Esempio n. 1
def v(w):
    l = w[6]
    w = w[:3, :]

    if len(l.free_symbols) == 0 and abs(l.evalf()) < 1e-9:
        return se3.v(w[:3, :])

    s = skew(w)
    e = sy.exp(l)

    theta = norm3(w)
    l2t2 = l**2 + theta**2

    A = (e - 1) / l

    if len(theta.free_symbols) == 0 and abs(theta.evalf()) < 1e-9:
        B = (1 + e * (l - 1)) / l**2
        C = (-2 + e * (2 - 2 * l + l**2)) / (2 * l**3)
        B = (theta *
             (1 - e * sy.cos(theta)) + e * l * sy.sin(theta)) / (theta * l2t2)
        C = A / (theta**2) - e * sy.sin(theta) / (theta * l2t2) - l * (
            e * sy.cos(theta) - 1) / (theta**2 * l2t2)

    return A * sy.eye(3) + B * s + C * s * s
Esempio n. 2
def dw_dw(w):
    s = skew(w)
    theta = norm3(w)

    A = -1 / 2
    B = 1 / theta**2 - (1 + sy.cos(theta)) / (2 * theta * sy.sin(theta))

    return sy.eye(3) + A * s + B * s * s
Esempio n. 3
def exp(w):
    s = skew(w)
    theta = norm3(w)

    if len(theta.free_symbols) == 0 and theta.evalf() < 1e-9:
        A = 1
        B = 1 / 2
        A = sy.sin(theta) / theta
        B = (1 - sy.cos(theta)) / theta**2

    return sy.eye(3) + A * s + B * s * s
Esempio n. 4
def v(w):
    w = w[:3, :]

    s = skew(w)
    theta = norm3(w)

    if len(theta.free_symbols) == 0 and theta.evalf() < 1e-9:
        A = 1 / 2
        B = 1 / 6
        A = (1 - sy.cos(theta)) / theta**2
        B = (theta - sy.sin(theta)) / theta**3

    return sy.eye(3) + A * s + B * s * s
Esempio n. 5
def dv(w, dw_dx):
    w = w[:3, :]
    dw_dx = dw_dx[:3, :]

    wW = (w.T * dw_dx)[0, 0]

    s = skew(w)
    S = skew(dw_dx)

    theta = norm3(w)

    F1 = sy.sin(theta) / theta**3 - 2 * (1 - sy.cos(theta)) / theta**4
    F2 = (1 - sy.cos(theta)) / theta**4 - 3 * (theta -
                                               sy.sin(theta)) / theta**5
    F3 = (1 - sy.cos(theta)) / theta**2
    F4 = (theta - sy.sin(theta)) / theta**3

    return wW * (F1 * s + F2 * s * s) + F3 * S + F4 * (s * S + S * s)
Esempio n. 6
def dv(w, dw_dx):
    l = w[6]
    w = w[:3, :]

    if len(l.free_symbols) == 0 and abs(l.evalf()) < 1e-9:
        return se3.dv(w, dw_dx)

    dw_dx = dw_dx[:3, :]

    wW = (w.T * dw_dx)[0, 0]

    s = skew(w)
    S = skew(dw_dx)
    e = sy.exp(l)

    theta = norm3(w)
    l2t2 = l**2 + theta**2

    e = sy.exp(l)
    le1cos = l * (1 - e * sy.cos(theta))

    F1 = -2*(l*e*sy.sin(theta)) / (theta*l2t2**2) - \
        2*(1 - e*sy.cos(theta)) / (l2t2**2) + \
        (l*e*sy.cos(theta) - e*sy.cos(theta) + 1) / (theta**2 * l2t2) + \
        (e*sy.sin(theta)) / (theta * l2t2) - \
        l*e*sy.sin(theta) / (theta**3 * l2t2) - \
        (1 - e*sy.cos(theta)) / (theta**2*l2t2)

    F2 = -2*le1cos / (theta ** 2 * l2t2 ** 2) - \
        2*le1cos / (theta**4 * l2t2) + \
        2*e*sy.sin(theta) / (theta * l2t2**2) - \
        e*sy.cos(theta) / (theta**2 * l2t2) + \
        l*e*sy.sin(theta) / (theta**3 * l2t2) + \
        e*sy.sin(theta) / (theta**3 * l2t2) - \
        2*(e-1) / (l*theta**4)

    F3 = l*e*sy.sin(theta) / (theta * l2t2) + \
        (1 - e*sy.cos(theta)) / l2t2

    F4 = le1cos / (theta**2 * l2t2) - \
        e * sy.sin(theta) / (theta * l2t2) - \
        (-e + 1) / (l * theta**2)

    return wW * (F1 * s + F2 * s * s) + F3 * S + F4 * (s * S + S * s)
Esempio n. 7
def dv_dlambda(w):
    l = w[6]

    w = w[:3, :]
    s = skew(w)
    e = sy.exp(l)

    theta = norm3(w)
    l2t2 = l**2 + theta**2

    if len(l.free_symbols) == 0 and abs(l.evalf()) < 1e-9:
        A = 1 / 2

        if len(theta.free_symbols) == 0 and theta.evalf() < 1e-9:
            B = 1 / 3
            C = 1 / 8
            B = -(theta * sy.cos(theta) - sy.sin(theta)) / theta**3
            C = -(-theta**2 + 2 * theta * sy.sin(theta) + 2 * sy.cos(theta) -
                  2) / (2 * theta**4)

        A = e / l - (e - 1) / l**2

        if len(theta.free_symbols) == 0 and theta.evalf() < 1e-9:
            B = (l**2 * e - 2 * l * e + 2 * e - 2) / l**3
            C = (l**3 * e - 3 * l**2 * e + 6 * l * e - 6 * e + 6) / (2 * l**4)

            B = -2*l*(l*e*sy.sin(theta) + theta*(-e*sy.cos(theta) + 1))/(theta*(l2t2)**2) + \
                (l*e*sy.sin(theta) - theta*e*sy.cos(theta) + e*sy.sin(theta))/(theta*(l2t2))

            C = 2*l**2*(e*sy.cos(theta) - 1)/(theta**2*(l2t2)**2) + \
                2*l*e*sy.sin(theta)/(theta*(l2t2)**2) - \
                l*e*sy.cos(theta)/(theta**2*(l2t2)) - \
                e*sy.sin(theta)/(theta*(l2t2)) - \
                (e*sy.cos(theta) - 1)/(theta**2*(l2t2)) + \
                e/(l*theta**2) - \
                (e - 1)/(l**2*theta**2)

    return A * sy.eye(3) + B * s + C * s * s