP' ) exit(4) else: + 'VPN IP: [{}]'.format(self.vpnIP)) # 5.2 If not static configuration and no leader detected, VPN configuration if self.deviceIP is None and self.leaderIP is None: LOG.debug( self.TAG + 'Static configuration for deviceIP and leaderIP not found. Using VPN values' ) self.deviceIP = self.vpnIP self.leaderIP = self.cloudIP + 'deviceIP={}, leaderIP={}'.format( self.deviceIP, self.leaderIP)) # 6. Categorization if self._connected and not self.categorization_started: self.categorization_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_startCategorization() self.categorization_failed = False self.categorization_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed') self.categorization_failed = True + 'Categorization Start Trigger Done.') elif not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.categorization_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Categorization failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 7. Area Resilience if self._connected and not self.arearesilience_started: self.policies_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Policies...') try: success = self.__trigger_startLeaderProtectionPolicies() self.policies_failed = not success self.arearesilience_started = success except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed!') + 'Policies Area Resilience Start Trigger Done.') elif not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.policies_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed, interrupting agent start.' ) return # Print summary self.__print_summary() # Create/Modify Agent Resource self.deviceIP = '' if self.deviceIP is None else self.deviceIP self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource(self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, self.isAuthenticated, self.secureConnection, self.imLeader) LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CIMI Agent Resource payload: {}'.format( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc())) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id is None: # Create agent resource self._cimi_agent_resource_id = CIMI.createAgentResource( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) sleep(.1) self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource( self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, self.isAuthenticated, self.secureConnection, self.imLeader, leaderIP=self.leaderIP) LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CIMI Agent Resource payload: {}'.format( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc())) status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id == '': LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'Agent resource creation failed.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG: LOG.error( 'Stopping Policies module due to resource creation failure.' ) exit(4) else: # Agent resource already exists status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) sleep(.1) self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource( self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, self.isAuthenticated, self.secureConnection, self.imLeader, leaderIP=self.leaderIP) LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CIMI Agent Resource payload: {}'.format( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc())) status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) # 8. Watch Leader if self._connected and not self.discovery_failed: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Start Discovery Leader Watch...') try: self.__trigger_startDiscoveryWatch() except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Watch Discovery Start Fail.') + 'Watch Discovery Start Trigger Done.') elif self.discovery_failed: LOG.warning( self.TAG + 'Discovery Watch cancelled due Discovery Trigger failed') else: return self.isCompleted = True alive = True while self._connected and not self.discovery_failed and alive: # 6 Check if discovery connection is alive LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Discovery Alive Start Trigger.') try: alive = not self.__trigger_aliveDiscovery( ) # not disconnected except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Discovery Alive failed') alive = False if self._connected: sleep(CPARAMS.TIME_WAIT_ALIVE) + 'Discovery Alive Start Trigger Done.') if not self._connected: return if CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.discovery_failed: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'No rescan available. Stoping activity') return def __leader_switch_flow(self): """ Agent become leader :return: """ # 1. Start sending beacons if self._connected: self.discovery_leader_failed = True self.discovery_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending Broadcast trigger to discovery...') try: r = self.__trigger_switch_discovery() self.detectedLeaderID = self.deviceID self.discovery_leader_failed = not r except Exception as ex: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Discovery broadcast trigger failed!') self.detectedLeaderID = self.deviceID + 'Discovery Broadcast Trigger Done.') else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.discovery_leader_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Discovery broadcast failed, interrupting leader switch.') return self.discovery_failed = self.discovery_leader_failed # 2. Start CAU-client if self._connected: self.cauclient_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending trigger to CAU client...') attempt = 0 r = False while self._connected and not r and attempt < self.MAX_CAUCLIENT_FAILURES: try: r = self.__trigger_triggerCAUclient() self.cauclient_failed = not r except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'CAUclient failed.') self.cauclient_failed = True finally: attempt += 1 if not r: sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_CAUCLIENT) + 'CAU client Trigger Done in {} attempts and ok={}.'. format(attempt, r)) else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.cauclient_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'CAU-Client failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 3. VPN get IP attempt = 0 while self._connected and self.vpnIP is None and attempt < self.MAX_VPN_FAILURES: vpn_ip = VPN.getIPfromFile() self.vpnIP = vpn_ip if vpn_ip != '' else None if self.vpnIP is None: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'VPN IP cannot be obtained... Retry in {}s'.format( self.WAIT_TIME_VPN)) sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_VPN) attempt += 1 if self.vpnIP is None: LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'VPN IP cannot be obtained.