def register_vehicle(conn): while True: serialno = common.read_string('Serial Number', 15) if serialno == None: return None if not common.exists(conn, 'vehicle', 'serial_no', serialno): break print('The serial number of the vehicle already exists!') maker = common.read_string('Maker', 20) if maker == None: return None model = common.read_string('Model', 20) if model == None: return None year = common.read_int('Year', 0, 9999) if year == None: return None color = common.read_string('Color', 10) if color == None: return None while True: vtype = common.read_string('Type') if vtype == None: return None if common.exists(conn, 'vehicle_type', 'type_id', vtype): break print('The selected vehicle type does not exists!') try: curs = conn.cursor() curs.bindarraysize = 1 curs.setinputsizes(15,20,20,int,10,int) curs.executemany('insert into vehicle values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6)', [(serialno,maker,model,year,color,vtype)]) curs.close() conn.commit() return True except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e: error, = e.args if error.code == 1: print('Error: The serial number of the vehicle already exists!') elif error.code == 2291: print('Error: The selected vehicle type does not exists!') else: print('Unknown error', error.code,'!') return False
def register_person(conn): while True: sin = common.read_string('SIN', 15) if sin == None: return None if not common.exists(conn, 'people', 'sin', sin): break print('A person with this social insurance number already exists!') name = common.read_string('Name', 20) if name == None: return None height = common.read_float('Height', 0) if height == None: return None weight = common.read_float('Weight', 0) if weight == None: return None eyecolor = common.read_string('Eye Color', 10) if eyecolor == None: return None haircolor = common.read_string('Hair Color', 10) if haircolor == None: return None addr = common.read_string('Address', 50) if addr == None: return None while True: gender = common.read_string('Gender (m/f)') if gender == None: return None if gender == 'm' or gender == 'f': break print('Please select either \'m\' for male or \'f\' for female!') if gender == None: return None birthday = common.read_date('Birthday') if birthday == None: return None try: curs = conn.cursor() curs.bindarraysize = 1 curs.setinputsizes(15,40,float,float,10,10,50,1,8) curs.executemany('insert into people values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,to_date(:9,\'yyyymmdd\'))', [(sin,name,height,weight,eyecolor,haircolor,addr,gender,format_date(birthday))]) curs.close() conn.commit() return True except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e: error, = e.args if error.code == 1: print('Error: A person with this social insurance number already exists!') else: print('Unknown error', error.code,'!') return False
def strcpy(self, proc, argv, ctx={}): """ char *strcpy( char *strDestination, const char *strSource ); """ dest, src = argv s = common.read_string(proc.uc_eng, src) common.write_string(proc.uc_eng, s, dest) argv[1] = s return dest
def _putws(self, proc, argv, ctx={}): """ int _putws( const wchar_t *str ); """ s, = argv string = common.read_string(s, 2, 20) argv[0] = string rv = len(string) # print(string) return rv
def strncpy(self, proc, argv, ctx={}): """ char * strncpy( char * destination, const char * source, size_t num ); """ dest, src, length = argv s = common.read_string(proc.uc_eng, src, max_chars=length) if len(s) < length: s += '\x00' * (length - len(s)) common.write_string(proc.uc_eng, s, dest) argv[1] = s return dest
def read_string(data): return common.read_string(data)
