Esempio n. 1
    def do_test_with_updates(self, state_transitions):

        # start from a clean state always
            params = self._params,
            cleanup = range(self._params["nparts"])
        # print "Cleaning set view via compaction"

        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview")
        self.assertEqual(view_result["total_rows"], 0, "total_rows is 0 after compaction")
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), 0, "0 rows returned after compaction")
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"], {}, "right update seqs list")

        # print "Triggering state changes with queries (?stale=updater_after) in between"
        for state in state_transitions:
                params = self._params,
                active = state["active"],
                passive = state["passive"],
                cleanup = state["cleanup"]
            common.query(self._params, "mapview", {"stale": "update_after", "limit": "100"})

        group_stats = self.verify_final_index_state(state_transitions)
        self.assertTrue(group_stats["updater_interruptions"] > 0, "Got at least 1 updater interruption")
        self.assertEqual(group_stats["updates"], 2, "Got 2 full updates")
        self.assertEqual(group_stats["compactions"], 1, "Got 1 compaction")
        self.assertTrue(group_stats["cleanups"] >= 1, "Got at least 1 full cleanup")
Esempio n. 2
    def do_test_set_active_during_compaction(self):
        # print "Triggering view compaction"
        common.compact_set_view(self._params, False)

        # print "Marking partitions 4, 5 and 6 as active while compaction is running"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, active = [3, 4, 5])

        # print "Adding new partitions 7 and 8 with active state while compaction is running"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, active = [6, 7])

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")

        # print "Querying map view while compaction is running"
        (map_resp, map_view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1", {"limit": "10"})

        self.assertEqual(len(map_view_result["rows"]), 10, "Query returned 10 rows")

        # print "Waiting for compaction to finish"
        compaction_was_running = (common.wait_set_view_compaction_complete(self._params) > 0)
        self.assertTrue(compaction_was_running, "Compaction was running when the view update was triggered")

        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")

        # print "Querying map view again"
        doc_count = common.set_doc_count(self._params, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
        (map_resp, map_view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")

        self.assertEqual(map_view_result["total_rows"], doc_count,
                         "Query returned %d total_rows" % doc_count)
        self.assertEqual(len(map_view_result["rows"]), doc_count,
                         "Query returned %d rows" % doc_count)


        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]:
            self.assertTrue(str(i) in info["update_seqs"], "%d in info.update_seqs" % i)
            expected_seq = common.partition_update_seq(self._params, i)
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], expected_seq,
                             "info.update_seqs[%d] is %d" % (i, expected_seq))
Esempio n. 3
    def do_test_with_updates(self, state_transitions):

        # start from a clean state always
        # print "Cleaning set view via compaction"

        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview")
        self.assertEqual(view_result["total_rows"], 0,
                         "total_rows is 0 after compaction")
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), 0,
                         "0 rows returned after compaction")
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [],
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"], {}, "right update seqs list")

        # print "Triggering state changes with queries (?stale=updater_after) in between"
        for state in state_transitions:
            common.query(self._params, "mapview", {
                "stale": "update_after",
                "limit": "100"

        group_stats = self.verify_final_index_state(state_transitions)
        self.assertTrue(group_stats["stopped_updates"] > 0,
                        "Got at least 1 updater interruption")
        self.assertEqual(group_stats["full_updates"], 2, "Got 2 full updates")
        self.assertEqual(group_stats["compactions"], 1, "Got 1 compaction")
        self.assertTrue(group_stats["cleanups"] >= 1,
                        "Got at least 1 full cleanup")
Esempio n. 4
    def test_compaction(self):
        # print "Querying map view"
        (map_resp, map_view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        map_etag = map_resp.getheader("ETag")

        self.assertEqual(map_view_result["total_rows"], self._params["ndocs"],
                         "Query returned %d total_rows" % self._params["ndocs"])
        self.assertEqual(len(map_view_result["rows"]), self._params["ndocs"],
                         "Query returned %d rows" % self._params["ndocs"])


        # print "Verifying set view group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2, 3], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))

        # print "Querying reduce view"
        (red_resp, red_view_result) = common.query(self._params, "redview1")
        red_etag = red_resp.getheader("ETag")

        self.assertEqual(len(red_view_result["rows"]), 1, "Query returned 1 row")
        self.assertEqual(red_view_result["rows"][0]["value"], self._params["ndocs"],
                         "Non-grouped reduce value is %d" % self._params["ndocs"])

        # print "Triggering view compaction"

        # print "Verifying set view group info"
        info2 = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info2["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2, 3], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info2["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info2["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
            self.assertEqual(info2["update_seqs"][str(i)], (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))
        self.assertTrue(info2["disk_size"] < info["disk_size"], "Smaller disk_size after compaction")

