Esempio n. 1
def compute_prob_item(itm_emb,  # [B,T,D]
                      itm_msk,  # [B,T], tf.int64, mask if equal zero
                      ctx_emb,  # [B,T,D']
                      position_bias=False,  # better diversity when no position bias
                      partitioner=None, scope='', reuse=None):
    if position_bias:
        scope += 'prob_itm_psn_ctx'
        scope += 'prob_itm_ctx'
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse, partitioner=partitioner):
        batch_size, seq_len, emb_dim = get_shape(itm_emb)
        if position_bias:
            position_emb = get_dnn_variable(name='position_emb', shape=[1, seq_len, emb_dim],
            position_emb = tf.tile(position_emb, [batch_size, 1, 1])
            itm_and_ctx_emb = tf.concat([itm_emb, position_emb, ctx_emb], 2)  # [B,T,D+D+D']
            itm_and_ctx_emb = tf.concat([itm_emb, ctx_emb], 2)  # [B,T,D+D']
        prob_item = fully_connected(itm_and_ctx_emb, num_hidden_units, None)  # [B,T,D'']
        prob_item = tf.nn.tanh(prob_item)
        prob_item = fully_connected(prob_item, 1, None)  # [B,T,1]
        prob_item = tf.squeeze(prob_item, [2])  # [B,T]
        prob_item = weighted_softmax(
            prob_item, tf.to_float(tf.not_equal(itm_msk, 0)), -1)  # [B,T]
    return prob_item
Esempio n. 2
    def _build_encoder(self):
        with tf.variable_scope(name_or_scope='encoder_block'):
            batch_size = get_shape(self.usr_ids)[0]
            seq_itm_msk = self.inputs['user__clk_nid'].var
            seq_itm_emb = self.clk_itm_emb
            with tf.variable_scope(name_or_scope='ctx_q_as_mlp'):
                usr_ctx_q = fully_connected(self.usr_ctx_query_emb,
                                            FLAGS.dim * FLAGS.dim,
                                            None)  # [B,D'']->[B,DxD]
                usr_ctx_q = tf.reshape(
                    usr_ctx_q, [batch_size, FLAGS.dim, FLAGS.dim])  # [B,D,D]
            with tf.variable_scope(name_or_scope='ctx_proj_k'):
                seq_ctx_k = fully_connected(self.clk_ctx_key_emb, FLAGS.dim,
                                            None)  # [B,T,D']->[B,T,D]

            def ctx_co_action(q, k):  # [B,D,D], [B,T,D]
                return tf.tanh(
                    k + tf.matmul(tf.tanh(k), q))  # [B,T,D]x[B,D,D]->[B,T,D]

            seq_ctx_qk = ctx_co_action(q=usr_ctx_q, k=seq_ctx_k)  # [B,T,D]

            self.multi_vec_emb, self.multi_head_emb = multi_vector_sequence_encoder(
                scope='enc_%dh%dv' %
                (FLAGS.num_heads, FLAGS.num_vectors))  # [B,V,D]
            self.multi_vec_emb_normalized = tf.nn.l2_normalize(
                self.multi_vec_emb, -1)  # [B,V,D]

            self.inference_output_3d = self.multi_vec_emb_normalized

            with tf.variable_scope("predictions"):
                output_name = 'user_emb'
                inference_output_2d = tf.reshape(self.inference_output_3d,
                                                 [-1, FLAGS.dim])  # [B*V,D]
                inference_output_2d = tf.identity(inference_output_2d,
                print('inference output: name=%s, tensor=%s' %
                      (output_name, inference_output_2d))

                # not really ctr, just a score between 0.0 and 1.0
                self.ctr_predictions = tf.matmul(
                    self.inference_output_3d,  # [B,V,D]x[B,D,1]->[B,V,1]
                    tf.expand_dims(self.pos_itm_emb_normalized, 2))
                self.ctr_predictions = tf.reduce_max(
                    tf.squeeze(self.ctr_predictions, [2]), -1)  # [B,V]->[B]
Esempio n. 3
def multi_vector_sequence_encoder(itm_emb,  # [B,T,D]
                                  itm_msk,  # [B,T], tf.int64, mask if equal zero
                                  ctx_emb,  # [B,T,D']
                                  num_heads, num_vectors,
                                  scope='mv_seq_enc', reuse=None, partitioner=None):
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse, partitioner=partitioner):
        batch_size, _, emb_dim = get_shape(itm_emb)
        prob_item = compute_prob_item(  # [B,T]
            itm_emb=itm_emb, itm_msk=itm_msk, ctx_emb=ctx_emb,
            num_hidden_units=emb_dim * 4,
            reuse=reuse, partitioner=partitioner)
        multi_head_emb = disentangle_layer(  # [B,H,D]
            itm_emb=itm_emb, itm_msk=itm_msk, prob_item=prob_item, num_heads=num_heads,
            add_head_prior=True)  # the added prior may lead to weird or over-popular recommendation

