Esempio n. 1
def cwiki_figure(m):
    filename ='filename')
    link = filename if filename.startswith('http') else None
    if not link and not os.path.isfile(filename):
        raise IOError('no figure file %s' % filename)

    basename  = os.path.basename(filename)
    stem, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)

    if link is None:
        if not ext in '.png .gif .jpg .jpeg'.split():
            # try to convert image file to PNG, using
            # convert from ImageMagick:
            cmd = 'convert %s png:%s' % (filename, root+'.png')
            failure, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
            if failure:
                print '\n**** Warning: could not run', cmd
                print 'Convert %s to PNG format manually' % filename
            filename = root + '.png'
    caption ='caption')
    # keep label if it's there:
    caption = re.sub(r'label\{(.+?)\}', '(\g<1>)', caption)

    result = r"""{{%s|%s}}""" % (filename, caption)
    return result
Esempio n. 2
def cwiki_figure(m):
    filename ='filename')
    link = filename if filename.startswith('http') else None
    if not link and not os.path.isfile(filename):
        raise IOError('no figure file %s' % filename)

    basename = os.path.basename(filename)
    stem, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)

    if link is None:
        if not ext in '.png .gif .jpg .jpeg'.split():
            # try to convert image file to PNG, using
            # convert from ImageMagick:
            cmd = 'convert %s png:%s' % (filename, root + '.png')
            failure, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
            if failure:
                print '\n**** Warning: could not run', cmd
                print 'Convert %s to PNG format manually' % filename
            filename = root + '.png'
    caption ='caption')
    # keep label if it's there:
    caption = re.sub(r'label\{(.+?)\}', '(\g<1>)', caption)

    result = r"""{{%s|%s}}""" % (filename, caption)
    return result
Esempio n. 3
def gwiki_figure(m):
    filename ='filename')
    link = filename if filename.startswith('http') else None
    if not link and not os.path.isfile(filename):
        raise IOError('no figure file %s' % filename)

    basename  = os.path.basename(filename)
    stem, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)

    if link is None:
        if not ext in '.png .gif .jpg .jpeg'.split():
            # try to convert image file to PNG, using
            # convert from ImageMagick:
            cmd = 'convert %s png:%s' % (filename, root+'.png')
            failure, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
            if failure:
                print '\n**** Warning: could not run', cmd
                print 'Convert %s to PNG format manually' % filename
            filename = root + '.png'
    caption ='caption')
    # keep label if it's there:
    caption = re.sub(r'label\{(.+?)\}', '(\g<1>)', caption)

    print """
NOTE: Place %s at some place on the web and edit the
      .gwiki page, either manually (seach for 'Figure: ')
      or use the doconce script:
      doconce mydoc.gwiki URL
""" % filename

    result = r"""


Figure: %s

(the URL of the image file %s must be inserted here)

Put the figure file %s on the web (e.g., as part of the
googlecode repository) and substitute the line above with the URL.

""" % (caption, filename, filename)
    return result
Esempio n. 4
def gwiki_figure(m):
    filename ='filename')
    link = filename if filename.startswith('http') else None
    if not link and not os.path.isfile(filename):
        raise IOError('no figure file %s' % filename)

    basename = os.path.basename(filename)
    stem, ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)

    if link is None:
        if not ext in '.png .gif .jpg .jpeg'.split():
            # try to convert image file to PNG, using
            # convert from ImageMagick:
            cmd = 'convert %s png:%s' % (filename, root + '.png')
            failure, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
            if failure:
                print '\n**** Warning: could not run', cmd
                print 'Convert %s to PNG format manually' % filename
            filename = root + '.png'
    caption ='caption')
    # keep label if it's there:
    caption = re.sub(r'label\{(.+?)\}', '(\g<1>)', caption)

    print """
NOTE: Place %s at some place on the web and edit the
      .gwiki page, either manually (seach for 'Figure: ')
      or use the doconce script:
      doconce mydoc.gwiki URL
""" % filename

    result = r"""


Figure: %s

(the URL of the image file %s must be inserted here)

Put the figure file %s on the web (e.g., as part of the
googlecode repository) and substitute the line above with the URL.

