Esempio n. 1
 def season_Menu():
     xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'seasons')
     slug = vars.params.get("slug")
     serie_title = vars.params.get("serie_title")
     page = int(vars.params.get("page", 1))
     per_page = 20
     utils.log("seasonListMenu: tag is %s, page is %d" % (slug, page), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
     base_url = ""
     params = urlencode({
         "sort": "releaseDate desc",
         "page": page,
         "count": per_page
     url = base_url % slug + params
     response = utils.stringify(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
     utils.log("seasonListMenu: response: %s" % response, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
     jsonresponse = json.loads(response)
     seasonicon = jsonresponse['results']['series']['coverImage']['portrait']
     # idx is the index of the season in the json data
     # to do: avoid fetching the same page for season and episodes
     idx = 0
     for season in jsonresponse['results']['seasons']:
         name = 'Season %s' % season['season']
         common.addListItem(name, '',
                 customparams={'url':url, 'seasonidx': idx, 'serie_title': serie_title})
         idx = idx +1
Esempio n. 2
    def episode_menu():
        et_tz = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
        date_et = common.get_date() if vars.params.get('custom_date', False) else utils.tznow(et_tz).date()

        # Avoid possible caching by using query string
        epg_url = '' % (
            date_et.year, date_et.month,, time.time())
        response = utils.fetch(epg_url)
        g_epg = json.loads(response[response.find('['):])

        for epg_item in g_epg:
            entry = epg_item['entry']

            start_et_hours, start_et_minutes = map(int, entry['start'].split(':'))
            duration_hours, duration_minutes = map(int, entry['duration'].split(':'))

            dt_et = et_tz.localize(datetime.datetime(date_et.year, date_et.month,, start_et_hours, start_et_minutes))
            dt_utc = dt_et.astimezone(pytz.utc)

            start_timestamp = int((dt_utc - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc)).total_seconds()) * 1000  # in milliseconds
            duration = (duration_hours * 60 + duration_minutes) * 60 * 1000  # in milliseconds

            params = {
                'start_timestamp': start_timestamp,
                'duration': duration,
            utils.log(params, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

            name = '%s %s: %s' % (
                entry['start'], dt_et.tzname(), entry['showTitle'] if entry['showTitle'] else entry['title'])
            common.addListItem(name, '', 'nba_tv_play_episode', iconimage=entry['image'], customparams=params)
Esempio n. 3
 def episodes_list_Menu():
     xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'episodes')
     url = vars.params.get("url")
     serie_title = vars.params.get("serie_title")
     seasonidx = int(vars.params.get("seasonidx"))
     response = utils.stringify(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
     utils.log("episodeListMenu: response: %s" % response, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
     jsonresponse = json.loads(response)
     episodes = jsonresponse['results']['seasons'][seasonidx]['episodes']
     for episode in episodes:
         name = episode['title']
         release_date = episode['releaseDate'].split('T')[0]
         plot = episode['description']
         runtime = episode['program']['runtimeHours'].split(':')
         seconds = int(runtime[-1])
         minutes = int(runtime[-2])
         duration = minutes * 60 + seconds
         if len(runtime) == 3:
             hours = int(runtime[0])
             duration = duration + hours * 3600
         thumb = episode['image']
         infoList = {
                 "mediatype": "episode",
                 "title": name,
                 "TVShowTitle": serie_title,
                 "duration": duration,
                 "plot": plot,
         common.addListItem(url=str(episode['program']['id']), name=name, mode='nba_tv_play_serieepisode', iconimage=thumb, infoList=infoList)
Esempio n. 4
 def nba_tv_videoMenu():
     xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'videos')
     url = ""
     json_parser = json.loads(utils.stringify(urllib2.urlopen(url).read()))
     for category in json_parser['results']['carousels']:
         if category['type'] == "video_carousel":
             common.addListItem(category['title'], '',
                 'nba_tv_videoplay', category['value']['videos'][0]['image'], True,
                 customparams={'slug':category['value']['slug'], 'pagination': True})
         elif category['type'] == "collection_cards":
             for collection in category['value']['items']:
                 common.addListItem(collection['name'], '',
                 'nba_tv_videoplay', collection['image'], True,
                 customparams={'slug':collection['slug'], 'pagination': True})
Esempio n. 5
    def episode_menu():
        if vars.params.get("custom_date", False):
            date = datetime.datetime.combine(
                common.getDate(), datetime.time(hour=4, minute=0, second=0))
            date = utils.nowEST().replace(hour=4, minute=0, second=0)