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies module cannot continue its activity without VPN IP' ) exit(4) else: + 'VPN IP: [{}]'.format(self.vpnIP)) # 4. Switch leader categorization (or start if not started) if self.categorization_started: self.categorization_leader_failed = True # Switch! LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending switch trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_switch_categorization() self.categorization_leader_failed = False except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization switch to leader failed') + 'Categorization Switch Trigger Done.') else: # Start as leader! LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_startCategorization() self.categorization_leader_failed = False self.categorization_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed') + 'Categorization Start Trigger Done.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.categorization_leader_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed, interrupting leader switch.') return self.categorization_failed = self.categorization_leader_failed # 5. Start Area Resilience (if not started) if not self.arearesilience_started: self.policies_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Policies...') try: self.__trigger_startLeaderProtectionPolicies() self.policies_failed = False self.arearesilience_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed!') + 'Policies Area Resilience Start Trigger Done.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.policies_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 8. Watch Leader if self._connected and not self.discovery_failed: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Start Discovery Leader Watch...') try: self.__trigger_startDiscoveryWatchLeader() except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Watch Discovery Start Fail.') + 'Watch Discovery Start Trigger Done.') elif self.discovery_failed: LOG.warning( self.TAG + 'Discovery Watch cancelled due Discovery Trigger failed') # Create/Modify Agent Resource # IF static IP configuration setup self.deviceIP = CPARAMS.DEVICE_IP_FLAG self.leaderIP = CPARAMS.LEADER_IP_FLAG if self.deviceIP is None or self.leaderIP is None: LOG.debug( self.TAG + 'No static configuration was detected. Applying VPN values') self.deviceIP = self.vpnIP self.leaderIP = self.cloudIP self.TAG + 'deviceIP={}, leaderIP={}'.format(self.deviceIP, self.leaderIP)) # Print summary self.__print_summary() self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource(self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, True, True, self.imLeader, leaderIP=self.leaderIP) # deprecated: real values of Auth and Conn (as now are None in the Leader) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id is None: # Create agent resource self._cimi_agent_resource_id = CIMI.createAgentResource( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) else: # Agent resource already exists status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) # 6. Finish self.isCompleted = True return def __cloud_flow(self): + 'Cloud flow started.') # 0. Cloud Agent is Leader by definition self.imLeader = self.imCloud # 1. Discovery LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Discovery trigger ignored in Cloud flow.') self.discovery_failed = False self.discovery_leader_failed = False self.detectedLeaderID = self.deviceID # 2. Start CAU-client if self._connected: self.cauclient_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending trigger to CAU client...') attempt = 0 r = False while self._connected and not r and attempt < self.MAX_CAUCLIENT_FAILURES: try: r = self.__trigger_triggerCAUclient() self.cauclient_failed = not r except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'CAUclient failed.') self.cauclient_failed = True finally: attempt += 1 if not r: sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_CAUCLIENT) + 'CAU client Trigger Done in {} attempts and ok={}.'. format(attempt, r)) else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.cauclient_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'CAU-Client failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 3. VPN get IP attempt = 0 while self._connected and self.vpnIP is None and attempt < self.MAX_VPN_FAILURES: vpn_ip = VPN.getIPfromFile() self.vpnIP = vpn_ip if vpn_ip != '' else None if self.vpnIP is None: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'VPN IP cannot be obtained... Retry in {}s'.format( self.WAIT_TIME_VPN)) sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_VPN) attempt += 1 if self.vpnIP is None: LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'VPN IP cannot be obtained.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies module cannot continue its activity without VPN IP' ) exit(4) else: + 'VPN IP: [{}]'.format(self.vpnIP)) # 4. Switch leader categorization (or start if not started) if self._connected and not self.categorization_started: self.categorization_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_startCategorization() self.categorization_failed = False self.categorization_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed') self.categorization_failed = True + 'Categorization Start Trigger Done.') elif not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.categorization_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 5. Area Resilience LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Area Resilience trigger ignored in Cloud flow.') self.policies_failed = False # Print summary self.__print_summary() # Create Agent Resource self.deviceIP = self.vpnIP self.leaderIP = None self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource(self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, True, True, self.imLeader) LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CIMI Agent Resource payload: {}'.format( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc())) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id is None: # Create agent resource self._cimi_agent_resource_id = CIMI.createAgentResource( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id == '': LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'Agent resource creation failed.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG: LOG.error( 'Stopping Policies module due to resource creation failure.' ) exit(4) else: # Agent resource already exists status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) self.isCompleted = True return def __agent_switch_flow(self): """ Leader become agent :return: """ # 1. Stop Beacons # TODO # 2. Switch Agent Categorization to normal OR stop # TODO # 3. Start agent startup flow self.