        # print "Querying map view"
        (map_resp2, map_view_result2) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        map_etag2 = map_resp2.getheader("ETag")

        self.assertEqual(map_view_result2, map_view_result, "Got same map response after compaction")
        self.assertEqual(map_etag2, map_etag, "Same map view etag after compaction")

        # print "Querying reduce view"
        (red_resp2, red_view_result2) = common.query(self._params, "redview1")
        red_etag2 = red_resp2.getheader("ETag")

        self.assertEqual(red_view_result2, red_view_result, "Got same reduce response after compaction")
        self.assertEqual(red_etag2, red_etag, "Same reduce view etag after compaction")

        # print "Adding 2 new documents to partition 4"
        server = self._params["server"]
        db4 = server[self._params["setname"] + "/3"]
        new_doc1 = {"_id": "9999999999999", "integer": 999999999999999999, "string": "999999999"}
        new_doc2 = {"_id": "000", "integer": -1111, "string": "000"}

        # print "Triggering view compaction"
        common.compact_set_view(self._params, False)

        # print "Verifying set view group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2, 3], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))
        self.assertEqual(info["compact_running"], True, "Compaction is flagged as running in group info")

        # print "Triggering set view group index update"
        common.query(self._params, "redview1")

        # print "Waiting for set view compaction to finish"
        compaction_was_running = (common.wait_set_view_compaction_complete(self._params) > 0)
        self.assertTrue(compaction_was_running, "Compaction was running when the view update was triggered")

        # print "Verifying set view group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2, 3], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
            if i == 3:
                seq = (self._params["ndocs"] / 4) + 2
                seq = (self._params["ndocs"] / 4)
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], seq, "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))

        # print "Querying map view"
        (map_resp3, map_view_result3) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        map_etag3 = map_resp3.getheader("ETag")

        self.assertEqual(map_view_result3["total_rows"], (self._params["ndocs"] + 2),
                         "Query returned %d total_rows" % (self._params["ndocs"] + 2))
        self.assertEqual(len(map_view_result3["rows"]), (self._params["ndocs"] + 2),
                         "Query returned %d rows" % (self._params["ndocs"] + 2))
        self.assertNotEqual(map_etag3, map_etag, "Different map view etag after recompaction")

        self.assertEqual(map_view_result3["rows"][0]["id"], new_doc2["_id"], "new_doc2 in map view")
        self.assertEqual(map_view_result3["rows"][-1]["id"], new_doc1["_id"], "new_doc1 in map view")

        # print "Querying reduce view"
        (red_resp3, red_view_result3) = common.query(self._params, "redview1")
        red_etag3 = red_resp3.getheader("ETag")

        self.assertEqual(red_view_result3["rows"][0]["value"], (self._params["ndocs"] + 2),
                         "Non-grouped reduce value is %d" % (self._params["ndocs"] + 2))
        self.assertNotEqual(red_etag3, red_etag, "Different reduce view etag after compaction")

        # print "Triggering another view compaction"
        common.compact_set_view(self._params, False)

        # print "Triggering partition 4 cleanup while compaction is ongoing"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, cleanup = [3])

        # print "Verifying set view group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [3], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2]:
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))
        self.assertFalse("3" in info["update_seqs"], "paritition 4 not in group info update_seqs")
        self.assertEqual(info["compact_running"], True, "Compaction is flagged as running in group info")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_running"], True, "Cleanup is flagged as running in group info")

        compaction_was_running = (common.wait_set_view_compaction_complete(self._params) > 0)
        self.assertTrue(compaction_was_running, "Compaction was running when the cleanup was triggered")

        # print "Verifying set view group info"
        info2 = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info2["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info2["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info2["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2]:
            self.assertEqual(info2["update_seqs"][str(i)], (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))
        self.assertFalse("3" in info["update_seqs"], "paritition 4 not in group info update_seqs")
        self.assertTrue(info2["disk_size"] < info["disk_size"], "Smaller disk_size after compaction+cleanup")

        # print "Querying map view"
        (map_resp4, map_view_result4) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        map_etag4 = map_resp4.getheader("ETag")

        expected = self._params["ndocs"] - (self._params["ndocs"] / 4)

        self.assertEqual(map_view_result4["total_rows"], expected,
                         "Query returned %d total_rows after recompact+cleanup" % expected)
        self.assertEqual(len(map_view_result4["rows"]), expected,
                         "Query returned %d rows after recompact+cleanup" % expected)
        self.assertNotEqual(map_etag4, map_etag, "Different map view etag after compaction+cleanup")


        all_keys = {}
        for r in map_view_result4["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(4, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
            self.assertFalse(key in all_keys,
                             "Key %d not in result after partition 4 cleanup triggered" % key)

        self.assertFalse(new_doc1["integer"] in all_keys, "new_doc1 not included in view query result")
        self.assertFalse(new_doc2["integer"] in all_keys, "new_doc2 not included in view query result")
        self.assertNotEqual(map_view_result4, map_view_result3, "Different map view result after recompact+cleanup")

