def outline_upstream_search(xoff, yoff, water_buf, upstream_inflow):
    global dir_ds, slope_ds, water_value
    # 创建搜索数组
    search_inflows = [[xoff, yoff]]
    # 开始搜索
    while len(search_inflows) > 0:
        # 取出初始像元
        cell_off = search_inflows.pop()
        xoff = cell_off[0]
        yoff = cell_off[1]
        # 搜索周边像元
        ol_dir_array = cu.get_8_dir(xoff, yoff)
        for ol_n_cell in ol_dir_array:
            n_xoff = ol_n_cell[0]
            n_yoff = ol_n_cell[1]
            # 判断像元是否在数据集内且是否为有效流向
            judge_in_data = cu.in_data(n_xoff, n_yoff, dir_ds.RasterXSize, dir_ds.RasterYSize)
            if judge_in_data:
                # 判断是否在水体内
                ol_data = cu.get_raster_int_value(slope_ds, n_xoff, n_yoff)
                # 若不在水体则继续
                if ol_data != water_value:
                    dir_data_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(dir_ds, n_xoff, n_yoff)
                    to_point = cu.get_to_point(n_xoff, n_yoff, dir_data_value)
                    if len(to_point) != 0:
                        # 若为上游点
                        if to_point[0] == xoff and to_point[1] == yoff:
                            # 判断是否在外边界上,若是则记录
                            if ol_n_cell in water_buf:
                                # 则记录为外边界上的上游坡面入流点
                                upstream_inflow.append([n_xoff, n_yoff])
                            # 继续遍历相邻像元
def get_new_slope_surface(xoff, yoff, upstream_inflow, inflow_points):
    global acc_ds, river_th, slope_ds
    # 初始化搜索数组
    search_array = [[xoff, yoff]]
    # 若继续搜索
    while len(search_array) > 0:
        cell_xy = search_array.pop()
        neighbor_points = cu.get_8_dir(cell_xy[0], cell_xy[1])
        # 遍历周边点
        for point in neighbor_points:
            judge_in_data = cu.in_data(point[0], point[1], slope_ds.RasterXSize, slope_ds.RasterYSize)
            if judge_in_data:
                # 若该点为水体入流点且未记录合并
                if point in upstream_inflow and point not in inflow_points:
                    # 判断两点间是否穿插河道
                    # 两点若不存在中间点
                    if point[0] == cell_xy[0] or point[1] == cell_xy[1]:
                        no_river = 1
                        # 判断中间点是否为河道
                        bd1_point = cu.off_transform(cell_xy[0], point[1], slope_ds, acc_ds)
                        bd2_point = cu.off_transform(point[0], cell_xy[1], slope_ds, acc_ds)
                        between_data_value1 = cu.get_raster_int_value(acc_ds, bd1_point[0], bd1_point[1])
                        between_data_value2 = cu.get_raster_int_value(acc_ds, bd2_point[0], bd2_point[1])
                        no_river = between_data_value1 < river_th and between_data_value2 < river_th
                    # 若未穿插河道
                    if no_river:
                        # 记录到当前坡面入流点集
                        # 以此点继续遍历
    return inflow_points
Esempio n. 3
def outlet_basins(outlet, result_ds, s_id, dir_ds):
    # 创建追踪数组
    trace_array = [outlet]
    # 若需要继续追踪
    while len(trace_array) > 0:
        # 取出当前像元
        cur_cell = trace_array.pop()
        cur_x = cur_cell[0]
        cur_y = cur_cell[1]
        # 对当前像元赋值
        cu.set_raster_int_value(result_ds, cur_x, cur_y, s_id)
        # 获取周边像元索引
        n_8_cells = cu.get_8_dir(cur_x, cur_y)
        # 遍历8个像元
        for n_cell in n_8_cells:
            n_x = n_cell[0]
            n_y = n_cell[1]
            # 若在数据范围内
            if cu.in_data(n_x, n_y, dir_ds.RasterXSize, dir_ds.RasterYSize):
                # 获得当前点流向值
                dir_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(dir_ds, n_x, n_y)
                # 获得下游点索引
                to_point = cu.get_to_point_128(n_x, n_y, dir_value)
                # 若为当前点的上游点
                if to_point == cur_cell:
                    # 将此像元加入到流域追踪数组
def surface_merge(upstream_inflow, new_slope_surface_id):
    global slope_ds, dir_ds, water_buffer_value, water_value
    # 定义合并后的坡面分组
    slope_surface_unit = []
    # 遍历上游流入点对坡面与水体相交处的入流口分组
    for upstream_point in upstream_inflow:
        # 判断坡面入流点已参与合并
        not_in_unit = 1
        for index in range(0, len(slope_surface_unit), 1):
            if upstream_point in slope_surface_unit[index]:
                not_in_unit = 0
        # 若坡面入流点未参与合并
        if not_in_unit:
            # 创建新坡面集合并添加新坡面的首个水体入流点
            slope_surface = [upstream_point]
            # 获取新坡面集合的入流点集
            slope_surface = get_new_slope_surface(upstream_point[0], upstream_point[1], upstream_inflow, slope_surface)
            # 将新坡面放入合并后的坡面集合中

