Esempio n. 1
  def start(self):
    """Delete the old logs and open the new ones"""
    if ProgramState.PY2EXE:
      #these redirect output, to avoid writing to the Main.exe.log (default py2exe behavior)
      #we want to avoid that because it pops a dialog about errors, and we definitely want to fail silently when demoing the app...
      sys.stdout = open(os.path.join(Globals.LOG_FOLDER, 'stdout.out'), "w")
      sys.stderr = open(os.path.join(Globals.LOG_FOLDER, 'stderr.out'), "w")

    #remove the old tor logs:
    Files.delete_file(os.path.join(Globals.LOG_FOLDER, 'tor.out'), True)
    #open up the debug logs and create the testfile:
    self.start_logs(["main", "errors", "automated", "pysocks", "tor_conn"], "main", Globals.LOG_FOLDER)
    #rotate the logs every half an hour, so that they can have lots of info, but not fill someone's hard drive...
    Scheduler.schedule_repeat(30 * 60, self.rotate_logs)
Esempio n. 2
    def start(self):
        """Delete the old logs and open the new ones"""
        if ProgramState.PY2EXE:
            #these redirect output, to avoid writing to the Main.exe.log (default py2exe behavior)
            #we want to avoid that because it pops a dialog about errors, and we definitely want to fail silently when demoing the app...
            sys.stdout = open(os.path.join(Globals.LOG_FOLDER, 'stdout.out'),
            sys.stderr = open(os.path.join(Globals.LOG_FOLDER, 'stderr.out'),

        #remove the old tor logs:
        Files.delete_file(os.path.join(Globals.LOG_FOLDER, 'tor.out'), True)
        #open up the debug logs and create the testfile:
        self.start_logs(["main", "errors", "automated", "pysocks", "tor_conn"],
                        "main", Globals.LOG_FOLDER)
        #rotate the logs every half an hour, so that they can have lots of info, but not fill someone's hard drive...
        Scheduler.schedule_repeat(30 * 60, self.rotate_logs)
Esempio n. 3
def check_previous_logs():
    #check to see if we closed cleanly before we start_logs!
    errorFile = os.path.join(Globals.LOG_FOLDER, 'errors.out')
    shutdownMarkerFileName = os.path.join(Globals.LOG_FOLDER, 'closedcleanly.txt')
    failedToCloseCleanlyLastTime = Files.file_exists(shutdownMarkerFileName)
    wasErrorLastTime = Files.file_exists(errorFile) and os.path.getsize(errorFile) != 0
    #submit error log
    if failedToCloseCleanlyLastTime or wasErrorLastTime:
      startTime = time.time()
      log_msg("Took %.2f seconds to zip error logs" % (time.time() - startTime), 2)
    #remove error log
      Files.delete_file(Globals.BUG_REPORT_NAME, True)
  except Exception, error:
    log_ex(error, "Failed to make error report!")
Esempio n. 4
 for arg in args:
   if arg == conf["address"]:
     found = True
 if not found:
 dataDir = "tor_data%d" % (i)
 logFile = "%s/tor%d.out" % (LOG_FOLDER, i)
 data += "\nDataDirectory %s\n" % (dataDir)
 data += "Log [DIRSERV, OR] debug info file %s\n" % (logFile)
 data += "DirPort %s\n" % conf["dirport"]
 data += "ORPort %s\n" % conf["orport"]
 data += "Nickname %s\n" % conf["name"]
 data += "Address %s\n" % conf["address"]    
 #clean up any leftover log files:
 Files.delete_file(logFile, True)
 #remove the old data if we're supposed to:
 if options.purge:
   if os.path.exists(dataDir):
     shutil.rmtree(dataDir, True)
   #copy keys over:
   copy_directory("keys%d" % (i), os.path.join(dataDir, "keys"))
 #print out the file
 fileName = "authority%d.conf" % (i)
 write_to_file(fileName, data)
 #start the process
 if System.IS_WINDOWS:
   p = subprocess.Popen(TOR_EXE + " -f " + fileName)
   p = subprocess.Popen([TOR_EXE, "-f", fileName], executable=TOR_EXE, cwd=os.getcwd())