def post_process_csv_data(data): """Apply color, card type, and CMC to cards.""" for x in data: # Each x is a list of the form [cardname, color, cardtype, CMC] db(db.Cards.Name == x[0]).update( Color=x[1].replace('MONO_', ''), Cardtype=x[2], CMC=x[3])
def update(filename): '''Change the cube list to reflect the contents of FILENAME. FILENAME: a list of cardnames, one per line. No quantity data - multiples must be listed separately for each instance. This matches CubeTutor's output as of August 2014. This function: 1. Iterates through the list and builds a {name: quantity} dictionary. 2. Iterates through the cards table, setting quantities to 0 on all cards not appearing in the dictionary. 3. Iterates through the dictionary, creating or updating rows as needed. This function does not add, update, or change card attributes (color etc.). ''' log.debug("Reading from %s", filename) with open(filename, 'r') as f: cardData = f.readlines()"cardData indicates a %s-card cube.", len(cardData)) # Step 1 newCards = {} # empty dictionary to hold name:qty keypairs for i in range(len(cardData)): cardData[i] = cardData[i].strip() if cardData[i] in newCards: # Duplicate cardname found... newCards[cardData[i]] += 1 # so increment the quantity. else: newCards[cardData[i]] = 1 # Otherwise add a key with qty=1. log.warning("newCards indicates a %s-card cube.", sum(newCards.values())) # Step 2 cut_cards = added_cards = 0 # Count number of changed cards for logging. for row in db().select(db.Cards.Name, db.Cards.Quantity): if row.Name not in newCards and row.Quantity != 0: # Card has been cut db(db.Cards.Name == row.Name).update(Quantity = 0) cut_cards += row.Quantity else: added_cards -= row.Quantity # This subtracts out the existing records' quantities. The total # number of added cards is the sum of this (negative or 0) and the # update_or_insert quantity sum in step 3. log.warning("Cutting %s cards...", cut_cards) # Step 3 for cardname in newCards: db.Cards.update_or_insert(db.Cards.Name == cardname, Name = cardname, Quantity = newCards[cardname]) added_cards += newCards[cardname] log.warning("Adding %s cards...", added_cards) db.commit() return
def on_game_log(self, gameId): """Return parsed game log for game with id=gameId. Args: gameId (int): ID of target game. Returns: dict: Prepared game log data. """ gameData = db( == gameId).select().first() events = db(db.Events.game_id == gameId).select() return parseLog.prepare(gameData, events)
def on_log_list(self): """Retrieve list of available game logs. Returns: list: Each list item is a dict with keys (name, id). """ return db( > 0).select().as_list()
def get_user_feed(self, user_id): return db().query( 'select ' '(select name from user where id=actor_user_id) as actor, ' '(select name from user where id=target_user_id) as target, ' 'amount, note ' 'from user_payment p ' 'where actor_user_id=$user_id or target_user_id=$user_id', {'user_id': user_id})
def get_current_ratings(): '''Return a dict with a key for each active cardname, and values of tuples like (mu, sigma).''' active_cards_with_ratings = db(db.Cards.Quantity > 0).select(db.Cards.Name,'mu'), db.Transactions.sigma.coalesce(DEFAULT_SIGMA).with_alias('sigma'), left=db.Transactions.on( == db.Transactions.card_id), orderby=db.Transactions.timestamp) # Only retains most recent timestamp due to select being ordered by same acwrdict = {row['Cards.Name']:(row['mu'], row['sigma']) for row in active_cards_with_ratings} return acwrdict
def delete(self, __id): db().delete(self.className, where="id=$id", vars={"id": __id})
def update(self, __id, **kwargs): if "id" in kwargs: del kwargs["id"] db().update(self.className, where="id=$id", vars={"id": __id}, **kwargs)
def get_by_user_id(self, user_id): ret = db().select(self.className, {"user_id": user_id}, where="user_id=$user_id") return single_result(ret)
def load(self, __id): ret = db().select(self.className, where="id=$id", vars={"id": __id}) return single_result(ret)
def list(self): return db().select(self.className, order="id DESC")
