#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys import os import inspect cpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe()))) + "/" sys.path.append(cpath) cpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe()))) + "/../common" sys.path.append(cpath) import common import lgsm phy, ms, lmd = common.get_physic_agent() graph, gInterface = common.get_graphic_agent() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create the robot with the desc module. # # The goal is to make a general description of the robot. # The robot is then create in the physical scene with # the deserializeWorld method. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import iCubcommon
# print "-------------------" # print q # print qdot # print q_des_out # print qdot_des_out #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Setup agents & Create Connections between phy and graph # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create agents phy, ms, lmd = common.get_physic_agent(time_step) # create physic agent graph, gInterface = common.get_graphic_agent() # create graphic agent world = common.create_world_and_deserialized(phy, ms, lmd, graph, gInterface) # create world and deserialize ##### Connect physic and graphic agents to see bodies with markers ocb = phy.s.Connectors.OConnectorBodyStateList.new("ocb", "bodyPosition") graph.s.Connectors.IConnectorFrame.new("icf", "framePosition", "mainScene") graph.getPort("framePosition").connectTo(phy.getPort("bodyPosition_H")) # add markers on bodies for n in phy.s.GVM.Scene("main").getBodyNames(): ocb.addBody(n) gInterface.MarkersInterface.addMarker(n, False)