Esempio n. 1
    def get_next_flow(self):
        if self.prevFlow:
            ret = self.prevFlow
            self.prevFlow = None
            return ret

        line = self.input_file.readline()
        if not line:
            return None
        # we only support the default format at the moment.
        # TODO: parse the header, get the appropriate names and
        # field separators ...
        if line.startswith('#'):
            return self.get_next_flow()

        fields = line.split()

        srcFlow = {}
        srcFlow[common.COL_FIRST_SWITCHED] = float(fields[0])
        srcFlow[common.COL_SRC_IP] = ip2int(fields[2])
        srcFlow[common.COL_SRC_PORT] = int(fields[3])
        srcFlow[common.COL_DST_IP] = ip2int(fields[4])
        srcFlow[common.COL_DST_PORT] = int(fields[5])
        srcFlow[common.COL_PROTO] = common.getValueFromProto(fields[6])
        if fields[8] == '-':
            srcFlow[common.COL_LAST_SWITCHED] = float(fields[0])
            srcFlow[common.COL_LAST_SWITCHED] = float(fields[0]) + float(
        srcFlow[common.COL_PKTS] = int(fields[15])
        srcFlow[common.COL_BYTES] = int(fields[16])

        dstFlow = {}
        dstFlow[common.COL_FIRST_SWITCHED] = float(fields[0])
        dstFlow[common.COL_SRC_IP] = ip2int(fields[4])
        dstFlow[common.COL_SRC_PORT] = int(fields[5])
        dstFlow[common.COL_DST_IP] = ip2int(fields[2])
        dstFlow[common.COL_DST_PORT] = int(fields[3])
        dstFlow[common.COL_PROTO] = common.getValueFromProto(fields[6])
        if fields[8] == '-':
            dstFlow[common.COL_LAST_SWITCHED] = float(fields[0])
            dstFlow[common.COL_LAST_SWITCHED] = float(fields[0]) + float(
        dstFlow[common.COL_PKTS] = int(fields[17])
        dstFlow[common.COL_BYTES] = int(fields[18])

        # return srcFlow now, return dstflow at the next call to get_next_flow()
        self.prevFlow = dstFlow
        return srcFlow
Esempio n. 2
    def get_next_flow(self):
        if self.prevFlow:
            ret = self.prevFlow
            self.prevFlow = None
            return ret

        line = self.input_file.readline()
        if not line:
            return None
            # we only support the default format at the moment.
            # TODO: parse the header, get the appropriate names and
            # field separators ...
        if line.startswith("#"):
            return self.get_next_flow()

        fields = line.split()

        srcFlow = {}
        srcFlow[common.COL_FIRST_SWITCHED] = float(fields[0])
        srcFlow[common.COL_SRC_IP] = ip2int(fields[2])
        srcFlow[common.COL_SRC_PORT] = int(fields[3])
        srcFlow[common.COL_DST_IP] = ip2int(fields[4])
        srcFlow[common.COL_DST_PORT] = int(fields[5])
        srcFlow[common.COL_PROTO] = common.getValueFromProto(fields[6])
        if fields[8] == "-":
            srcFlow[common.COL_LAST_SWITCHED] = float(fields[0])
            srcFlow[common.COL_LAST_SWITCHED] = float(fields[0]) + float(fields[8])
        srcFlow[common.COL_PKTS] = int(fields[15])
        srcFlow[common.COL_BYTES] = int(fields[16])

        dstFlow = {}
        dstFlow[common.COL_FIRST_SWITCHED] = float(fields[0])
        dstFlow[common.COL_SRC_IP] = ip2int(fields[4])
        dstFlow[common.COL_SRC_PORT] = int(fields[5])
        dstFlow[common.COL_DST_IP] = ip2int(fields[2])
        dstFlow[common.COL_DST_PORT] = int(fields[3])
        dstFlow[common.COL_PROTO] = common.getValueFromProto(fields[6])
        if fields[8] == "-":
            dstFlow[common.COL_LAST_SWITCHED] = float(fields[0])
            dstFlow[common.COL_LAST_SWITCHED] = float(fields[0]) + float(fields[8])
        dstFlow[common.COL_PKTS] = int(fields[17])
        dstFlow[common.COL_BYTES] = int(fields[18])