        # print "Querying reduce view"
        (red_resp4, red_view_result4) = common.query(self._params, "redview1")
        red_etag4 = red_resp4.getheader("ETag")

        expected = self._params["ndocs"] - (self._params["ndocs"] / 4)

        self.assertEqual(red_view_result4["rows"][0]["value"], expected,
                         "Non-grouped reduce value is %d after recompact+cleanup" % (self._params["ndocs"] + 2))
        self.assertNotEqual(red_etag4, red_etag3, "Different reduce view etag after compaction+cleanup")
Esempio n. 5
    def test_many_partitions(self):
        total_doc_count = common.set_doc_count(self._params,

        # print "Querying view"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview")

        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), total_doc_count,
                         "number of received rows is %d" % total_doc_count)
        self.assertEqual(view_result["total_rows"], total_doc_count,
                         "total_rows is %d" % total_doc_count)

        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in xrange(self._params["nparts"]):
            expected_seq = common.partition_update_seq(self._params, i)
                info["update_seqs"][str(i)], expected_seq,
                "right update seq number (%d) for partition %d" %
                (expected_seq, i + 1))

        # print "Adding 1 new document to each partition"
        new_docs = []
        for i in xrange(self._params["nparts"]):
            server = self._params["server"]
            db = self._params["server"][self._params["setname"] + "/" + str(i)]
            value = total_doc_count + i + 1
            new_doc = {
                "_id": str(value),
                "integer": value,
                "string": str(value)

        new_total_doc_count = common.set_doc_count(
            self._params, range(self._params["nparts"]))
                         (total_doc_count + len(new_docs)),
                         "N documents were added")
        total_doc_count = new_total_doc_count

        # print "Querying view again"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview")

        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), total_doc_count,
                         "number of received rows is %d" % total_doc_count)
        self.assertEqual(view_result["total_rows"], total_doc_count,
                         "total_rows is %d" % total_doc_count)

        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in xrange(self._params["nparts"]):
            expected_seq = common.partition_update_seq(self._params, i)
                info["update_seqs"][str(i)], expected_seq,
                "right update seq number (%d) for partition %d" %
                (expected_seq, i + 1))

        # print "Marking half of the partitions as passive"
        passive = range(self._params["nparts"] / 2, self._params["nparts"])
        active = range(self._params["nparts"] / 2)
                                    passive=range(self._params["nparts"] / 2,

        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], active,
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], passive,
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in xrange(self._params["nparts"]):
            expected_seq = common.partition_update_seq(self._params, i)
                info["update_seqs"][str(i)], expected_seq,
                "right update seq number (%d) for partition %d" %
                (expected_seq, i + 1))

        # print "Querying view again"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview")

        expected_row_count = common.set_doc_count(self._params, active)
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), expected_row_count,
                         "number of received rows is %d" % expected_row_count)

        for row in view_result['rows']:
            if row["key"] >= 2001:
                key_part = ((row["key"] - 2000) % self._params["nparts"]) - 1
                key_part = (row["key"] % self._params["nparts"]) - 1
                key_part in active,
                "Key %d from passive partition not in result set" % row["key"])

        # print "Marking half of the partitions for cleanup"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, cleanup=passive)
        cleanup = passive


        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], active,
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["stats"]["compactions"], 1, "1 compaction")
        self.assertEqual(info["stats"]["cleanups"], 1, "1 full cleanup")
        for i in active:
            expected_seq = common.partition_update_seq(self._params, i)
                info["update_seqs"][str(i)], expected_seq,
                "right update seq number (%d) for partition %d" %
                (expected_seq, i + 1))
Esempio n. 6
    def test_filter_partitions(self):
        # print "Querying map view with ?partitions=[0,1,3]"
        (map_resp, map_view_result) = common.query(
            self._params, "mapview1", {"partitions": json.dumps([0, 1, 3])})
        map_etag = map_resp.getheader("ETag")

        expected = self._params["ndocs"] - (self._params["ndocs"] / 4)
        self.assertEqual(map_view_result["total_rows"], self._params["ndocs"],
                          "Query returned %d total_rows" % self._params["ndocs"])
        self.assertEqual(len(map_view_result["rows"]), expected, "Query returned %d rows" % expected)


        all_keys = {}
        for r in map_view_result["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(3, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
            self.assertFalse(key in all_keys, "Key %d from partition 3 is not in the result" % key)