        utils.log("date for episodes: %s (from %s)" % (date, utils.nowEST()),
        schedule = '' % (
            date.month,, time.time())
        utils.log('Requesting %s' % schedule, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

        now_timestamp = int(calendar.timegm(date.timetuple()))
        now_timestamp_milliseconds = now_timestamp * 1000

        req = urllib2.Request(schedule, None)
        response = str(urllib2.urlopen(req).read())
        json_response = json.loads(response[response.find("["):])

        for entry in json_response:
            entry = entry['entry']

            start_hours, start_minutes = entry['start'].split(':')
            start_timestamp_milliseconds = now_timestamp_milliseconds + (
                int(start_hours) * 60 * 60 + int(start_minutes) * 60) * 1000

                "date for episode %s: %d (from %d)" %
                (entry['title'], start_timestamp_milliseconds,
                 now_timestamp_milliseconds), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

            duration_hours, duration_minutes = entry['duration'].split(":")
            duration_milliseconds = (int(duration_hours) * 60 * 60 +
                                     int(duration_minutes) * 60) * 1000

            params = {
                'duration': duration_milliseconds,
                'start_timestamp': start_timestamp_milliseconds

            name = "%s - %s (%s)" % (entry['start'], entry['title'],
Esempio n. 6
 def series_Menu():
     xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'tvshows')
     url = ""
     json_parser = json.loads(utils.stringify(urllib2.urlopen(url).read()))
     for serie in json_parser['results']:
         name = serie['series']['name']
         plot = serie['series']['description']
         slug = serie['series']['slug']
         thumb = serie['series']['coverImage']['portrait']
         infoList = {
                 "mediatype": "tvshow",
                 "title": name,
                 "TVShowTitle": name,
                 "plot": plot
                     customparams={'slug': slug, 'video_type': 'nba-tv-series', 'serie_title': name,  'pagination': True},
Esempio n. 7
 def nba_tv_videoPlay():
     xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'videos')
     slug = vars.params.get("slug")
     page = int(vars.params.get("page", 1))
     per_page = 22
     utils.log("nba_tv_videoPlay: collection is %s, page is %d" % (slug, page), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
     base_url = ""
     params = urlencode({
         "sort": "releaseDate desc",
         "page": page,
         "count": per_page
     url = base_url % slug + params
     utils.log("nba_tv_videoPlay: %s: url of collection is %s" % (slug, url), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
     response = utils.stringify(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
     utils.log("nba_tv_videoPlay: response: %s" % response, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
     jsonresponse = json.loads(response)
     for video in jsonresponse['results']['videos']:
         name = video['title']
         entitlement = video['entitlements']
         release_date = video['releaseDate'].split('T')[0]
         plot = video['description']
         thumb = video['image']
         runtime = video['program']['runtimeHours'].split(':')
         seconds = int(runtime[-1])
         minutes = int(runtime[-2])
         duration = minutes * 60 + seconds
         if len(runtime) == 3:
             hours = int(runtime[0])
             duration = duration + hours * 3600
         infoList = {
                 "mediatype": "video",
                 "title": name,
                 "duration": duration,
                 "plot": plot,
         if entitlement == 'free':
             common.addListItem(url=str(video['program']['id']), name=name, mode='videoplay', iconimage=thumb, infoList=infoList)
             common.addListItem(url=str(video['program']['id']), name=name, mode='nba_tv_play_serieepisode', iconimage=thumb, infoList=infoList)
     if vars.params.get("pagination") and page+1 <= jsonresponse['results']['pages']:
         next_page_name = xbmcaddon.Addon().getLocalizedString(50008)
         # Add "next page" link
         custom_params = {
             'slug': slug,
             'page': page + 1,
             'pagination': True
         common.addListItem(next_page_name, '', 'nba_tv_videolist', '', True, customparams=custom_params)    
Esempio n. 8
 def menu():
     common.addListItem('Live', '', 'nba_tv_play_live', '')
     common.addListItem('Today\'s programming',
     common.addListItem('Select date',
                        customparams={'custom_date': True})
Esempio n. 9
def chooseGameVideoMenu():
    video_id = vars.params.get("video_id")
    video_type = vars.params.get("video_type")
    seo_name = vars.params.get("seo_name")
    has_away_feed = vars.params.get("has_away_feed", "0") == "1"
    has_condensed_game = vars.params.get("has_condensed_game", "0") == "1"
    start_time = vars.params.get("start_time")
    duration = vars.params.get("duration")
    game_data_json = utils.fetch_json(vars.config['game_data_endpoint'] % seo_name)
    game_state = game_data_json['gameState']
    game_home_team = vars.params.get("home_team")
    game_visitor_team = vars.params.get("visitor_team")
    game_cameras = []
    if 'multiCameras' in game_data_json:
        game_cameras = game_data_json['multiCameras'].split(",")

    nba_config = utils.fetch_json(vars.config['config_endpoint'])
    nba_cameras = {}
    for camera in nba_config['content']['cameras']:
        nba_cameras[ camera['number'] ] = camera['name']

    if has_away_feed:
        # Create the "Home" and "Away" list items
        for ishomefeed in [True, False]:
            listitemname = "Full game, " + ("away feed" if not ishomefeed else "home feed")

