def main(self):
     code = 'USD/JPY'
     self.code = code
     df_info = common.select_sql(
         'select * from %(table)s where rowid > (select max(rowid) from %(table)s)  - %(key1)s'
         % {
             'table': 'gmofx',
             'key1': 100
     del df_info['MXN/JPY']
     del df_info['uptime']
     del df_info['result']
     for code in ['USD/JPY', 'EUR/USD', 'EUR/JPY', 'GBP/JPY']:
             del df_info[code.replace("/", "") + '_result']
     for code in ['USD/JPY', 'EUR/USD', 'EUR/JPY', 'GBP/JPY']:
         df_info = self.fx_data(df_info, 1)
         x_data = info.add_avg(df_info, code)
         result = self.model_save2(x_data, code)
         print("result", result)
         sqls = common.create_update_sql(
             'I07_fx.sqlite', {code.replace("/", "") + '_result': result},
Esempio n. 2
    def STR_C(self):
        sqls = "update kabu_list set L_PL_085 = NULL ,S_PL_085 = NULL"
        common.db_update('B01_stock.sqlite', sqls)

        files = os.listdir(compf.CODE_DIR)
        for i in files:
            year_e = 2018
            code = i.replace(".txt", "")
                y = self.ATR_stg(code, str(year_e - 4), str(year_e),
                                 "_base_" + str(year_e))
                print(code, "不明なエラー発生")
            if len(y) > 500 and int(y.O[1]) > 150 and common.stock_req(
                    code, "SHELL") == 1:
                dict_pl = {}
                dict_w = {}
                L_PL = compf.check_PL(y['plb'])
                L_PL['MEMO'] = "L_PL_085"
                S_PL = compf.check_PL(y['pls'])
                S_PL['MEMO'] = "S_PL_085"
                for T_PL in [L_PL, S_PL]:
                    dict_w = {}
                    title = code + "_" + str(year_e) + T_PL['MEMO']
                    if T_PL['MEMO'] == "L_PL_085":
                        pl = 'plb'
                    if T_PL['MEMO'] == "S_PL_085":
                        pl = 'pls'

                    if (T_PL['WIN'] > 58 and T_PL['PL'] > 1.1):
                        y = self.ATR_stg(code, str(year_e - 0), str(year_e),
                                         "_" + title + "_" + str(year_e))
                        if len(y) == 0:
                        T_PL = compf.check_PL(y[pl])
                        if (dict_pl['PL'] < T_PL['PL']):

                            dict_w[dict_pl['MEMO']] = dict_pl['WIN']
                            # rowid取得
                            sqls = "select *,rowid from %(table)s where コード = '%(key1)s' ;" % {
                                'table': 'kabu_list',
                                'key1': code
                            sql_pd = common.select_sql('B01_stock.sqlite',
                            sqls = common.create_update_sql(
                                'B01_stock.sqlite', dict_w, 'kabu_list',
                                sql_pd['rowid'][0])  #最後の引数を削除すると自動的に最後の行
Esempio n. 3
 def N225_N(self):
     table_name = "rashio"
     rashio = info.TOPIX_get('05:30')
     dict_w = s01_gmo.check_new_data()
     rashio['N225openN'] = dict_w['N225openN']
     rashio['N225highN'] = dict_w['N225highN']
     rashio['N225lowN'] = dict_w['N225lowN']
     rashio['N225closeN'] = dict_w['N225closeN']
     # 最終行ROWID取得
     rid = common.last_rowid(DB_INFO, table_name)
     # DBアップデート
     sqls = common.create_update_sql(DB_INFO, rashio, table_name, rid) #最後の引数を削除すると自動的に最後の行
    def main(self):
        df = sk.fx_data(100)
        for code in ['USD/JPY', 'EUR/USD', 'EUR/JPY', 'GBP/JPY']:
            x_data = sk.add_avg(df.copy(), code)
            filename = os.path.join(
                code.replace("/", "") + '_finalized_model.sav')
            clf_2 = joblib.load(filename)

