Esempio n. 1
def then_stdout_is(context):
    Checks for the exact match of the test's stdout. Supports the <REPOSYNC>
    placeholder on the first line, which will match against the repository
    synchronization lines (i.e. the "Last metadata expiration check:" line as
    well as the individual repo download lines) in the test's output.
    expected = context.text.format(context=context).rstrip().split('\n')
    found = context.cmd_stdout.rstrip().split('\n')

    if found == [""]:
        found = []

    clean_expected, clean_found = handle_reposync(expected, found)

    if clean_expected == clean_found:

    rs_offset = 0
    if len(clean_expected) < len(expected):
        if len(clean_found) == len(found):
            rs_offset = 1
            # reposync was not in found, prepend a single line to pad for the
            # <REPOSYNC> line in expected
            found = [""] + found
            rs_offset = len(found) - len(clean_found)
            # prepend empty lines to expected to pad for multiple reposync
            # lines in found
            expected = [""] * (rs_offset - 1) + expected

    print_lines_diff(expected, found, num_lines_equal=rs_offset)

    raise AssertionError("Stdout is not: %s" % context.text)
Esempio n. 2
def keys_do_not_differ(prim, flist, oth):
    if prim.keys() != flist.keys():
        print_lines_diff(prim.keys(), flist.keys())
        raise AssertionError(
            "Primary and Filelists have different package sets.")
    if prim.keys() != oth.keys():
        print_lines_diff(prim.keys(), oth.keys())
        raise AssertionError("Primary and Other have different package sets.")
Esempio n. 3
def file_contents_is(context, filepath):
    expected = context.text.strip()
    full_path = prepend_installroot(context, filepath)
    f = find_file_by_glob(full_path)
    found = read_file_contents(f).strip()
    if expected == found:
    print_lines_diff(expected.split('\n'), found.split('\n'))
    raise AssertionError("File '{}' contents is different then expected.".format(filepath))
Esempio n. 4
def check_microdnf_transaction(context, mode):
    check_context_table(context, ["Action", "Package"])

    transaction = parse_microdnf_transaction_table(context.cmd_stdout.splitlines())
    table = sorted([(a, p) for a, p in context.table])

    if transaction != table:
        print_lines_diff(table, transaction)
        raise AssertionError("Transaction table mismatch")
Esempio n. 5
def then_stderr_is(context):
    expected = context.text.format(context=context).strip().split('\n')
    found = context.cmd_stderr.strip().split('\n')

    if expected == found:

    print_lines_diff(expected, found)

    raise AssertionError("Stderr is not: %s" % context.text)
Esempio n. 6
def step_impl(context, first, second):
    full_path_first = prepend_installroot(context, first)
    full_path_second = prepend_installroot(context, second)
    f1 = find_file_by_glob(full_path_first)
    f2 = find_file_by_glob(full_path_second)
    found1 = read_file_contents(f1).strip()
    found2 = read_file_contents(f2).strip()
    if found1 == found2:
    print_lines_diff(found1.split('\n'), found2.split('\n'))
    raise AssertionError("File '{}' contents differ from {}.".format(first, second))
Esempio n. 7
def step_impl(context):
    check_context_table(context, ["Package", "Reason"])

    cmd = context.dnf.get_cmd(context) + [
        "repoquery --qf '%{name}-%{evr}.%{arch},%{reason}' --installed"

    run_in_context(context, " ".join(cmd))

    expected = [[p, r] for p, r in context.table]
    found = sorted(
        [r.split(",") for r in context.cmd_stdout.strip().split('\n')])

    if found != expected:
        print_lines_diff(expected, found)
        raise AssertionError("Package reasons mismatch")
Esempio n. 8
def check_microdnf_transaction(context, mode):
    check_context_table(context, ["Action", "Package"])

    transaction = parse_microdnf_transaction_table(
    table = sorted([(a, p) for a, p in context.table])

    updated_table = []
    for action, nevra in table:
        if action in ["upgraded", "downgraded", "reinstalled", "obsoleted"]:
            action = "replaced"
        updated_table.append((action, nevra))

    if transaction != updated_table:
        print_lines_diff(updated_table, transaction)
        raise AssertionError("Transaction table mismatch")
Esempio n. 9
def step_impl(context, spec=None):
    IN = [
        'Command Line',
    ACTIONS = [
        'Install', 'Removed', 'Upgrade', 'Upgraded', 'Reinstall',
        'Reinstalled', 'Downgrade', 'Downgraded', 'Obsoleted', 'Reason Change'

    check_context_table(context, ["Key", "Value"])

    if spec is None:
        spec = ""
    h_info = parsed_history_info(context, spec)

    expected_actions = []
    for key, value in context.table:
        if key in h_info:
            if key in IN and value in h_info[key]:
            elif value == h_info[key]:
                raise AssertionError(
                    '[history] {0} "{1}" not matched by "{2}".'.format(
                        key, h_info[key], value))
        elif key in ACTIONS:
            expected_actions.append([key, value])
            raise AssertionError('[history] key "{0}" not found.'.format(key))

    found_actions = []
    for a in h_info[None]:
        action = a.split()

        if action[0:2] == ["Reason", "Change"]:
            found_actions.append(["Reason Change", action[2]])

    if expected_actions != found_actions:
        print_lines_diff(expected_actions, found_actions)
        raise AssertionError("History actions mismatch")
Esempio n. 10
def repodata_do_not_differ(prim1, prim2, flist1, flist2, oth1, oth2):
    # Compare packages by checksums
    if prim1.keys() != prim2.keys():
        print_lines_diff(prim1.keys(), prim2.keys())
        raise AssertionError("Primary repodata have different package sets.")

    # Compare packages by name
    if prim1.packages() != prim2.packages():
        print_lines_diff(prim1.packages(), prim2.packages())
        raise AssertionError(
            "Primary repodata have different sets of package names.")

    diff = prim1.diff(prim2)
    if diff:
        raise AssertionError("Primary repodata are different.\n"
                             "Difference: %s" % (diff))
    diff = flist1.diff(flist2)
    if diff:
        raise AssertionError("Filelists repodata are different.\n"
                             "Difference: %s" % (diff))
    diff = oth1.diff(oth2)
    if diff:
        raise AssertionError("Other repodata are different.\n"
                             "Difference: %s" % (diff))