def add_ticket(conn): while True: print("Enter the SIN of the violator") violator_no = common.read_string('SIN', 15) if violator_no == None: return None if common.exists(conn, 'people', 'sin', violator_no): break print('A violator with this social insurance number does not exists!') while True: print("Enter the SIN of the Police Officer") office_no = common.read_string('SIN', 15) if office_no == None: return None if common.exists(conn, 'people', 'sin', office_no): break print('A police officer with this social insurance number does not exists!') while True: print("Enter the Vehicle ID of the automobile used by the violator") vehicle_id = common.read_string('serial_no', 15) if vehicle_id == None: return None if common.exists(conn, 'vehicle', 'serial_no', vehicle_id): break print('A vehicle with that serial number does not exist!') while True: vtype = find_string('Type',10) if vtype == None: return None if common.exists(conn, 'ticket_type', 'vtype', vtype): break print('The selected ticket type does not exists!') vdate = common.read_date('Date of violation') if vdate== None: return None descriptions = common.read_string('Descriptions', 1024) if descriptions == None: return None place = common.read_string('Place', 20) if place == None: return None ticket_no = common.latest_int_key(conn,'ticket','ticket_no') ticket_no = (ticket_no)+1 try: curs = conn.cursor() curs.bindarraysize = 1 curs.setinputsizes(int,15,15,15,10,8,20,1024) curs.executemany('insert into ticket values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,to_date(:6,\'yyyymmdd\'),:7,:8)',[(ticket_no,violator_no,vehicle_id,office_no,vtype,format_date(vdate),place,descriptions)]) curs.execute('select * from ticket') curs.close() conn.commit() return True except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e: error, = e.args if error.code == 1: print('Error: A person with this social insurance number already exists!') else: print('Unknown error', error.code,'!') return False
def read_songlist(executable_filename, songlist_offset, songlist_count, file_entries): song_metadata = {} with open(executable_filename, "rb") as infile: for i in range(songlist_count): + i * 0x9c, 0) internal_title_offset, title_offset = struct.unpack( "<II", internal_title = common.read_string( infile, internal_title_offset - 0xfff80) title = common.read_string(infile, title_offset - 0xfff80) difficulties = struct.unpack("<BBBBBB", if len(title) == 0: title = "%d" % i, 1) videos_idx = struct.unpack("<HH",, 1) main_video_idx = struct.unpack("<I",[0], 1) overlay_palette = struct.unpack("<H",[0], 1) overlay_idxs = [] for _ in range(0x16 // 4): overlay_type, overlay_idx = struct.unpack( "<HH", if overlay_type != 0: overlay_idxs.append(overlay_idx), 1) charts_idx = struct.unpack("<IIIIIIII", sounds_idx = struct.unpack("<HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", overlay_idx = struct.unpack("<H",[0] package_metadata = { 'song_id': i, 'title': title, 'title_ascii': internal_title, 'charts': { 'sp_beginner': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[4] if difficulties[4] != 0 else None, }, 'sp_normal': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[2] if difficulties[2] != 0 else None, }, 'sp_hyper': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[0] if difficulties[0] != 0 else None, }, 'sp_another': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[0] if difficulties[0] != 0 else None, }, 'dp_beginner': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[5] if difficulties[5] != 0 else None, }, 'dp_normal': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[3] if difficulties[3] != 0 else None, }, 'dp_hyper': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[1] if difficulties[1] != 0 else None, }, 'dp_another': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[1] if difficulties[1] != 0 else None, }, }, 'videos': [], 'overlays': None, } if main_video_idx != 0xffffffff: if main_video_idx >= 116: main_video_idx += 116 file_entries[main_video_idx]['entries'] = i file_entries[main_video_idx]['references'].append({ 'filename': "%s.mpg" % (title), 'song_id': i, 'title': title }) package_metadata['videos'].append("%s.mpg" % (title)) for index, file_index in enumerate(videos_idx): if file_index == 0xffff: # Invalid continue for index2, file_index2 in