def get_battery(devices): """ 获取设备当前电量 adb -s 设备唯一标识(devices) shell dumpsys battery :param devices: 被测设备唯一标识 :return: """ try:'获取设备的当前电量') cmd = "adb -s " + devices + " shell dumpsys battery" output = subprocess.check_output(cmd).split() if not output: raise ConnectAdbError st = ".".join([x.decode() for x in output]) # 转换为string logging.debug("st = " + st) battery2 = int(re.findall("level:.(\d+)*", st, re.S)[0]) except ConnectAdbError as e: logging.error(e) raise except Exception as e: logging.error(e) battery2 = 90'读取手机电量: ' + str(battery2)) # Pickle.write_info(battery2, PATH("../info/" + devices + "_battery.pickle")) Pickle.write_info( battery2, Path.scan_files(select_path=Path.info_path(), postfix=''.join(devices.split(':')) + '_battery.pickle')) return battery2
def get_men(pkg_name, devices): """ 获取应用占用内存 adb -s 设备唯一标识(devices) shell dumpsys meminfo 包名(pkg_name) :param pkg_name: 被测应用包名 :param devices: 被测设备唯一标识 :return: """ try:'读取 ' + pkg_name + ' 内存占用') cmd = "adb -s " + devices + " shell dumpsys meminfo %s" % pkg_name output = subprocess.check_output(cmd).split() if not output: raise ConnectAdbError s_men = ".".join([x.decode() for x in output]) # 转换为string logging.debug("s_men = " + s_men) men2 = int(re.findall("TOTAL.(\d+)*", s_men, re.S)[0]) except ConnectAdbError as e: logging.error(e) raise except Exception as e: logging.error(e) men2 = 0'读取内存占用: ' + str(men2)) Pickle.write_info( men2, Path.scan_files(select_path=Path.info_path(), postfix=''.join(devices.split(':')) + '_men.pickle')) # Pickle.write_info(men2, PATH("../info/" + devices + "_men.pickle")) return men2
def get_fps(pkg_name, devices): """ 获取应用运行时的FPS adb -s 设备的唯一标识(devices) shell dumpsys gfxinfo 包名(pkg_name) :param pkg_name: 被测应用包名 :param devices: 被测设备的唯一标识 :return: """'读取 ' + pkg_name + ' 运行时的FPS') try: _adb = "adb -s " + devices + " shell dumpsys gfxinfo %s" % pkg_name results = os.popen(_adb).read().strip() if not results: raise ConnectAdbError logging.debug("results = " + results) frames = [x for x in results.split('\n') if validator(x)] logging.debug(frames) frame_count = len(frames) jank_count = 0 vsync_overtime = 0 render_time = 0 for frame in frames: time_block = re.split(r'\s+', frame.strip()) if len(time_block) == 3: try: render_time = float(time_block[0]) + float( time_block[1]) + float(time_block[2]) except: render_time = 0 ''' 当渲染时间大于16.67,按照垂直同步机制,该帧就已经渲染超时 那么,如果它正好是16.67的整数倍,比如66.68,则它花费了4个垂直同步脉冲,减去本身需要一个,则超时3个 如果它不是16.67的整数倍,比如67,那么它花费的垂直同步脉冲应向上取整,即5个,减去本身需要一个,即超时4个,可直接算向下取整 最后的计算方法思路: 执行一次命令,总共收集到了m帧(理想情况下m=128),但是这m帧里面有些帧渲染超过了16.67毫秒,算一次jank,一旦jank, 需要用掉额外的垂直同步脉冲。其他的就算没有超过16.67,也按一个脉冲时间来算(理想情况下,一个脉冲就可以渲染完一帧) 所以FPS的算法可以变为: m / (m + 额外的垂直同步脉冲) * 60 ''' if render_time > 16.67: jank_count += 1 if render_time % 16.67 == 0: vsync_overtime += int(render_time / 16.67) - 1 else: vsync_overtime += int(render_time / 16.67) _fps = int(frame_count * 60 / (frame_count + vsync_overtime)) except ConnectAdbError as e: logging.error(e) raise except Exception as e: logging.error(e) _fps = 0'读取FPS: ' + str(_fps)) Pickle.write_info( _fps, Path.scan_files(select_path=Path.info_path(), postfix=''.join(devices.split(':')) + '_fps.pickle'))
def evaluate_phodopus(): home_dir = Path(os.path.expanduser('~')) hfm_dir = Path( '/home/acgtyrant/Projects/HamsterForMTK/' 'Hamster_Android_SDK/src/com/mapbar/hamster') testset_dir = home_dir / 'BigDatas/car/testset' num_stages = (14, 15, 16) ratios = (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1) for num_stage, ratio in itertools.product(num_stages, ratios): cascade_model_dir = Path( '/home/acgtyrant/BigDatas/car/scaled_cascade-{}-{}'.format( num_stage, ratio)) parameters = phodopus.Parameters( hfm_dir / 'deploy.prototxt', hfm_dir / 'mb_confirm__iter_60000.caffemodel', hfm_dir / 'net_mean_file', None, hfm_dir / 'location_finer_1026_1_test.prototxt', hfm_dir / 'lf1__iter_60000.caffemodel', hfm_dir / 'mean_file') qin_rate = 0.5 # KITTI 的标准是 70%, 即 Phodopus.kitti_rate, 但秦曰:数据可能会很难看,所以就用 50% 吧 logging.basicConfig( format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) phodopus.evaluate_cascade( testset_dir, cascade_model_dir, parameters, qin_rate)