    # 获取合并后新坡面的id
    new_slope_surface_id += 1

    # 以各合并坡面的入口点集开始合并坡面
    for index in range(0, len(slope_surface_unit), 1):
        # print(slope_surface_unit[index])
        # 获取合并后新坡面与水体的交界点
        s_s_inflows = slope_surface_unit[index]
        for inflow_point in s_s_inflows:
            # 初始化需要更新的像元集
            to_update_points = [inflow_point]
            # 循环直到待更新数组为空
            while len(to_update_points) > 0:
                # 取出第一个点
                to_update_point = to_update_points.pop()
                # 更新此点id
                cu.set_raster_int_value(slope_ds, to_update_point[0], to_update_point[1], new_slope_surface_id)
                # 获取此点周边需要更新的像元集
                # 获取邻近像元
                neighbor_points = cu.get_8_dir(to_update_point[0], to_update_point[1])
                # 判断各像元是否需要更新
                for point in neighbor_points:
                    point_x = point[0]
                    point_y = point[1]
                    judge_in_data = cu.in_data(point_x, point_y, slope_ds.RasterXSize, slope_ds.RasterYSize)
                    if judge_in_data:
                        # 若不为水体则继续
                        ol_data = cu.get_raster_int_value(slope_ds, point_x, point_y)
                        if ol_data != water_value:
                            # 若是当前点的上游点
                            dir_point = cu.off_transform(point_x, point_y, slope_ds, dir_ds)
                            dir_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(dir_ds, dir_point[0], dir_point[1])
                            to_point = cu.get_to_point(point_x, point_y, dir_value)
                            if to_point == to_update_point:
                                # 加入待更新数组
    return new_slope_surface_id
def judge_from_water(xoff, yoff):
    global dir_ds, slope_ds, water_value
    neighbor_points = cu.get_8_dir(xoff, yoff)
    for point in neighbor_points:
        dir_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(dir_ds, point[0], point[1])
        to_point = cu.get_to_point(point[0], point[1], dir_value)
        ol_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(slope_ds, point[0], point[1])
        if ol_value == water_value and to_point[0] == xoff and to_point[1] == yoff:
            return 1
    return 0
def buffer_search(o_res_xoff, o_res_yoff, water_ol_buf):
    global lake_ds, slope_ds, river_th, water_channel
    # 存储需要遍历的水体像元
    water_points = [[o_res_xoff, o_res_yoff]]
    # 循环方式遍历水体像元
    while len(water_points) > 0:
        current_point = water_points.pop()
        res_dir_array = cu.get_8_dir(current_point[0], current_point[1])
        for index in range(0, 8, 1):
            # 水体数据中的索引
            res_xoff = res_dir_array[index][0]
            res_yoff = res_dir_array[index][1]
            # 结果数据的该点索引
            ol_point_off = cu.off_transform(res_xoff, res_yoff, lake_ds,
            re_xoff = ol_point_off[0]
            re_yoff = ol_point_off[1]