        # return srcFlow now, return dstflow at the next call to get_next_flow()
        self.prevFlow = dstFlow
        return srcFlow
Esempio n. 3
    def get_next_flow(self):
        if self.prevFlow:
            ret = self.prevFlow
            self.prevFlow = None
            return ret

        flow = self.c.fetchone()
        if flow == None:
            if len(self.tables) == 0:
                return None
            table = self.tables.pop()

            print "Importing table ", table, "..."
            self.c.execute("SELECT * FROM " + table + " ORDER BY stime ASC")
            return self.get_next_flow()

        obj = dict()
        revObj = dict()
        firstSwitched = None
        for j, col in enumerate(self.c.description):
            print col[0]
            if col[0] in self.columnmap:
                fieldName = self.columnmap[col[0]]
                print "fieldName: ", fieldName
                # argus tables contain reverse flow information
                # create a revObj which matches the reverse flow
                if fieldName == common.COL_SRC_IP:
                    ip = ip2int(flow[j])
                    obj[common.COL_SRC_IP] = ip
                    revObj[common.COL_DST_IP] = ip
                if fieldName == common.COL_DST_IP:
                    ip = ip2int(flow[j])
                    obj[common.COL_DST_IP] = ip
                    revObj[common.COL_SRC_IP] = ip
                if fieldName == common.COL_SRC_PORT:
                    obj[common.COL_SRC_PORT] = flow[j]
                    revObj[common.COL_DST_PORT] = flow[j]
                if fieldName == common.COL_DST_PORT:
                    obj[common.COL_DST_PORT] = flow[j]
                    revObj[common.COL_SRC_PORT] = flow[j]
                if fieldName == common.COL_PROTO:
                    obj[common.COL_PROTO] = common.getValueFromProto(flow[j])
                    revObj[common.COL_PROTO] = common.getValueFromProto(flow[j])
            elif col[0] in self.srcDirectionMap:
                fieldName = self.srcDirectionMap[col[0]]
                obj[fieldName] = flow[j]
            elif col[0] in self.dstDirectionMap:
                fieldName = self.dstDirectionMap[col[0]]
                revObj[fieldName] = flow[j]
            elif col[0] == "stime":
                firstSwitched = float(flow[j])
                obj[common.COL_FIRST_SWITCHED] = firstSwitched
                revObj[common.COL_FIRST_SWITCHED] = firstSwitched
            elif col[0] == "dur":
                obj[common.COL_LAST_SWITCHED] = firstSwitched + float(flow[j])
                revObj[common.COL_LAST_SWITCHED] = firstSwitched + float(flow[j])

                # check if the reverse flow start time is > 0. if it is zero, this means that we have a
                # one way flow (e.g. coming from a scan) that should not be imported into the database
        if common.COL_FIRST_SWITCHED in revObj and revObj[common.COL_FIRST_SWITCHED] > 0:
            self.prevFlow = revObj

        print obj
        return obj
Esempio n. 4
def extract_mongo_query_params():
	# construct query

	limit = 0
	if "limit" in request.GET:
			limit = int(request.GET["limit"])
		except ValueError:
			raise HTTPError(output="Param limit has to be an integer.")
		if limit < 0:
			limit = 0
	fields = None
	if "fields" in request.GET:
		fields = request.GET["fields"].strip()
		fields = map(lambda v: v.strip(), fields.split(","))
	sort = None
	if "sort" in request.GET:
		sort = request.GET["sort"].strip()
		sort = map(lambda v: v.strip(), sort.split(","))
		for i in range(0, len(sort)):
			field = sort[i].split(" ")
			order = 1
			if field[-1].lower() == "asc":
			elif field[-1].lower() == "desc":
				order = -1
			field = " ".join(field)
			sort[i] = (field, order)
	count = False
	if "count" in request.GET:
		count = True