def main(): trainset_directory = Path('/home/acgtyrant/BigDatas/car/trainset') backup_directory = trainset_directory / 'backup' try: backup_directory.mkdir() except Exception as e: logging.warning(e, exc_info=True) label_pathnames = [ pathname for pathname in trainset_directory.iterdir() if pathname.suffix == '.txt' ] for label_pathname in label_pathnames: backup(label_pathname, backup_directory / for label_pathname in label_pathnames: try: sample_pathname = find_sample(label_pathname) except: logging.warning( '{}\'s sample does not exist'.format(label_pathname)) else: practical_remove_unvalid_line = partial( remove_unvalid_line, sample_pathname=sample_pathname) functions = [ dos2unix, sort, uniq, practical_remove_unvalid_line, remove_duplicated_lines, sort ] for function in functions: wrapper(label_pathname, function)'regularize {} done'.format(label_pathname))
def get_flow(pd, devices): """ 获取应用的流量信息 adb -s 设备的唯一标识(devices) shell cat /proc/PID(pd)/net/dev :param pd: 应用的pid :param devices: 被测设备唯一标识 :return: """'获取应用的流量信息') try: up_flow = down_flow = 0 if pd is not None: cmd = "adb -s " + devices + " shell cat /proc/" + pd + "/net/dev" _flow = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() logging.debug(_flow) for item in _flow: logging.debug(item.split()[0].decode()) if item.split()[0].decode() == "wlan0:": # wifi # 0 上传流量,1 下载流量 up_flow = int(item.split()[1].decode()) down_flow = int(item.split()[9].decode()) logging.debug('上行流量 : ' + str(up_flow)) logging.debug('下行流量 : ' + str(down_flow)) elif item.split()[0].decode() == "rmnet0:": # gprs"-----flow---------") up_flow = int(item.split()[1].decode()) down_flow = int(item.split()[9].decode()) logging.debug('上行流量 : ' + str(up_flow)) logging.debug('下行流量 : ' + str(down_flow)) # else: # up_flow = 0 # down_flow = 0 # logging.debug('上行流量 : '+str(up_flow)) # logging.debug('下行流量 : '+str(down_flow)) # break Pickle.write_flow_info( up_flow, down_flow, Path.scan_files(select_path=Path.info_path(), postfix=''.join(devices.split(':')) + '_flow.pickle')) except ConnectAdbError as e: logging.error(e) raise except Exception as e: logging.error('获取应用流量信息失败') logging.error(e)
def delete_fp(): try: lg = [Path.father_path + '\\log', Path.report_path()] for j in lg: if os.path.exists(j): ls = os.listdir(j) for i in range(0, len(ls)): path = os.path.join(lg, ls[i]) if os.path.exists(path): create_time = time.localtime( os.stat(path).st_ctime) # 文件最后访问时间 y = time.strftime('%Y', create_time) m = time.strftime('%m', create_time) d = time.strftime('%d', create_time) h = time.strftime('%H', create_time) M = time.strftime('%M', create_time) d2 = datetime.datetime(int(y), int(m), int(d), int(h), int(M)) # 格式化时间 time_difference = ( - d2).days # 计算时间差 if time_difference >= 2: # 时间差超过10天,则删除 shutil.rmtree(path) else: logging.warning('日志或测试报告文件夹不存在') except Exception as e: logging.error(e)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='读取 cascade_model, 并直接调用 detectMultiScale 做全图多目标识别') parser.add_argument('-v', action='store', dest='video_pathname_str') parser.add_argument('-c', action='store', dest='cascade_pathname_str') parser.add_argument('--noshow', action='store_true', default=False) special_help = '无用参数,仅为兼容 makefile/phodopus 现有的 parameter.' parser.add_argument('--proto', action='store', help=special_help) parser.add_argument('--model', action='store', help=special_help) parser.add_argument('--mean', action='store', help=special_help) parser.add_argument('--lf_proto', action='store', help=special_help) parser.add_argument('--lf_model', action='store', help=special_help) parser.add_argument('--lf_mean', action='store', help=special_help) # 