            # Show actual team names instead of 'home feed' and 'away feed'
            if game_home_team and game_visitor_team:
                if ishomefeed:
                    listitemname += " (" + game_home_team + ")"
                    listitemname += " (" + game_visitor_team + ")"

            params = {
                'video_id': video_id,
                'video_type': video_type,
                'video_ishomefeed': 1 if ishomefeed else 0,
                'game_state': game_state,
                'start_time': start_time,
                'duration': duration,
            common.addListItem(listitemname, url="", mode="playgame", iconimage="", customparams=params)
        #Add a "Home" list item
        params = {
            'video_id': video_id,
            'video_type': video_type,
            'game_state': game_state,
            'start_time': start_time,
            'duration': duration,
        common.addListItem("Full game", url="", mode="playgame", iconimage="", customparams=params)

    if vars.show_cameras:
        utils.log(nba_cameras, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
        utils.log(game_cameras, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

        # Add all the cameras available
        for camera_number in game_cameras:
            camera_number = int(camera_number)

            # Skip camera number 0 (broadcast?) - the full game links are the same
            if camera_number == 0:

            params = {
                'video_id': video_id,
                'video_type': video_type,
                'game_state': game_state,
                'camera_number': camera_number,
                'start_time': start_time,
                'duration': duration,

            name = "Camera %d: %s" % (camera_number, nba_cameras.get(camera_number, 'Unknown'))
            common.addListItem(name, url="", mode="playgame", iconimage="", customparams=params)

    # Live games have no condensed or highlight link
    if video_type != "live":
        # Create the "Condensed" list item
        if has_condensed_game:
            params = {
                'video_id': video_id,
                'video_type': 'condensed',
                'game_state': game_state
            common.addListItem("Condensed game", url="", mode="playgame", iconimage="", customparams=params)

        # Get the highlights video if available
        highlights_url = getHighlightGameUrl(video_id)
        if highlights_url:
            common.addVideoListItem("Highlights", highlights_url, iconimage="")

Esempio n. 10
def addGamesLinks(date = '', video_type = "archive"):
        now_datetime_est = utils.nowEST()
        schedule = '' % \
            (date.year, date.month,, time.time())
        utils.log('Requesting %s' % schedule, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

        schedule_request = urllib2.Request(schedule, None)
        schedule_response = str(urllib2.urlopen(schedule_request).read())
        schedule_json = json.loads(schedule_response[schedule_response.find("{"):])

        unknown_teams = {}
        for index, daily_games in enumerate(schedule_json['games']):
            utils.log("daily games for day %d are %s" % (index, daily_games), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

            for game in daily_games:
                h = game.get('h', '')
                v = game.get('v', '')
                game_id = game.get('id', '')
                game_start_date_est = game.get('d', '')
                vs = game.get('vs', '')
                hs = game.get('hs', '')
                name = game.get('name', '')
                image = game.get('image', '')
                seo_name = game.get("seoName", "")
                has_condensed_video = game.get("video", {}).get("c", False)

                has_away_feed = False
                video_details = game.get('video', {})
                has_away_feed = bool(video_details.get("af", {}))

                # Try to convert start date to datetime
                    game_start_datetime_est = datetime.datetime.strptime(game_start_date_est, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f" )
                    game_start_datetime_est = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(game_start_date_est, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")))

                #Set game start date in the past if python can't parse the date
                #so it doesn't get flagged as live or future game and you can still play it
                #if a video is available
                if type(game_start_datetime_est) is not datetime.datetime:
                    game_start_datetime_est = now_datetime_est + timedelta(-30)

                #guess end date by adding 4 hours to start date
                game_end_datetime_est = game_start_datetime_est + timedelta(hours=4)