__agent_startup_flow() return def summary(self): data = { 'MACaddr': self.MACaddr, 'detectedLeaderID': self.detectedLeaderID, 'bssid': self.bssid, 'deviceID': self.deviceID, 'IDkey': self.IDkey, 'authenticated': self.isAuthenticated, 'secureConnection': self.secureConnection, 'categorization_started': self.categorization_started, 'lpp_started': self.arearesilience_started, 'categorization_switched': self.categorization_switched, 'discovery_switched': self.discovery_switched, 'isLeader': self.imLeader, 'isCloud': self.imCloud, 'leaderIP': self.leaderIP, 'deviceIP': self.deviceIP, 'vpnIP': self.vpnIP, 'cloudIP': self.cloudIP } return data def __print_summary(self): s = "\n######################## FCJP ##########################\n" summary = self.summary() for item in summary.keys(): s += '\t[\"{}\"] : {}\n'.format(item, summary.get(item)) s += "########################################################\n" def __trigger_startScan(self): r = requests.get(self.URL_DISCOVERY) rjson = r.json() if 'found_leaders' in rjson and 'used_mac' in rjson and len( rjson['found_leaders']) > 0: self.detectedLeaderID, self.MACaddr, self.bssid = rjson[ 'found_leaders'][0]['Leader ID'], rjson['used_mac'], rjson[ 'found_leaders'][0]['Bssid'] else: LOG.error( self.TAG + 'Discovery is not detecting a Leader \'{}\''.format(rjson)) self.detectedLeaderID, self.MACaddr, self.bssid = None, None, None # r = requests.get(self.URL_DISCOVERY_MAC) # rjson = r.json() # self.MACaddr = rjson['MACaddr'] def __trigger_joinDiscovery(self): payload = {'interface': CPARAMS.WIFI_DEV_FLAG, 'bssid': self.bssid} try: r =, json=payload, timeout=20.) except (timeout, timeout2): LOG.error(self.TAG + 'JOIN trigger timeout.') return False rjson = r.json() if r.status_code != 200: LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'JOIN operation failed. Reply from discovery: {}'. format(rjson['message'])) return False else: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending MYIP trigger to Discovery...') try: r2 = requests.get(self.URL_DISCOVERY_MYIP, timeout=20.) except (timeout, timeout2): LOG.error(self.TAG + 'MYIP trigger timeout.') return False rjson2 = r2.json() if r2.status_code != 200: LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'MYIP operation failed. Reply from discovery: {}'. format(rjson2)) return False elif 'IP_address' not in rjson2 or rjson2[ 'IP_address'] is None or len(rjson2['IP_address']) == 0: LOG.error( self.TAG + 'MYIP operation returned an OK code BUT IP_address is empty! json: {}' .format(rjson2)) return False LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'MYIP trigger success. Reply form Discovery: {}'.format( rjson2['IP_address'])) self.deviceIP = rjson2['IP_address'] return True def __trigger_requestID(self): r = requests.get(self.URL_IDENTIFICATION) rjson = r.json() LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Identification requestID reply: {}'.format(rjson)) self.deviceID, self.IDkey = rjson['deviceID'], rjson['IDKey'] def __trigger_triggerCAUclient(self): # payload = { # 'MACaddr': self.MACaddr, # 'detectedLeaderID': self.detectedLeaderID, # 'deviceID': self.deviceID, # 'IDkey': self.IDkey # } s_caucl = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s_caucl.connect(CPARAMS.CAU_CLIENT_ADDR) s_caucl.settimeout(15.) s_caucl.send('detectedLeaderID={},deviceID={}\n'.format( self.detectedLeaderID, self.deviceID).encode()) reply = s_caucl.recv(4092).decode() LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CAU_client reply: {}'.format(reply)) s_caucl.close() if 'OK' in reply: self.isAuthenticated = True self.secureConnection = True return True else: LOG.warning( self.TAG + 'CAU_client reply \'{}\' evaluated as error'.format(reply)) self.isAuthenticated = False self.secureConnection = False return False # r =, json=payload) # rjson = r.json() # if 'error' in rjson: # self.isAuthenticated = False # self.secureConnection = False # else: # self.isAuthenticated = rjson['authenticated'] # self.secureConnection = rjson['secureConnection'] def __trigger_startCategorization(self): payload = { 'detectedLeaderID': self.detectedLeaderID, 'deviceID': self.deviceID, 'isLeader': self.imLeader } r =, json=payload) rjson = r.json() if 'error' in rjson: self.categorization_started = False else: # TODO: check started exists self.categorization_started = rjson['started'] def __trigger_startLeaderProtectionPolicies(self): r = requests.get(self.URL_POLICIES) rjson = r.json() if r.status_code == 200: return rjson['started'] else: return False def __trigger_switch_categorization(self): payload = {'deviceID': self.deviceID} r = requests.get(self.URL_CATEGORIZATION_SWITCH_LEADER, json=payload) rjson = r.json() self.categorization_switched = rjson['started'] def __trigger_switch_discovery(self): payload = { 'broadcast_frequency': 100, 'interface_name': CPARAMS.WIFI_DEV_FLAG, 'config_file': CPARAMS.WIFI_CONFIG_FILE, 'leader_id': self.deviceID } r =, json=payload) rjson = r.json() LOG.debug( self.TAG + 'Discovery broadcast start trigger received code: {} with msg: {}'. format(r.status_code, rjson['message'])) self.discovery_switched = rjson['message'] if r.status_code != 200: LOG.warning( self.TAG + 'Discovery broadcast failed with code {}. DHCP trigger is not performed.' .format(r.status_code)) else: payload2 = {'interface_name': CPARAMS.WIFI_DEV_FLAG} r2 =, json=payload2) rjson2 = r2.json() self.discovery_switched += '|| DHCP: ' + rjson2['message'] if r2.status_code == 200: LOG.debug( self.TAG + 'Discovery DHCP trigger successfully done with message: {}.' .format(rjson2['message'])) return True else: LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'Discovery DHCP trigger failed with code {}'. format(r2.status_code)) return False def __trigger_aliveDiscovery(self): payload = {'key': 'get'} r = requests.get(self.URL_DISCOVERY_WATCH, json=payload) rjson = r.json() print( self.TAG, 'Discovery: Disconnected Leader = {}'.format( rjson['DISCONNECTED'])) return rjson['DISCONNECTED'] def __trigger_startDiscoveryWatch(self): payload = {'key': 'start'} r = requests.get(self.URL_DISCOVERY_WATCH, json=payload) rjson = r.json() print(self.TAG, 'Discovery: {}'.format(rjson)) def __trigger_startDiscoveryWatchLeader(self): r = requests.get(self.URL_DISCOVERY_WATCH_LEADER) rjson = r.json() + 'Discovery: {}'.format(rjson))