            pred_test_2 = clf_2.predict(x_data)
            sqls = common.create_update_sql(
                {code.replace("/", "") + '_result': pred_test_2[-1]}, 'gmofx')
Esempio n. 5
    def n225_topix_avg(self):
        dict_w = {}
        yest_day = str( - datetime.timedelta(days=30)).replace("-", "/")
        dict = {'table': 'rashio', 'key1': yest_day}
        sqls = "select *,rowid from %(table)s where now > '%(key1)s'" % dict
        sql_pd = common.select_sql('I01_all.sqlite', sqls)
        num = len(sql_pd)-1
        dict_w['N225_乖離avg30'] = round(sql_pd.loc[num, 'N225closeD'] / sql_pd.N225closeD.rolling(num).mean()[num],3)
        dict_w['N225_HighLow30'] = round((sql_pd.loc[num, 'N225closeD'] - sql_pd['N225closeD'].min()) / (sql_pd['N225closeD'].max() - sql_pd['N225closeD'].min()),3)
        dict_w['TOPIX_乖離avg30'] = round(sql_pd.loc[num, 'TOPIX_C15'] / sql_pd.TOPIX_C15.rolling(num).mean()[num],3)
        dict_w['TOPIX_HighLow30'] = round((sql_pd.loc[num, 'TOPIX_C15'] - sql_pd['TOPIX_C15'].min()) / (sql_pd['TOPIX_C15'].max() - sql_pd['TOPIX_C15'].min()),3)
        dict_w = common.to_number(dict_w)

        # 最終行ROWID取得
        rid = common.last_rowid('I01_all.sqlite', 'rashio')
        # DBアップデート
        sqls = common.create_update_sql('I01_all.sqlite', dict_w, 'rashio', rid) #最後の引数を削除すると自動的に最後の行
        return dict_w
 def main_bak(self):
     code = 'USD/JPY'
     self.code = code
     df_info = common.select_sql(
         'select * from %(table)s where rowid > (select max(rowid) from %(table)s)  - %(key1)s'
         % {
             'table': 'gmofx',
             'key1': 100
     del df_info['MXN/JPY']
     del df_info['uptime']
     del df_info['result']
     df_info = self.fx_data(df_info, 1)
     x_data = info.add_avg(df_info, code)
     result = self.model_save2(x_data, code)
     print("result", result)
     sqls = common.create_update_sql('I07_fx.sqlite', {'result': result},
Esempio n. 7
    def retry_check(self):
        sqls = 'select *,rowid from retry where status < 0 ;'
        sql_pd = common.select_sql(self.INFO_DB, sqls)
        for i, row in sql_pd.iterrows():
            dict_w = {}
            bybypara = dict(row)
                result, msg = f02_gmo.gmo_cfd_exec(bybypara)
                if str(msg).count('正常終了'):
                    dict_w['status'] = 0
                    dict_w['status'] = row['status'] + 1
                dict_w['status'] = row['status'] + 1
                self.send_msg += u'CFDトレードリトライ異常終了_' + bybypara['code'] + "\n"

            sqls = common.create_update_sql(
                self.INFO_DB, dict_w, 'retry',
                bybypara['rowid'])  #最後の引数を削除すると自動的に最後の行
Esempio n. 8
    def bloomberg_rashio(self):
        table_name = "rashio"
        rashio = {}
#        for tick in ["BDIY","USGG5YR","USGG10YR","VIX","DJI", "FVX","SPC","IXIC","TNX"]:

        # "INDU"ダウ,"ES1"SP500,"CCMP"ナスダック
        ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) ' 'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/55.0.2883.95 Safari/537.36 '
        s = requests.session()
        s.headers.update({'User-Agent': ua})
        for tick in [ "CCMP","BDIY", "USGG5YR", "USGG10YR","VIX", "INDU", "ES1"]:
            UURL = "" + tick + ":IND"
            ret = s.get(UURL)
            soup = BeautifulSoup(ret.content, "lxml")
            stocktable = soup.find('div', {'class': 'price'})
                rashio[tick + "_IND"] = stocktable.text.replace(",", "").replace(".00", "")
                self.send_msg += tick + common.create_error(sys.exc_info()) + "\n"
        # 最終行ROWID取得
        rid = common.last_rowid(DB_INFO, table_name)
        # DBアップデート
        sqls = common.create_update_sql(DB_INFO, rashio, table_name, rid) #最後の引数を削除すると自動的に最後の行
Esempio n. 9
    def breakout_ma_two(self, window0, window9, col, table):
        status = 0
        data = {'L_flag': "", 'S_flag': "", 'S_PL': "", 'L_PL': ""}
        sqls = "select %(key1)s from %(table)s where rowid=(select max(rowid) from %(table)s) ;" % {
            'table': table,
            'key1': col
        sql_pd = common.select_sql(self.INFO_DB, sqls)
        data['S3_R'] = float(sql_pd.loc[0, col])