以上六行的参数目前对脚本没用,仅仅为了兼容 makefile/phodopus. args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) video = video_generator(Path(args.video_pathname_str)) cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(args.cascade_pathname_str) for frame_filename_str, frame in video: rects = cascade.detectMultiScale(frame, 1.2, 3, 0, (20, 20)) new_rects = [] for x, y, width, height in rects: if not args.noshow: frame = cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + width, y + height), (0, 255, 0)) new_rect = Rect(1 * x, 1 * y, 1 * width, 1 * height) new_rects.append(new_rect) rects_str = ' '.join([','.join(map(str, rect)) for rect in new_rects]) sys.stdout.write('{} {}\n'.format(frame_filename_str, rects_str)) if not args.noshow: cv2.imshow('fight!', frame) cv2.waitKey(0)
def start_server(): cmd = 'taskkill /F /IM node.exe' os.system(cmd)'启动appium服务') try: cd = 'start /b appium -a -p 4723 --bootstrap-port 9517 --session-override --command-timeout 600', shell=True, stdout=open( Path.log_path() + runtime.test_start_time() + 'appium.log', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) appium_server_url = 'http://localhost:4723/wd/hub/' time.sleep(5) response = requests.get(appium_server_url) print(response.status_code) if response.status_code is 404:'appium服务启动成!!') else: raise Exception except Exception as a: logging.error('启动appium服务失败 %s' % a)
def log_config(): try: logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Log等级总开关 # 第二步,创建一个handler,用于写入日志文件 logfile = Path.log_path() + runtime.test_start_time() + '.log' fh = logging.FileHandler(logfile, mode='w+') fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # 输出到file的log等级的开关 # 第三步,再创建一个handler,用于输出到控制台 ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # 输出到console的log等级的开关 # 第四步,定义handler的输出格式 formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] - %(levelname)s: %(message)s" ) fh.setFormatter(formatter) ch.setFormatter(formatter) # 第五步,将logger添加到handler里面 logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch)'测试开始时间:%s' % runtime.test_start_time()) # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, # format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s', # datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', # filename=Path.log_path()+runtime.test_start_time()+'.log', # filemode='w') except Exception as e: print(e) raise Custom_exception.LogConfigError
def main(): directory = Path(os.path.expanduser('~')) / 'BigDatas/car' info_pathname = directory / 'positive_samples.txt' new_info_pathname = directory / 'scaled_positive_samples.txt' with as info_file, \'w') as new_info_file: for line in info_file: frame_filename_str, num_str, rects_str = (line.rstrip('\n').split( ' ', 2)) image_pathname = directory / frame_filename_str image = cv2.imread(str(image_pathname)) image_height, image_width, _ = image.shape rects_strs = rects_str.split() rects = [] for index in range(0, len(rects_strs), 4): x, y, width, height = map(int, rects_strs[index:index + 4]) new_width = int(width * 1.2) new_x = int(x - width * 0.1) new_height = int(height * 1.2) new_y = int(y - height * 0.1) if (new_x >= 0 and new_y >= 0 and new_width < image_width and new_height < image_height): rects.append(Rect(new_x, new_y, new_width, new_height)) else: rects.append(Rect(x, y, width, height)) new_rects_str = ' '.join( [' '.join(map(str, tuple(rect))) for rect in rects]) new_info_file.write('{} {} {}\n'.format(frame_filename_str, num_str, new_rects_str))