            # 若在数据内
            if cu.in_data(re_xoff, re_yoff, slope_ds.RasterXSize,
                # 判断是否记录在外边界数组
                in_ol_array = ol_point_off in water_ol_buf
                # 判断是否在水体数据范围内
                in_water_data = cu.in_data(res_xoff, res_yoff,
                # 若在水体数据中进一步判断是否为水体内像元
                if in_water_data:
                    data_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(
                        lake_ds, res_xoff, res_yoff)
                    not_in_water = data_value != water_value
                    not_in_water = True
                # 若不是水体像元且未记录则记录,即记录新边界点
                if not in_ol_array and not_in_water:
                    # 添加缓冲区数组记录
                    water_ol_buf.append([re_xoff, re_yoff])
                    # 标记为水体外边界
                    cu.set_raster_int_value(slope_ds, re_xoff, re_yoff,
                # 判断是否在结果数据中记录水体
                ol_data_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(
                    slope_ds, re_xoff, re_yoff)
                recode_water = ol_data_value == water_value
                # 若是水体且未记录,则继续搜索
                if not recode_water and not not_in_water:
                    cu.set_raster_int_value(slope_ds, re_xoff, re_yoff,
                    water_points.append([res_xoff, res_yoff])
Esempio n. 7
def get_data_boundary_cells(data_tif, boundary_tif):
    data_ds = gdal.Open(data_tif)

    # 创建边界点数据
    print("Create Boundary file...")
    file_format = "GTiff"
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(file_format)
    full_geotransform = data_ds.GetGeoTransform()
    b_ds = driver.Create(boundary_tif, data_ds.RasterXSize, data_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte, options=['COMPRESS=DEFLATE'])

    # 遍历基础数据记录边界点
    print("Get Boundary Cells...")
    # nodata值
    no_data = int(data_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue())
    for i in range(data_ds.RasterYSize):
        # 前个像元点
        f_point_value = None
        for j in range(data_ds.RasterXSize):
            # 若为首尾行
            if i == 0 or i == data_ds.RasterYSize - 1:
                c_point_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(data_ds, j, i)
                # 若为数据点则记录
                if c_point_value != no_data:
                    cu.set_raster_int_value(b_ds, j, i, 1)
                # 若为第一个点或为行最后一个点
                if j == 0 or j == data_ds.RasterXSize - 1:
                    c_point = [j, i]
                    f_point_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(data_ds, c_point[0], c_point[1])
                    # 若为数据点则记录
                    if f_point_value != no_data:
                        cu.set_raster_int_value(b_ds, c_point[0], c_point[1], 1)
                # 若不为第一个点
                    c_point = [j, i]
                    # 获取当前点的值
                    c_point_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(data_ds, c_point[0], c_point[1])
                    # 若当前点为数据点
                    if c_point_value != no_data:
                        # 获取周边邻接像元
                        n_points = cu.get_8_dir(c_point[0], c_point[1])
                        # 若周边存在无数据像元则记录
                        for n_point in n_points:
                            n_point_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(data_ds, n_point[0], n_point[1])
                            if n_point_value == no_data:
                                cu.set_raster_int_value(b_ds, c_point[0], c_point[1], 1)
Esempio n. 8
def add_final_to_river(dir_tif,
    dir_ds = gdal.Open(dir_tif, 1)
    rt_ds = gdal.Open(river_tif, 1)
    acc_ds = gdal.Open(acc_tif)