        # print "Disabling (making it passive) partition 2"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, passive = [1])

        # print "Querying map view again with ?partitions=[0,1,3]"
        (map_resp2, map_view_result2) = common.query(
            self._params, "mapview1", {"partitions": json.dumps([0, 1, 3])})
        map_etag2 = map_resp2.getheader("ETag")

        self.assertEqual(map_view_result2, map_view_result, "Same result as before")
        self.assertEqual(map_etag2, map_etag, "Same Etag as before")

        # print "Marking partition 2 for cleanup"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, cleanup = [1])

        # print "Querying map view again with ?partitions=[0,1,3]"
        (map_resp3, map_view_result3) = common.query(
            self._params, "mapview1", {"partitions": json.dumps([0, 1, 3])})
        map_etag3 = map_resp3.getheader("ETag")

        expected = self._params["ndocs"] / 2
        self.assertEqual(len(map_view_result3["rows"]), expected,
                          "Query returned %d rows" % expected)
        self.assertNotEqual(map_etag3, map_etag2, "Different Etag from before")


        all_keys = {}
        for r in map_view_result3["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(2, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
            self.assertFalse(key in all_keys,
                             "Key %d from partition 2 is not in the result" % key)
        for key in xrange(3, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
            self.assertFalse(key in all_keys,
                             "Key %d from partition 3 is not in the result" % key)

        # print "Triggering view compaction (to guarantee cleanup is complete)"

        # print "Querying map view again with ?partitions=[0,1,3]"
        (map_resp4, map_view_result4) = common.query(
            self._params, "mapview1", {"partitions": json.dumps([0, 1, 3])})
        map_etag4 = map_resp4.getheader("ETag")

        # total_rows is different after cleanup
        self.assertEquals(map_view_result4["rows"], map_view_result3["rows"], "Same result as before")
        self.assertEquals(map_etag4, map_etag3, "Same Etag as before")
Esempio n. 7
    def do_test_simple_cleanup(self):
        # print "Querying view in steady state"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        etag = resp.getheader("ETag")

        self.assertEqual(view_result["total_rows"], self._params["ndocs"],
                         "Query returned %d total_rows" % self._params["ndocs"])
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), self._params["ndocs"],
                         "Query returned %d rows" % self._params["ndocs"])


        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2, 3], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))

        # print "Triggering partition 4 cleanup"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, cleanup = [3])

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [3], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2]:
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))
        self.assertFalse("3" in info["update_seqs"], "partition 3 not in info.update_seqs")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_running"], True, "cleanup process is running")

        # print "Querying view again"
        (resp2, view_result2) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        etag2 = resp2.getheader("ETag")

        expected = self._params["ndocs"] - (self._params["ndocs"] / 4)

        self.assertEqual(view_result2["total_rows"], self._params["ndocs"],
                         "Query returned %d total_rows" % self._params["ndocs"])
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result2["rows"]), expected, "Query returned %d rows" % expected)
        self.assertNotEqual(etag2, etag, "Different Etag after cleanup triggered")


        all_keys = {}
        for r in view_result2["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(4, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
            self.assertFalse(key in all_keys,
                             "Key %d not in result after partition 4 cleanup triggered" % key)

        # print "Triggering view compaction and querying view again"

        (resp3, view_result3) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        etag3 = resp3.getheader("ETag")

        expected = self._params["ndocs"] - (self._params["ndocs"] / 4)

        self.assertEqual(view_result3["total_rows"], expected, "Query returned %d total_rows" % expected)
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result3["rows"]), expected, "Query returned %d rows" % expected)
        self.assertEqual(etag2, etag3, "Same Etag after cleanup finished")


        all_keys = {}
        for r in view_result3["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(4, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
            self.assertFalse(key in all_keys,
                             "Key %d not in result after partition 4 cleanup finished" % key)

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2]:
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))
        self.assertFalse("3" in info["update_seqs"], "partition 3 not in info.update_seqs")

        # print "Adding 2 new documents to partition 4"
        server = self._params["server"]
        db4 = server[self._params["setname"] + "/3"]
        new_doc1 = {"_id": "999999999", "integer": 999999999, "string": "999999999"}
        new_doc2 = {"_id": "000", "integer": -1111, "string": "000"}

        # print "Querying view again"
        (resp4, view_result4) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        etag4 = resp4.getheader("ETag")

        expected = self._params["ndocs"] - (self._params["ndocs"] / 4)
        self.assertEqual(view_result4["total_rows"], expected, "Query returned %d total_rows" % expected)
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result4["rows"]), expected, "Query returned %d rows" % expected)
        self.assertEqual(etag4, etag3, "Same etag after adding new documents to cleaned partition")


        all_keys = {}
        for r in view_result4["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(4, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
            self.assertFalse(key in all_keys,
                             "Key %d not in result after partition 4 cleanup finished" % key)
        self.assertFalse(new_doc1["integer"] in all_keys, "new_doc1 not in query result after cleanup")
        self.assertFalse(new_doc2["integer"] in all_keys, "new_doc2 not in query result after cleanup")