enumerate(videos_idx): if index2 != index and file_index2 == file_index: index = index2 break if file_index >= 116: file_index += 116 file_entries[file_index]['entries'] = i file_entries[file_index]['references'].append({ 'filename': "%s [%d].mpg" % (title, index), 'song_id': i, 'title': title }) package_metadata['videos'].append("%s [%d].mpg" % (title, index)) if overlay_idx not in [0xffff, 0x00]: if overlay_idx >= 116: overlay_idx += 116 overlay_filename = "%s.if" % title file_entries[overlay_idx]['overlays'] = { 'exe': executable_filename, 'palette': overlay_palette, 'indexes': overlay_idxs } file_entries[overlay_idx]['song_id'] = i file_entries[overlay_idx]['title'] = title file_entries[overlay_idx]['references'].append({ 'filename': overlay_filename, 'song_id': i, 'title': title }) package_metadata['overlays'] = overlay_filename for index, file_index in enumerate(charts_idx): if file_index == 0xffffffff or file_index == 0: # Invalid continue file_index = (file_index & 0x0fffffff) + 116 file_entries[file_index]['compression'] = common.decode_lz file_entries[file_index]['references'].append({ 'filename': "%s [%s].ply" % (title, common.DIFFICULTY_MAPPING.get( index, str(index))), 'song_id': i, 'title': title }) package_metadata['charts'][common.DIFFICULTY_MAPPING.get( index, str(index)).lower().replace( " ", "_")]['filename'] = "%s [%s].ply" % ( title, common.DIFFICULTY_MAPPING.get( index, str(index))) sound_pairs = [[sounds_idx[0], sounds_idx[2]], [sounds_idx[1], sounds_idx[3]], [sounds_idx[4], sounds_idx[6]], [sounds_idx[5], sounds_idx[7]], [sounds_idx[8], sounds_idx[10]], [sounds_idx[9], sounds_idx[11]], [sounds_idx[12], sounds_idx[14]], [sounds_idx[13], sounds_idx[15]]] for pair_index, pair in enumerate(sound_pairs): for index, file_index in enumerate(pair): is_keysound = index == 0 if file_index == 0xffff: # Invalid continue if file_index >= 116: file_index += 116 for pair_index2, pair2 in enumerate(sound_pairs): if pair_index2 != pair_index and pair2[1] == pair[ 0]: pair_index = pair_index2 break if is_keysound: file_entries[file_index]['references'].append({ 'filename': "%s [%d].wvb" % (title, pair_index), 'song_id': i, 'title': title }) package_metadata['charts'][ common.DIFFICULTY_MAPPING.get( pair_index, str(pair_index)).lower().replace( " ", "_")]['sounds'] = "%s [%d].wvb" % ( title, pair_index) else: file_entries[file_index]['references'].append({ 'filename': "%s [%d].pcm" % (title, pair_index), 'song_id': i, 'title': title }) package_metadata['charts'][ common.DIFFICULTY_MAPPING.get( pair_index, str(pair_index)).lower().replace( " ", "_")]['bgm'] = "%s [%d].pcm" % ( title, pair_index) song_metadata[i] = package_metadata return file_entries, song_metadata
def read_songlist(executable_filename, songlist_offset, songlist_count, file_entries): song_metadata = {} with open(executable_filename, "rb") as infile: chart_data_buffer = for i in range(songlist_count): + i * 0x90, 0) internal_title_offset, title_offset = struct.unpack( "<II", internal_title = common.read_string( infile, internal_title_offset - 0xff000) title = common.read_string(infile, title_offset - 0xff000), 1) difficulties = struct.unpack("<BB", if len(title) == 0: title = "%d" % i, 1) video_idx = struct.unpack("<H",[0] videos_idx = [video_idx] if video_idx != 0xffff: videos_idx.append(video_idx + 1), 1) overlay_palette = struct.unpack("<H",[0], 1) overlay_idxs = [] for _ in range(0x1e // 6): overlay_type, overlay_idx, unk = struct.unpack( "<HHH", if overlay_type != 0: overlay_idxs.append(overlay_idx), 1) charts_idx = struct.unpack("<IIIIII", sounds_idx = struct.unpack("<HHHHHHHHHHHH", overlay_idx = struct.unpack("<H",[0] package_metadata = { 'song_id': i, 'title': title, 'title_ascii': internal_title, 'charts': { 'sp_beginner': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[1] if difficulties[1] != 0 else None, }, 'sp_normal': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[1] if difficulties[1] != 0 else None, }, 