Esempio n. 1
def gen_index_html(out, username, show_active=False):
    if not get_server_pid(username):
        out += "inactive or nonexistent.<br />"
        out += f"""<form action="{url_for('start')}" method="POST">
        <input type="hidden" name="username" value="{username}" />
        <input type="submit" value="Start IDE" />
        return html(out)

    config = get_config(username)

    if is_prod_build():
        domain = f"{username}.{get_host()}"
        domain = f"{username}-{get_host()}"

    out += "active.<br />"
    out += f"""<form action="https://{domain}/login", method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="base" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="password" value="{config['password']}" />
    <input type="submit" value="Open IDE" />
    </form><form action="{url_for('kill')}" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="username" value="{username}" />
    <input type="submit" value="Kill IDE" />

    active = get_active_servers()
    if active and show_active:
        out += "<p>Active servers: " + ", ".join(active) + "</p>"

    return html(out)
Esempio n. 2
def index():
    username = get_username()

    out = "<h1>61A Sandbox IDE</h1>\n"
    out += f"Hi {get_user()['name'].split()[0]}! Your IDE is "

    if not get_server_pid(username):
        out += "inactive.<br />"
        out += f"""<form action="{url_for('start')}" method="POST">
        <input type="hidden" name="username" value="{username}" />
        <input type="submit" value="Start IDE" />
        return html(out)

    config = get_config(username)

    out += "active.<br />"
    out += f"""<form action="https://{username}.{get_host()}/login", method="POST" target="_blank">
    <input type="hidden" name="base" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="password" value="{config['password']}" />
    <input type="submit" value="Open in New Tab" />
    </form><form action="{url_for('kill')}" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="username" value="{username}" />
    <input type="submit" value="Kill IDE" />

    return html(out)
Esempio n. 3
def preview(path):
    url, creator, secure = lookup(path)
    if url is None:
        return html("No such link exists.")
    if not is_authorized(secure):
        return login()
    return html('Points to <a href="{0}">{0}</a> by {1}'.format(
        add_url_params(url, request.query_string.decode("utf-8")), creator))
Esempio n. 4
 def piazza_config(course):
     return html(f"""
         Enter account details for Piazza service accounts. Leave fields blank to avoid updating them.
         Ensure that these accounts are enrolled in the appropriate Piazzas!
         <form action="/piazza/{course}/set_config" method="post">
                 Piazza course ID <br />
                 <input name="course_id" type="text"> <br />
                 Test Piazza course ID <br />
                 <input name="test_course_id" type="text"> <br />
             <br />
                 Student Username <br />
                 <input name="student_user" type="text"> <br />
                 Student Password <br />
                 <input name="student_pw" type="password"> <br />
             <br />
                 Staff Username <br />
                 <input name="staff_user" type="text"> <br />
                 Staff Password <br />
                 <input name="staff_pw" type="password"> <br />
             <input type="submit">
Esempio n. 5
def refresh():
    with connect_db() as db:
        db("DELETE FROM shortlinks WHERE course=%s", [get_course()])
        sheets = db(
            "SELECT url, sheet, secure FROM sources WHERE course=(%s)", [get_course()]
    data = []
    for url, sheet, secure in sheets:
            csvr = read_spreadsheet(url=url, sheet_name=sheet)
            return error(f"Failed to read spreadsheet {url} (Sheet: {sheet})")
        headers = [x.lower() for x in csvr[0]]
        for row in csvr[1:]:
            row = row + [""] * 5
            shortlink = row[headers.index("shortlink")]
            url = row[headers.index("url")]
            creator = row[headers.index("creator")]
            data.append([shortlink, url, creator, secure, get_course()])
    with connect_db() as db:
            "INSERT INTO shortlinks (shortlink, url, creator, secure, course) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
    return html("Links updated")
Esempio n. 6
def index():
    if not is_staff("cs61a"):
        return login()
    email = get_user()["email"]
    if not is_admin(course="cs61a", email=email):
    with connect_db() as db:
        apps = db("SELECT app FROM services WHERE pr_number=0", []).fetchall()
        pr_apps = db(
            "SELECT app, pr_number FROM services WHERE pr_number>0 ORDER BY pr_number DESC",
    return html(
        This service manages the deployment of the 61A website and various apps.
        <form action="/deploy_prod_app">
            <input type="submit" name="app" value="{app}" />
        ''' for [app] in apps)}
        <form action="/trigger_build">
            <input type="hidden" name="app" value="{app}" />
            <input type="hidden" name="pr_number" value="{pr_number}" />
            <input type="submit" value="{app + "-pr" + str(pr_number)}" />
        ''' for [app, pr_number] in pr_apps)}
        <form action="/delete_unused_services" method="post">
            <input type="submit" value="Delete unused services" />
Esempio n. 7
def index():
    if not is_logged_in():
        return login()
    return html("""
    Select course: 
    <form method="post" action="/view_course">
        <input placeholder="cs61a" name="course"> <input type="submit" value="Login">
Esempio n. 8
 def index():
     out = [app.general_info.render()]
     with connect_db() as db:
         for course, endpoint in db(
                 "SELECT course, endpoint FROM courses").fetchall():
             if is_staff(course):
     return html("".join(out))
Esempio n. 9
 def google_config(course):
     return html(f"""
         Upload Google service worker JSON. This may break existing Google integrations!
         <form action="/google/{course}/set_auth_json" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
             <input name="data" type="file">
             <input type="submit">
Esempio n. 10
def deploy_prod_app():
    if not is_staff("cs61a"):
        return login()
    email = get_user()["email"]
    if not is_admin(course="cs61a", email=email):
    app = request.args["app"]
    deploy_prod_app_sync(target_app=app, noreply=True)
    return html(f"Deploying <code>{app}</code> from master!")
Esempio n. 11
def config():
    auth_result = authenticate(app)
    if not (isinstance(auth_result, str) and auth_result == "Authorized!"):
        return auth_result

