def __init__(self, fileName = None, network={'ip':'192.168.1.','netmask':'/24'}, controller = None): """ Create a testbed topology :param fileName: filename for configuration (None for hard-coded default) :param network: Hash of ip, netmask for host IPv4 address assignment :param controller: Controller object (or subclass thereof) :return: """ self.hostID = 1 self.switchID = 1 self.dpidIndex = 1 self.nodes = {} self.hosts = [] self.hostIndex = {} # [hostname] = Host self.switches = [] self.switchIndex = {} # [switchname] = Switch self.links = [] # all links including those in sites, pops, vpns, and wan self.linkIndex = {} # [linkname] = Link self.ports = [] # all ports self.portIndex = {} # [portname] = Port self.sites = [] self.siteIndex = {} # [sitename] = Site self.sitesConfig = [] self.pops = [] self.popIndex = {} # [popname] = SDNPop self.wan = Wan(name='esnet') = network if['ip'][-1] == '.':['ip'] =['ip'][:-1] self.dpidToName = {} self.mininetToRealNames = {} self.controller = controller if fileName != None: self.loadConfiguration(fileName) else: self.locations = locations self.sitesConfig = sites self.loadDefault()
class TopoBuilder (): debug = False; def __init__(self, fileName = None, network={'ip':'192.168.1.','netmask':'/24'}, controller = None): """ Create a testbed topology :param fileName: filename for configuration (None for hard-coded default) :param network: Hash of ip, netmask for host IPv4 address assignment :param controller: Controller object (or subclass thereof) :return: """ self.hostID = 1 self.switchID = 1 self.dpidIndex = 1 self.nodes = {} self.hosts = [] self.hostIndex = {} # [hostname] = Host self.switches = [] self.switchIndex = {} # [switchname] = Switch self.links = [] # all links including those in sites, pops, vpns, and wan self.linkIndex = {} # [linkname] = Link self.ports = [] # all ports self.portIndex = {} # [portname] = Port self.sites = [] self.siteIndex = {} # [sitename] = Site self.sitesConfig = [] self.pops = [] self.popIndex = {} # [popname] = SDNPop self.wan = Wan(name='esnet') = network if['ip'][-1] == '.':['ip'] =['ip'][:-1] self.dpidToName = {} self.mininetToRealNames = {} self.controller = controller if fileName != None: self.loadConfiguration(fileName) else: self.locations = locations self.sitesConfig = sites self.loadDefault() def displaySwitches(self): print "\nName\t\t\tDPID\t\tODL Name\tMininet Name\n" for sw in self.switches: if 'dpid' in sw.props: print,"\t",binascii.hexlify(sw.props['dpid']),"\topenflow:" + str(sw.props['dpid'][7]),"\t",sw.props['mininetName'] print "\n\n" def displayHosts(self,vpn): print "\nName\t\tIPv4 Address\tMininet Name\t" for host in self.hosts: print,"\t",h.props['ip'],"\t",h.props['mininetName'] print "\n\n" def addSwitch(self, switch): self.switches.append(switch) self.switchIndex[] = switch def addSDNPop(self, popname, hwswitchname, coreroutername, swswitchname, nbOfLinks): pop = SDNPop(popname, hwswitchname, coreroutername, swswitchname, nbOfLinks) self.addSwitch(pop.props['hwSwitch']) self.addSwitch(pop.props['coreRouter']) self.addSwitch(pop.props['swSwitch']) self.addHost(pop.props['serviceVm']) self.addLinks(pop.props['links']) self.popIndex[popname] = pop self.pops.append(pop) def updateHost(self, host): host.update(self.getHostParams( def updateSwitch(self, switch): switch.update(self.getSwitchParams( role = switch.get('role') if role: # hwSwitch, coreRouter, swSwitch switch.update({'controller':self.controller}) def loadDefault(self): """ We make several simplifying assumptions here: 1. All POPs have roughly the same "shape", with a hardware switch, a software switch, and a core router. 2. The router is simulated by an OpenFlow switch. 3. All OpenFlow switches have the same controller object used to access them. 4. All OpenFlow switches can be represented by the same object class. """ # init self.pops for location in self.locations: (popname, hwswitchname, coreroutername, swswitchname, nbOfLinks) = (location[0], location[1], location[2], location[0] + "-ovs", location[3]) self.addSDNPop(popname, hwswitchname, coreroutername, swswitchname, nbOfLinks) # create mesh between core routers, attached to VLANs between the core routers and hardware switches self.wan.connectAll(self.pops, 1000) self.addLinks(self.wan.props['links']) for (sitename, hostnames, popname, portno) in self.sitesConfig: site = self.addSite(sitename, popname, portno) for name in hostnames: hostname = name + "@" + sitename host = Host(name=hostname) site.addHost(host) self.addHost(host) self.addLinks(site.props['links']) for host in self.hosts: self.updateHost(host) for switch in self.switches: self.updateSwitch(switch) def addSite(self, sitename, popname, portno = 0): # create the site site = Site(sitename) self.addSwitch(site.props['siteRouter']) # access the pop pop = self.popIndex[popname] # connect site and pop link = Link.create(site.props['siteRouter'], pop.props['coreRouter']) link.setPortType('SiteToCore', 'CoreToSite') site.setPop(pop, link) pop.addSite(site, link, portno) self.siteIndex[sitename] = site self.sites.append(site) return site def addHost(self, host): self.hosts.append(host) self.hostIndex[] = host def addHosts(self, hosts): for host in hosts: self.addHost(host) def addLink(self, link): self.links.append(link) self.linkIndex[] = link self.addPort(link.props['endpoints'][0]) self.addPort(link.props['endpoints'][1]) def addLinks(self, links): for link in links: self.addLink(link) def addPort(self, port): if not in self.portIndex: self.ports.append(port) self.portIndex[] = port def getHostParams(self,name): index = self.hostID self.hostID += 1 mininetName = "h" + str(index) self.mininetToRealNames[mininetName] = name ip =['ip'] + "." + str(index) +['netmask'] return {'mininetName' : mininetName, 'ip' : ip, 'mac' : MACAddress(index)} def getSwitchParams(self,name): index = self.switchID self.switchID += 1 # for mininet mininetName = "s" + str(index) self.mininetToRealNames[mininetName] = name # Create dpid index = self.dpidIndex self.dpidIndex += 1 dpid = array('B',struct.unpack("8B", struct.pack("!Q", index))) self.dpidToName[binascii.hexlify(dpid)] = name return {"mininetName" : mininetName, "dpid" : dpid} def loadConfiguration(self,fileName): """ loads the topology Mininet needs to create as described in a file. The format is a dictionary with the following structure: :param fileName: :return: """ f = open(fileName,"r") self.config = eval ( f.close()