    # 将内流区域终点更新到河流数据
    with open(final_points_txt, 'r') as final_file:
        for line in final_file.readlines():
            final_info_str = line.strip('\n')
            final_info = final_info_str.split(',')
            # 将final像元的x,y索引
            f_x_coord = float(final_info[0])
            f_y_coord = float(final_info[1])
            final_off = cu.coord_to_off([f_x_coord, f_y_coord], rt_ds)
            final_xoff = final_off[0]
            final_yoff = final_off[1]
            # 得到在河流中对应的索引
            r_off = cu.off_transform(final_xoff, final_yoff, dir_ds, rt_ds)
            # 若在数据内
            if cu.in_data(r_off[0], r_off[1], rt_ds.RasterXSize,
                # 寻找内流终点周边最小汇流累积像元(最后形成虚拟河系)
                ne_cells = cu.get_8_dir(final_xoff, final_yoff)
                min_acc_point = []
                min_acc = cu.get_raster_float_value(acc_ds, final_xoff,
                for point in ne_cells:
                    acc_value = cu.get_raster_float_value(
                        acc_ds, point[0], point[1])
                    if acc_value < min_acc:
                        min_acc = acc_value
                        min_acc_point = point
                # 若最小累积量像元不成为河系
                if river_th is None or min_acc < river_th:
                    # 则赋值内流终点流向该方向
                    dir_value = 1
                    if river_th is not None:
                        dir_value = cu.dir_between_points(
                            [final_xoff, final_yoff], min_acc_point)
                    cu.set_raster_int_value(dir_ds, final_xoff, final_yoff,
                    # 记录Final point到河流
                    cu.set_raster_int_value(rt_ds, r_off[0], r_off[1], 1)
Esempio n. 9
def get_no_inflow_cells(dir_tif, no_inflow_tif):
    dir_ds = gdal.Open(dir_tif)

    # 创建无流入点数据
    print("Create No inflow file...")
    file_format = "GTiff"
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(file_format)
    full_geotransform = dir_ds.GetGeoTransform()
    ni_ds = driver.Create(no_inflow_tif,

    # 遍历基础数据记录无流入点
    print("Get No Inflow Data...")
    for i in range(dir_ds.RasterYSize):
        for j in range(dir_ds.RasterXSize):
            c_point = [j, i]
            # 邻近像元索引
            n_points = cu.get_8_dir(c_point[0], c_point[1])
            # 初始化流入标记
            inflow_flag = 0
            for n_point in n_points:
                # 判断是否在数据内
                in_data = cu.in_data(n_point[0], n_point[1],
                                     dir_ds.RasterXSize, dir_ds.RasterYSize)
                if in_data:
                    # 判断是否流向原像元点
                    n_dir = cu.get_raster_int_value(dir_ds, n_point[0],
                    to_point = cu.get_to_point(n_point[0], n_point[1], n_dir)
                    if to_point == c_point:
                        inflow_flag = 1
            # 若无流入则记录
            if not inflow_flag:
                cu.set_raster_int_value(ni_ds, c_point[0], c_point[1], 1)
Esempio n. 10
def recode_from_river(watershed_id, river_x, river_y, watershed_tif_path, dir_tif_path, water_tif_path, rivers_index):
    global water_value
    # 创建数据集
    watershed_ds = gdal.OpenEx(watershed_tif_path, 1)
    dir_ds = gdal.Open(dir_tif_path)
    water_ds = gdal.Open(water_tif_path)
    # 初始化需要赋值的像元集合
    update_cells = [[river_x, river_y]]
    # 更新区域内像元值
    # print(">>> update cell:", end='')
    while len(update_cells) > 0:
        # 取出要更新的像元索引
        update_cell = update_cells.pop()
        # print(update_cell, end='')
        # 更新像元值
        cu.set_raster_int_value(watershed_ds, update_cell[0], update_cell[1], watershed_id)
        # print('update: ', update_cell, '->', watershed_id)
        # 得到邻近像元集合
        neighbor_cells = cu.get_8_dir(update_cell[0], update_cell[1])
        # 搜索上游像元
        for neighbor_cell in neighbor_cells:
            n_x = neighbor_cell[0]
            n_y = neighbor_cell[1]
            # 判断邻近点是否在数据内
            if cu.in_data(n_x, n_y, watershed_ds.RasterXSize, watershed_ds.RasterYSize):
                # 若不为河段并不为湖泊/水库(即若为子流域)
                water_off = cu.off_transform(n_x, n_y, watershed_ds, water_ds)
                in_water = cu.is_water_cell(water_ds, water_off[0], water_off[1], water_value)
                if neighbor_cell not in rivers_index and not in_water:
                    dir_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(dir_ds, n_x, n_y)
                    to_point = cu.get_to_point(n_x, n_y, dir_value)
                    # 若为上游点
                    if to_point == update_cell:
                        # 加入更新数组