	# get query params
	start_bucket = 0
	if "start_bucket" in request.GET:
			start_bucket = int(request.GET["start_bucket"])
		except ValueError:
			raise HTTPError(output="Param start_bucket has to be an integer.")
		if start_bucket < 0:
			start_bucket = 0
	end_bucket = sys.maxint
	if "end_bucket" in request.GET:
			end_bucket = int(request.GET["end_bucket"])
		except ValueError:
			raise HTTPError(output="Param end_bucket has to be an integer.")
		if end_bucket < 0:
			end_bucket = 0
	# the bucket resolution to query (number of buckets)		
	resolution = 1
	if "resolution" in request.GET:
			resolution = int(request.GET["resolution"])
		except ValueError:
			raise HTTPError(output="Param resolution has to be an integer.")
		if resolution < 1:
			resolution = 1
	# or set the bucket size directly
	bucket_size = None
	if "bucket_size" in request.GET:
			bucket_size = int(request.GET["bucket_size"])
		except ValueError:
			raise HTTPError(output="Param bucket_size has to be an integer.")
		if bucket_size not in config.flow_bucket_sizes:
			raise HTTPError(output="This bucket size is not available.")
	# biflow aggregation
	# This simply removes the difference between srcIP and dstIP
	# (The smaller ip will always be the srcIP)
	biflow = False
	if "biflow" in request.GET:
		biflow = True

	# protocol filter
	include_protos = []
	if "include_protos" in request.GET:
		include_protos = request.GET["include_protos"].strip()
		include_protos = map(lambda v: common.getValueFromProto(v.strip()), include_protos.split(","))
	exclude_protos = []
	if "exclude_protos" in request.GET:
		exclude_protos = request.GET["exclude_protos"].strip()
		exclude_protos = map(lambda v: common.getValueFromProto(v.strip()), exclude_protos.split(","))

	# port filter
	include_ports = []
	if "include_ports" in request.GET:
		include_ports = request.GET["include_ports"].strip()
			include_ports = map(lambda v: int(v.strip()), include_ports.split(","))
		except ValueError:
			raise HTTPError(output="Ports have to be integers.")
	exclude_ports = []
	if "exclude_ports" in request.GET:
		exclude_ports = request.GET["exclude_ports"].strip()
			exclude_ports = map(lambda v: int(v.strip()), exclude_ports.split(","))
		except ValueError:
			raise HTTPError(output="Ports have to be integers.")
	# ip filter
	include_ips = []
	if "include_ips" in request.GET:
		include_ips = request.GET["include_ips"].strip()
		include_ips = map(lambda v: int(v.strip()), include_ips.split(","))

	exclude_ips = []
	if "exclude_ips" in request.GET:
		exclude_ips = request.GET["exclude_ips"].strip()
		exclude_ips = map(lambda v: int(v.strip()), exclude_ips.split(","))
	# get buckets and aggregate
	if bucket_size == None:
		bucket_size = db.getBucketSize(start_bucket, end_bucket, resolution)

	# only stated fields will be available, all others will be aggregated toghether	
	# filter for known aggregation values
	#if fields != None:
	#	fields = [v for v in fields if v in config.flow_aggr_values]
	black_others = False
	if "black_others" in request.GET:
		black_others = True

	aggregate = []
	if "aggregate" in request.GET:
		aggregate = request.GET["aggregate"].strip()
		aggregate = map(lambda v: v.strip(), aggregate.split(","))

	result = {}
	result["fields"] = fields
	result["sort"] = sort
	result["limit"] = limit
	result["count"] = count
	result["start_bucket"] = start_bucket
	result["end_bucket"] = end_bucket
	result["resolution"] = resolution
	result["bucket_size"] = bucket_size
	result["biflow"] = biflow
	result["include_ports"] = include_ports
	result["exclude_ports"] = exclude_ports
	result["include_ips"] = include_ips
	result["exclude_ips"] = exclude_ips
	result["include_protos"] = include_protos
	result["exclude_protos"] = exclude_protos
	result["batch_size"] = 1000
	result["aggregate"] = aggregate
	result["black_others"] = black_others

	return result
Esempio n. 5
def extract_mongo_query_params():
    # construct query

    limit = 0
    if "limit" in request.GET:
            limit = int(request.GET["limit"])
        except ValueError:
            raise HTTPError(output="Param limit has to be an integer.")