def watch_squirrel(): logging.basicConfig( format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) home_dir = Path(os.path.expanduser('~')) testset_dir = home_dir / 'BigDatas/squirrel/testset' video_pathname = testset_dir / '1970-1-2_08-40-06.avi' label_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.txt') tp_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.tp') fp_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.fp') fn_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.fn') # tp_count, fp_count, fn_count = squirrel.parse( # log_pathname, # label_pathname, # tp_pathname, # fp_pathname, # fn_pathname) # precision, recall, fb_measure, _ = squirrel.statistics( # tp_count, # fp_count, # fn_count) # print('precision: {:.3}'.format(precision)) # print('recall: {:.3}'.format(recall)) # print('fb_measure: {:.3}'.format(fb_measure)) video_pathname, label_pathname, tp_pathname, fp_pathname, fn_pathname, is_evaluate_save=True)
def watch_phodopus(): home_dir = Path(os.path.expanduser('~')) testset_dir = home_dir / 'BigDatas/daytime/trainset' video_pathname = testset_dir / '' label_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.txt') log_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.log') tp_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.tp') fp_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.fp') fn_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.fn') tp_count, fp_count, fn_count = phodopus.parse( log_pathname, label_pathname, tp_pathname, fp_pathname, fn_pathname) precision, recall, fb_measure, _ = phodopus.statistics( tp_count, fp_count, fn_count) print('precision: {:.3}'.format(precision)) print('recall: {:.3}'.format(recall)) print('fb_measure: {:.3}'.format(fb_measure)) video_pathname, label_pathname, tp_pathname, fp_pathname, fn_pathname)
def day_task(): home_dir = Path(os.path.expanduser('~')) testset_dir = home_dir / 'BigDatas/daytime/testset' tp_counts, fp_counts, fn_counts = 0, 0, 0 for video_pathname in [ pathname for pathname in testset_dir.iterdir() if pathname.suffix == '.avi']: label_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.txt') log_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.log') tp_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.tp') fp_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.fp') fn_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.fn') tp_count, fp_count, fn_count = phodopus.parse( log_pathname, label_pathname, tp_pathname, fp_pathname, fn_pathname) tp_counts += tp_count fp_counts += fp_count fn_counts += fn_count precision, recall, fb_measure, _ = phodopus.statistics( tp_counts, fp_counts, fn_counts) print('precision: {:.3}'.format(precision)) print('recall: {:.3}'.format(recall)) print('fb_measure: {:.3}'.format(fb_measure))
def mkdirInit(devices, app): # destroy(devices) # cpu = PATH("../info/" + devices + "_cpu.pickle") # men = PATH("../info/" + devices + "_men.pickle") # flow = PATH("../info/" + devices + "_flow.pickle") # battery = PATH("../info/" + devices + "_battery.pickle") # fps = PATH("../info/" + devices + "_fps.pickle") dev = ''.join(devices.split(':')) cpu = Path.info_path() + '\\' + dev + "_cpu.pickle" men = Path.info_path() + '\\' + dev + "_men.pickle" flow = Path.info_path() + '\\' + dev + "_flow.pickle" battery = Path.info_path() + '\\' + dev + "_battery.pickle" fps = Path.info_path() + '\\' + dev + "_fps.pickle" app[devices] = { "cpu": cpu, "men": men, "flow": flow, "battery": battery, "fps": fps, "header": get_phone(devices) } OperateFile(cpu).mkdir_file() OperateFile(men).mkdir_file() OperateFile(flow).mkdir_file() OperateFile(battery).mkdir_file() OperateFile(fps).mkdir_file() # OperateFile(PATH("../info/info.pickle")).remove_file() # OperateFile(PATH("../info/info.pickle")).mkdir_file() # 用于记录统计结果的信息,是[{}]的形式 OperateFile(Path.info_path() + '\\' + dev + "_info.pickle").remove_file() OperateFile(Path.info_path() + '\\' + dev + "_info.pickle").mkdir_file()
def __init__(self): global case try: = xlrd.open_workbook(Path.scan_files(postfix='case.xls')) case ='测试用例') self.case_num = case.nrows # 测试用例行数 except Exception as e: creat_case.exception_handling(e) raise Custom_exception.OpenXlsError
