class CDHMod(object): """ Modify CDH configs for trafodion and restart CDH services """ def __init__(self, user, passwd, url, cluster_name): self.url = url self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.p = ParseHttp(user, passwd) def __retry_check(self, cid, maxcnt, interval, msg): stat_url = CMD_STAT_URL_PTR % (self.url, cid) stat = self.p.get(stat_url) retry_cnt = 0 while not (stat['success'] is True and stat['active'] is False): retry_cnt += 1 flush_str = '.' * retry_cnt print '\rCheck CDH services %s status (timeout: %dmin) %s' % (msg, maxcnt*interval/60, flush_str), sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(interval) stat = self.p.get(stat_url) if retry_cnt == maxcnt: return False return True def mod(self): hdfs_service = dbcfgs['hdfs_service_name'] hbase_service = dbcfgs['hbase_service_name'] zk_service = dbcfgs['zookeeper_service_name'] services = {hdfs_service:HDFS_CONFIG, hbase_service:HBASE_MASTER_CONFIG, zk_service:ZK_CONFIG} for srv, cfg in services.iteritems(): srvcfg_url = SRVCFG_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name, srv) self.p.put(srvcfg_url, cfg) # set configs in each regionserver group rsgrp_baseurl = RSGRP_BASEURL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name, hbase_service) rscfg = self.p.get(rsgrp_baseurl) rsgrp_urls = ['%s/%s/config' % (rsgrp_baseurl, r['name']) for r in rscfg['items'] if r['roleType'] == 'REGIONSERVER'] for rsgrp_url in rsgrp_urls: self.p.put(rsgrp_url, HBASE_RS_CONFIG) def restart(self): restart_url = RESTART_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) deploy_cfg_url = DEPLOY_CFG_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) print 'Restarting CDH services ...' rc1 = if self.__retry_check(rc1['id'], 40, 15, 'restart'): print 'Restart CDH successfully!' else: err('Failed to restart CDH, max retry count reached') rc2 = if self.__retry_check(rc2['id'], 30, 10, 'deploy'): print 'Deploy client config successfully!' else: err('Failed to deploy CDH client config, max retry count reached')
class CDHMod(object): """ Modify CDH configs for trafodion and restart CDH services """ def __init__(self, user, passwd, url, cluster_name): self.url = url self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.p = ParseHttp(user, passwd) def mod(self): hdfs_service = dbcfgs['hdfs_service_name'] hbase_service = dbcfgs['hbase_service_name'] zk_service = dbcfgs['zookeeper_service_name'] services = { hdfs_service: HDFS_CONFIG, hbase_service: HBASE_MASTER_CONFIG, zk_service: ZK_CONFIG } for srv, cfg in services.iteritems(): srvcfg_url = SRVCFG_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name, srv) self.p.put(srvcfg_url, cfg) # set configs in each regionserver group rsgrp_baseurl = RSGRP_BASEURL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name, hbase_service) rscfg = self.p.get(rsgrp_baseurl) rsgrp_urls = [ '%s/%s/config' % (rsgrp_baseurl, r['name']) for r in rscfg['items'] if r['roleType'] == 'REGIONSERVER' ] for rsgrp_url in rsgrp_urls: self.p.put(rsgrp_url, HBASE_RS_CONFIG) def restart(self): restart_url = RESTART_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) deploy_cfg_url = DEPLOY_CFG_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) def __retry(url, maxcnt, interval, msg): rc = stat_url = CMD_STAT_URL_PTR % (self.url, rc['id']) get_stat = lambda: self.p.get(stat_url)[ 'success'] is True and self.p.get(stat_url)['active'] is False retry(get_stat, maxcnt, interval, msg) info('Restarting CDH services ...') __retry(restart_url, 40, 15, 'CDH services restart') info('Deploying CDH client configs ...') __retry(deploy_cfg_url, 30, 10, 'CDH services deploy')