def __agent_startup_flow(self): while self._connected: # 0. Init self.detectedLeaderID, self.MACaddr, self.bssid = None, None, None # 0.1 Check CIMI is UP CIMIon = False while self._connected and not CIMIon: CIMIon = CIMI.checkCIMIstarted() if not CIMIon: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CIMI is not ready... Retry in {}s'.format( self.WAIT_TIME_CIMI)) sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_CIMI) + 'CIMI is ready!') # 1. Identification if self._connected: self.identification_failed = True # Reset variable to avoid false positives LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending trigger to Identification...') try: self.__trigger_requestID() self.identification_failed = False except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Identification trigger failed!') self.identification_failed = True + 'Identification Trigger Done.') else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.identification_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Identification failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 2.1. Check if im Cloud Agent if self.imCloud: # start cloud flow self.__cloud_flow() return # 2.2. Check if im a Leader - PLE if self.imLeader: # switch to leader self.__leader_switch_flow() return # remain as agent # 3. Scan for Leaders count = 0 self.discovery_failed = True while self._connected and count < self.MAX_MISSING_SCANS and self.detectedLeaderID is None and self.MACaddr is None: # TODO: new protocol required LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending SCAN trigger to Discovery...') try: self.__trigger_startScan() self.discovery_failed = False except Exception: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Discovery failed on attepmt {}.'.format(count)) self.discovery_failed = True if self.detectedLeaderID is not None and self.MACaddr is not None and self.bssid is not None: + 'Discovery Scan Trigger Done.') count += 1 self.TAG + 'Discovery trigger finished in #{} attempts and ok={}'.format( count, self.detectedLeaderID is not None and self.MACaddr is not None and self.bssid is not None)) if not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.discovery_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'Discovery failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 4.1. If no leader detected, switch to leader IF policy and capable - ALE if not self.discovery_failed and self.detectedLeaderID is None and self.MACaddr is None and self.bssid is None and self.ALE_ENABLED: self.__leader_switch_flow() # TODO: imCapable? return # 4.2 If detected, join to the Leader if not self.discovery_failed and self.bssid is not None and self._connected: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending JOIN trigger to discovery...') try: r = self.__trigger_joinDiscovery() self.discovery_failed = not r self.discovery_joined = r if not self.discovery_failed: self.leaderIP = CPARAMS.LEADER_DISCOVERY_IP except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Discovery JOIN trigger failed.') self.discovery_failed = True self.discovery_joined = False LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Discovery JOIN trigger Done.') # 4.3 If not detected or failed, static configuration if setup if self.discovery_failed or (self.detectedLeaderID is None and self.MACaddr is None and self.bssid is None): LOG.debug( self.TAG + 'Discovery failed or leader was not detected. Fetching deviceIP and leaderIP from env variables.' ) self.deviceIP = CPARAMS.DEVICE_IP_FLAG self.leaderIP = CPARAMS.LEADER_IP_FLAG # 5. CAU client if self._connected: self.cauclient_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending trigger to CAU client...') attempt = 0 r = False while self._connected and not r and attempt < self.MAX_CAUCLIENT_FAILURES: try: r = self.__trigger_triggerCAUclient() self.cauclient_failed = not r except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'CAUclient failed.') self.cauclient_failed = True finally: attempt += 1 if not r: sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_CAUCLIENT) + 'CAU client Trigger Done in {} attempts and ok={}.'. format(attempt, r)) else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.cauclient_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'CAU-Client failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 5.1. VPN get IP attempt = 0 while self._connected and self.vpnIP is None and attempt < self.MAX_VPN_FAILURES: vpn_ip = VPN.getIPfromFile() self.vpnIP = vpn_ip if vpn_ip != '' else None if self.vpnIP is None: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'VPN IP cannot be obtained... Retry in {}s'. format(self.WAIT_TIME_VPN)) sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_VPN) attempt += 1 if self.vpnIP is None: LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'VPN IP cannot be obtained.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies module cannot continue its activity without VPN IP' ) exit(4) else: + 'VPN IP: [{}]'.format(self.vpnIP)) # 5.2 If not static configuration and no leader detected, VPN configuration if self.deviceIP is None and self.leaderIP is None: LOG.debug( self.TAG + 'Static configuration for deviceIP and leaderIP not found. Using VPN values' ) self.deviceIP = self.vpnIP self.leaderIP = self.cloudIP + 'deviceIP={}, leaderIP={}'.format( self.deviceIP, self.leaderIP)) # 6. Categorization if self._connected and not self.categorization_started: self.categorization_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_startCategorization() self.categorization_failed = False self.categorization_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed') self.categorization_failed = True + 'Categorization Start Trigger Done.') elif not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.categorization_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Categorization failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 7. Area Resilience if self._connected and not self.arearesilience_started: self.policies_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Policies...') try: success = self.__trigger_startLeaderProtectionPolicies() self.policies_failed = not success self.arearesilience_started = success except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed!') + 'Policies Area Resilience Start Trigger Done.') elif not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.policies_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed, interrupting agent start.' ) return # Print summary self.__print_summary() # Create/Modify Agent Resource self.deviceIP = '' if self.deviceIP is None else self.deviceIP self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource(self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, self.isAuthenticated, self.secureConnection, self.imLeader) LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CIMI Agent Resource payload: {}'.format( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc())) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id is None: # Create agent resource self._cimi_agent_resource_id = CIMI.createAgentResource( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) sleep(.1) self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource( self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, self.isAuthenticated, self.secureConnection, self.imLeader, leaderIP=self.leaderIP) LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CIMI Agent Resource payload: {}'.format( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc())) status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id == '': LOG.warning(self.TAG + 'Agent resource creation failed.