        # データ更新、データフレームに引き出す
        tablename = col + "_breakout_ma_two"
        common.insertDB3(self.INFO_DB, tablename, data)
        sqls = "select *,rowid from " + tablename
        tsd = common.select_sql(self.INFO_DB, sqls)
        cnt = len(tsd) - 1
        if cnt < 10:
            return status

        data['avg_' +
             str(window0)] = tsd.S3_R.rolling(window0).mean().shift(1)[cnt]
        data['avg_' +
             str(window9)] = tsd.S3_R.rolling(window9).mean().shift(1)[cnt]

        cnt2 = len(tsd) - 2
        if tsd.loc[cnt2, 'S_flag'] is None or tsd.loc[cnt2, 'S_flag'] == "":
            S_flag = 0
            S_flag = float(tsd.loc[cnt2, 'S_flag'])

        if tsd.loc[cnt2, 'L_flag'] is None or tsd.loc[cnt2, 'L_flag'] == "":
            L_flag = 0
            L_flag = float(tsd.loc[cnt2, 'L_flag'])

#        window0 = 32 797.98438
#        window9 = 12 798.41667

        data['S_flag'] = tsd.loc[cnt2, 'S_flag']
        data['L_flag'] = tsd.loc[cnt2, 'L_flag']
        status = 0
        if data['avg_' + str(window0)] > data[
                'avg_' + str(window9)] and S_flag != 0:  # exit short-position
            data['S_PL'] = S_flag - data['S3_R']  # レポート用
            data['S_flag'] = 0
            status = -2
        elif data['avg_' + str(window0)] < data[
                'avg_' + str(window9)] and L_flag != 0:  # exit short-position
            data['L_PL'] = data['S3_R'] - L_flag  # レポート用
            data['L_flag'] = 0
        elif data['avg_' + str(window0)] < data[
                'avg_' + str(window9)] and S_flag == 0:  # entry short-position
            data['S_flag'] = data['S3_R']
            status = -1
        elif data['avg_' + str(window0)] > data[
                'avg_' + str(window9)] and L_flag == 0:  # entry short-position
            data['L_flag'] = data['S3_R']
            status = 1

#            status =  2
# rowid取得
        sqls = "select *,rowid from %(table)s where rowid=(select max(rowid) from %(table)s) ;" % {
            'table': tablename
        sql_pd = common.select_sql(self.INFO_DB, sqls)
        sqls = common.create_update_sql(self.INFO_DB, data, tablename,
        return status
Esempio n. 10
    def breakout_ma_three(self, window0, window9, window5, col, table):
        status = 0
        data = {'L_flag': "", 'S_flag': "", 'S_PL': "", 'L_PL': "", 'S3_R': ""}
        sqls = 'select "%(key1)s" from %(table)s where rowid=(select max(rowid) from %(table)s) ;' % {
            'table': table,
            'key1': col
        sql_pd = common.select_sql(self.INFO_DB, sqls)
        data['S3_R'] = float(sql_pd.loc[0, col])
        # データ更新、データフレームに引き出す
        tablename = col + "_breakout_ma_three"
        common.insertDB3(self.INFO_DB, tablename, data)
        col_name = ', '.join([k for k in data.keys()])
        sqls = "select *,rowid from %(table)s" % {'table': tablename}
        tsd = common.select_sql(self.INFO_DB, sqls)
        cnt = len(tsd) - 1
        if cnt < 10:
            return status
        data['avg_' +
             str(window0)] = tsd.S3_R.rolling(window0).mean().shift(1)[cnt]
        data['avg_' +
             str(window9)] = tsd.S3_R.rolling(window9).mean().shift(1)[cnt]
        data['avg_' +
             str(window5)] = tsd.S3_R.rolling(window5).mean().shift(1)[cnt]