    with connect_db() as db:
        gscope: List[Tuple[str, str]] = db(
            "SELECT name, gs_code FROM gscope",
        adjustments: List[Tuple[str, str, str]] = db(
            "SELECT hashed, url, sheet FROM adjustments",

    return html(
    <h1>Grade Display Config</h1>
        Add a Gradescope assignment:
        + make_row(
            """<input name="name" placeholder="Shortname (no spaces!)" />
            <input name="gs_code" placeholder="Gradescope code" />
        + """
        Add an adjustments sheet:
        + make_row(
            """<input name="url" placeholder="Full URL" />
            <input name="sheet" placeholder="Sheet Name" />
        + """
        + "".join(
            "<p>" + make_row(f"{name} ({gs_code})", url_for("delete_assign", name=name))
            for name, gs_code in gscope
        + "".join(
            + make_row(
                f"Adjustments: {url} ({sheet})",
                url_for("delete_adjustments", hashed=hashed),
            for hashed, url, sheet in adjustments
Esempio n. 12
def load_formatted(name):
    out = load(name)
    if isinstance(out, str):
        return html(f"""<div style="margin-left: -50%; margin-right: -50%">
                <h1>61A Paste</h1>
                <a href=\"{url_for('load_raw', name=name)}\">(raw)</a>
        return out
Esempio n. 13
def load_formatted(name):
    out = load(name)
    if isinstance(out, str):
        return html(f"""<body style="max-width: calc(100% - 10em)">
                <h1>61A Paste</h1>
                <a href=\"{url_for('load_raw', name=name)}\">(raw)</a>
        return out
Esempio n. 14
def index():
    if not is_staff("cs61a"):
        return login()
    return html(f"""
    Paste text here: 
    <form action="{url_for("submit")}" method="POST">
    <textarea name="data" rows="30" cols="50" name="comment" ></textarea>
    <input type="submit"></input>
Esempio n. 15
def trigger_build():
    if not is_staff("cs61a"):
        return login()
    email = get_user()["email"]
    if not is_admin(course="cs61a", email=email):
    if "app" in request.args:
        target = request.args["app"]
        target = None

    pr_number = int(request.args["pr_number"])

    g = Github(get_secret(secret_name="GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN"))
    repo = g.get_repo(GITHUB_REPO)
    pr = repo.get_pull(pr_number)

    if DO_NOT_BUILD in [ for l in pr.labels]:
        return html(
            f"PR <code>{pr_number}</code> has a DO NOT BUILD label on it, so it cannot be built. Remove this label to build the PR."