async def run(logger): logger.debug("Loading settings from file...") config = load_config() logger.debug("Loaded settings from file!") token = config['token'] intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.members = True logger.debug("Checking version...") #figure out what we're logging in as tokenfilename, database, ver = get_release_level() logger.debug(f"Logging in as '{ver}'") if ver == 'stable': if config['owner_id'] == "538193752913608704" and ( os.path.exists('devtoken.txt') or os.path.exists('betatoken.txt') ) and not "--nologin" in sys.argv: print( "You're attempting to start the production version of Maximilian when you have other versions available.\nAre you sure you want to do this? \nIf you're certain this won't break anything, enter 'Yes, do as I say!' below.\n" ) if input() == "Yes, do as I say!": print("\nOk, starting Maximilian.\n") await asyncio.sleep(1) else: print("You need to type 'Yes, do as I say!' exactly as shown.") os._exit(5) commit = '' else: token = common.token().get(tokenfilename) logger.debug("Getting latest commit hash...") commit = get_latest_commit() logger.debug("Done getting latest commit hash.") logger.debug("Setting up some stuff") bot = commands.Bot( command_prefix=core.get_prefix, owner_id=int(config['owner_id']), intents=intents, activity=discord.Activity( type=discord.ActivityType.playing, name=f" v0.6.2{f'-{commit}' if commit else ''} ({ver})")) #set up some important stuff bot.database = database bot.logger = logger if parse_version(discord.__version__).major < 2: bot.logger.debug("using dpy 1.x") bot.IS_DPY_2 = False else: bot.IS_DPY_2 = True bot.logger.debug("using dpy 2.x") bot.logger.warning( "It looks like Maximilian is using 2.x. Use of dpy2 is not recommended for now due to some serious bugs." ) await asyncio.sleep(1) try: #experimental i18n, not used at the moment #initialize_i18n(bot) pass except: if '--i18n-errors' in sys.argv: traceback.print_exc() logger.critical( 'i18n initialization failed! Does the translation file exist?') os._exit(53) await wrap_event(bot) #show version information bot.logger.warning( f"Starting maximilian-{ver} v0.6.2{f'-{commit}' if commit else ''}{' with Jishaku enabled ' if '--enablejsk' in sys.argv else ' '}(running on Python {sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor} and {discord.__version__}) " ) #parse additional arguments (ip, enablejsk, noload) bot.noload = [] bot.logger.debug("Parsing command line arguments...") parse_arguments(bot, sys.argv) bot.logger.debug("Done parsing command line arguments.") bot.guildlist = [] bot.prefixes = {} bot.responses = [] bot.start_time = time.time() bot.dbinst = common.db(bot, config['dbp']) bot.logger.debug("Done setting up stuff.") #try to connect to database, exit if it fails f"Attempting to connect to database '{bot.database}' on '{bot.dbip}'..." ) try: bot.dbinst.connect(bot.database)"Connected to database successfully.") bot.dbdisabled = False except pymysql.err.OperationalError: bot.logger.critical( f"Couldn't connect to database! \nMaybe try running again?" ) os._exit(96) #make sure all tables exist try: bot.dbinst.ensure_tables() except pymysql.OperationalError: bot.logger.error( "Unable to create one or more tables! Does `maximilianbot` not have the CREATE permission?" ) #now that we've got most stuff set up, load extensions load_extensions(bot) #and log in print("Logging in...") if not "--nologin" in sys.argv: await bot.start(token)
# (at your option) any later version. # # Meters is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with meters. If not, see <>. import time import flask import common import sys db = common.db() readings_collection = db.database.readings deleted_collection = db.database.deleted_readings app = flask.Flask(__name__) @app.route("/get") def get(): start_date, end_date, message = common.get_dates(flask.request.args) if message: return common.format_error(message) day_query = {"date": {"$gte": start_date, "$lte": end_date}} return common.format_success( list( readings_collection.find( {
def load_by_card_number(self, card_number): ret = db().select(self.className, {"card_number": card_number}, where="card_number=$card_number") return single_result(ret)
vrms = 1 fs = 50 f1 = 5 f2 = 20 ns = 100 nrep = 1 u, t = forcing.randomPeriodic(vrms, fs, f1, f2, ns, nrep) npt.assert_allclose(np.linalg.norm(t), 11.6335721083) npt.assert_allclose(np.linalg.norm(u), 10.0498756211) U = np.fft.fft(u) idx = len(U) // 2 U_plot = db(np.abs(U[0:idx])) freq = np.fft.fftfreq(len(U), d=1 / fs) freq = freq[0:idx] fig1 = plt.figure() plt.clf() plt.plot(freq, U_plot, '*k') plt.axvline(f1, color='k', linestyle='--') plt.axvline(f2, color='k', linestyle='--') plt.title('Frequency content for randomPeriodic signal') plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('FFT basis periodic random (dB)') plt.grid() amp = 1 fs = 100
def load_by_username(self, username): ret = db().select(self.className, {'username': username}, where="username=$username") return single_result(ret)
def new(self, **kwargs): if "id" in kwargs: del kwargs["id"] return db().insert(self.className, **kwargs)