                # Get playoff game number, if available
                playoff_game_number = 0
                playoff_status = ""

                if 'playoff' in game:
                    playoff_home_wins = int(game['playoff']['hr'].split("-")[0])
                    playoff_visitor_wins = int(game['playoff']['vr'].split("-")[0])
                    playoff_status = "%d-%d" % (playoff_visitor_wins, playoff_home_wins)
                    playoff_game_number = playoff_home_wins + playoff_visitor_wins

                if game_id != '':
                    # Get pretty names for the team names
                    [visitor_name, host_name] = [vars.config['teams'].get(t.lower(), t) for t in [v, h]]
                    [unknown_teams.setdefault(t, []).append(game_start_datetime_est.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
                        for t in [v, h] if t.lower() not in vars.config['teams']]

                    has_video = "video" in game
                    future_video = game_start_datetime_est > now_datetime_est and \
                    live_video = game_start_datetime_est < now_datetime_est < game_end_datetime_est

                    # Create the title
                    if host_name and visitor_name:
                        name = game_start_datetime_est.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                        if video_type == "live":
                            name = utils.toLocalTimezone(game_start_datetime_est).strftime("%Y-%m-%d (at %I:%M %p)")

                        # Add the teams' names and the scores if needed
                        name += ' %s vs %s' % (visitor_name, host_name)
                        if playoff_game_number != 0:
                            name += ' (game %d)' % (playoff_game_number)
                        if vars.show_scores and not future_video:
                            name += ' %s:%s' % (str(vs), str(hs))

                            if playoff_status:
                                name += " (series: %s)" % playoff_status

                        thumbnail_url = utils.generateCombinedThumbnail(v, h)
                    elif image:
                        thumbnail_url = "" % image

                    if video_type == "live":
                        if future_video:
                            name = "UPCOMING: " + name
                        elif live_video:
                            name = "LIVE: " + name

                    add_link = True
                    if video_type == "live" and not (live_video or future_video):
                        add_link = False
                    elif video_type != "live" and (live_video or future_video):
                        add_link = False
                    elif not future_video and not has_video:
                        add_link = False

                    if add_link == True:
                        params = {
                            'video_id': game_id,
                            'video_type': video_type,
                            'seo_name': seo_name,
                            'visitor_team': visitor_name,
                            'home_team': host_name,
                            'has_away_feed': 1 if has_away_feed else 0,
                            'has_condensed_game': 1 if has_condensed_video else 0,

                        if 'st' in game:
                            start_time = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(game['st'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')) * 1000
                            params['start_time'] = start_time
                            if 'et' in game:
                                end_time = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(game['et'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')) * 1000
                                params['end_time'] = end_time
                                params['duration'] = end_time - start_time
                                # create my own et for game (now)
                                end_time = str(' ', 'T')
                                end_time = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(end_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')) * 1000
                                params['end_time'] = end_time
                                params['duration'] = end_time - start_time

                        # Add a directory item that contains home/away/condensed items
                        common.addListItem(name, url="", mode="gamechoosevideo",
                            iconimage=thumbnail_url, isfolder=True, customparams=params)

        if unknown_teams:
            utils.log("Unknown teams: %s" % str(unknown_teams), xbmc.LOGWARNING)

    except Exception, e:
        utils.littleErrorPopup("Error: %s" % str(e))
        utils.log(traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
Esempio n. 11
 def menu():
     common.addListItem('Live', '', 'nba_tv_play_live', '')
     common.addListItem('Today\'s programming', '', 'nba_tv_episode_menu', '', isfolder=True)
     common.addListItem('Select date', '', 'nba_tv_episode_menu', '', isfolder=True, customparams={
         'custom_date': True
     common.addListItem('NBA TV Series', '', 'nba_tv_series', '', isfolder=True)
     common.addListItem('Video Collections', '', 'nba_tv_videolist', '', isfolder=True, customparams={
         'url': ''
     common.addListItem('NBA TV Clips', '', 'videolist', '', True, customparams={
         'video_tag':'nba-tv-clips', 'pagination': True
Esempio n. 12
def chooseGameVideoMenu():
    video_id = vars.params.get("video_id")
    video_type = vars.params.get("video_type")
    seo_name = vars.params.get("seo_name")
    has_away_feed = vars.params.get("has_away_feed", "0") == "1"
    has_condensed_game = vars.params.get("has_condensed_game", "0") == "1"
    start_time = vars.params.get("start_time")
    duration = vars.params.get("duration")
    game_data_json = Request.getJson(vars.config['game_data_endpoint'] % seo_name)
    game_state = game_data_json['gameState']
    game_home_team = vars.params.get("home_team")
    game_visitor_team = vars.params.get("visitor_team")
    game_cameras = []
    if 'multiCameras' in game_data_json:
        game_cameras = game_data_json['multiCameras'].split(",")

    nba_config = Request.getJson(vars.config['config_endpoint'])
    nba_cameras = {}
    for camera in nba_config['content']['cameras']:
        nba_cameras[ camera['number'] ] = camera['name']

    if has_away_feed:
        # Create the "Home" and "Away" list items
        for ishomefeed in [True, False]:
            listitemname = "Full game, " + ("away feed" if not ishomefeed else "home feed")