    trigger_build_sync(pr_number=pr_number, target_app=target, noreply=True)
    return html(f"Building PR <code>{pr_number}</code>!")
Esempio n. 16
 def create_key(course):
     name = request.form["client_name"]
     key = gen_key()
     with connect_db() as db:
         ret = db("SELECT * FROM auth_keys WHERE client_name = (%s)",
         if ret:
             return "client_name already in use", 409
         ret = db("SELECT * FROM super_auth_keys WHERE client_name = (%s)",
         if ret:
             return "client_name already in use", 409
             "INSERT INTO auth_keys VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
             [name, key, get_name(), course, "all", True],
     return html(f"<pre>{key}</pre>")
Esempio n. 17
def view_course(course=None):
    if not course:
        course = request.form["course"]
        return redirect(url_for("canonical_view_course", course=course))
    if not is_logged_in():
        return login()
    email = get_user()["email"]
    if not is_admin(email, course):

    with connect_db() as db:
        apps = db(
            "SELECT domain, app, status FROM hosted_apps WHERE course=(%s)",

    return html(f"""
        <h2>Hosted Apps for {format_coursecode(course)}</h2>
        {"<p>".join(f"<code>{domain}</code> ({app}) - {status}" for domain, app, status in apps)}
Esempio n. 18
def index():
    if not is_staff(get_course()):
        return login()
    with connect_db() as db:
        sources = db(
            "SELECT url, sheet, secure FROM sources WHERE course=%s", [get_course()]

    insert_fields = """<input placeholder="Spreadsheet URL" name="url"></input>
        <input placeholder="Sheet Name" name="sheet"></input>
            <input type="checkbox" name="secure"></input>
            Require Authentication

    sources = "<br/>".join(
            f'<a href="{url}">{url}</a> {sheet} (Secure: {secure})'
            f'<input name="url" type="hidden" value="{url}"></input>'
            f'<input name="sheet" type="hidden" value="{sheet}"></input>',
        for url, sheet, secure in sources

    return html(
    <h2>Course: <code>{get_course()}</code></h2>
    Each spreadsheet should be shared with the 61A service account
    <a href="mailto:[email protected]">
        [email protected]</a>.
    They should have three columns with the headers: "URL", "Shortlink", and "Creator".
    Visit <a href="{url_for("refresh")}">{url_for("refresh")}</a> (no auth required) 
    after adding a link to synchronize with the spreadsheets.

    <h3>Add Sources</h3>
    {make_row(insert_fields, url_for("add_source"), "Add")}
Esempio n. 19
 def revoke_all_unused_keys(course):
     with connect_db() as db:
         db("DELETE FROM auth_keys WHERE unused = TRUE and course = (%s)",
     return html("All unused keys revoked.")
Esempio n. 20
def index():
    auth_result = authenticate(app)
    if auth_result == "Authorized!":
        auth_result = html(auth_result)
    return auth_result
Esempio n. 21
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from flask import Blueprint, render_template, session, redirect, request
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
from time import mktime
from common.xparcer import BankParcer
from common.html import html
h = html()
p = BankParcer()

banks = Blueprint('banks', __name__)

@banks.route("/bank", methods=['GET','POST'])
def banks_page():
    if 'username' not in session:
       return redirect('/login')   
    if 'theme' not in session:
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if request.form['date']:
            date = request.form['date']
        if 'prev' in request.form:
            if 'date' not in session:
                date = str( - timedelta(days = 1))
                session['date'] = date
                d = d - timedelta(days = 1)
                date = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
Esempio n. 22
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from flask import Blueprint, render_template, session, redirect, request
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
from time import mktime
from common.xparcer import MonitorParcer
from common.html import html

h = html()
p = MonitorParcer()

monitor = Blueprint('monitor', __name__)

@monitor.route("/monitor", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def monitor_page():
    date = str(
    if 'username' not in session:
        return redirect('/login')
    if 'theme' not in session:
        session['theme'] = 'a'
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if request.form['date']:
            date = request.form['date']
        if 'prev' in request.form:
            if 'date' not in session:
                date = str( - timedelta(days=1))
                session['date'] = date
                d = datetime.fromtimestamp(