'sp_hyper': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[0] if difficulties[0] != 0 else None, }, 'sp_another': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[0] if difficulties[0] != 0 else None, }, 'sp_black': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[0] if difficulties[0] != 0 else None, }, 'dp_beginner': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[1] if difficulties[1] != 0 else None, }, 'dp_normal': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[1] if difficulties[1] != 0 else None, }, 'dp_hyper': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[0] if difficulties[0] != 0 else None, }, 'dp_another': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[0] if difficulties[0] != 0 else None, }, 'dp_black': { 'filename': None, 'sounds': None, 'bgm': None, 'difficulty': difficulties[0] if difficulties[0] != 0 else None, }, }, 'videos': [], 'overlays': None, } for index, file_index in enumerate(videos_idx): if file_index == 0xffff: # Invalid continue for index2, file_index2 in enumerate(videos_idx): if index2 != index and file_index2 == file_index: index = index2 break file_entries[file_index]['entries'] = i file_entries[file_index]['references'].append({ 'filename': "%s [%d].mpg" % (title, index), 'song_id': i, 'title': title }) package_metadata['videos'].append("%s [%d].mpg" % (title, index)) if overlay_idx not in [0xffff, 0x00]: overlay_filename = "%s.if" % title file_entries[overlay_idx]['overlays'] = { 'exe': executable_filename, 'palette': overlay_palette, 'indexes': overlay_idxs } file_entries[overlay_idx]['song_id'] = i file_entries[overlay_idx]['title'] = title file_entries[overlay_idx]['references'].append({ 'filename': overlay_filename, 'song_id': i, 'title': title }) package_metadata['overlays'] = overlay_filename for index, file_index in enumerate(charts_idx): if file_index == 0xffffffff or file_index == 0: # Invalid continue file_entries.append({ 'filename': executable_filename, 'offset': file_index - 0xff000, 'size': len(chart_data_buffer) - file_index - 0xff000, 'compression': common.decode_lz, 'references': [{ 'filename': "%s [%s].ply" % (title, common.DIFFICULTY_MAPPING.get(index, str(index))), 'song_id': i, 'title': title }] }) package_metadata['charts'][common.DIFFICULTY_MAPPING.get( index, str(index)).lower().replace( " ", "_")]['filename'] = "%s [%s].ply" % ( title, common.DIFFICULTY_MAPPING.get( index, str(index))) sound_pairs = [ [sounds_idx[0], sounds_idx[2]], [sounds_idx[1], sounds_idx[3]], [sounds_idx[4], sounds_idx[6]], [sounds_idx[5], sounds_idx[7]], [sounds_idx[8], sounds_idx[10]], [sounds_idx[9], sounds_idx[11]], ] for pair_index, pair in enumerate(sound_pairs): for index, file_index in enumerate(pair): is_keysound = index == 0 if file_index == 0xffff: # Invalid continue for pair_index2, pair2 in enumerate(sound_pairs): if pair_index2 != pair_index and pair2[1] == pair[ 0]: pair_index = pair_index2 break if is_keysound: file_entries[file_index]['references'].append({ 'filename': "%s [%d].wvb" % (title, pair_index), 'song_id': i, 'title': title }) package_metadata['charts'][ common.DIFFICULTY_MAPPING.get( pair_index, str(pair_index)).lower().replace( " ", "_")]['sounds'] = "%s [%d].wvb" % ( title, pair_index) else: file_entries[file_index]['references'].append({ 'filename': "%s [%d].pcm" % (title, pair_index), 'song_id': i, 'title': title }) package_metadata['charts'][ common.DIFFICULTY_MAPPING.get( pair_index, str(pair_index)).lower().replace( " ", "_")]['bgm'] = "%s [%d].pcm" % ( title, pair_index) song_metadata[i] = package_metadata return file_entries, song_metadata