            # Show actual team names instead of 'home feed' and 'away feed'
            if game_home_team and game_visitor_team:
                if ishomefeed:
                    listitemname += " (" + game_home_team + ")"
                    listitemname += " (" + game_visitor_team + ")"

            params = {
                'video_id': video_id,
                'video_type': video_type,
                'video_ishomefeed': 1 if ishomefeed else 0,
                'game_state': game_state,
                'start_time': start_time,
                'duration': duration,
            common.addListItem(listitemname, url="", mode="playgame", iconimage="", customparams=params)
        #Add a "Home" list item
        params = {
            'video_id': video_id,
            'video_type': video_type,
            'game_state': game_state,
            'start_time': start_time,
            'duration': duration,
        common.addListItem("Full game", url="", mode="playgame", iconimage="", customparams=params)

    if vars.show_cameras:
        #Add all the cameras available
        for camera_number in game_cameras:
            #Skip camera number 0 (broadcast?) - the full game links are the same
            camera_number = int(camera_number)
            if camera_number == 0:

            params = {
                'video_id': video_id,
                'video_type': video_type,
                'game_state': game_state,
                'camera_number': camera_number,
                'start_time': start_time,
                'duration': duration,

            name = "Camera %d: %s" % (camera_number, nba_cameras[camera_number])
                , url="", mode="playgame", iconimage="", customparams=params)

    #Live games have no condensed or highlight link
    if video_type != "live":
        # Create the "Condensed" list item
        if has_condensed_game:
            params = {
                'video_id': video_id,
                'video_type': 'condensed',
                'game_state': game_state
            common.addListItem("Condensed game", url="", mode="playgame", iconimage="", customparams=params)

        # Get the highlights video if available
        highlights_url = getHighlightGameUrl(video_id)
        if highlights_url:
            common.addVideoListItem("Highlights", highlights_url, iconimage="")

    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle = int(sys.argv[1]) )
Esempio n. 13
def addGamesLinks(date = '', video_type = "archive"):
        now_datetime_est = utils.nowEST()

        schedule = '' % \
            (date.year, date.month,, time.time())
        utils.log('Requesting %s' % schedule, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

        schedule_request = urllib2.Request(schedule, None)
        schedule_response = str(urllib2.urlopen(schedule_request).read())
        schedule_json = json.loads(schedule_response[schedule_response.find("{"):])

        unknown_teams = {}
        for index, daily_games in enumerate(schedule_json['games']):
            utils.log("daily games for day %d are %s" % (index, daily_games), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

            for game in daily_games:
                h = game.get('h', '')
                v = game.get('v', '')
                game_id = game.get('id', '')
                game_start_date_est = game.get('d', '')
                vs = game.get('vs', '')
                hs = game.get('hs', '')
                name = game.get('name', '')
                image = game.get('image', '')
                seo_name = game.get("seoName", "")
                has_condensed_video = game.get("video", {}).get("c", False)

                has_away_feed = False
                video_details = game.get('video', {})
                has_away_feed = bool(video_details.get("af", {}))

                # Try to convert start date to datetime
                    game_start_datetime_est = datetime.datetime.strptime(game_start_date_est, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f" )
                    game_start_datetime_est = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(game_start_date_est, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")))

                #Set game start date in the past if python can't parse the date
                #so it doesn't get flagged as live or future game and you can still play it
                #if a video is available
                if type(game_start_datetime_est) is not datetime.datetime:
                    game_start_datetime_est = now_datetime_est + timedelta(-30)

                #guess end date by adding 4 hours to start date
                game_end_datetime_est = game_start_datetime_est + timedelta(hours=4)

                # Get playoff game number, if available
                playoff_game_number = 0
                playoff_status = ""

                if 'playoff' in game:
                    playoff_home_wins = int(game['playoff']['hr'].split("-")[0])
                    playoff_visitor_wins = int(game['playoff']['vr'].split("-")[0])
                    playoff_status = "%d-%d" % (playoff_visitor_wins, playoff_home_wins)
                    playoff_game_number = playoff_home_wins + playoff_visitor_wins

                if game_id != '':
                    # Get pretty names for the team names
                    [visitor_name, host_name] = [vars.config['teams'].get(t.lower(), t) for t in [v, h]]
                    [unknown_teams.setdefault(t, []).append(game_start_datetime_est.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
                        for t in [v, h] if t.lower() not in vars.config['teams']]

                    has_video = "video" in game
                    future_video = game_start_datetime_est > now_datetime_est and \
                    live_video = game_start_datetime_est < now_datetime_est < game_end_datetime_est