        mean_head_emb = tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(prob_item, 1),
                                  tf.nn.l2_normalize(itm_emb, -1))  # [B,1,T]x[B,T,D]->[B,1,D]
        mean_head_emb = tf.squeeze(mean_head_emb, [1])  # [B,1,D]->[B,D]
        mean_head_emb = mean_head_emb + fully_connected(mean_head_emb, emb_dim, None)
        mean_head_emb = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(mean_head_emb, 1), [1, num_vectors, 1])

        multi_vec_emb = tf.reshape(
            multi_head_emb, [batch_size, num_vectors, num_heads // num_vectors, emb_dim])
        multi_vec_emb = multipath_head_aggregation_abae(
            multi_vec_emb, query=mean_head_emb, transform_query=False, scope='head2vec')  # [B,V,H,D]->[B,V,D]
    return multi_vec_emb, multi_head_emb  # [B,V,D], [B,H,D]
Esempio n. 4
def simplified_multi_head_attention(
        itm_emb,  # [B,T,D]
        itm_msk,  # [B,T], tf.int64, mask if equal zero
        ctx_emb,  # [B,T,D]
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse):
        itm_hidden = fully_connected(itm_emb + ctx_emb, num_hidden_units,
        itm_att = fully_connected(itm_hidden, num_heads, None)  # [B,T,H]
        itm_att = tf.transpose(itm_att, [0, 2, 1])  # [B,H,T]
        att_msk = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(itm_msk, axis=1),
                          [1, num_heads, 1])  # [B,H,T]
        att_pad = tf.to_float(tf.ones_like(att_msk) * (-2**32 + 1))
        itm_att = tf.where(tf.equal(att_msk, 0), att_pad, itm_att)
        itm_att = tf.nn.softmax(itm_att)
        seq_multi_emb = tf.matmul(itm_att, itm_emb)
    return seq_multi_emb  # [B,H,D]
Esempio n. 5
def head_aggregation_abae(x,
    batch_size, num_heads, emb_dim = get_shape(x)
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse):
        if query is None:
            mu = tf.reduce_mean(x, axis=1)  # [B,H,D]->[B,D]
            mu = query  # [B,D]
        if transform_query:
            mu = mu + fully_connected(mu, emb_dim, None)
        wg = tf.matmul(x, tf.expand_dims(mu, axis=-1))  # [B,H,D] x [B,D,1]
        if temperature is not None:
            wg = tf.div(wg, temperature)
        wg = tf.nn.softmax(wg, 1)  # [B,H,1]
        y = tf.reduce_mean(x * wg, axis=1)  # [B,H,D]->[B,D]
    return y
Esempio n. 6
def compute_prob_item_given_queries(itm_emb,  # [B,T,D]
                                    itm_msk,  # [B,T], tf.int64, mask if equal zero
                                    query_emb,  # [B,Q,D]
                                    query_msk,  # [B,Q], tf.int64, mask if equal zero
                                    transform_query=True, temperature=0.07,
                                    partitioner=None, scope='prob_item_given_query', reuse=None):
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse, partitioner=partitioner):
        _, num_query, emb_dim = get_shape(query_emb)
        _, num_itm, __ = get_shape(itm_emb)
        if transform_query:
            query_emb = query_emb + fully_connected(query_emb, emb_dim, None)  # [B,Q,D]

        prob_item = tf.matmul(query_emb, itm_emb, transpose_b=True)  # [B,Q,D]x[B,T,D]^t->[B,Q,T]
        attn_mask = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.to_float(tf.not_equal(itm_msk, 0)), axis=1),
                            [1, num_query, 1])  # [B,T]->[B,Q,T]
        prob_item = weighted_softmax(prob_item / temperature, attn_mask, 2)  # 【B,Q,T]