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2]:
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))
        self.assertFalse("3" in info["update_seqs"], "partition 3 not in info.update_seqs")

        # print "Triggering compaction again and verifying it doesn't crash"
        (resp5, view_result5) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        etag5 = resp5.getheader("ETag")

        self.assertEqual(etag5, etag4, "Same etag after second compaction")
        self.assertEqual(view_result5, view_result4, "Same query results after second compaction")

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2]:
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))
        self.assertFalse("3" in info["update_seqs"], "partition 3 not in info.update_seqs")
Esempio n. 8
    def do_test_set_cleanup_partitions_when_updater_is_running(self):
        # print "Marking all partitions for cleanup"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, cleanup = range(self._params["nparts"]))

        # print "Compacting the set view group"

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")

        # print "Querying view"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        self.assertEqual(view_result["total_rows"], 0, "Empty view result")
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), 0, "Empty view result")

        # print "Marking all partitions as active"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, active = range(self._params["nparts"]))

        # print "Querying view with ?stale=update_after"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1", {"stale": "update_after"})
        self.assertEqual(view_result["total_rows"], 0, "Empty view result")
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), 0, "Empty view result")

        # print "Marking partition 2 for cleanup while the updater is running"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, cleanup = [1])

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 2, 3], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [1], "right cleanup partitions list")
        self.assertFalse("1" in info["update_seqs"], "partition 1 not in info.update_seqs")
        self.assertFalse("1" in info["purge_seqs"], "partition 1 not in info.update_seqs")

        # print "Waiting for the set view updater to finish"
        iterations = 0
        while True:
            info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
            if info["updater_running"]:
                iterations += 1

        self.assertTrue(iterations > 0, "Updater was running when partition 2 was marked for cleanup")
        # print "Verifying set view group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 2, 3], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertTrue(["cleanup_partitions"] == [1] or info["cleanup_partitions"] == [],
                        "cleanup partitions list is not wrong")
        self.assertFalse("1" in info["update_seqs"], "partition 1 not in info.update_seqs")
        self.assertFalse("1" in info["purge_seqs"], "partition 1 not in info.update_seqs")

        # print "Querying view"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")

        doc_count = common.set_doc_count(self._params, [0, 2, 3])
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), doc_count, "Query returned %d rows" % doc_count)

        all_keys = {}
        for r in view_result["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(2, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
            self.assertFalse(key in all_keys,
                             "Key %d not in result after partition 2 marked for cleanup" % key)

        # print "Verifying set view group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 2, 3], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        self.assertFalse("1" in info["update_seqs"], "partition 1 not in info.update_seqs")
        self.assertFalse("1" in info["purge_seqs"], "partition 1 not in info.update_seqs")
Esempio n. 9
    def do_test_set_passive_during_compaction(self):
        # print "Querying map view"
        (map_resp, map_view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")

        doc_count = common.set_doc_count(self._params, [0, 1, 2, 3])
        self.assertEqual(map_view_result["total_rows"], doc_count,
                         "Query returned %d total_rows" % doc_count)
        self.assertEqual(len(map_view_result["rows"]), doc_count,
                         "Query returned %d rows" % doc_count)


        # print "Verifying set view group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2, 3], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
            db = self._params["server"][self._params["setname"] + "/" + str(i)]
            seq =["update_seq"]
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], seq,
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))

        # print "Triggering view compaction"
        common.compact_set_view(self._params, False)

        # print "Marking partition 4 as passive"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, passive = [3])

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [3], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")

        # print "Waiting for compaction to finish"
        count = 0
        while info["stats"]["compactions"] < 1:
            count += 1
            info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)

        self.assertTrue((count > 0), "Compaction was running when the partition states were updated")

        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [3], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")

        # print "Querying map view again"
        (map_resp, map_view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")

        expected = common.set_doc_count(self._params, [0, 1, 2])
        self.assertEqual(map_view_result["total_rows"], doc_count,
                         "Query returned %d total_rows" % doc_count)
        self.assertEqual(len(map_view_result["rows"]), expected,
                         "Query returned %d rows" % expected)


        all_keys = {}
        for r in map_view_result["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(4, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
            self.assertFalse(key in all_keys,
                             "Key %d not in result after partition 4 set to passive" % key)

        # print "Triggering view compaction"
        common.compact_set_view(self._params, False)

        # print "Adding two new partitions, 5 and 6, as passive while compaction is running"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, passive = [4, 5])

        # print "Waiting for compaction to finish"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        count = 0
        while info["stats"]["compactions"] < 2:
            count += 1
            info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)

        self.assertTrue((count > 0), "Compaction was running when the partition states were updated")