""" % (caption, filename, filename)
    return result
Esempio n. 5
def rst_code(filestr, code_blocks, code_block_types,
             tex_blocks, format):
    # In rst syntax, code blocks are typeset with :: (verbatim)
    # followed by intended blocks. This function indents everything
    # inside code (or TeX) blocks.

    for i in range(len(code_blocks)):
        code_blocks[i] = indent_lines(code_blocks[i], format)
    for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
        tex_blocks[i] = indent_lines(tex_blocks[i], format)

    filestr = insert_code_and_tex(filestr, code_blocks, tex_blocks, 'rst')

    # substitute !bc and !ec appropriately:
    # the line before the !bc block must end in [a-zA-z0-9)"]
    # followed by [\n:.?!,] see the bc_regex_pattern global variable above
    # (problems with substituting !bc and !bt may be caused by
    # missing characters in these two families)
    #c = re.compile(bc_regex_pattern, re.DOTALL)
    filestr = re.sub(bc_regex_pattern, r'\g<1>::\n\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
    filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec\n', '\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec\n', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    #c = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9)"])[:.]?\s*?!bt\n', re.DOTALL)
    #filestr = c.sub(r'\g<1>:\n\n', filestr)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!bt\n', '.. latex-math::\n\n', filestr, re.MULTILINE)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!bt\n', '.. latex::\n\n', filestr, re.MULTILINE)

    # just use the same substitution as for code blocks:
    filestr = re.sub(bt_regex_pattern, r'\g<1>::\n', filestr,
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n', '\n\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n', '\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    # Fix: if there are !bc-!ec or other environments after each
    # other without text in between, there is a difficulty with the
    # :: symbol before the code block. In these cases, we get
    # !ec::, !et::, !bbox:: etc. from the above substitutions.
    # We just replace these by empty text.
    filestr = re.sub(r'^(!(b|e)[a-z]+)::', r'\g<1>', filestr,

    # Check
    for pattern in '^!bt', '^!et':
        c = re.compile(pattern, re.MULTILINE)
        m =
        if m:
            print """
Still %s left after handling of code and tex blocks. Problem is probably
that %s is not preceded by text which can be extended with :: (required).
""" % (pattern, pattern)

    # Final fixes

    filestr = fix_underlines_in_headings(filestr)
    # Ensure blank line before and after comments
    filestr = re.sub(r'([.:;?!])\n^\.\. ', r'\g<1>\n\n.. ',
                     filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = re.sub(r'(^\.\. .+)\n([^ \n]+)', r'\g<1>\n\n\g<2>',
                     filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # Line breaks interfer with tables and needs a final blank line too
    lines = filestr.splitlines()
    inside_block = False
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        if lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>') and not inside_block:
            inside_block = True
            lines[i] = lines[i].replace('<linebreakpipe> ', '') + '\n'
        if lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>') and inside_block:
            lines[i] = '|' + lines[i].replace('<linebreakpipe>', '')
        if inside_block and not lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>'):
            inside_block = False
            lines[i] = '| ' + lines[i] + '\n'
    filestr = '\n'.join(lines)

    # Remove too much vertical space
    filestr = re.sub(r'\n\n\n+', '\n\n', filestr)

    return filestr
Esempio n. 6
    # all arguments are dicts and accept in-place modifications (extensions)

    FILENAME_EXTENSION['rst'] = '.rst'
    BLANKLINE['rst'] = '\n'