    watershed_ds = None
    dir_ds = None
Esempio n. 11
def get_trace_points(dir_tif, flag_tif, trace_tif, seaside_txt=None, final_txt=None):

    coastline_value = 0
    final_value = -1

    dir_ds = gdal.Open(dir_tif)
    f_ds = gdal.Open(flag_tif)

    # 创建trace start数据
    print("Create Trace file...")
    file_format = "GTiff"
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(file_format)
    full_geotransform = dir_ds.GetGeoTransform()
    trace_ds = driver.Create(trace_tif, dir_ds.RasterXSize, dir_ds.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte, options=['COMPRESS=DEFLATE'])

    # 创建记录文件
    seaside_flag = 0
    seaside_f = None
    if seaside_txt is not None:
        print("Record Final Points.")
        seaside_flag = 1
        if os.path.exists(seaside_txt):
    if seaside_flag:
        seaside_f = open(seaside_txt, "a")

    final_flag = 0
    final_f = None
    if final_txt is not None:
        print("Record Final Points.")
        final_flag = 1
        if os.path.exists(final_txt):
    if final_flag:
        final_f = open(final_txt, "a")

    # 遍历基础数据记录seaside
    print("Get Trace Data...")
    for i in range(f_ds.RasterYSize):
        for j in range(f_ds.RasterXSize):
            # 获取流向的值
            flag_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(f_ds, j, i)
            # 如果是coastline
            if flag_value == coastline_value:
                # 获取周边像元索引
                neibor_cells = cu.get_8_dir(j, i)
                # 遍历
                for n_cell in neibor_cells:
                    # 判断是否在数据内
                    in_data = cu.in_data(n_cell[0], n_cell[1], dir_ds.RasterXSize, dir_ds.RasterYSize)
                    # 若在数据内
                    if in_data:
                        # 获取流向值
                        dir_value = cu.get_raster_int_value(dir_ds, n_cell[0], n_cell[1])
                        # 获取流向的像元索引
                        n_to_point = cu.get_to_point(n_cell[0], n_cell[1], dir_value)
                        # 若为当前上游像元
                        if n_to_point == [j, i]:
                            # 记录为seaside
                            cu.set_raster_int_value(trace_ds, n_cell[0], n_cell[1], 1)
                            # 记录到文件
                            if seaside_flag:
                                # 获得栅格像元左上角坐标
                                seaside_record_item = cu.off_to_coord([j, i], f_ds)
                                seaside_record_str = ','.join(str(k) for k in seaside_record_item)
                                seaside_f.write(seaside_record_str + '\n')
            # 如果是final point
            elif flag_value == final_value:
                # 记录为final points
                cu.set_raster_int_value(trace_ds, j, i, 1)
                # 记录到文件
                if final_flag:
                    final_record_item = cu.off_to_coord([j, i], f_ds)
                    final_record_str = ','.join(str(k) for k in final_record_item)
                    final_f.write(final_record_str + '\n')
    dir_ds = None
    f_ds = None
    trace_ds = None
    seaside_f = None
    final_f = None