        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [3, 4, 5], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
            self.assertTrue(str(i) in info["update_seqs"], "%d in info.update_seqs" % i)
        for i in [6, 7]:
            self.assertFalse(str(i) in info["update_seqs"], "%d not in info.update_seqs" % i)

        # print "Querying map view again"
        (map_resp, map_view_result2) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        self.assertEqual(map_view_result2["rows"],  map_view_result["rows"], "Same result set as before")

        total_doc_count = common.set_doc_count(self._params, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
        # print "Adding 1 new document to each partition"
        new_docs = []
        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]:
            server = self._params["server"]
            db = self._params["server"][self._params["setname"] + "/" + str(i)]
            value = total_doc_count + i + 1
            new_doc = {
                "_id": str(value),
                "integer": value,
                "string": str(value)

        new_total_doc_count = common.set_doc_count(self._params, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
        self.assertEqual(new_total_doc_count, (total_doc_count + 8), "8 documents added")
        self.assertEqual(len(new_docs), 8, "8 documents added")

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        if info["updater_running"]:
            # print "Waiting for updater to finish"
            self.assertEqual(info["updater_state"], "updating_passive",
                             "updater state is updating_passive")
            while True:
                info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
                if info["updater_running"]:
                    self.assertEqual(info["updater_state"], "updating_passive",
                                     "updater state is updating_passive")

        expected_row_count = common.set_doc_count(self._params, [0, 1, 2])
        expected_total_rows = common.set_doc_count(self._params, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

        # print "Querying map view again"
        (map_resp, map_view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")

        self.assertEqual(len(map_view_result["rows"]), expected_row_count, "len(rows) is %d" % expected_row_count)

        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2], "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [3, 4, 5], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
            self.assertTrue(str(i) in info["update_seqs"], "%d in info.update_seqs" % i)
            expected_seq = common.partition_update_seq(self._params, i)
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], expected_seq,
                             "info.update_seqs[%d] is %d" % (i, expected_seq))
Esempio n. 10
    def test_filter_partitions(self):
        # print "Querying map view with ?partitions=[0,1,3]"
         map_view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1",
                                         {"partitions": json.dumps([0, 1, 3])})
        map_etag = map_resp.getheader("ETag")

        expected = self._params["ndocs"] - (self._params["ndocs"] / 4)
            map_view_result["total_rows"], self._params["ndocs"],
            "Query returned %d total_rows" % self._params["ndocs"])
        self.assertEqual(len(map_view_result["rows"]), expected,
                         "Query returned %d rows" % expected)


        all_keys = {}
        for r in map_view_result["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(3, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
                key in all_keys,
                "Key %d from partition 3 is not in the result" % key)

        # print "Disabling (making it passive) partition 2"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, passive=[1])

        # print "Querying map view again with ?partitions=[0,1,3]"
        (map_resp2, map_view_result2) = common.query(
            self._params, "mapview1", {"partitions": json.dumps([0, 1, 3])})
        map_etag2 = map_resp2.getheader("ETag")

        self.assertEqual(map_view_result2, map_view_result,
                         "Same result as before")
        self.assertEqual(map_etag2, map_etag, "Same Etag as before")

        # print "Marking partition 2 for cleanup"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, cleanup=[1])

        # print "Querying map view again with ?partitions=[0,1,3]"
        (map_resp3, map_view_result3) = common.query(
            self._params, "mapview1", {"partitions": json.dumps([0, 1, 3])})
        map_etag3 = map_resp3.getheader("ETag")

        expected = self._params["ndocs"] / 2
        self.assertEqual(len(map_view_result3["rows"]), expected,
                         "Query returned %d rows" % expected)
        self.assertNotEqual(map_etag3, map_etag2, "Different Etag from before")


        all_keys = {}
        for r in map_view_result3["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(2, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
                key in all_keys,
                "Key %d from partition 2 is not in the result" % key)
        for key in xrange(3, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
                key in all_keys,
                "Key %d from partition 3 is not in the result" % key)

        # print "Triggering view compaction (to guarantee cleanup is complete)"

        # print "Querying map view again with ?partitions=[0,1,3]"
        (map_resp4, map_view_result4) = common.query(
            self._params, "mapview1", {"partitions": json.dumps([0, 1, 3])})
        map_etag4 = map_resp4.getheader("ETag")

        # total_rows is different after cleanup
        self.assertEquals(map_view_result4["rows"], map_view_result3["rows"],
                          "Same result as before")
        self.assertEquals(map_etag4, map_etag3, "Same Etag as before")
Esempio n. 11
    def do_test_simple_cleanup(self):
        # print "Querying view in steady state"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        etag = resp.getheader("ETag")

            view_result["total_rows"], self._params["ndocs"],
            "Query returned %d total_rows" % self._params["ndocs"])
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), self._params["ndocs"],
                         "Query returned %d rows" % self._params["ndocs"])