def evaluate(): logging.basicConfig( format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) home_dir = Path(os.path.expanduser('~')) hfm_dir = Path( '/home/acgtyrant/Projects/HamsterForMTK/' 'Hamster_Android_SDK/src/com/mapbar/hamster') testset_dir = home_dir / 'BigDatas/car/testset' parameters = phodopus.Parameters( hfm_dir / 'deploy.prototxt', hfm_dir / 'mb_confirm__iter_60000.caffemodel', hfm_dir / 'net_mean_file', Path('/home/acgtyrant/BigDatas/car/cascade/cascade15.xml'), hfm_dir / 'location_finer_1026_1_test.prototxt', hfm_dir / 'lf1__iter_60000.caffemodel', hfm_dir / 'mean_file') qin_rate = 0.5 # KITTI 的标准是 70%, 即 Phodopus.kitti_rate, 但秦曰:数据可能会很难看,所以就用 50% 吧 tp_counts, fp_counts, fn_counts = 0, 0, 0 for pathname in testset_dir.iterdir(): if pathname.suffix in video_suffixes: log_pathname = pathname.with_suffix('.log') label_pathname = pathname.with_suffix('.txt') logging.basicConfig( format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) phodopus.evaluate_pathname( parameters, pathname, log_pathname, qin_rate) tp_count, fp_count, fn_count = phodopus.parse( log_pathname, label_pathname, overlap_rate=0.5) tp_counts += tp_count fp_counts += fp_count fn_counts += fn_count precision, recall, fb_measure, _ = phodopus.statistics( tp_counts, fp_counts, fn_counts)'precision: {:.3}'.format(precision))'recall: {:.3}'.format(recall))'fb_measure: {:.3}'.format(fb_measure))
def append2PATH(paths, tmp_path): """ Appends the given argument to the PATH in the registry. The paths argument can contain multiple paths separated by ';'. """ from common import is_win32, Path, call_read, subprocess, \ chunks, tounicode, tounicodes paths, tmp_path = tounicodes((paths, tmp_path)) sep = ";" path_list = paths.split(sep) # 1. Get the current PATH value. echo_cmd = ["wine", "cmd.exe", "/c", "echo", "%PATH%"][is_win32:] CUR_PATH = call_read(echo_cmd).rstrip('\r\n') # Remove trailing \r\n. CUR_PATH = tounicode(CUR_PATH) if not is_win32 and '/' in paths: # Convert the Unix paths to Windows paths. winepath = lambda p: call_read(["winepath", "-w", p])[:-1] path_list = map(winepath, path_list) path_list = tounicodes(path_list) # 2. Avoid appending the same path(s) again. Strip '\' before comparing. op_list = [p.rstrip('\\') for p in CUR_PATH.split(sep)] path_list = filter((lambda p: p.rstrip('\\') not in op_list), path_list) if not path_list: return # 3. Create a temporary reg file. paths = sep.join(path_list) NEW_PATH = CUR_PATH + sep + paths + '\0' # Join with the current PATH. if 1 or is_win32: # Encode in hex. NEW_PATH = NEW_PATH.encode('utf-16')[2:].encode('hex') NEW_PATH = ','.join(chunks(NEW_PATH, 2)) # Comma separated byte values. var_type = 'hex(2)' #else: # Escape backslashes and wrap in quotes. #NEW_PATH = '"%s"' % NEW_PATH.replace('\\', '\\\\') #var_type = 'str(2)' # Write to "tmp_path/newpath.reg". tmp_reg = Path(tmp_path)/"newpath.reg""w", "utf-16").write("""Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00\r \r [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\ Control\\Session Manager\\Environment]\r "Path"=%s:%s\r\n""" % (var_type, NEW_PATH)) # 4. Apply the reg file to the registry. "/s" means run silently. regedit = ["wine", "regedit.exe", "/s", tmp_reg][is_win32:]
def append2PATH(paths, tmp_path=""): """ Appends the given argument to the PATH variable in the Windows registry. The paths argument can contain multiple paths separated by ';'. """ from common import is_win32, Path, call_proc, call_read, chunks sep = ";" # Split by sep, make absolute and normalize. path_list = map(lambda p: Path(p).abspath.normpath, paths.split(sep)) # 1. Get the current PATH value. echo_cmd = ["wine", "cmd.exe", "/c", "echo", "%PATH%"][is_win32:] CUR_PATH = call_read(echo_cmd).rstrip('\r\n') # Remove trailing \r\n. if not is_win32 and '/' in paths: # Convert the Unix paths to Windows paths. winepath = lambda p: call_read("winepath", "-w", p)[:-1] path_list = map(winepath, path_list) # 