    INLINE_TAGS_SUBST['rst'] = {
        'math':      r'\g<begin>\g<subst>\g<end>',
        'math2':     r'\g<begin>\g<puretext>\g<end>',
        #'math':      r'\g<begin>:math:`\g<subst>`\g<end>',  # sphinx
        #'math2':     r'\g<begin>:math:`\g<latexmath>`\g<end>',
        'emphasize': None,  # => just use doconce markup (*emphasized words*)
        'bold':      r'\g<begin>**\g<subst>**\g<end>',
        'verbatim':  r'\g<begin>``\g<subst>``\g<end>',
        'label':     r'\g<subst>',  # should be improved, rst has cross ref
        'reference': r'\g<subst>',
        #colortext works for HTML only. Can see here: (but probably color is most relevant for HTML anyway)
        'colortext': r'<font color="\g<color>">\g<text></font>',
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>`\g<link> <\g<url>>`_\g<end>',
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>`\g<link>`_\g<end>' + '\n\n.. ' + r'_\g<link>: \g<url>' + '\n\n',  # better (?): make function instead that stacks up the URLs and dumps them at the end; can be used for citations as well
        'linkURL2':  r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`_',
        'linkURL3':  r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`_',
        'linkURL2v': r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`_', # no verbatim, does not work well
        'linkURL3v': r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`_', # same
        'plainURL':  r'`<\g<url>>`_',
        'inlinecomment': r'(**\g<name>**: \g<comment>)',
        # the replacement string differs, depending on the match object m:
        # (note len('subst')) gives wrong length for non-ascii strings,
        # better with'subst').decode('utf-8')) or latin-1
        'chapter':       lambda m: '%s\n%s' % ('subst'), '%'*len('subst').decode('latin-1'))),
        'section':       lambda m: '%s\n%s' % ('subst'), '='*len('subst').decode('latin-1'))),
        #'section':       lambda m: '%s\n%s' % ('subst'), '='*len('subst').decode('latin-1'))),
        'subsection':    lambda m: '%s\n%s' % ('subst'), '-'*len('subst').decode('latin-1'))),
        'subsubsection': lambda m: '%s\n%s\n' % ('subst'), '~'*len('subst').decode('latin-1'))),
        'paragraph':     r'**\g<subst>**\n',  # extra newline
        'abstract':      r'\n*\g<type>.* \g<text>\n\g<rest>',
        #'title':         r'======= \g<subst> =======\n',  # doconce top section, must be the highest section level (but no higher than others, need more code)
        'title':         None, # taken care of in ref_and_label_commoncode
        'date':          r':Date: \g<subst>\n',
        'author':        rst_author,
        'figure':        rst_figure,
        'movie':         rst_movie,
        #'comment':       '.. %s',  # rst does not like empty comment lines:
        # so therefore we introduce a function to remove empty comment lines
        'comment':       lambda c: '' if c.isspace() or c == '' else '.. %s\n' % c,
        #'linebreak':     r'| \g<text>',  # does not work: interfers with tables and requires a final blank line after block
        'linebreak':     r'<linebreakpipe> \g<text>',  # fixed in rst_code/sphinx_code as a hack
        'footnote':      rst_footnotes,
        'non-breaking-space': ' |nbsp| ',

    ENVIRS['rst'] = {
        'quote':         rst_quote,
        'warning':       rst_warning,
        'question':      rst_question,
        'notice':        rst_notice,
        'summary':       rst_summary,
        'block':         rst_block,
        'box':           rst_box,

    CODE['rst'] = rst_code  # function for typesetting code

    LIST['rst'] = {
        {'begin': '', 'item': '*', 'end': '\n'},
        # lists must end with a blank line - we insert one extra,

        {'begin': '', 'item': '%d.', 'end': '\n'},

        {'begin': '', 'item': '%s', 'end': '\n'},

        'separator': '\n',
    from common import DEFAULT_ARGLIST
    FIGURE_EXT['rst'] = ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.pdf', '.eps', '.ps')
    CROSS_REFS['rst'] = rst_ref_and_label
    INDEX_BIB['rst'] = rst_index_bib

    TABLE['rst'] = rst_table
    EXERCISE['rst'] = plain_exercise
    TOC['rst'] = lambda s: '.. contents:: Table of Contents\n   :depth: 2'
    QUIZ['rst'] = rst_quiz
    INTRO['rst'] = """\
.. Automatically generated reStructuredText file from Doconce source

    from common import INLINE_TAGS
    if['non-breaking-space'], filestr):
        nbsp = """
.. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0

        if 'TITLE:' not in filestr:
            print '*** error: non-breaking space character ~ is used,'
            print '    but this will give an error when the document does'
            print '    not have a title.'
            INTRO['rst'] += nbsp