class CDHMod(object): """ Modify CDH configs for trafodion and restart CDH services """ def __init__(self, user, passwd, url, cluster_name): self.url = url self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.p = ParseHttp(user, passwd) def mod(self): hdfs_service = dbcfgs['hdfs_service_name'] hbase_service = dbcfgs['hbase_service_name'] zk_service = dbcfgs['zookeeper_service_name'] services = {hdfs_service:HDFS_CONFIG, hbase_service:HBASE_MASTER_CONFIG, zk_service:ZK_CONFIG} for srv, cfg in services.iteritems(): srvcfg_url = SRVCFG_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name, srv) self.p.put(srvcfg_url, cfg) # set configs in each regionserver group rsgrp_baseurl = RSGRP_BASEURL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name, hbase_service) rscfg = self.p.get(rsgrp_baseurl) rsgrp_urls = ['%s/%s/config' % (rsgrp_baseurl, r['name']) for r in rscfg['items'] if r['roleType'] == 'REGIONSERVER'] for rsgrp_url in rsgrp_urls: self.p.put(rsgrp_url, HBASE_RS_CONFIG) def restart(self): restart_url = RESTART_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) deploy_cfg_url = DEPLOY_CFG_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) def __retry(url, maxcnt, interval, msg): rc = stat_url = CMD_STAT_URL_PTR % (self.url, rc['id']) get_stat = lambda: self.p.get(stat_url)['success'] is True and self.p.get(stat_url)['active'] is False retry(get_stat, maxcnt, interval, msg) info('Restarting CDH services ...') __retry(restart_url, 40, 15, 'CDH services restart') info('Deploying CDH client configs ...') __retry(deploy_cfg_url, 30, 10, 'CDH services deploy')
def __init__(self, user, passwd, url, cluster_name): self.url = url self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.p = ParseHttp(user, passwd, json_type=False)
class HDPMod(object): """ Modify HDP configs for trafodion and restart HDP services """ def __init__(self, user, passwd, url, cluster_name): self.url = url self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.p = ParseHttp(user, passwd, json_type=False) def mod(self): cluster_url = CLUSTER_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) desired_cfg_url = cluster_url + '?fields=Clusters/desired_configs' cfg_url = cluster_url + '/configurations?type={0}&tag={1}' desired_cfg = self.p.get(desired_cfg_url) hdp = self.p.get('%s/services/HBASE/components/HBASE_REGIONSERVER' % cluster_url) rsnodes = [c['HostRoles']['host_name'] for c in hdp['host_components']] hbase_hregion_property = 'hbase.hregion.impl' hbase_config_group = { 'ConfigGroup': { 'cluster_name': self.cluster_name, 'group_name': 'hbase-regionserver', 'tag': 'HBASE', 'description': 'HBase Regionserver configs for Trafodion', 'hosts': [{'host_name': host} for host in rsnodes], 'desired_configs': [ { 'type': 'hbase-site', 'tag': 'traf_cg', 'properties': {hbase_hregion_property: MOD_CFGS['hbase-site'].pop(hbase_hregion_property)} } ] } }'%s/config_groups' % cluster_url, hbase_config_group) for config_type in MOD_CFGS.keys(): desired_tag = desired_cfg['Clusters']['desired_configs'][config_type]['tag'] current_cfg = self.p.get(cfg_url.format(config_type, desired_tag)) tag = 'version' + str(int(time.time() * 1000000)) new_properties = current_cfg['items'][0]['properties'] new_properties.update(MOD_CFGS[config_type]) config = { 'Clusters': { 'desired_config': { 'type': config_type, 'tag': tag, 'properties': new_properties } } } self.p.put(cluster_url, config) def restart(self): info('Restarting HDP services ...') def startstop(srvs, action, count, interval): srv_baseurl = CLUSTER_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) + '/services/' state = 'INSTALLED' if action == 'stop' else 'STARTED' for srv in srvs: srv_url = srv_baseurl + srv config = {'RequestInfo': {'context' :'%s %s services' % (action, srv)}, 'ServiceInfo': {'state' : state}} rc = self.p.put(srv_url, config) # check startstop status if rc: get_stat = lambda: self.p.get(srv_url)['ServiceInfo']['state'] == state retry(get_stat, count, interval, 'HDP service %s %s' % (srv, action)) else: if action == 'stop': action += 'p' info('HDP service %s had already been %sed' % (srv, action)) srvs = ['HBASE', 'HDFS', 'ZOOKEEPER'] startstop(srvs, 'stop', 30, 10) time.sleep(10) srvs.reverse() startstop(srvs, 'start', 60, 10)
class HDPMod(object): """ Modify HDP configs for trafodion and restart HDP services """ def __init__(self, user, passwd, url, cluster_name): self.url = url self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.p = ParseHttp(user, passwd, json_type=False) def mod(self): cluster_url = CLUSTER_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) desired_cfg_url = cluster_url + '?fields=Clusters/desired_configs' cfg_url = cluster_url + '/configurations?type={0}&tag={1}' desired_cfg = self.p.get(desired_cfg_url) hdp = self.p.get('%s/services/HBASE/components/HBASE_REGIONSERVER' % cluster_url) rsnodes = [c['HostRoles']['host_name'] for c in hdp['host_components']] hbase_hregion_property = 'hbase.hregion.impl' hbase_config_group = { 'ConfigGroup': { 'cluster_name': self.cluster_name, 'group_name': 'hbase-regionserver', 'tag': 'HBASE', 'description': 'HBase Regionserver configs for Trafodion', 'hosts': [{ 'host_name': host } for host in rsnodes], 'desired_configs': [{ 'type': 'hbase-site', 'tag': 'traf_cg', 'properties': { hbase_hregion_property: MOD_CFGS['hbase-site'].pop(hbase_hregion_property) } }] } }'%s/config_groups' % cluster_url, hbase_config_group) if dbcfgs['secure_hadoop'].upper() == 'Y': secure_cfgs = ',,' MOD_CFGS['hbase-site'][ 'hbase.coprocessor.region.classes'] += secure_cfgs for config_type in MOD_CFGS.keys(): desired_tag = desired_cfg['Clusters']['desired_configs'][ config_type]['tag'] current_cfg = self.p.get(cfg_url.format(config_type, desired_tag)) tag = 'version' + str(int(time.time() * 1000000)) new_properties = current_cfg['items'][0]['properties'] new_properties.update(MOD_CFGS[config_type]) config = { 'Clusters': { 'desired_config': { 'type': config_type, 'tag': tag, 'properties': new_properties } } } self.p.put(cluster_url, config) def restart(self): info('Restarting HDP services ...') def startstop(srvs, action, count, interval): srv_baseurl = CLUSTER_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) + '/services/' state = 'INSTALLED' if action == 'stop' else 'STARTED' for srv in srvs: srv_url = srv_baseurl + srv config = { 'RequestInfo': { 'context': '%s %s services' % (action, srv) }, 'ServiceInfo': { 'state': state } } rc = self.p.put(srv_url, config) # check startstop status if rc: get_stat = lambda: self.p.get(srv_url)['ServiceInfo'][ 'state'] == state retry(get_stat, count, interval, 'HDP service %s %s' % (srv, action)) else: if action == 'stop': action += 'p' info('HDP service %s had already been %sed' % (srv, action)) srvs = ['HBASE', 'HDFS', 'ZOOKEEPER'] startstop(srvs, 'stop', 30, 10) time.sleep(10) srvs.reverse() startstop(srvs, 'start', 60, 10)
def __init__(self, user, passwd, url, cluster_name): self.url = url self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.p = ParseHttp(user, passwd)
