def test_get_priority_if_present_with_data_having_no_attribute_priority(): """ GIVEN a StoreAFilesMd5MicroService instance WHEN the 'StoreAFilesMd5MicroService.get_device_id(db, device)' is invoked and given a new device as argument THEN that new device should be stored in the 'device_ids' db collection and the 'device_id_index' from 'globals' db collection should be incremented by 1 """ data = {} common_lib = CommonLib() assert common_lib.get_priority_if_present(data) == 100
def test_register_to_event_listeners_with_1_url_to_register_having_attributes_transaction_id_and_datetime_start( redis_client): """ GIVEN a StoreAFilesMd5MicroService instance WHEN the 'StoreAFilesMd5MicroService.get_device_id(db, device)' is invoked and given a new device as argument THEN that new device should be stored in the 'device_ids' db collection and the 'device_id_index' from 'globals' db collection should be incremented by 1 """ event_id = 'sequence_video_clips-melt_ended_event_1' url = '' priority = 100 datetime_start = '21200518193101.012345' # YYmmddHHMMSS.nnnnnn datetime format in string transaction_id = '20200518193802.123456' # YYmmddHHMMSS.nnnnnn datetime format in string z_url = {url: priority} h_url = {url: { "datetime_start": datetime_start, "transaction_id": transaction_id, }} response = {} common_lib = CommonLib() common_lib.CONFIG['TESTING'] = conftest.CONFIG['TESTING'] common_lib.CONFIG['REDIS_HOST'] = conftest.CONFIG['REDIS_HOST'] common_lib.CONFIG['REDIS_DB'] = conftest.CONFIG['REDIS_DB'] common_lib.establish_redis_connection() common_lib.register_to_event_listeners(event_id, z_url, h_url, response) assert redis_client.zcard(sorted_set_events_with_listeners) == 1 assert redis_client.zcard(sorted_set_event_listeners + ':' + event_id) == 1 assert redis_client.hlen(hash_event_listeners + ':' + event_id) == 1 assert redis_client.zrange( sorted_set_event_listeners + ':' + event_id, 0, -1, withscores=True)[0] == ( url.encode('UTF-8'), priority ) data = json.loads(redis_client.hmget( hash_event_listeners + ':' + event_id, url)[0].decode('UTF-8')) assert data is not None expected_data = { "datetime_start": datetime_start, "transaction_id": transaction_id, } assert data == expected_data assert response == {"registered_for_events": { event_id: { url: expected_data, } }}
def test_register_for_retro_event_retrieval_with_1_url_to_register_having_attribute_transaction_id( redis_client): """ GIVEN a StoreAFilesMd5MicroService instance WHEN the 'StoreAFilesMd5MicroService.get_device_id(db, device)' is invoked and given a new device as argument THEN that new device should be stored in the 'device_ids' db collection and the 'device_id_index' from 'globals' db collection should be incremented by 1 """ event_id = 'sequence_video_clips-melt_ended_event_1' url = '' priority = 100 transaction_id = '20200518193802.123456' # YYmmddHHMMSS.nnnnnn datetime format in string data = { "url": url, "transaction_id": transaction_id, } response = {} expected_h_retro_event_listeners = { "transaction_id": transaction_id, "event_id": event_id, "url": url, } expected_result_data = {"transaction_id": transaction_id} expected_response = { "registered_for_retro_event_retrieval": { event_id: { url: expected_result_data, } } } common_lib = CommonLib() common_lib.CONFIG['TESTING'] = conftest.CONFIG['TESTING'] common_lib.CONFIG['REDIS_HOST'] = conftest.CONFIG['REDIS_HOST'] common_lib.CONFIG['REDIS_DB'] = conftest.CONFIG['REDIS_DB'] common_lib.establish_redis_connection() common_lib.register_for_retro_event_retrieval(event_id, data, response) assert redis_client.zcard(sorted_set_retro_event_listeners) == 1 assert redis_client.hlen(hash_retro_event_listeners) == 1 assert redis_client.zrange(sorted_set_retro_event_listeners, 0, -1, withscores=True)[0] == (url.encode('UTF-8'), priority) retrieved_h_retro_event_listeners = json.loads( redis_client.hmget(hash_retro_event_listeners, url)[0].decode('UTF-8')) assert retrieved_h_retro_event_listeners is not None assert retrieved_h_retro_event_listeners == expected_h_retro_event_listeners assert response == expected_response
