def main(): args = parse_cmd() infile = args.infile if args.outputfile is None: outputfile = infile[:-4] + '_with_cid.pdb' else: outputfile = args.outputfile cf.backup_file(outputfile) natoms = int(args.natoms) exresname = args.exresname doit(infile, outputfile, natoms, exresname)
def main(): """ basically it verifies the options and conf_dict first, then loop_xvgs, passing whatever should be parsed, ugly code!!! aaaaaahhh.... """ args = parse_cmd() # Verify the iterms in args conf = args.conf if not os.path.exists(conf): raise IOError("{0} cannot found".format(conf)) conf_dict = ConfigObj(conf) SEQS, CDTS, TMPS, NUMS = argparse_action.get_sctn(args, conf_dict['system']) h5filename = conf_dict['data']['h5filename'] title = conf_dict['data']['title'] # About the property ppty = args.ppty p_conf = conf_dict['properties'][ppty] # property configuration property_obj = h5t.Property(ppty) # including table desc & schema try: ogd = p_conf['ogd'] # contains xvg_name and table_name patterns except KeyError: print "#" * 20 print '"ogd" not specified in {0} in {1}'.format(ppty, conf) print "#" * 20 sys.exit(1) if not args.nobk: backup_file(h5filename) # later when this script matures, this step may not be necessary # Start dealing with the h5 file now h5file = tables.openFile(h5filename, mode="a", title=title) filters = tables.Filters(complevel=8, complib='zlib') # zx_create_group is redundant and ugly code, I amd looking for a way to # overwrite creatGroup in table.file.File 2012-03-16 ppty_group = zx_create_group(h5file, '/', ppty, filters=filters, title=property_obj.desc) # property group ogd_group = zx_create_group(h5file, ppty_group._v_pathname, 'ogd', filters) ogd_path = ogd_group._v_pathname # should == ogd_path = os.path.join('/', ppty, 'ogd') # loop through xvg files and create a table for each one # ugly code!!! aaaaaahhh Should I learn loop? and make it more clear! # parsing so many args are really confusing loop_xvgs(SEQS, CDTS, TMPS, NUMS, ppty, h5file, property_obj, ogd, ogd_path )
#!/usr/bin/env python import shutil import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-f", dest="inf", required=True) args = parser.parse_args() from common_func import backup_file # The script will cause error if comment comtains "=" # But I won't debug now since it's enough for now for personal use old_file = backup_file(args.inf) # the returned backuped file lines = [] with open(old_file) as inf: for line in inf: if not line.startswith(';') and line.strip(): k, tropov = [i.strip() for i in line.split('=')] # key, tropo_value if ';' in tropov: v, comv = tropov.split(';') # comv: comment in the value v = v.split() comv = '; ' + comv.strip() else: comv = ' ' v = tropov.split() v = ''.join(i.strip().ljust(15) for i in v) lines.append("{0:30s} = {1:30s}{2}\n".format(k, v, comv)) else: lines.append(line)