2. Avoid appending the same path(s) again. Strip '\' before comparing. op_list = [p.rstrip('\\') for p in CUR_PATH.split(sep)] path_list = filter((lambda p: p.rstrip('\\') not in op_list), path_list) if not path_list: return # 3. Create a temporary reg file. paths = sep.join(path_list) NEW_PATH = CUR_PATH + sep + paths + '\0' # Join with the current PATH. if 1 or is_win32: # Encode in hex. NEW_PATH = NEW_PATH.encode('utf-16')[2:].encode('hex') NEW_PATH = ','.join(chunks(NEW_PATH, 2)) # Comma separated byte values. var_type = 'hex(2)' #else: # Escape backslashes and wrap in quotes. #NEW_PATH = '"%s"' % NEW_PATH.replace('\\', '\\\\') #var_type = 'str(2)' # Write to "tmp_path/newpath.reg". tmp_reg = Path(tmp_path)/"newpath.reg" tmp_reg.write("""Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00\r \r [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\\ Control\\Session Manager\\Environment]\r "Path"=%s:%s\r\n""" % (var_type, NEW_PATH), encoding="utf-16") # 4. Apply the reg file to the registry. "/s" means run silently. regedit = ["wine", "regedit.exe", "/s", tmp_reg][is_win32:] call_proc(regedit)
def evaluate_pathname(parameters, video_pathname, log_pathname=None, overlap_rate=kitti_rate): phodopus_evaluate_command = ( command_pathname, '-v', video_pathname, '--proto', parameters.proto_pathname, '--model', parameters.model_pathname, '--mean', parameters.mean_pathname, '-c', parameters.cascade_model_pathname, '--lf_proto', parameters.lf_proto_pathname, '--lf_model', parameters.lf_model_pathname, '--lf_mean', parameters.lf_mean_pathname, '--noshow', ) phodopus_evaluate_command = map(str, phodopus_evaluate_command) logging.debug('start to use {} to evaluate {}'.format(, log_file = _unwrap_or_tempfile(log_pathname, 'w') null_file = open(os.devnull, 'w') try: start = time.time(), stdout=log_file, stderr=null_file) end = time.time() elapsed_time = end - start if video_pathname.suffix == '': frame_count = len(list(video_pathname.iterdir())) else: video = cv2.VideoCapture(str(video_pathname)) frame_count = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) video.release() logging.debug('use {} to evaluate {} done'.format(, log_pathname = Path( label_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.txt') return ( parse(log_pathname, label_pathname, overlap_rate=overlap_rate) + (frame_count, elapsed_time)) finally: log_file.close() null_file.close()
def exception_handling(e, index=None, test_name=None, method_name=None, op=None): """ 错误处理 :param e: 报错内容 :param index: 用例编号 :param test_name: 测试用例名称 :param method_name: 测试用例对应方法 :param op: 操作驱动 :return: """ global l logging.error(e) path = Path.report_path() + runtime.test_start_time() + '_error' mkdir_log_directory.mk_dir(path) # 创建错误日志目录 path1 = Path.log_path() + runtime.test_start_time() + '.log' if index: log_error = path + '\\' + test_name.decode('utf8') + '.txt' # 记录错误日志文件 way = path + '\\' + method_name + runtime.test_start_time() + '.png' op.screen(way, path) # 截图 log.error_log(path1, log_error, test_name) if 'AssertionError' in e: for i in range(0, len(l)): if index == l[i][0]: l[i].append('fail') l[i].append(log_error) l[i].append(way) else: for i in range(0, len(l)): if index == l[i][0]: l[i].append('error') l[i].append(log_error) l[i].append(way) else: log_error = path + '\\' + 'error.txt' # 记录错误日志文件 log.error_log(path1, log_error)