def test_prepare_to_register_for_event_listeners_with_data_having_attribute_datetime_end( ): """ GIVEN a StoreAFilesMd5MicroService instance WHEN the 'StoreAFilesMd5MicroService.get_device_id(db, device)' is invoked and given a new device as argument THEN that new device should be stored in the 'device_ids' db collection and the 'device_id_index' from 'globals' db collection should be incremented by 1 """ url = '' priority = 100 datetime_end = '21200518193101.012345' # YYmmddHHMMSS.nnnnnn datetime format in string z_urls = {} h_urls = {} data = { "url": url, "datetime_end": datetime_end, } common_lib = CommonLib() common_lib.prepare_to_register_for_event_listeners(data, z_urls, h_urls) assert z_urls[url] == priority assert h_urls[url] == {"datetime_end": datetime_end}
def test_prepare_to_register_for_event_listeners_with_data_having_attribute_count( ): """ GIVEN a StoreAFilesMd5MicroService instance WHEN the 'StoreAFilesMd5MicroService.get_device_id(db, device)' is invoked and given a new device as argument THEN that new device should be stored in the 'device_ids' db collection and the 'device_id_index' from 'globals' db collection should be incremented by 1 """ url = '' priority = 100 count = 5 z_urls = {} h_urls = {} data = { "url": url, "count": count, } common_lib = CommonLib() common_lib.prepare_to_register_for_event_listeners(data, z_urls, h_urls) assert z_urls[url] == priority assert h_urls[url] == {"count": count}
def test_reduce_count_if_attribute_is_present_without_any_registered_event_listeners( redis_client): """ GIVEN a StoreAFilesMd5MicroService instance WHEN the 'StoreAFilesMd5MicroService.get_device_id(db, device)' is invoked and given a new device as argument THEN that new device should be stored in the 'device_ids' db collection and the 'device_id_index' from 'globals' db collection should be incremented by 1 """ common_lib = CommonLib() common_lib.CONFIG['TESTING'] = conftest.CONFIG['TESTING'] common_lib.CONFIG['REDIS_HOST'] = conftest.CONFIG['REDIS_HOST'] common_lib.CONFIG['REDIS_DB'] = conftest.CONFIG['REDIS_DB'] common_lib.establish_redis_connection() result = common_lib.reduce_count_if_attribute_is_present( "sequence_video_clips-melt_ended_event", "") assert len(result) is 0
def test_prepare_to_register_for_event_listeners_with_data_having_attribute_required_data( ): """ GIVEN a StoreAFilesMd5MicroService instance WHEN the 'StoreAFilesMd5MicroService.get_device_id(db, device)' is invoked and given a new device as argument THEN that new device should be stored in the 'device_ids' db collection and the 'device_id_index' from 'globals' db collection should be incremented by 1 """ url = '' priority = 100 required_data = [ "data_key_1", "data_key_2" ] # Dictionary data meant for the listener that is set only during registration z_urls = {} h_urls = {} data = { "url": url, "required_data": required_data, } common_lib = CommonLib() common_lib.prepare_to_register_for_event_listeners(data, z_urls, h_urls) assert z_urls[url] == priority assert h_urls[url] == {"required_data": required_data}
def test_prepare_to_register_for_event_listeners_with_data_having_attribute_expire_after_set_to_5_seconds( ): """ GIVEN a StoreAFilesMd5MicroService instance WHEN the 'StoreAFilesMd5MicroService.get_device_id(db, device)' is invoked and given a new device as argument THEN that new device should be stored in the 'device_ids' db collection and the 'device_id_index' from 'globals' db collection should be incremented by 1 """ url = '' priority = 100 expire_after = 1.0 * 5 # expire after 5 secs z_urls = {} h_urls = {} common_lib = CommonLib() common_lib.prepare_to_register_for_event_listeners( { "url": url, "expire_after": 0 }, z_urls, h_urls) current_time = h_urls[url]["datetime_end"] assert z_urls[url] == priority assert h_urls[url] == {"datetime_end": current_time} common_lib.prepare_to_register_for_event_listeners( { "url": url, "expire_after": expire_after }, z_urls, h_urls) datetime_end_after_5_sec = h_urls[url]["datetime_end"] assert z_urls[url] == priority assert h_urls[url] == {"datetime_end": datetime_end_after_5_sec} assert (datetime.strptime(datetime_end_after_5_sec, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f") - datetime.strptime(current_time, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f")).total_seconds() >= 5.0 assert (datetime.strptime(datetime_end_after_5_sec, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f") - datetime.strptime(current_time, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f")).total_seconds() < 6.0
def get_common_lib_instance(self): if self.common_lib is None: self.common_lib = CommonLib() return self.common_lib