        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2, 3],
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
                             (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))

        # print "Triggering partition 4 cleanup"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, cleanup=[3])

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2],
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [3],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2]:
                             (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))
        self.assertFalse("3" in info["update_seqs"],
                         "partition 3 not in info.update_seqs")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_running"], True,
                         "cleanup process is running")

        # print "Querying view again"
        (resp2, view_result2) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        etag2 = resp2.getheader("ETag")

        expected = self._params["ndocs"] - (self._params["ndocs"] / 4)

            view_result2["total_rows"], self._params["ndocs"],
            "Query returned %d total_rows" % self._params["ndocs"])
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result2["rows"]), expected,
                         "Query returned %d rows" % expected)
        self.assertNotEqual(etag2, etag,
                            "Different Etag after cleanup triggered")


        all_keys = {}
        for r in view_result2["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(4, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
                key in all_keys,
                "Key %d not in result after partition 4 cleanup triggered" %

        # print "Triggering view compaction and querying view again"

        (resp3, view_result3) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        etag3 = resp3.getheader("ETag")

        expected = self._params["ndocs"] - (self._params["ndocs"] / 4)

        self.assertEqual(view_result3["total_rows"], expected,
                         "Query returned %d total_rows" % expected)
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result3["rows"]), expected,
                         "Query returned %d rows" % expected)
        self.assertEqual(etag2, etag3, "Same Etag after cleanup finished")


        all_keys = {}
        for r in view_result3["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(4, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
                key in all_keys,
                "Key %d not in result after partition 4 cleanup finished" %

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2],
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2]:
                             (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))
        self.assertFalse("3" in info["update_seqs"],
                         "partition 3 not in info.update_seqs")

        # print "Adding 2 new documents to partition 4"
        server = self._params["server"]
        db4 = server[self._params["setname"] + "/3"]
        new_doc1 = {
            "_id": "999999999",
            "integer": 999999999,
            "string": "999999999"
        new_doc2 = {"_id": "000", "integer": -1111, "string": "000"}

        # print "Querying view again"
        (resp4, view_result4) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        etag4 = resp4.getheader("ETag")

        expected = self._params["ndocs"] - (self._params["ndocs"] / 4)
        self.assertEqual(view_result4["total_rows"], expected,
                         "Query returned %d total_rows" % expected)
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result4["rows"]), expected,
                         "Query returned %d rows" % expected)
            etag4, etag3,
            "Same etag after adding new documents to cleaned partition")


        all_keys = {}
        for r in view_result4["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(4, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
                key in all_keys,
                "Key %d not in result after partition 4 cleanup finished" %
        self.assertFalse(new_doc1["integer"] in all_keys,
                         "new_doc1 not in query result after cleanup")
        self.assertFalse(new_doc2["integer"] in all_keys,
                         "new_doc2 not in query result after cleanup")

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2],
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2]:
                             (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))
        self.assertFalse("3" in info["update_seqs"],
                         "partition 3 not in info.update_seqs")

        # print "Triggering compaction again and verifying it doesn't crash"
        (resp5, view_result5) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        etag5 = resp5.getheader("ETag")

        self.assertEqual(etag5, etag4, "Same etag after second compaction")
        self.assertEqual(view_result5, view_result4,
                         "Same query results after second compaction")

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 1, 2],
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in [0, 1, 2]:
                             (self._params["ndocs"] / 4),
                             "right update seq for partition %d" % (i + 1))
        self.assertFalse("3" in info["update_seqs"],
                         "partition 3 not in info.update_seqs")
Esempio n. 12
    def do_test_set_cleanup_partitions_when_updater_is_running(self):
        # print "Marking all partitions for cleanup"

        # print "Compacting the set view group"

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [],
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")

        # print "Querying view"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")
        self.assertEqual(view_result["total_rows"], 0, "Empty view result")
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), 0, "Empty view result")

        # print "Marking all partitions as active"

        # print "Querying view with ?stale=update_after"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1",
                                           {"stale": "update_after"})
        self.assertEqual(view_result["total_rows"], 0, "Empty view result")
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), 0, "Empty view result")

        # print "Marking partition 2 for cleanup while the updater is running"
        common.set_partition_states(self._params, cleanup=[1])

        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 2, 3],
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [1],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")
        self.assertFalse("1" in info["update_seqs"],
                         "partition 1 not in info.update_seqs")
        self.assertFalse("1" in info["purge_seqs"],
                         "partition 1 not in info.update_seqs")