                    # Create the title
                    if host_name and visitor_name:
                        name = game_start_datetime_est.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                        if video_type == "live":
                            name = utils.toLocalTimezone(game_start_datetime_est).strftime("%Y-%m-%d (at %I:%M %p)")

                        # Add the teams' names and the scores if needed
                        name += ' %s vs %s' % (visitor_name, host_name)
                        if playoff_game_number != 0:
                            name += ' (game %d)' % (playoff_game_number)
                        if vars.show_scores and not future_video:
                            name += ' %s:%s' % (str(vs), str(hs))

                            if playoff_status:
                                name += " (series: %s)" % playoff_status

                        thumbnail_url = utils.generateCombinedThumbnail(v, h)
                    elif image:
                        thumbnail_url = "" % image

                    if video_type == "live":
                        if future_video:
                            name = "UPCOMING: " + name
                        elif live_video:
                            name = "LIVE: " + name

                    add_link = True
                    if video_type == "live" and not (live_video or future_video):
                        add_link = False
                    elif video_type != "live" and (live_video or future_video):
                        add_link = False
                    elif not future_video and not has_video:
                        add_link = False

                    if add_link == True:
                        params = {
                            'video_id': game_id,
                            'video_type': video_type,
                            'seo_name': seo_name,
                            'visitor_team': visitor_name,
                            'home_team': host_name,
                            'has_away_feed': 1 if has_away_feed else 0,
                            'has_condensed_game': 1 if has_condensed_video else 0,

                        if 'st' in game:
                            start_time = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(game['st'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')) * 1000
                            params['start_time'] = start_time
                            if 'et' in game:
                                end_time = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(game['et'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')) * 1000
                                params['end_time'] = end_time
                                params['duration'] = end_time - start_time
                                # create my own et for game (now)
                                end_time = str(' ', 'T')
                                end_time = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(end_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')) * 1000
                                params['end_time'] = end_time
                                params['duration'] = end_time - start_time

                        # Add a directory item that contains home/away/condensed items
                        common.addListItem(name, url="", mode="gamechoosevideo",
                            iconimage=thumbnail_url, isfolder=True, customparams=params)

        if unknown_teams:
            utils.log("Unknown teams: %s" % str(unknown_teams), xbmc.LOGWARNING)

    except Exception, e:
        utils.littleErrorPopup("Error: %s" % str(e))
        utils.log(traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
Esempio n. 14
def chooseGameVideoMenu(playlist=None, paramsX=None, in_a_hurry=False):
    if paramsX is None:
        paramsX = vars.params
    video_id = paramsX.get("video_id")
    video_type = paramsX.get("video_type")
    seo_name = paramsX.get("seo_name")
    has_away_feed = paramsX.get("has_away_feed", "0") == "1"
    has_condensed_game = paramsX.get("has_condensed_game", "0") == "1"
    start_time = paramsX.get("start_time")
    duration = paramsX.get("duration")
    game_data_json = json.loads(utils.fetch(vars.config['game_data_endpoint'] % seo_name))
    game_state = game_data_json['gameState']
    game_home_team = paramsX.get("home_team")
    game_visitor_team = paramsX.get("visitor_team")
    game_cameras = []
    foldername = paramsX.get("foldername")
    iconimage = paramsX.get('iconimage', "")
    if 'multiCameras' in game_data_json:
        game_cameras = game_data_json['multiCameras'].split(",")

    nba_config = json.loads(utils.fetch(vars.config['config_endpoint']))
    nba_cameras = {}
    for camera in nba_config['content']['cameras']:
        nba_cameras[camera['number']] = camera['name']

    streams = []

    if has_away_feed:
        # Create the "Home" and "Away" list items
        for ishomefeed in [True, False]:
            listitemname = "Full game, " + ("away feed" if not ishomefeed else "home feed")

