def test_compute_summary():
    dataset = "cifar10"
    arch = "simplenet_cifar"
    model, _ = common.setup_test(arch, dataset, parallel=True)
    df_compute = distiller.model_performance_summary(
        model, common.get_dummy_input(dataset))
    module_macs = df_compute.loc[:, 'MACs'].to_list()
    #                     [conv1,  conv2,  fc1,   fc2,   fc3]
    assert module_macs == [352800, 240000, 48000, 10080, 840]

    dataset = "imagenet"
    arch = "mobilenet"
    model, _ = common.setup_test(arch, dataset, parallel=True)
    df_compute = distiller.model_performance_summary(
        model, common.get_dummy_input(dataset))
    module_macs = df_compute.loc[:, 'MACs'].to_list()
    expected_macs = [
        10838016, 3612672, 25690112, 1806336, 25690112, 3612672, 51380224,
        903168, 25690112, 1806336, 51380224, 451584, 25690112, 903168,
        51380224, 903168, 51380224, 903168, 51380224, 903168, 51380224, 903168,
        51380224, 225792, 25690112, 451584, 51380224, 1024000
    assert module_macs == expected_macs
Esempio n. 2
def test_sg_macs():
    '''Compare the MACs of different modules as computed by a SummaryGraph
    and model summary.'''
    import common
    sg = create_graph('imagenet', 'mobilenet')
    assert sg
    model, _ = common.setup_test('mobilenet', 'imagenet', parallel=False)
    df_compute = distiller.model_performance_summary(
        model, common.get_dummy_input('imagenet'))
    modules_macs = df_compute.loc[:, ['Name', 'MACs']]
    for name, mod in model.named_modules():
        if isinstance(mod, (torch.nn.Conv2d, torch.nn.Linear)):
            summary_macs = int(
                modules_macs.loc[modules_macs.Name == name].MACs)
            sg_macs = sg.find_op(name)['attrs']['MACs']
            assert summary_macs == sg_macs
Esempio n. 3
def arbitrary_channel_pruning(config, channels_to_remove, is_parallel):
    """Test removal of arbitrary channels.
    The test receives a specification of channels to remove.
    Based on this specification, the channels are pruned and then physically
    removed from the model (via a "thinning" process).
    model, zeros_mask_dict = common.setup_test(config.arch, config.dataset, is_parallel)

    pair = config.module_pairs[0]
    conv2 = common.find_module_by_name(model, pair[1])
    assert conv2 is not None

    # Test that we can access the weights tensor of the first convolution in layer 1
    conv2_p = distiller.model_find_param(model, pair[1] + ".weight")
    assert conv2_p is not None

    assert conv2_p.dim() == 4
    num_channels = conv2_p.size(1)
    cnt_nnz_channels = num_channels - len(channels_to_remove)
    mask = create_channels_mask(conv2_p, channels_to_remove)
    assert distiller.density_ch(mask) == (conv2.in_channels - len(channels_to_remove)) / conv2.in_channels
    # Cool, so now we have a mask for pruning our channels.

    # Use the mask to prune
    zeros_mask_dict[pair[1] + ".weight"].mask = mask
    zeros_mask_dict[pair[1] + ".weight"].apply_mask(conv2_p)
    all_channels = set([ch for ch in range(num_channels)])
    nnz_channels = set(distiller.find_nonzero_channels_list(conv2_p, pair[1] + ".weight"))
    channels_removed = all_channels - nnz_channels"Channels removed {}".format(channels_removed))

    # Now, let's do the actual network thinning
    distiller.remove_channels(model, zeros_mask_dict, config.arch, config.dataset, optimizer=None)
    conv1 = common.find_module_by_name(model, pair[0])
    assert conv1
    assert conv1.out_channels == cnt_nnz_channels
    assert conv2.in_channels == cnt_nnz_channels
    assert conv1.weight.size(0) == cnt_nnz_channels
    assert conv2.weight.size(1) == cnt_nnz_channels
    if config.bn_name is not None:
        bn1 = common.find_module_by_name(model, config.bn_name)
        assert bn1.running_var.size(0) == cnt_nnz_channels
        assert bn1.running_mean.size(0) == cnt_nnz_channels
        assert bn1.num_features == cnt_nnz_channels
        assert bn1.bias.size(0) == cnt_nnz_channels
        assert bn1.weight.size(0) == cnt_nnz_channels

    dummy_input = common.get_dummy_input(config.dataset)
    optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.1)
    run_forward_backward(model, optimizer, dummy_input)

    # Let's test saving and loading a thinned model.
    # We save 3 times, and load twice, to make sure to cover some corner cases:
    #   - Make sure that after loading, the model still has hold of the thinning recipes
    #   - Make sure that after a 2nd load, there no problem loading (in this case, the
    #   - tensors are already thin, so this is a new flow)
    # (1)
    save_checkpoint(epoch=0, arch=config.arch, model=model, optimizer=None)
    model_2 = create_model(False, config.dataset, config.arch, parallel=is_parallel)
    conv2 = common.find_module_by_name(model_2, pair[1])
    assert conv2 is not None
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        model_2 = load_lean_checkpoint(model_2, 'checkpoint.pth.tar')
    compression_scheduler = distiller.CompressionScheduler(model)
    hasattr(model, 'thinning_recipes')

    run_forward_backward(model, optimizer, dummy_input)

    # (2)
    save_checkpoint(epoch=0, arch=config.arch, model=model, optimizer=None, scheduler=compression_scheduler)
    model_2 = load_lean_checkpoint(model_2, 'checkpoint.pth.tar')
    assert hasattr(model_2, 'thinning_recipes')"test_arbitrary_channel_pruning - Done")

    # (3)
    save_checkpoint(epoch=0, arch=config.arch, model=model_2, optimizer=None, scheduler=compression_scheduler)
    model_2 = load_lean_checkpoint(model_2, 'checkpoint.pth.tar')
    assert hasattr(model_2, 'thinning_recipes')"test_arbitrary_channel_pruning - Done 2")