Test colorings for edgeless graphs.

Copyright 2020. Siwei Wang.
from pytest import mark
from common import create_edgeless, parameters, len_iter, check_surjective

@mark.parametrize('vertices,colors', parameters(7, 8))
def test_edgeless(vertices: int, colors: int):
    """Test edgeless graph colorings."""
    graph = create_edgeless(vertices)
    colorings = graph.colorings(colors)
    num_colorings = len_iter(colorings)
    assert num_colorings == colors**vertices
    assert check_surjective(graph, colors, num_colorings)
 def __init__( self,n=3000 ):
     self.params = parameters()
     self.n = n
import sys # basic
import traceback
import common, objects, loaders

if __name__ == '__main__':
    common.progress('loading tool parameters')
    # common.message(common.parameters(14))
    interLayer, query, interFromIDFld, interToIDFld, interStrengthFld = common.parameters(5)
    inSlots = {'from' : interFromIDFld, 'to' : interToIDFld, 'value' : interStrengthFld}
    outSlots = {'in' : 'SIG_IN', 'out' : 'SIG_OUT'}
    common.progress('loading interactions')
    inter = loaders.InteractionReader(interLayer, slots, where=query).read()
    common.progress('selecting significant interactions')
    signif = objects.Interactions.selectSignificant(inter)
    common.progress('writing output')
    loaders.InteractionPresenceMarker(interLayer, inSlots, outSlots, where=query).mark(signif)
Esempio n. 4
Test colorings for cycle graphs.

Copyright 2020. Siwei Wang.
from pytest import mark
from common import parameters, create_cycle, len_iter, check_surjective

def expected(vertices: int, colors: int) -> int:
    """Compute expected colorings with chromatic polynomial."""
    return (colors - 1)**vertices + (-1)**vertices * (colors - 1)

@mark.parametrize('vertices,colors', parameters(7, 9, non_zero=True))
def test_cycle(vertices: int, colors: int):
    """Test path cycle colorings."""
    graph = create_cycle(vertices)
    colorings = graph.colorings(colors)
    num_colorings = len_iter(colorings)
    assert num_colorings == expected(vertices, colors)
    assert check_surjective(graph, colors, num_colorings)
import sys
import common # useful shortcut functions for arcpy and datamodel
import delimit_functional_regions

common.debugMode = True
common.progress('loading tool parameters')
# whoa, have fun with the parameters
zoneLayer, \
zoneIDFld, zoneMassFld, zoneCoopFld, zoneRegFld, zoneColFld, coreQuery, \
outRegFld, doOutCoreStr, outColFld, measureFlds, \
interTable, interFromIDFld, interToIDFld, interStrFld, \
neighTable, exclaveReassignStr, oscillationStr, doSubBindStr, doCoreFirstStr, \
aggregSorterStr, threshold1Str, threshold2Str = common.parameters(23)

delimit_functional_regions.main(zoneLayer, zoneIDFld, zoneMassFld, zoneCoopFld, zoneRegFld, zoneColFld, coreQuery, outRegFld, doOutCoreStr, outColFld, measureFlds, interTable, interFromIDFld, interToIDFld, interStrFld, neighTable, exclavePenalStr=('100' if common.toBool(exclaveReassignStr, 'exclave reassignment switch') else '0'), aggregSorterStr=aggregSorterStr, verifier1Str='MASS', threshold1Str=threshold1Str, verifier2Str='HINTERLAND_MASS', threshold2Str=threshold2Str, oscillationStr=oscillationStr, doSubBindStr=doSubBindStr, doCoreFirstStr=doCoreFirstStr)


import numpy as np
import data_tools
import ml_tools
import pickle as pk

from common import parameters

if __name__ == "__main__":
    params = parameters()
    peptides = data_tools.read_data( params.data_path )
    for n in params.ntrain : 
        print n
        benchmark = ml_tools.rt_benchmark( peptides, 'elude', 'gp', n , params.nparts, params.train_ratio )
        models = ml_tools.single_train_gp( benchmark )
        save_path = params.save_tmp % ( params.data_root, params.models_tag, n )
        with open( save_path, 'w' ) as ff :
            pk.dump( [ models ], ff )
        models = None 
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1

# Creates a neighbourhood table of provided zones according to the principle of network neighbourhood - two zones are neighbours if they are connected by a route along the network that does not pass through a third settlement and that is most reasonable according to the provided impedance
# Settlement areas must not cross zone boundaries!

TMP_ZONE_NEGBUF = "tmp_zonecore"
TMP_SETTL_NEGBUF = "tmp_settlcore"
TMP_ROUTES = "tmp_routes"
TMP_ROUTE_ER = "tmp_rerase"
TMP_ROUTE_SINGLE = "tmp_rsing"
TMP_RSING_LAY = "tmp_rsing_lay"

common.progress("parsing attributes")
zoneAreas, zonePts, zoneIDFld, settlAreas, network, impedance, cutoff, cutoffFld, numToFind, location, outputName = common.parameters(
common.progress("initializing route creator")
# create network connections - see comments for create_network_connections
conn = BulkConnectionCreator(zonePts, network, impedance, cutoff, numToFind, location)
common.progress("loading data")
common.progress("solving routes")
common.progress("joining attributes")
common.progress("creating routes")
conn.output(TMP_ROUTES)  # routes between the zone central points
arcpy.env.workspace = location
# prepare the settlement areas - remove all lying close to the border