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG: LOG.error( 'Stopping Policies module due to resource creation failure.' ) exit(4) else: # Agent resource already exists status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) sleep(.1) self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource( self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, self.isAuthenticated, self.secureConnection, self.imLeader, leaderIP=self.leaderIP) LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CIMI Agent Resource payload: {}'.format( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc())) status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) # 8. Watch Leader if self._connected and not self.discovery_failed: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Start Discovery Leader Watch...') try: self.__trigger_startDiscoveryWatch() except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Watch Discovery Start Fail.') + 'Watch Discovery Start Trigger Done.') elif self.discovery_failed: LOG.warning( self.TAG + 'Discovery Watch cancelled due Discovery Trigger failed') else: return self.isCompleted = True alive = True while self._connected and not self.discovery_failed and alive: # 6 Check if discovery connection is alive LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Discovery Alive Start Trigger.') try: alive = not self.__trigger_aliveDiscovery( ) # not disconnected except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Discovery Alive failed') alive = False if self._connected: sleep(CPARAMS.TIME_WAIT_ALIVE) + 'Discovery Alive Start Trigger Done.') if not self._connected: return if CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.discovery_failed: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'No rescan available. Stoping activity') return
def __leader_switch_flow(self): """ Agent become leader :return: """ # 1. Start sending beacons if self._connected: self.discovery_leader_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending Broadcast trigger to discovery...') try: self.__trigger_switch_discovery( ) # TODO: Send deviceID when broadcasting self.detectedLeaderID = self.deviceID self.discovery_leader_failed = False except Exception as ex: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Discovery broadcast trigger failed!') + 'Discovery Broadcast Trigger Done.') else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.discovery_leader_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Discovery broadcast failed, interrupting leader switch.') return # 2. Start LeaderCAU (Not implemented) pass # TODO: Review this in IT-2 # 3. Switch leader categorization (or start if not started) if self.categorization_started: self.categorization_leader_failed = True # Switch! LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending switch trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_switch_categorization() self.categorization_leader_failed = False except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization switch to leader failed') + 'Categorization Switch Trigger Done.') else: # Start as leader! LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_startCategorization() self.categorization_leader_failed = False self.categorization_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed') + 'Categorization Start Trigger Done.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.categorization_leader_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed, interrupting leader switch.') return # 4. Start Area Resilience (if not started) if not self.arearesilience_started: self.policies_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Policies...') try: self.__trigger_startLeaderProtectionPolicies() self.policies_failed = False self.arearesilience_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed!') + 'Policies Area Resilience Start Trigger Done.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.policies_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed, interrupting agent start.') return # Create/Modify Agent Resource # TODO. self.deviceIP = '' # TODO: Real value here (from categorization) self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource(self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, self.isAuthenticated, self.secureConnection, self.imLeader, leaderIP=self.leaderIP) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id is None: # Create agent resource self._cimi_agent_resource_id = CIMI.createAgentResource( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) else: # Agent resource already exists status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) # 5. Finish return # TODO: Return something?
class AgentStart: TAG = '\033[36m' + '[FCJP]: ' + '\033[0m' ETAG = '\033[31m' + '[FCJP] ERROR: ' + '\033[0m' MAX_MISSING_SCANS = 10 # TODO: ENV Policies Param WAIT_TIME_CIMI = 2. ALE_ENABLED = False def __init__(self, addr_dis=None, addr_id=None, addr_cat=None, addr_pol=None, addr_CAUcl=None, addr_dcly=None): self._connected = False self.isStarted = False self.isSwitched = False self.imLeader = False self.th_proc = threading.Thread() self._cimi_agent_resource_id = None self._cimi_agent_resource = None self.MACaddr = None self.detectedLeaderID = None self.deviceID = None self.IDkey = None self.isAuthenticated = None self.secureConnection = None self.deviceIP = None self.leaderIP = None self.categorization_started = None self.arearesilience_started = None self.categorization_switched = None self.discovery_switched = None self.dataclay_started = None self.discovery_failed = None self.discovery_leader_failed = None self.categorization_failed = None self.categorization_leader_failed = None self.identification_failed = None self.cauclient_failed = None self.policies_failed = None self.URL_DISCOVERY = URLS.build_url_address(URLS.URL_DISCOVERY, portaddr=addr_dis) if CPARAMS.WIFI_DEV_FLAG != '': self.URL_DISCOVERY += '{}'.format(CPARAMS.WIFI_DEV_FLAG) # self.URL_DISCOVERY_MAC = urls.build_url_address(urls.URL_DISCOVERY_MAC, portaddr=addr_dis) self.URL_DISCOVERY_SWITCH_LEADER = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_DISCOVERY_SWITCH_LEADER, portaddr=addr_dis) self.URL_IDENTIFICATION = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_IDENTIFICATION, portaddr=addr_id) self.URL_CATEGORIZATION_SWITCH_LEADER = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_CATEGORIZATION_SWITCH_LEADER, portaddr=addr_cat) self.URL_CATEGORIZATION = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_CATEGORIZATION, portaddr=addr_cat) self.URL_CAU_CLIENT = URLS.build_url_address(URLS.URL_CAU_CLIENT, portaddr=addr_CAUcl) self.URL_POLICIES = URLS.build_url_address(URLS.URL_POLICIES, portaddr=addr_pol) self.URL_DISCOVERY_WATCH = URLS.build_url_address( URLS.URL_DISCOVERY_WATCH, portaddr=addr_dis) def start(self, imLeader): if self.isStarted: print(self.TAG, 'Procedure is already started...') return False else: self.imLeader = imLeader self._connected = True self.th_proc = threading.Thread(name='th_fcjp', target=self.