        # レポート用
        # init----------------------------------
        cnt2 = len(tsd) - 2
        if tsd.loc[cnt2, 'S_flag'] is None or tsd.loc[cnt2, 'S_flag'] == "":
            S_flag = 0
            S_flag = float(tsd.loc[cnt2, 'S_flag'])

        if tsd.loc[cnt2, 'L_flag'] is None or tsd.loc[cnt2, 'L_flag'] == "":
            L_flag = 0
            L_flag = float(tsd.loc[cnt2, 'L_flag'])

        data['S_flag'] = tsd.loc[cnt2, 'S_flag']
        data['L_flag'] = tsd.loc[cnt2, 'L_flag']
        # entry short-position
        if S_flag == 0 and data['avg_' + str(window0)] < data[
                'avg_' + str(window5)] < data['avg_' + str(window9)]:
            data['S_flag'] = data['S3_R']
            status = -1
        elif (data['avg_' + str(window0)] > data['avg_' + str(window5)]
              or data['avg_' + str(window5)] > data['avg_' + str(window9)]
              ) and S_flag != 0:  # exit short-position
            data['S_PL'] = S_flag - data['S3_R']
            data['S_flag'] = 0
            status = -2
        # entry short-position
        elif L_flag == 0 and data['avg_' + str(window0)] > data[
                'avg_' + str(window5)] > data['avg_' + str(window9)]:
            data['L_flag'] = data['S3_R']
            status = 1
        elif (data['avg_' + str(window0)] < data['avg_' + str(window5)]
              or data['avg_' + str(window5)] < data['avg_' + str(window9)]
              ) and L_flag != 0:  # exit short-position
            data['L_PL'] = data['S3_R'] - L_flag
            data['L_flag'] = 0
        # rowid取得
        sqls = "select *,rowid from %(table)s where rowid=(select max(rowid) from %(table)s) ;" % {
            'table': tablename
        sql_pd = common.select_sql(self.INFO_DB, sqls)
        sqls = common.create_update_sql(self.INFO_DB, data, tablename,
Esempio n. 11
    def breakout_simple_f(self, window0, window9, f0, f9, col, table):
        status = 0
        data = {
            'L_flag': "",
            'S_flag': "",
            'L_SUM': "",
            'S_PL': "",
            'L_PL': ""
        sqls = "select %(key1)s from %(table)s where rowid=(select max(rowid) from %(table)s) ;" % {
            'table': table,
            'key1': col
        sql_pd = common.select_sql(self.INFO_DB, sqls)
        data['S3_R'] = float(sql_pd.loc[0, col])

        # データ更新、データフレームに引き出す
        tablename = col + "_breakout_simple_f"
        common.insertDB3(self.INFO_DB, tablename, data)
        sqls = "select *,rowid from " + tablename
        tsd = common.select_sql(self.INFO_DB, sqls)
        cnt = len(tsd) - 1
        if cnt < 10:
            return 0
        data['max_s' + str(window0)] = tsd.S3_R.rolling(window0).max().shift(
            1)[cnt]  #ub0
        data['min_s' +
             str(window0)] = tsd.S3_R.rolling(window0).min().shift(1)[cnt]  #2
        data['max_e' + str(window9)] = tsd.S3_R.rolling(window9).max().shift(
            1)[cnt]  #ub9
        data['min_e' + str(window9)] = tsd.S3_R.rolling(window9).min().shift(
            1)[cnt]  #lb9
        data['avg_l' +
             str(f0)] = tsd.S3_R.rolling(f0).mean().shift(1)[cnt]  #f0
        data['avg_s' +
             str(f9)] = tsd.S3_R.rolling(f9).mean().shift(1)[cnt]  #f9
        # init----------------------------------
        cnt2 = len(tsd) - 2
        if tsd.loc[cnt2, 'S_flag'] is None or tsd.loc[cnt2, 'S_flag'] == "":
            S_flag = 0
            S_flag = float(tsd.loc[cnt2, 'S_flag'])

        if tsd.loc[cnt2, 'L_flag'] is None or tsd.loc[cnt2, 'L_flag'] == "":
            L_flag = 0
            L_flag = float(tsd.loc[cnt2, 'L_flag'])

        data['S_flag'] = tsd.loc[cnt2, 'S_flag']
        data['L_flag'] = tsd.loc[cnt2, 'L_flag']
        c = data['S3_R']
        status = 0