def cpu_rate(pd, cpu_num, devices): """ 计算某进程的cpu使用率 100*( processCpuTime2 – processCpuTime1) / (totalCpuTime2 – totalCpuTime1) (按100%计算,如果是多核情况下还需乘以cpu的个数); cpu_num cpu几核 pid 进程id :param pd: 应用运行的PID :param cpu_num: CPU个数 :param devices: 设备的唯一标识 :return: """ process_cpu_time1 = process_cpu_time(pd, devices) # print(process_cpu_time1) time.sleep(1) process_cpu_time2 = process_cpu_time(pd, devices) # print(process_cpu_time2) process_cpu_time3 = process_cpu_time2 - process_cpu_time1 # print(process_cpu_time3) total_cpu_time1 = total_cpu_time(devices) # print(total_cpu_time1) time.sleep(1) total_cpu_time2 = total_cpu_time(devices) # print(total_cpu_time2) total_cpu_time3 = (total_cpu_time2 - total_cpu_time1) * cpu_num # print(total_cpu_time3)"totalCpuTime3=" + str(total_cpu_time3))"processCpuTime3=" + str(process_cpu_time3)) # try: # cpu = 100 * process_cpu_time3 / total_cpu_time3 # except: # cpu = 0 cpu = 100 * process_cpu_time3 / total_cpu_time3 # Pickle.write_info(cpu, PATH("../info/" + devices + "_cpu.pickle")) Pickle.write_info( cpu, Path.scan_files(select_path=Path.info_path(), postfix=''.join(devices.split(':')) + '_cpu.pickle'))"CPU使用率: " + str(cpu) + '%')
def main(): command_pathname = caffe_directory / 'build/tools/caffe' solver_pathname = Path('') command = [ command_pathname, 'train', '-gpu', 'all', '-solver', solver_pathname, '-shuffle', ] command = list(map(str, command))' '.join(command))
def __init__(self): try: desired_caps = {} desired_caps['platformName'] = 'Android' desired_caps['platformVersion'] = Get_Phone.get_android_version() # 设备版本 desired_caps['deviceName'] = Get_Phone.get_device_name() # 设备名称 desired_caps['app'] = PATH(Path.scan_files(postfix='.apk')) # 待测应用 # desired_caps['appPackage'] = 'com.sixty.nidoneClient' # desired_caps['appActivity'] = 'com.sixty.nidoneClient.view.activity.SDK_WebApp' desired_caps['unicodeKeyboard'] = True desired_caps['resetKeyboard'] = True # 如果设置的是app在电脑上的路径,则不需要配appPackage和appActivity,同理反之 self.driver = webdriver.Remote("http://localhost:4723/wd/hub", desired_caps) except Exception as e: creat_case.exception_handling(e) raise Custom_exception.GetDriverError
def _evaluate_num_stage(testset_dir, cascade_model_dir, parameters, overlap_rate, fb_measure_weight, num_stage):'starting to evaluate cascade{}.xml'.format(num_stage)) filename = Path('{}{}{}'.format('cascade', num_stage, '.xml')) parameters = parameters._replace(cascade_model_pathname=cascade_model_dir / filename) tuple_results = [ evaluate_pathname(parameters, pathname, log_pathname=None, overlap_rate=overlap_rate) for pathname in testset_dir.iterdir() if pathname.suffix in video_suffixes ] results = zip(*tuple_results) return statistics(*map(sum, results), fb_measure_weight=fb_measure_weight)
def send_email(test_time): address = configemail.ConfigEmail() # 发件人地址 From = address.get_sender() # 收件人地址,多个收件人用逗号隔开 To = address.get_addressee() # 附件名 file_name = Path.report_path() + test_time + '.html' server = smtplib.SMTP(address.get_smtp()) # 仅smtp服务器需要验证时 server.login(address.get_login(), address.get_authorization_code()) # 构造MIMEMultipart对象做为根容器 main_msg = email.MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart() # 构造MIMEText对象做为邮件显示内容并附加到根容器 text_msg = email.MIMEText.MIMEText("Nidone测试报告", charset="utf-8") main_msg.attach(text_msg) # 构造MIMEBase对象做为文件附件内容并附加到根容器 ctype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(file_name) if ctype is None or encoding is not None: ctype = 'application/octet-stream' maintype, subtype = ctype.split('/', 1) file_msg = email.MIMEImage.MIMEImage(open(file_name, 'rb').read(), subtype), encoding) # 设置附件头 basename = os.path.basename(file_name) # 修改邮件头 file_msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=basename) main_msg.attach(file_msg) # 设置根容器属性 main_msg['From'] = From main_msg['To'] = To main_msg['Subject'] = "Nidone测试报告 " main_msg['Date'] = email.Utils.formatdate() # 得到格式化后的完整文本 fulltext = main_msg.as_string() # 用smtp发送邮件 try: server.sendmail(From, To, fulltext) finally: server.quit()