__agent_startup_flow, daemon=True) self.th_proc.start() self.isStarted = True return True def switch(self, imLeader): if not self.isStarted: LOG.error('Agent is not started!') return False if self.th_proc.is_alive(): LOG.debug( self.TAG + 'Stoping thread {} to switch...'.format( self._connected = False self.th_proc.join() LOG.debug('Thread successfully stoped.') self._connected = True if self.imLeader != imLeader: LOG.warning( 'imLeader state is not consequent!') # TODO: Action required if self.imLeader: # Switch to Agent + 'Switch to Agent') self.imLeader = False self.th_proc = threading.Thread(name='fcjp_agent', target=self.__agent_switch_flow, daemon=True) else: # Switch to Leader + 'Switch to Leader') # TODO: Create a thread if we don't want blocking feature (AR wait until leader is set - slow) self.imLeader = True self.th_proc = threading.Thread(name='fcjp_leader', target=self.__leader_switch_flow, daemon=True) self.th_proc.start() return True def stop(self): # TODO: Clean stop self._connected = False def __agent_startup_flow(self): while self._connected: # 0. Init self.detectedLeaderID, self.MACaddr = None, None # 0.1 Check CIMI is UP CIMIon = False while self._connected and not CIMIon: CIMIon = CIMI.checkCIMIstarted() if not CIMIon: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CIMI is not ready... Retry in {}s'.format( self.WAIT_TIME_CIMI)) sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_CIMI) + 'CIMI is ready!') # 1. Identification if self._connected: self.identification_failed = True # Reset variable to avoid false positives LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending trigger to Identification...') try: self.__trigger_requestID() self.identification_failed = False except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Identification trigger failed!') self.identification_failed = True + 'Identification Trigger Done.') else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.identification_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Identification failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 2. Check if im a Leader - PLE if self.imLeader: # switch to leader self.__leader_switch_flow() # TODO: imCapable? return # remain as agent # 3. Scan for Leaders count = 0 self.discovery_failed = True while self._connected and count < self.MAX_MISSING_SCANS and self.detectedLeaderID is None and self.MACaddr is None: # TODO: new protocol required LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending scan trigger to Discovery...') try: self.__trigger_startScan() self.discovery_failed = False except Exception: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Discovery failed on attepmt {}.'.format(count)) self.discovery_failed = True if self.detectedLeaderID is not None and self.MACaddr is not None: + 'Discovery Scan Trigger Done.') count += 1 self.TAG + 'Discovery trigger finished in #{} attempts and ok={}'.format( count, self.detectedLeaderID is not None and self.MACaddr is not None)) if not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.discovery_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'Discovery failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 4. If no leader detected, switch to leader IF policy and capable - ALE if not self.discovery_failed and self.detectedLeaderID is None and self.MACaddr is None and self.ALE_ENABLED: self.__leader_switch_flow() # TODO: imCapable? return # 5. CAU client if self._connected: self.cauclient_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending trigger to CAU client...') try: self.__trigger_triggerCAUclient() self.cauclient_failed = False except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'CAUclient failed.') self.cauclient_failed = True + 'CAU client Trigger Done.') else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.cauclient_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'CAU-Client failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 5. Categorization if self._connected and not self.categorization_started: self.categorization_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_startCategorization() self.categorization_failed = False self.categorization_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed') self.categorization_failed = True + 'Categorization Start Trigger Done.') elif not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.categorization_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Categorization failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 6. Area Resilience if self._connected and not self.arearesilience_started: self.policies_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Policies...') try: success = self.__trigger_startLeaderProtectionPolicies() self.policies_failed = not success self.arearesilience_started = success except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed!') + 'Policies Area Resilience Start Trigger Done.') elif not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.policies_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed, interrupting agent start.' ) return # Print summary self.__print_summary() # Create/Modify Agent Resource # TODO. self.deviceIP = '' # TODO: Real value here (from categorization) self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource(self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, self.isAuthenticated, self.secureConnection, self.imLeader, leaderIP=self.leaderIP) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id is None: # Create agent resource self._cimi_agent_resource_id = CIMI.createAgentResource( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) else: # Agent resource already exists status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) # 7. Watch Leader if self._connected and not self.discovery_failed: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Start Discovery Leader Watch...') try: self.