            # Show actual team names instead of 'home feed' and 'away feed'
            if game_home_team and game_visitor_team:
                if ishomefeed:
                    listitemname += " (" + game_home_team + ")"
                    listitemname += " (" + game_visitor_team + ")"

            params = {
                'video_id': video_id,
                'video_type': video_type,
                'video_ishomefeed': 1 if ishomefeed else 0,
                'game_state': game_state,
                'start_time': start_time,
                'duration': duration,
            if playlist is None:
                common.addListItem(listitemname, url="", mode="playgame", iconimage=iconimage, customparams=params)
                streams.append([True, foldername + ' - ' + listitemname, get_link(url="", mode="playgame", customparams=params)])
        # Add a "Home" list item
        params = {
            'video_id': video_id,
            'video_type': video_type,
            'game_state': game_state,
            'start_time': start_time,
            'duration': duration,
        if playlist is None:
            common.addListItem("Full game", url="", mode="playgame", iconimage=iconimage, customparams=params)
            streams.append([True, foldername + ' - Full game', get_link(url="", mode="playgame", customparams=params)])

    if vars.show_cameras:
        utils.log(nba_cameras, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
        utils.log(game_cameras, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

        # Add all the cameras available
        for camera_number in game_cameras:
            camera_number = int(camera_number)

            # Skip camera number 0 (broadcast?) - the full game links are the same
            if camera_number == 0:

            params = {
                'video_id': video_id,
                'video_type': video_type,
                'game_state': game_state,
                'camera_number': camera_number,
                'start_time': start_time,
                'duration': duration,

            name = "Camera %d: %s" % (camera_number, nba_cameras.get(camera_number, 'Unknown'))
            if playlist is None:
                common.addListItem(name, url="", mode="playgame", iconimage=iconimage, customparams=params)
            elif " ESPN" in name or " ABC" in name or " TNT" in name: #only interesting additional streams (also or "NBA TV" in name?), but not e.g. Spanish (ESPN)
                streams.append([True, foldername + ' - ' + name, get_link(url="", mode="playgame", customparams=params)])

    # Live games have no condensed or highlight link
    if video_type != "live":
        # Create the "Condensed" list item
        params = {
            'video_id': video_id,
            'video_type': 'condensed',
            'game_state': game_state,
        if has_condensed_game:
            if playlist is None:
                common.addListItem("Condensed game", url="", mode="playgame", iconimage=iconimage, customparams=params)
        if playlist is not None: #manually add to playlist anyways, maybe will come online later...
            streams.append([False, foldername + ' - Condensed game', get_link(url="", mode="playgame", customparams=params)])

        # Get the highlights video if available
        highlights_url = getHighlightGameUrl(video_id)
        if highlights_url:
            if playlist is None:
                common.addVideoListItem("Highlights", highlights_url, iconimage=iconimage)
                streams.append([False, foldername + ' - Highlights', get_link(url=highlights_url)])

    if playlist is None:
        #reorder playlist items before adding
        reorder_streams(streams, game_home_team, game_visitor_team, in_a_hurry)
        for s in streams:
            #trying to add thumbs to playlist item... (can't seem to get it as icon, but it is shown on the right and on the background. However, lost again when saving the playlist.)
            item = xbmcgui.ListItem(s[1], iconImage=iconimage, thumbnailImage=iconimage)
                art_keys = ['thumb', 'poster', 'banner', 'fanart', 'clearart', 'clearlogo', 'landscape', 'icon']
                art = dict(zip(art_keys, [iconimage for x in art_keys]))
                item.setInfo(type="video", infoLabels={"title": s[1]})
                item.setProperty('fanart_image', iconimage)
            playlist.add(s[2], item)
Esempio n. 15
def addGamesLinks(date='', video_type="archive", playlist=None, in_a_hurry=False):
        now_datetime_est = utils.nowEST()
        schedule = '' % \
            (date.year, date.month,, time.time())
        utils.log('Requesting %s' % schedule, xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

        schedule_request = urllib2.Request(schedule, None)
        schedule_response = str(urllib2.urlopen(schedule_request).read())
        schedule_json = json.loads(schedule_response[schedule_response.find("{"):])

        unknown_teams = {}
        for index, daily_games in enumerate(schedule_json['games']):
            utils.log("daily games for day %d are %s" % (index, daily_games), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

            for game in daily_games:
                processed_keys = set()

                v = process_key(game, 'v', processed_keys)
                h = process_key(game, 'h', processed_keys)
                vr = process_key(game, 'vr', processed_keys)
                hr = process_key(game, 'hr', processed_keys)
                vs = process_key(game, 'vs', processed_keys)
                hs = process_key(game, 'hs', processed_keys)

                if v is None or h is None:  # TODO
                    utils.log(json.dumps(game), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

                game_id = process_key(game, 'id', processed_keys)
                game_start_date_est = process_key(game, 'd', processed_keys)

                name = process_key(game, 'name', processed_keys)
                image = process_key(game, 'image', processed_keys)
                seo_name = process_key(game, 'seoName', processed_keys)

                video = process_key(game, 'video', processed_keys)
                has_video = video is not None
                has_condensed_video = has_video and bool(video.get('c'))
                has_away_feed = has_video and bool(video.get('af'))