        if c > data['max_e' +
                    str(window9)] and S_flag != 0:  # exit short-position
            data['S_PL'] = S_flag - c  # レポート用
            data['S_flag'] = 0
            status = -2
        elif c < data['min_e' +
                      str(window9)] and L_flag != 0:  # exit short-position
            data['L_PL'] = c - L_flag  # レポート用
            data['L_flag'] = 0
            status = 2
        elif c < data['min_s' +
                      str(window0)] and S_flag == 0 and L_flag == 0 and data[
                          'avg_s' + str(f9)] > data['avg_l' + str(f0)]:
            data['S_flag'] = c
            status = -1
        elif c > data['max_s' +
                      str(window0)] and S_flag == 0 and L_flag == 0 and data[
                          'avg_s' + str(f9)] < data['avg_l' + str(f0)]:
            data['L_flag'] = c
            status = 1
        if status == -1 and L_flag != 0:
            self.byby_exec_fx(2, col, 1)
        if status == 1 and S_flag != 0:
            self.byby_exec_fx(-2, col, 1)
        # rowid取得
        sqls = "select *,rowid from %(table)s where rowid=(select max(rowid) from %(table)s) ;" % {
            'table': tablename
        sql_pd = common.select_sql(self.INFO_DB, sqls)
        sqls = common.create_update_sql(self.INFO_DB, data, tablename,

        return status
Esempio n. 12
    def tocom_up(self):
        AA = ['金', 'ゴールドスポット', '白金', 'プラチナスポット', 'プラッツドバイ原油', 'ゴム']
        BB = ['金 標準取引 (1kg)', 'ゴールドスポット', '白金 標準取引 (500g)','プラチナスポット', 'プラッツドバイ原油',  'ゴム']

        # 信用残の推移(週次)
        UURL = ""
        # テーブル情報取得
        dfs = common.read_html2(UURL, 0)  # header=0,skiprows=0(省略可能)
        for ii in range(1, len(dfs)):
            rashio = {}
            for i in range(len(AA)):
                if len(dfs[ii]) > 10:
                    if dfs[ii].columns[0].replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "") == BB[i] or dfs[ii].columns[0].replace("\n", "") == BB[i]:
                        table_name = AA[i]
                        for idx, row in dfs[ii].iterrows():
                            if idx < 1:
                            if idx % 2 == 0:
                                rashio[row[0].replace(" ", "")] = row[1]
                        # ヘッダー存在チェック
                        new_list = [l for l in rashio]
                        aaa = common.column_check(DB_INFO, table_name, new_list)
                        # DBインサート
                        common.insertDB3(DB_INFO, table_name, rashio)

        table_name = "ゴム"
        UURL = ""
        # テーブル情報取得
        dfs = common.read_html2(UURL, 0)  # header=0,skiprows=0(省略可能)
        for ii in range(1, len(dfs)):
            rashio = {}
            if dfs[ii].columns[0] == "指定倉庫":
                for idx, row in dfs[ii].iterrows():
                    if idx == 4:
                        for i in range(len(dfs[ii].columns)):
                            if i > 0:
                                rashio[dfs[ii].columns[i].replace("\n\t\t\t", "").replace(" ", "").replace(".", "_")] = row[i]
                # 最終行ROWID取得
                rid = common.last_rowid(DB_INFO, table_name)
                # DBアップデート
                sqls = common.create_update_sql(DB_INFO, rashio, table_name, rid) #最後の引数を削除すると自動的に最後の行

        table_name = "tocom"
        UURL = ""
        # テーブル情報取得
        dfs = common.read_html2(UURL, 0)  # header=0,skiprows=0(省略可能)

        CC = ['カテゴリ', '当業者売', '当業者買', '商品先物取引業者売', '商品先物取引業者買',  'ファンド・投資信託売', 'ファンド・投資信託買', '投資家売', '投資家買','取次者経由売', '取次者経由買', '外国商品先物取引業者経由売', '外国商品先物取引業者経由買', '合計売', '合計買']
        col_name = {}
        col_name = {dfs[0].columns[c]: CC[c] for c in range(len(dfs[0].columns))}
        dfs[0] = dfs[0].rename(columns=col_name)
        # DBへのインポート
        for idx, row in dfs[0].iterrows():
            if idx == 0:
            dict_w = {}
            for ii in range(len(row)):
                dict_w[dfs[0].columns[ii]] = row[ii]
            dict_w['日付'] = common.env_time()[0][:8]
            common.insertDB3(DB_INFO, table_name, dict_w)