class HDPMod(object): """ Modify HDP configs for trafodion and restart HDP services """ def __init__(self, user, passwd, url, cluster_name): self.url = url self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.p = ParseHttp(user, passwd, json_type=False) def mod(self): cluster_url = CLUSTER_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) desired_cfg_url = cluster_url + '?fields=Clusters/desired_configs' cfg_url = cluster_url + '/configurations?type={0}&tag={1}' desired_cfg = self.p.get(desired_cfg_url) for config_type in MOD_CFGS.keys(): desired_tag = desired_cfg['Clusters']['desired_configs'][config_type]['tag'] current_cfg = self.p.get(cfg_url.format(config_type, desired_tag)) tag = 'version' + str(int(time.time() * 1000000)) new_properties = current_cfg['items'][0]['properties'] new_properties.update(MOD_CFGS[config_type]) config = { 'Clusters': { 'desired_config': { 'type': config_type, 'tag': tag, 'properties': new_properties } } } self.p.put(cluster_url, config) def restart(self): srv_baseurl = CLUSTER_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) + '/services/' srvs = ['HBASE', 'ZOOKEEPER', 'HDFS'] # Stop print 'Restarting HDP services ...' for srv in srvs: srv_url = srv_baseurl + srv config = {'RequestInfo': {'context' :'Stop %s services' % srv}, 'ServiceInfo': {'state' : 'INSTALLED'}} rc = self.p.put(srv_url, config) # check stop status if rc: stat = self.p.get(srv_url) retry_cnt, maxcnt, interval = 0, 30, 5 while stat['ServiceInfo']['state'] != 'INSTALLED': retry_cnt += 1 flush_str = '.' * retry_cnt print '\rCheck HDP service %s stop status (timeout: %dmin) %s' % (srv, maxcnt*interval/60, flush_str), sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(interval) stat = self.p.get(srv_url) if retry_cnt == maxcnt: err('Failed to stop HDP service %s, timeout' % srv) # wrap line print else: print 'HDP service %s had already been stopped' % srv time.sleep(5) # Start config = {'RequestInfo': {'context' :'Start All services'}, 'ServiceInfo': {'state' : 'STARTED'}} rc = self.p.put(srv_baseurl, config) # check start status if rc: result_url = rc['href'] stat = self.p.get(result_url) retry_cnt, maxcnt, interval = 0, 120, 5 while stat['Requests']['request_status'] != 'COMPLETED': retry_cnt += 1 flush_str = '.' * retry_cnt print '\rCheck HDP services start status (timeout: %dmin) %s' % (maxcnt*interval/60, flush_str), sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(interval) stat = self.p.get(result_url) if retry_cnt == maxcnt: err('Failed to start all HDP services') print 'HDP services started successfully!' else: print 'HDP services had already been started'
class CDHMod(object): """ Modify CDH configs for trafodion and restart CDH services """ def __init__(self, user, passwd, url, cluster_name): self.url = url self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.p = ParseHttp(user, passwd) def __retry_check(self, cid, maxcnt, interval, msg): stat_url = CMD_STAT_URL_PTR % (self.url, cid) stat = self.p.get(stat_url) retry_cnt = 0 while not (stat['success'] is True and stat['active'] is False): retry_cnt += 1 flush_str = '.' * retry_cnt print '\rCheck CDH services %s status (timeout: %dmin) %s' % ( msg, maxcnt * interval / 60, flush_str), sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(interval) stat = self.p.get(stat_url) if retry_cnt == maxcnt: return False return True def mod(self): hdfs_service = dbcfgs['hdfs_service_name'] hbase_service = dbcfgs['hbase_service_name'] zk_service = dbcfgs['zookeeper_service_name'] services = { hdfs_service: HDFS_CONFIG, hbase_service: HBASE_MASTER_CONFIG, zk_service: ZK_CONFIG } for srv, cfg in services.iteritems(): srvcfg_url = SRVCFG_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name, srv) self.p.put(srvcfg_url, cfg) # set configs in each regionserver group rsgrp_baseurl = RSGRP_BASEURL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name, hbase_service) rscfg = self.p.get(rsgrp_baseurl) rsgrp_urls = [ '%s/%s/config' % (rsgrp_baseurl, r['name']) for r in rscfg['items'] if r['roleType'] == 'REGIONSERVER' ] for rsgrp_url in rsgrp_urls: self.p.put(rsgrp_url, HBASE_RS_CONFIG) def restart(self): restart_url = RESTART_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) deploy_cfg_url = DEPLOY_CFG_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) print 'Restarting CDH services ...' rc1 = if self.__retry_check(rc1['id'], 40, 15, 'restart'): print 'Restart CDH successfully!' else: err('Failed to restart CDH, max retry count reached') rc2 = if self.__retry_check(rc2['id'], 30, 10, 'deploy'): print 'Deploy client config successfully!' else: err('Failed to deploy CDH client config, max retry count reached')
class HDPMod(object): """ Modify HDP configs for trafodion and restart HDP services """ def __init__(self, user, passwd, url, cluster_name): self.url = url self.cluster_name = cluster_name self.p = ParseHttp(user, passwd, json_type=False) def mod(self): cluster_url = CLUSTER_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) desired_cfg_url = cluster_url + '?fields=Clusters/desired_configs' cfg_url = cluster_url + '/configurations?type={0}&tag={1}' desired_cfg = self.p.get(desired_cfg_url) for config_type in MOD_CFGS.keys(): desired_tag = desired_cfg['Clusters']['desired_configs'][ config_type]['tag'] current_cfg = self.p.get(cfg_url.format(config_type, desired_tag)) tag = 'version' + str(int(time.time() * 1000000)) new_properties = current_cfg['items'][0]['properties'] new_properties.update(MOD_CFGS[config_type]) config = { 'Clusters': { 'desired_config': { 'type': config_type, 'tag': tag, 'properties': new_properties } } } self.p.put(cluster_url, config) def restart(self): srv_baseurl = CLUSTER_URL_PTR % (self.url, self.cluster_name) + '/services/' srvs = ['HBASE', 'ZOOKEEPER', 'HDFS'] # Stop print 'Restarting HDP services ...' for srv in srvs: srv_url = srv_baseurl + srv config = { 'RequestInfo': { 'context': 'Stop %s services' % srv }, 'ServiceInfo': { 'state': 'INSTALLED' } } rc = self.p.put(srv_url, config) # check stop status if rc: stat = self.p.get(srv_url) retry_cnt, maxcnt, interval = 0, 30, 5 while stat['ServiceInfo']['state'] != 'INSTALLED': retry_cnt += 1 flush_str = '.' * retry_cnt print '\rCheck HDP service %s stop status (timeout: %dmin) %s' % ( srv, maxcnt * interval / 60, flush_str), sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(interval) stat = self.p.get(srv_url) if retry_cnt == maxcnt: err('Failed to stop HDP service %s, timeout' % srv) # wrap line print else: print 'HDP service %s had already been stopped' % srv time.sleep(5) # Start config = { 'RequestInfo': { 'context': 'Start All services' }, 'ServiceInfo': { 'state': 'STARTED' } } rc = self.p.put(srv_baseurl, config) # check start status if rc: result_url = rc['href'] stat = self.p.get(result_url) retry_cnt, maxcnt, interval = 0, 120, 5 while stat['Requests']['request_status'] != 'COMPLETED': retry_cnt += 1 flush_str = '.' * retry_cnt print '\rCheck HDP services start status (timeout: %dmin) %s' % ( maxcnt * interval / 60, flush_str), sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(interval) stat = self.p.get(result_url) if retry_cnt == maxcnt: err('Failed to start all HDP services') print 'HDP services started successfully!' else: print 'HDP services had already been started'