        query_cnt = tf.reduce_sum(query_msk, -1, True)  # [B,1]
        query_cnt = tf.tile(tf.to_float(query_cnt) + 1e-8, [1, num_itm])  # [B,T]
        query_msk = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(query_msk, axis=2), [1, 1, num_itm])  # [B,Q]->[B,Q,T]
        prob_item = tf.where(tf.equal(query_msk, 0), tf.zeros_like(prob_item), prob_item)  # [B,Q,T]
        prob_item = tf.reduce_sum(prob_item, 1)  # [B,Q,T]->[B,T]
        prob_item = tf.div(prob_item, query_cnt)  # sum(p(item)) = 1
    return prob_item
Esempio n. 7
def disentangle_layer(itm_emb,  # [B,T,D]
                      itm_msk,  # [B,T], tf.int64, mask if equal zero
                      prob_item,  # [B,T]
                      scope='disentangle_layer', reuse=None, partitioner=None):
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse, partitioner=partitioner):
        batch_size, max_seq_len, emb_dim = get_shape(itm_emb)

        if proto_router is None:
            proto_router = ProtoRouter(num_proto=num_heads, emb_dim=emb_dim)
        assert proto_router.num_proto == num_heads

        prob_head_given_item = proto_router.compute_prob_proto(
            tf.reshape(itm_emb, [batch_size * max_seq_len, emb_dim]))  # [B*T,H]
        prob_head_given_item = tf.reshape(
            prob_head_given_item, [batch_size, max_seq_len, num_heads])  # [B,T,H]
        prob_head_given_item = tf.transpose(prob_head_given_item, [0, 2, 1])  # [B,H,T]

        # p(head, item) = p(item) * p(head | item)
        prob_item_and_head = tf.multiply(  # [B,1,T]*[B,H,T]->[B,H,T]
            tf.expand_dims(prob_item, axis=1), prob_head_given_item)
        itm_msk_expand = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(itm_msk, 1), [1, num_heads, 1])  # [B,T]->[B,H,T]
        prob_item_and_head = tf.where(
            tf.equal(itm_msk_expand, 0), tf.zeros_like(prob_item_and_head), prob_item_and_head)

        if equalize_heads:
            # p(item | head) = p(head, item) / p(head)
            # Would it be too sensitive/responsive to heads with ONE trigger?
            prob_item_given_head = tf.div(
                prob_item_and_head, tf.reduce_sum(prob_item_and_head, -1, True) + 1e-8)  # [B,H,T]
            init_multi_emb = tf.matmul(prob_item_given_head, tf.nn.l2_normalize(itm_emb, -1))  # [B,H,D]
            init_multi_emb = tf.matmul(prob_item_and_head, tf.nn.l2_normalize(itm_emb, -1))  # [B,H,D]

        # Spill-over: If no items under this head's category is present in the
        # sequence, the head's vector will mainly be composed of items (with
        # small values of prob_head_given_item for this head) from other
        # categories. As a result, its kNNs will be items from other categories.
        # This effect is sometimes useful, though, since it reuses the empty
        # heads to retrieve relevant items from other categories.
        # Adding a head-specific bias to avoid the spill-over effect when the
        # head is in fact empty. But then the retrieved kNNs may be too
        # irrelevant to the user and make the user unhappy about the result.

        if add_head_prior:
            head_bias = get_dnn_variable(
                name='head_bias', shape=[1, num_heads, emb_dim],
            head_bias = tf.tile(head_bias, [batch_size, 1, 1])  # [B,H,D]
            out_multi_emb = tf.concat([init_multi_emb, head_bias], 2)  # [B,H,2*D]
            out_multi_emb = init_multi_emb
        out_multi_emb = tf.nn.tanh(fully_connected(out_multi_emb, emb_dim, None))
        out_multi_emb = fully_connected(out_multi_emb, emb_dim, None)
        out_multi_emb = out_multi_emb + init_multi_emb

        # Don't use multipath_fully_connected if num_heads is large, cuz it is memory consuming.
        # out_multi_emb = init_multi_emb
        # out_multi_emb = tf.nn.tanh(multipath_fully_connected(
        #     out_multi_emb, use_bias=add_head_prior, scope='multi_head_fc1'))
        # out_multi_emb = multipath_fully_connected(
        #     out_multi_emb, use_bias=add_head_prior, scope='multi_head_fc2')
        # out_multi_emb = out_multi_emb + init_multi_emb
    return out_multi_emb  # [B,H,D]