        # print "Waiting for the set view updater to finish"
        iterations = 0
        while True:
            info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
            if info["updater_running"]:
                iterations += 1

            iterations > 0,
            "Updater was running when partition 2 was marked for cleanup")
        # print "Verifying set view group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 2, 3],
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertTrue(["cleanup_partitions"] == [1]
                        or info["cleanup_partitions"] == [],
                        "cleanup partitions list is not wrong")
        self.assertFalse("1" in info["update_seqs"],
                         "partition 1 not in info.update_seqs")
        self.assertFalse("1" in info["purge_seqs"],
                         "partition 1 not in info.update_seqs")

        # print "Querying view"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview1")

        doc_count = common.set_doc_count(self._params, [0, 2, 3])
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), doc_count,
                         "Query returned %d rows" % doc_count)

        all_keys = {}
        for r in view_result["rows"]:
            all_keys[r["key"]] = True

        for key in xrange(2, self._params["ndocs"], self._params["nparts"]):
                key in all_keys,
                "Key %d not in result after partition 2 marked for cleanup" %

        # print "Verifying set view group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], [0, 2, 3],
                         "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [],
                         "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [],
                         "right cleanup partitions list")
        self.assertFalse("1" in info["update_seqs"],
                         "partition 1 not in info.update_seqs")
        self.assertFalse("1" in info["purge_seqs"],
                         "partition 1 not in info.update_seqs")
Esempio n. 13
    def test_many_partitions(self):
        total_doc_count = common.set_doc_count(self._params, range(self._params["nparts"]))

        # print "Querying view"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview")

        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), total_doc_count, "number of received rows is %d" % total_doc_count)
        self.assertEqual(view_result["total_rows"], total_doc_count, "total_rows is %d" % total_doc_count)

        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], range(self._params["nparts"]), "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in xrange(self._params["nparts"]):
            expected_seq = common.partition_update_seq(self._params, i)
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], expected_seq,
                             "right update seq number (%d) for partition %d" % (expected_seq, i + 1))

        # print "Adding 1 new document to each partition"
        new_docs = []
        for i in xrange(self._params["nparts"]):
            server = self._params["server"]
            db = self._params["server"][self._params["setname"] + "/" + str(i)]
            value = total_doc_count + i + 1
            new_doc = {
                "_id": str(value),
                "integer": value,
                "string": str(value)

        new_total_doc_count = common.set_doc_count(self._params, range(self._params["nparts"]))
        self.assertEqual(new_total_doc_count, (total_doc_count + len(new_docs)), "N documents were added")
        total_doc_count = new_total_doc_count

        # print "Querying view again"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview")

        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), total_doc_count, "number of received rows is %d" % total_doc_count)
        self.assertEqual(view_result["total_rows"], total_doc_count, "total_rows is %d" % total_doc_count)

        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], range(self._params["nparts"]), "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in xrange(self._params["nparts"]):
            expected_seq = common.partition_update_seq(self._params, i)
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], expected_seq,
                             "right update seq number (%d) for partition %d" % (expected_seq, i + 1))

        # print "Marking half of the partitions as passive"
        passive = range(self._params["nparts"] / 2, self._params["nparts"])
        active = range(self._params["nparts"] / 2)
            passive = range(self._params["nparts"] / 2, self._params["nparts"])

        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], active, "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], passive, "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        for i in xrange(self._params["nparts"]):
            expected_seq = common.partition_update_seq(self._params, i)
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], expected_seq,
                             "right update seq number (%d) for partition %d" % (expected_seq, i + 1))

        # print "Querying view again"
        (resp, view_result) = common.query(self._params, "mapview")

        expected_row_count = common.set_doc_count(self._params, active)
        self.assertEqual(len(view_result["rows"]), expected_row_count, "number of received rows is %d" % expected_row_count)

        for row in view_result['rows']:
            if row["key"] >= 2001:
                key_part = ((row["key"] - 2000) % self._params["nparts"]) - 1
                key_part = (row["key"] % self._params["nparts"]) - 1
            self.assertTrue(key_part in active, "Key %d from passive partition not in result set" % row["key"])

        # print "Marking half of the partitions for cleanup"
            cleanup = passive
        cleanup = passive


        # print "Verifying group info"
        info = common.get_set_view_info(self._params)
        self.assertEqual(info["active_partitions"], active, "right active partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["passive_partitions"], [], "right passive partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["cleanup_partitions"], [], "right cleanup partitions list")
        self.assertEqual(info["stats"]["compactions"], 1, "1 compaction")
        self.assertEqual(info["stats"]["cleanups"], 1, "1 full cleanup")
        for i in active:
            expected_seq = common.partition_update_seq(self._params, i)
            self.assertEqual(info["update_seqs"][str(i)], expected_seq,
                             "right update seq number (%d) for partition %d" % (expected_seq, i + 1))