__trigger_startDiscoveryWatch() except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Watch Discovery Start Fail.') + 'Watch Discovery Start Trigger Done.') elif self.discovery_failed: LOG.warning( self.TAG + 'Discovery Watch cancelled due Discovery Trigger failed') else: return alive = True while self._connected and not self.discovery_failed and alive: # 6 Check if discovery connection is alive LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Discovery Alive Start Trigger.') try: alive = not self.__trigger_aliveDiscovery( ) # not disconnected except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Discovery Alive failed') alive = False if self._connected: sleep(CPARAMS.TIME_WAIT_ALIVE) + 'Discovery Alive Start Trigger Done.') if not self._connected: return if CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.discovery_failed: # TODO: Delete this in future versions LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'No rescan available. Stoping activity') return def __leader_switch_flow(self): """ Agent become leader :return: """ # 1. Start sending beacons if self._connected: self.discovery_leader_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending Broadcast trigger to discovery...') try: self.__trigger_switch_discovery( ) # TODO: Send deviceID when broadcasting self.detectedLeaderID = self.deviceID self.discovery_leader_failed = False except Exception as ex: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Discovery broadcast trigger failed!') + 'Discovery Broadcast Trigger Done.') else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.discovery_leader_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Discovery broadcast failed, interrupting leader switch.') return # 2. Start LeaderCAU (Not implemented) pass # TODO: Review this in IT-2 # 3. Switch leader categorization (or start if not started) if self.categorization_started: self.categorization_leader_failed = True # Switch! LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending switch trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_switch_categorization() self.categorization_leader_failed = False except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization switch to leader failed') + 'Categorization Switch Trigger Done.') else: # Start as leader! LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_startCategorization() self.categorization_leader_failed = False self.categorization_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed') + 'Categorization Start Trigger Done.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.categorization_leader_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed, interrupting leader switch.') return # 4. Start Area Resilience (if not started) if not self.arearesilience_started: self.policies_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Policies...') try: self.__trigger_startLeaderProtectionPolicies() self.policies_failed = False self.arearesilience_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed!') + 'Policies Area Resilience Start Trigger Done.') if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.policies_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed, interrupting agent start.') return # Create/Modify Agent Resource # TODO. self.deviceIP = '' # TODO: Real value here (from categorization) self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource(self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, self.isAuthenticated, self.secureConnection, self.imLeader, leaderIP=self.leaderIP) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id is None: # Create agent resource self._cimi_agent_resource_id = CIMI.createAgentResource( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) else: # Agent resource already exists status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) # 5. Finish return # TODO: Return something? def __agent_switch_flow(self): """ Leader become agent :return: """ # 1. Stop Beacons # TODO # 2. Switch Agent Categorization to normal OR stop # TODO # 3. Start agent startup flow self.__agent_startup_flow() return def summary(self): data = { 'MACaddr': self.MACaddr, 'detectedLeaderID': self.detectedLeaderID, 'deviceID': self.deviceID, 'IDkey': self.IDkey, 'authenticated': self.isAuthenticated, 'secureConnection': self.secureConnection, 'categorization_started': self.categorization_started, 'lpp_started': self.arearesilience_started, 'categorization_switched': self.categorization_switched, 'discovery_switched': self.discovery_switched, # 'dataclay_started': self.dataclay_started, 'isLeader': self.imLeader, 'leaderIP': self.leaderIP } return data def __print_summary(self): s = "\n######################## FCJP ##########################\n" summary = self.summary() for item in summary.keys(): s += '\t[\"{}\"] : {}\n'.format(item, summary.get(item)) s += "########################################################\n" def __trigger_startScan(self): r = requests.get(self.URL_DISCOVERY) rjson = r.json() if 'found_leaders' in rjson and 'used_mac' in rjson and len( rjson['found_leaders']) > 0: self.detectedLeaderID, self.MACaddr = rjson['found_leaders'][0][ 'Leader ID'], rjson['used_mac'] else: print(self.ETAG, 'Discovery is not detecting the Leader \'{}\''.format(rjson)) self.detectedLeaderID, self.MACaddr = None, None # r = requests.get(self.URL_DISCOVERY_MAC) # rjson = r.json() # self.MACaddr = rjson['MACaddr'] def __trigger_requestID(self): r = requests.get(self.URL_IDENTIFICATION) rjson = r.json() print(rjson) self.deviceID, self.IDkey = rjson['deviceID'], rjson['IDKey'] def __trigger_triggerCAUclient(self): # payload = { # 'MACaddr': self.MACaddr, # 'detectedLeaderID': self.detectedLeaderID, # 'deviceID': self.deviceID, # 'IDkey': self.IDkey # } s_caucl = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Define socket timeout! s_caucl.connect(CPARAMS.CAU_CLIENT_ADDR) s_caucl.send( 'detectedLeaderID={},MACaddr={},IDkey={},deviceID={}\n'.format( self.detectedLeaderID, self.MACaddr, str(self.IDkey)[:64], self.deviceID).encode()) reply = s_caucl.recv(4092).decode() print(reply) s_caucl.close() if 'OK' in reply: self.isAuthenticated = True self.secureConnection = True # r =, json=payload) # rjson = r.json() # if 'error' in rjson: # self.isAuthenticated = False # self.secureConnection = False # else: # self.isAuthenticated = rjson['authenticated'] # self.secureConnection = rjson['secureConnection'] def __trigger_startCategorization(self): payload = { 'detectedLeaderID': self.detectedLeaderID, 'deviceID': self.deviceID, 'isLeader': self.imLeader } r =, json=payload) rjson = r.json() if 'error' in rjson: self.categorization_started = False else: # TODO: check started exists self.categorization_started = rjson['started'] def __trigger_startLeaderProtectionPolicies(self): r = requests.get(self.URL_POLICIES) rjson = r.json() if r.status_code == 200: return rjson['started'] else: return False def __trigger_switch_categorization(self): payload = {'deviceID': self.deviceID} r = requests.get(self.URL_CATEGORIZATION_SWITCH_LEADER, json=payload) rjson = r.json() self.categorization_switched = rjson['started'] def __trigger_switch_discovery(self): payload = { 'broadcast_frequency': 100, 'interface_name': CPARAMS.WIFI_DEV_FLAG, 'config_file': CPARAMS.WIFI_CONFIG_FILE } r =, json=payload) rjson = r.json() self.discovery_switched = rjson['message'] def __trigger_aliveDiscovery(self): payload = {'key': 'get'} r = requests.get(self.URL_DISCOVERY_WATCH, json=payload) rjson = r.json() print( self.TAG, 'Discovery: Disconnected Leader = {}'.format( rjson['DISCONNECTED'])) return rjson['DISCONNECTED'] def __trigger_startDiscoveryWatch(self): payload = {'key': 'start'} r = requests.get(self.URL_DISCOVERY_WATCH, json=payload) rjson = r.json() print(self.TAG, 'Discovery: {}'.format(rjson['message']))