                # Try to convert start date to datetime
                    game_start_datetime_est = datetime.datetime.strptime(game_start_date_est, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
                    game_start_datetime_est = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(game_start_date_est, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")))

                #Set game start date in the past if python can't parse the date
                #so it doesn't get flagged as live or future game and you can still play it
                #if a video is available
                if type(game_start_datetime_est) is not datetime.datetime:
                    game_start_datetime_est = now_datetime_est + timedelta(-30)

                # Guess end date by adding 4 hours to start date
                game_end_datetime_est = game_start_datetime_est + timedelta(hours=4)

                # Get playoff game number, if available
                playoff_game_number = 0
                playoff_status = ""

                if 'playoff' in game:
                    playoff_home_wins = int(game['playoff']['hr'].split("-")[0])
                    playoff_visitor_wins = int(game['playoff']['vr'].split("-")[0])
                    playoff_status = "%d-%d" % (playoff_visitor_wins, playoff_home_wins)
                    playoff_game_number = playoff_home_wins + playoff_visitor_wins

                if game_id is not None:
                    # Get pretty names for the team names
                    [visitor_name, host_name] = [vars.config['teams'].get(t.lower(), t) for t in [v, h]]
                    [unknown_teams.setdefault(t, []).append(game_start_datetime_est.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
                        for t in [v, h] if t.lower() not in vars.config['teams']]

                    future_video = game_start_datetime_est > now_datetime_est and \
                    live_video = game_start_datetime_est < now_datetime_est < game_end_datetime_est

                    name = game_start_datetime_est.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                    if video_type == "live":
                        name = utils.toLocalTimezone(game_start_datetime_est).strftime("%Y-%m-%d (at %I:%M %p)")

                    name += " %s%s vs %s%s" % (visitor_name,
                                               " (%s)" % vr if vars.show_records_and_scores else '',
                                               " (%s)" % hr if vars.show_records_and_scores else '')

                    if playoff_game_number != 0:
                        name += ' (game %d)' % (playoff_game_number)
                    if vars.show_records_and_scores and not future_video:
                        name += ' %s:%s' % (vs, hs)

                        if playoff_status:
                            name += " (series: %s)" % playoff_status

                    thumbnail_url = utils.generateCombinedThumbnail(v, h)

                    if video_type == "live":
                        if future_video:
                            name = "UPCOMING: " + name
                        elif live_video:
                            name = "LIVE: " + name

                    add_link = True
                    if video_type == "live" and not (live_video or future_video):
                        add_link = False
                    elif video_type != "live" and (live_video or future_video):
                        add_link = False
                    elif not future_video and not has_video:
                        add_link = False

                    if add_link:
                        params = {
                            'video_id': game_id,
                            'video_type': video_type,
                            'seo_name': seo_name,
                            'visitor_team': visitor_name,
                            'home_team': host_name,
                            'has_away_feed': "1" if has_away_feed else "0",
                            'has_condensed_game': "1" if has_condensed_video else "0",
                            'foldername': name,
                            'iconimage': thumbnail_url,

                        if 'st' in game:
                            start_time = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(game['st'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')) * 1000
                            params['start_time'] = start_time
                            if 'et' in game:
                                end_time = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(game['et'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')) * 1000
                                params['end_time'] = end_time
                                params['duration'] = end_time - start_time
                                # create my own et for game (now)
                                end_time = str(' ', 'T')
                                end_time = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(end_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')) * 1000
                                params['end_time'] = end_time
                                params['duration'] = end_time - start_time

                        # Add a directory item that contains home/away/condensed items
                        if playlist is None:
                            common.addListItem(name, url="", mode="gamechoosevideo", iconimage=thumbnail_url, isfolder=True, customparams=params)
                            chooseGameVideoMenu(playlist, params, in_a_hurry)

                remaining_keys = set(game.keys()).difference(processed_keys)
                utils.log('Remaining keys: {}'.format(remaining_keys), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

        if unknown_teams:
            utils.log("Unknown teams: %s" % str(unknown_teams), xbmc.LOGWARNING)

    except Exception, e:
        utils.littleErrorPopup("Error: %s" % str(e))
        utils.log(traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)