Esempio n. 1
def detect_image(model, file):

    image = common.imread(file)
    objs = detect(model, image)

    for obj in objs:
        common.drawbbox(image, obj)

    common.imwrite("detect_result/" + common.file_name_no_suffix(file) + ".draw.jpg", image)
Esempio n. 2
def detect_image(model, file):

    image = common.imread(file)
    objs = detect(model, image)

    for obj in objs:
        # 增加对五官的检测
        frame = organ_detection(image, obj)
        common.drawbbox(image, obj)

    cv2.imshow('demo', image)
Esempio n. 3
def do_detect_image(filename, output_filename, align_face: bool = False):
    if filename == output_filename:
        raise ValueError("input and output filename can not be same")

    model = _get_model()
        raw_image = common.imread(filename)
        if raw_image is None:
            raise ValueError(f"{filename} is not a image file")
        face_infos = detect_image_by_nparray(model, raw_image)
        if align_face:
            face_infos = _do_align_face(raw_image, face_infos, output_filename)
        if face_infos is not None:
            _draw_box(raw_image, face_infos, output_filename)
            face_infos = {}
    except ValueError:
        face_infos = {}
    except cv2.error:
        face_infos = {}

    return list([face_info.json for face_info in face_infos])
Esempio n. 4
    *common.load_webface("webface/val/label.txt", "webface/WIDER_val/images"))

# forward and summary
prefix = "webface/WIDER_val/images/"
all_result_dict = {}
total_file = len(files)

for i in range(total_file):

    # preper key and file_name
    file = files[i]
    key = file[len(prefix):file.rfind("/")]
    file_name = common.file_name_no_suffix(file)

    # load image and forward
    image = common.imread(file)
    objs = eval_tool.detect_image(model, image, mean, std, 0.01)

    # summary to all_result_dict
    image_pred = []
    for obj in objs:
        image_pred.append(obj.xywh + [obj.score])

    # build all_result_dict
    if key not in all_result_dict:
        all_result_dict[key] = {}

    all_result_dict[key][file_name] = np.array(image_pred)"{} / {}".format(i + 1, total_file))

    # write matlab format
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        imgfile, objs = self.items[index]
        image = common.imread(imgfile)

        if image is None:
  "{} is empty, index={}".format(imgfile, index))
            return self[random.randint(0, len(self.items) - 1)]

        keepsize = 12
        image, objs = augment.webface(image,

        # norm
        image = ((image / 255.0 - self.mean) / self.std).astype(np.float32)

        posweight_radius = 2
        stride = 4
        fm_width = self.width // stride
        fm_height = self.height // stride

        heatmap_gt = np.zeros((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        heatmap_posweight = np.zeros((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        keep_mask = np.ones((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        reg_tlrb = np.zeros((1 * 4, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        reg_mask = np.zeros((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        distance_map = np.zeros((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32) + 1000
        landmark_gt = np.zeros((1 * 10, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        landmark_mask = np.zeros((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)

        hassmall = False
        for obj in objs:
            isSmallObj = obj.area < keepsize * keepsize

            if isSmallObj:
                cx, cy = obj.safe_scale_center(1 / stride, fm_width, fm_height)
                keep_mask[0, cy, cx] = 0
                w, h = obj.width / stride, obj.height / stride

                x0 = int(common.clip_value(cx - w // 2, fm_width - 1))
                y0 = int(common.clip_value(cy - h // 2, fm_height - 1))
                x1 = int(common.clip_value(cx + w // 2, fm_width - 1) + 1)
                y1 = int(common.clip_value(cy + h // 2, fm_height - 1) + 1)
                if x1 - x0 > 0 and y1 - y0 > 0:
                    keep_mask[0, y0:y1, x0:x1] = 0
                hassmall = True

        for obj in objs:

            classes = 0
            cx, cy = obj.safe_scale_center(1 / stride, fm_width, fm_height)
            reg_box = np.array( / stride
            isSmallObj = obj.area < keepsize * keepsize

            if isSmallObj:
                if obj.area >= 5 * 5:
                    distance_map[classes, cy, cx] = 0
                    reg_tlrb[classes * 4:(classes + 1) * 4, cy, cx] = reg_box
                    reg_mask[classes, cy, cx] = 1

            w, h = obj.width / stride, obj.height / stride
            x0 = int(common.clip_value(cx - w // 2, fm_width - 1))
            y0 = int(common.clip_value(cy - h // 2, fm_height - 1))
            x1 = int(common.clip_value(cx + w // 2, fm_width - 1) + 1)
            y1 = int(common.clip_value(cy + h // 2, fm_height - 1) + 1)
            if x1 - x0 > 0 and y1 - y0 > 0:
                keep_mask[0, y0:y1, x0:x1] = 1

            w_radius, h_radius = common.truncate_radius(
                (obj.width, obj.height))
            gaussian_map = common.draw_truncate_gaussian(
                heatmap_gt[classes, :, :], (cx, cy), h_radius, w_radius)

            mxface = 300
            miface = 25
            mxline = max(obj.width, obj.height)
            gamma = (mxline - miface) / (mxface - miface) * 10
            gamma = min(max(0, gamma), 10) + 1
            common.draw_gaussian(heatmap_posweight[classes, :, :], (cx, cy),

            range_expand_x = math.ceil(w_radius)
            range_expand_y = math.ceil(h_radius)

            min_expand_size = 3
            range_expand_x = max(min_expand_size, range_expand_x)
            range_expand_y = max(min_expand_size, range_expand_y)

            icx, icy = cx, cy
            reg_landmark = None
            fill_threshold = 0.3

            if obj.haslandmark:
                reg_landmark = np.array(obj.x5y5_cat_landmark) / stride
                x5y5 = [cx] * 5 + [cy] * 5
                rvalue = (reg_landmark - x5y5)
                landmark_gt[0:10, cy, cx] = np.array(common.log(rvalue)) / 4
                landmark_mask[0, cy, cx] = 1

            if not obj.rotate:
                for cx in range(icx - range_expand_x,
                                icx + range_expand_x + 1):
                    for cy in range(icy - range_expand_y,
                                    icy + range_expand_y + 1):
                        if cx < fm_width and cy < fm_height and cx >= 0 and cy >= 0:

                            my_gaussian_value = 0.9
                            gy, gx = cy - icy + range_expand_y, cx - icx + range_expand_x
                            if gy >= 0 and gy < gaussian_map.shape[
                                    0] and gx >= 0 and gx < gaussian_map.shape[
                                my_gaussian_value = gaussian_map[gy, gx]

                            distance = math.sqrt((cx - icx)**2 + (cy - icy)**2)
                            if my_gaussian_value > fill_threshold or distance <= min_expand_size:
                                already_distance = distance_map[classes, cy,
                                my_mix_distance = (
                                    1 - my_gaussian_value) * distance

                                if my_mix_distance > already_distance:

                                distance_map[classes, cy, cx] = my_mix_distance
                                reg_tlrb[classes * 4:(classes + 1) * 4, cy,
                                         cx] = reg_box
                                reg_mask[classes, cy, cx] = 1

        # if hassmall:
        #     common.imwrite("test_result/keep_mask.jpg", keep_mask[0]*255)
        #     common.imwrite("test_result/heatmap_gt.jpg", heatmap_gt[0]*255)
        #     common.imwrite("test_result/keep_ori.jpg", (image*self.std+self.mean)*255)
        return T.to_tensor(
        ), heatmap_gt, heatmap_posweight, reg_tlrb, reg_mask, landmark_gt, landmark_mask, len(
            objs), keep_mask
Esempio n. 6
import cv2
import common

img1 = common.imread('dog.jpg', 0)
img2 = cv2.blur(img1, (5, 5))

common.imshow('blur', img1, img2)
Esempio n. 7
import cv2
import common

img1 = common.imread('dog.jpg',0)
ret,img2 = cv2.threshold(img1,127,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

Esempio n. 8
import cv2
import common
import numpy

img1 = common.imread('shapes.jpg',0)
ret,img1cp = cv2.threshold(img1,127,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img1cp,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
img2 = numpy.zeros(img1.shape,numpy.uint8)
cv2.drawContours(img2, contours, -1, 255, 1)
print "number of contours = %d" % (len(contours))
for i in range(0,len(contours)):
    c = contours[i]
    a = cv2.contourArea(c)
    l = cv2.arcLength(c,True)
    m = "%d" % (i)
    print "%d: len=%d, arcLen=%d, area=%d" % (i,len(c),l,a)
    p = tuple(c[0][0])


# See below for more details:
Esempio n. 9
def detect_image(model, file):
    raw_image = common.imread(file)
    if raw_image is None:
        raise ValueError(f"{file} is not a image file")
    return detect_image_by_nparray(model, raw_image)
Esempio n. 10
        if flags[index] != 0:

        for j in range(index + 1, len(objs)):
            if flags[j] == 0 and obj.iou(objs[j]) > iou:
                flags[j] = 1
    return keep

mean = [0.408, 0.447, 0.47]
std = [0.289, 0.274, 0.278]

trial_name = "small-H-dense-wide64-UCBA"
jobdir = f"jobs/{trial_name}"

image = common.imread("imgs/selfie.jpg")
model = DBFace(has_landmark=True, wide=64, has_ext=True, upmode="UCBA")

outs = eval_tool.detect_image(model, image, mean, std, 0.3)
outs = nms(outs, 0.2)
print("objs = %d" % len(outs))
for obj in outs:
    common.drawbbox(image, obj)

common.imwrite("test_result/test.jpg", image)
Esempio n. 11
    indices = indices.squeeze()
    ys = list((indices / hm_width).int().data.numpy())
    xs = list((indices % hm_width).int().data.numpy())
    scores = list(
    box = box.cpu().squeeze().data.numpy()
    landmark = landmark.cpu().squeeze().data.numpy()

    stride = 4
    objs = []
    for cx, cy, score in zip(xs, ys, scores):
        if score < threshold:

        x, y, r, b = box[:, cy, cx]
        xyrb = (np.array([cx, cy, cx, cy]) + [-x, -y, r, b]) * stride
        x5y5 = landmark[:, cy, cx]
        x5y5 = (common.exp(x5y5 * 4) + ([cx]*5 + [cy]*5)) * stride
        box_landmark = list(zip(x5y5[:5], x5y5[5:]))
        objs.append(common.BBox(0, xyrb=xyrb, score=score, landmark=box_landmark))
    return nms(objs, iou=nms_iou)

image = common.imread('../data/1.jpg')
objs = detect(dbface, image)
for obj in objs:
    x, y, r, b = (
    cv2.rectangle(image, (int(x), int(y)), (int(r), int(b)), (0, 0, 255), thickness=2)
cv2.namedWindow("result", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.imshow("result", image)                                                       #结果展示