def add_owner(conn): while True: oid = common.read_string('Owner SIN', 15) if oid == None: return None if common.exists(conn, 'people', 'sin', oid): break print('The social insurance number does not exists!') while True: vid = common.read_string('Vehicle Serial Number', 15) if vid == None: return None if common.exists(conn, 'vehicle', 'serial_no', vid): break print('The serial number of the vehicle does not exists!') if not common.exists2(conn, 'owner', [('vehicle_id',vid),('is_primary_owner', 'y')]): print('This is the first owner of the selected vehicle and will automatically be set as primary.') powner = 'y' sys.stdin.readline() else: while True: powner = common.read_string('Primary Owner (y/n)') if powner == None: return None if powner == 'n': break if powner == 'y': if common.exists2(conn, 'owner', [('vehicle_id',vid),('is_primary_owner', 'y')]): print('There is already a primary owner for the vehicle.') while True: change = common.read_string('Change primary owner (y/n)') if change == None: return None if change == 'y': break if change == 'n': powner == 'n' break print('Please select either \'y\' for yes or \'n\' for no!') break print('Please select either \'y\' for yes or \'n\' for no!') try: curs = conn.cursor() conn.begin() if powner == 'y': #curs.execute('begin update owner set is_primary_owner=\'n\' where vehicle_id=?; insert into owner values (?,?,?); end',(vid,oid,vid,powner)) curs.execute('begin update owner set is_primary_owner=\'n\' where vehicle_id=\''+vid+'\'; insert into owner values (\''+oid+'\',\''+vid+'\',\''+powner+'\'); end;') else: curs.bindarraysize = 1 curs.setinputsizes(15,15,1) curs.executemany('insert into owner values (:1,:2,:3)', [(oid,vid,powner)]) curs.close() conn.commit() return True except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e: conn.rollback() error, = e.args if error.code == 1: print('Error: The selected person is already an owner of this vehicle!') else: print('Unknown error', error.code,'!') return False
def register_licence(conn): while True: licenceno = common.read_string('Licence Number', 15) if licenceno == None: return None if not common.exists(conn, 'drive_licence', 'licence_no', licenceno): break print('The licence number already exists!') while True: sin = common.read_string('SIN', 15) if sin == None: return None if common.exists(conn, 'drive_licence', 'sin', sin): print('The selected person already has a licence!') continue if common.exists(conn, 'people', 'sin', sin): break print('No person with this social insurance number exists!') lclass = common.read_string('Class', 10) if lclass == None: return None while True: upload = common.read_string('Upload Picture (y/n)') if upload == None: return None if upload == 'y': break if upload == 'n': image_data = None break print('Please select either \'y\' for yes or \'n\' for no!') if upload == 'y': while True: fimage = common.read_string_exact('Picture File') if fimage == None: return None if not os.path.isfile(fimage): print('File not found!') continue try: pimage = open(fimage, 'rb') image_data = pimage.close() break except: print('Failed to read image file!') continue issuing_date = common.read_date('Issuing Date') if issuing_date == None: return None issuing_date = common.format_date(issuing_date) expiring_date = common.read_date('Expiring Date') if expiring_date == None: return None expiring_date = common.format_date(expiring_date) try: curs = conn.cursor() curs.bindarraysize = 1 #curs.setinputsizes(15,15,cx_Oracle.LONG_BINARY,8,8) #curs.executemany('insert into drive_licence values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5)', # [(licenceno,sin,lclass,image_data,issuing_date,expiring_date)]) curs.setinputsizes(15,15,10,cx_Oracle.LONG_BINARY,8,8) curs.executemany('insert into drive_licence values (:1,:2,:3,:4,to_date(:5,\'yyyymmdd\'),to_date(:6,\'yyyymmdd\'))', [(licenceno,sin,lclass,image_data,issuing_date,expiring_date)]) curs.close() conn.commit() return True except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e: error, = e.args if type(error) == str: print('Unknown error', error,'!') elif error.code == 1: print('Error: The licence number already exists or the person already has a licence!') elif error.code == 2291: print('Error: No person with this social insurance number exists!') else: print('Unknown error', error.code,'!') return False