        if limit < 0:
            limit = 0

    fields = None
    if "fields" in request.GET:
        fields = request.GET["fields"].strip()
        fields = map(lambda v: v.strip(), fields.split(","))

    sort = None
    if "sort" in request.GET:
        sort = request.GET["sort"].strip()
        sort = map(lambda v: v.strip(), sort.split(","))
        for i in range(0, len(sort)):
            field = sort[i].split(" ")
            order = 1
            if field[-1].lower() == "asc":
            elif field[-1].lower() == "desc":
                order = -1

            field = " ".join(field)
            sort[i] = (field, order)

    count = False
    if "count" in request.GET:
        count = True

    # get query params
    start_bucket = 0
    if "start_bucket" in request.GET:
            start_bucket = int(request.GET["start_bucket"])
        except ValueError:
            raise HTTPError(output="Param start_bucket has to be an integer.")

        if start_bucket < 0:
            start_bucket = 0

    end_bucket = sys.maxint
    if "end_bucket" in request.GET:
            end_bucket = int(request.GET["end_bucket"])
        except ValueError:
            raise HTTPError(output="Param end_bucket has to be an integer.")

        if end_bucket < 0:
            end_bucket = 0

    # the bucket resolution to query (number of buckets)
    resolution = 1
    if "resolution" in request.GET:
            resolution = int(request.GET["resolution"])
        except ValueError:
            raise HTTPError(output="Param resolution has to be an integer.")

        if resolution < 1:
            resolution = 1

    # or set the bucket size directly
    bucket_size = None
    if "bucket_size" in request.GET:
            bucket_size = int(request.GET["bucket_size"])
        except ValueError:
            raise HTTPError(output="Param bucket_size has to be an integer.")

        if bucket_size not in config.flow_bucket_sizes:
            raise HTTPError(output="This bucket size is not available.")

    # biflow aggregation
    # This simply removes the difference between srcIP and dstIP
    # (The smaller ip will always be the srcIP)
    biflow = False
    if "biflow" in request.GET:
        biflow = True

    # protocol filter
    include_protos = []
    if "include_protos" in request.GET:
        include_protos = request.GET["include_protos"].strip()
        include_protos = map(lambda v: common.getValueFromProto(v.strip()),
    exclude_protos = []
    if "exclude_protos" in request.GET:
        exclude_protos = request.GET["exclude_protos"].strip()
        exclude_protos = map(lambda v: common.getValueFromProto(v.strip()),

    # port filter
    include_ports = []
    if "include_ports" in request.GET:
        include_ports = request.GET["include_ports"].strip()
            include_ports = map(lambda v: int(v.strip()),
        except ValueError:
            raise HTTPError(output="Ports have to be integers.")

    exclude_ports = []
    if "exclude_ports" in request.GET:
        exclude_ports = request.GET["exclude_ports"].strip()
            exclude_ports = map(lambda v: int(v.strip()),
        except ValueError:
            raise HTTPError(output="Ports have to be integers.")
    # ip filter
    include_ips = []
    if "include_ips" in request.GET:
        include_ips = request.GET["include_ips"].strip()
        include_ips = map(lambda v: int(v.strip()), include_ips.split(","))

    exclude_ips = []
    if "exclude_ips" in request.GET:
        exclude_ips = request.GET["exclude_ips"].strip()
        exclude_ips = map(lambda v: int(v.strip()), exclude_ips.split(","))

    # get buckets and aggregate
    if bucket_size == None:
        bucket_size = db.getBucketSize(start_bucket, end_bucket, resolution)