def _evaluate_pathname(video_pathname, log_pathname, trheshold): squirrel_evaluate_command = ( command_pathname, '-v', video_pathname, '--noshow', # 本脚本原则上不显示视频,旨在加快评测效率 ) squirrel_evaluate_command = map(str, squirrel_evaluate_command) logging.debug('start to evaluate {}'.format( log_file = _unwrap_or_tempfile(log_pathname, 'w') null_file = open(os.devnull, 'w') try: start = time.time() squirrel_evaluate_command, stdout=log_file, stderr=null_file) end = time.time() elapsed_time = end - start if video_pathname.suffix == '': frame_count = len(list(video_pathname.iterdir())) else: video = cv2.VideoCapture(str(video_pathname)) frame_count = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) video.release() logging.debug('evaluate {} done'.format( log_pathname = Path( label_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.txt') tp_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.tp') fp_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.fp') fn_pathname = video_pathname.with_suffix('.fn') tp_count, fp_count, fn_count = parse( log_pathname, label_pathname, tp_pathname, fp_pathname, fn_pathname, trheshold) return statistics( tp_count, fp_count, fn_count, frame_count, elapsed_time) finally: log_file.close() null_file.close()
def __init__(self): config = configparser.ConfigParser()'email_address')) try: # 发件人地址 self.Sender = config['email_address']['Sender'] # 收件人地址,多个收件人用逗号隔开 self.Addressee = config['email_address']['Addressee'] # 第三方smtp,例如网易的, self.smtp = config['email_address']['smtp'] # 授权登录账号 self.login = config['email_address']['login'] # 授权码 self.AuthorizationCode = config['email_address'][ 'AuthorizationCode'] except Exception as e: creat_case.exception_handling(e, "邮件信息初始化") raise Custom_exception.MailInitializationError
def report(info, devices): try:'初始化测试报告') workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(Path.report_path() + ''.join(devices.split(':')) + '报告.xlsx') bo = OperateReport(workbook)'生成监控报告') bo.monitor(info)'生成错误日志') bo.crash()'生成详细报告') bo.analysis(info) bo.close()'报告生成成功') except Exception as e: logging.error('生成测试报告失败') logging.error(e) raise
def generate_background(cascade_pathname, scale_down_ratio): background_pathname = directory / 'background.txt' for image_pathname in background_directory.iterdir(): image_pathname.unlink() with'w') as background_file: for pathname in trainset_directory.iterdir(): if pathname.suffix == '' and Path(pathname / '0.jpg').exists(): logging.debug('detect {}'.format(pathname)) log_pathname = pathname.with_suffix('.log') label_pathname = pathname.with_suffix('.txt') fp_pathname = pathname.with_suffix('.fp') with'w') as log_file: detect(pathname, cascade_pathname, scale_down_ratio, log_file) phodopus.parse(log_pathname, label_pathname, fp_pathname=fp_pathname) with as fp_file: for line in fp_file: image_filename_str, rects_str = line.split(' ', 1) for index, rect_str in enumerate(rects_str.split()): rect = Rect(rect_str) image = cv2.imread( str(pathname / image_filename_str)) image = image[rect.y:rect.y + rect.height, rect.x:rect.x + rect.width] width = int(image.shape[1] / scale_down_ratio) height = int(image.shape[0] / scale_down_ratio) image = cv2.resize(image, (width, height)) new_image_filename_str = '{}-{}-{}.jpg'.format(, image_filename_str.split('.')[0], index) new_image_pathname = (background_directory / new_image_filename_str) cv2.imwrite(str(new_image_pathname), image) background_file.write('background/{}\n'.format( new_image_filename_str)) shuf_command = [ 'shuf', str(background_pathname), '-o', str(background_pathname) ] shuf_command = map(str, shuf_command)
def main(): directory = Path('/home/acgtyrant/BigDatas/car') samples_directory = directory / 'samples' if not samples_directory.exists(): samples_directory.mkdir() trainset_directory = directory / 'trainset' info_pathname = directory / 'positive_samples.txt' for label_pathname in [ pathname for pathname in trainset_directory.iterdir() if pathname.suffix == '.txt' ]: try: sample_pathname = find_sample(label_pathname) _handle_video(label_pathname, sample_pathname, samples_directory) _handle_info(sample_pathname, info_pathname) except Exception: samples_directory.rmdir() info_pathname.unlink() raise'handle {} done'.format(label_pathname))