def __agent_startup_flow(self): while self._connected: # 0. Init self.detectedLeaderID, self.MACaddr = None, None # 0.1 Check CIMI is UP CIMIon = False while self._connected and not CIMIon: CIMIon = CIMI.checkCIMIstarted() if not CIMIon: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'CIMI is not ready... Retry in {}s'.format( self.WAIT_TIME_CIMI)) sleep(self.WAIT_TIME_CIMI) + 'CIMI is ready!') # 1. Identification if self._connected: self.identification_failed = True # Reset variable to avoid false positives LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending trigger to Identification...') try: self.__trigger_requestID() self.identification_failed = False except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Identification trigger failed!') self.identification_failed = True + 'Identification Trigger Done.') else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.identification_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Identification failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 2. Check if im a Leader - PLE if self.imLeader: # switch to leader self.__leader_switch_flow() # TODO: imCapable? return # remain as agent # 3. Scan for Leaders count = 0 self.discovery_failed = True while self._connected and count < self.MAX_MISSING_SCANS and self.detectedLeaderID is None and self.MACaddr is None: # TODO: new protocol required LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending scan trigger to Discovery...') try: self.__trigger_startScan() self.discovery_failed = False except Exception: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Discovery failed on attepmt {}.'.format(count)) self.discovery_failed = True if self.detectedLeaderID is not None and self.MACaddr is not None: + 'Discovery Scan Trigger Done.') count += 1 self.TAG + 'Discovery trigger finished in #{} attempts and ok={}'.format( count, self.detectedLeaderID is not None and self.MACaddr is not None)) if not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.discovery_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'Discovery failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 4. If no leader detected, switch to leader IF policy and capable - ALE if not self.discovery_failed and self.detectedLeaderID is None and self.MACaddr is None and self.ALE_ENABLED: self.__leader_switch_flow() # TODO: imCapable? return # 5. CAU client if self._connected: self.cauclient_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending trigger to CAU client...') try: self.__trigger_triggerCAUclient() self.cauclient_failed = False except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'CAUclient failed.') self.cauclient_failed = True + 'CAU client Trigger Done.') else: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.cauclient_failed: LOG.critical(self.TAG + 'CAU-Client failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 5. Categorization if self._connected and not self.categorization_started: self.categorization_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Categorization...') try: self.__trigger_startCategorization() self.categorization_failed = False self.categorization_started = True except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Categorization failed') self.categorization_failed = True + 'Categorization Start Trigger Done.') elif not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.categorization_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Categorization failed, interrupting agent start.') return # 6. Area Resilience if self._connected and not self.arearesilience_started: self.policies_failed = True LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Sending start trigger to Policies...') try: success = self.__trigger_startLeaderProtectionPolicies() self.policies_failed = not success self.arearesilience_started = success except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed!') + 'Policies Area Resilience Start Trigger Done.') elif not self._connected: return if not CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.policies_failed: LOG.critical( self.TAG + 'Policies Area Resilience failed, interrupting agent start.' ) return # Print summary self.__print_summary() # Create/Modify Agent Resource # TODO. self.deviceIP = '' # TODO: Real value here (from categorization) self._cimi_agent_resource = AgentResource(self.deviceID, self.deviceIP, self.isAuthenticated, self.secureConnection, self.imLeader, leaderIP=self.leaderIP) if self._cimi_agent_resource_id is None: # Create agent resource self._cimi_agent_resource_id = CIMI.createAgentResource( self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) else: # Agent resource already exists status = CIMI.modify_resource( self._cimi_agent_resource_id, self._cimi_agent_resource.getCIMIdicc()) # 7. Watch Leader if self._connected and not self.discovery_failed: LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Start Discovery Leader Watch...') try: self.__trigger_startDiscoveryWatch() except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Watch Discovery Start Fail.') + 'Watch Discovery Start Trigger Done.') elif self.discovery_failed: LOG.warning( self.TAG + 'Discovery Watch cancelled due Discovery Trigger failed') else: return alive = True while self._connected and not self.discovery_failed and alive: # 6 Check if discovery connection is alive LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'Discovery Alive Start Trigger.') try: alive = not self.__trigger_aliveDiscovery( ) # not disconnected except Exception: LOG.exception(self.TAG + 'Discovery Alive failed') alive = False if self._connected: sleep(CPARAMS.TIME_WAIT_ALIVE) + 'Discovery Alive Start Trigger Done.') if not self._connected: return if CPARAMS.DEBUG_FLAG and self.discovery_failed: # TODO: Delete this in future versions LOG.debug(self.TAG + 'No rescan available. Stoping activity') return