    # only stated fields will be available, all others will be aggregated toghether
    # filter for known aggregation values
    #if fields != None:
    #	fields = [v for v in fields if v in config.flow_aggr_values]
    black_others = False
    if "black_others" in request.GET:
        black_others = True

    aggregate = []
    if "aggregate" in request.GET:
        aggregate = request.GET["aggregate"].strip()
        aggregate = map(lambda v: v.strip(), aggregate.split(","))

    result = {}
    result["fields"] = fields
    print "Fields: " + str(fields)
    result["sort"] = sort
    result["limit"] = limit
    result["count"] = count
    result["start_bucket"] = start_bucket
    result["end_bucket"] = end_bucket
    result["resolution"] = resolution
    result["bucket_size"] = bucket_size
    result["biflow"] = biflow
    result["include_ports"] = include_ports
    result["exclude_ports"] = exclude_ports
    result["include_ips"] = include_ips
    result["exclude_ips"] = exclude_ips
    result["include_protos"] = include_protos
    result["exclude_protos"] = exclude_protos
    result["batch_size"] = 1000
    result["aggregate"] = aggregate
    result["black_others"] = black_others

    return result
Esempio n. 6
    def get_next_flow(self):
        if self.prevFlow:
            ret = self.prevFlow
            self.prevFlow = None
            return ret

        flow = self.c.fetchone()
        if flow == None:
            if len(self.tables) == 0:
                return None
            table = self.tables.pop()

            print "Importing table ", table, "..."
            self.c.execute("SELECT * FROM " + table + " ORDER BY stime ASC")
            return self.get_next_flow()

        obj = dict()
        revObj = dict()
        firstSwitched = None
        for j, col in enumerate(self.c.description):
            print col[0]
            if col[0] in self.columnmap:
                fieldName = self.columnmap[col[0]]
                print "fieldName: ", fieldName
                # argus tables contain reverse flow information
                # create a revObj which matches the reverse flow
                if fieldName == common.COL_SRC_IP:
                    ip = ip2int(flow[j])
                    obj[common.COL_SRC_IP] = ip
                    revObj[common.COL_DST_IP] = ip
                if fieldName == common.COL_DST_IP:
                    ip = ip2int(flow[j])
                    obj[common.COL_DST_IP] = ip
                    revObj[common.COL_SRC_IP] = ip
                if fieldName == common.COL_SRC_PORT:
                    obj[common.COL_SRC_PORT] = flow[j]
                    revObj[common.COL_DST_PORT] = flow[j]
                if fieldName == common.COL_DST_PORT:
                    obj[common.COL_DST_PORT] = flow[j]
                    revObj[common.COL_SRC_PORT] = flow[j]
                if fieldName == common.COL_PROTO:
                    obj[common.COL_PROTO] = common.getValueFromProto(flow[j])
                    revObj[common.COL_PROTO] = common.getValueFromProto(
            elif col[0] in self.srcDirectionMap:
                fieldName = self.srcDirectionMap[col[0]]
                obj[fieldName] = flow[j]
            elif col[0] in self.dstDirectionMap:
                fieldName = self.dstDirectionMap[col[0]]
                revObj[fieldName] = flow[j]
            elif col[0] == "stime":
                firstSwitched = float(flow[j])
                obj[common.COL_FIRST_SWITCHED] = firstSwitched
                revObj[common.COL_FIRST_SWITCHED] = firstSwitched
            elif col[0] == "dur":
                obj[common.COL_LAST_SWITCHED] = firstSwitched + float(flow[j])
                revObj[common.COL_LAST_SWITCHED] = firstSwitched + float(

        # check if the reverse flow start time is > 0. if it is zero, this means that we have a
        # one way flow (e.g. coming from a scan) that should not be imported into the database
        if common.COL_FIRST_SWITCHED in revObj and revObj[
                common.COL_FIRST_SWITCHED] > 0:
            self.prevFlow = revObj

        print obj
        return obj