Esempio n. 1
    def remove_vcs(self, test_dir):
        Remove some version control directories and some temp editor files.
        vcses = ('CVS', '.svn', '.git', '.hg')
        if on_linux and py2:
            vcses = tuple(fsencode(p) for p in vcses)
            test_dir = fsencode(test_dir)

        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(test_dir):
            for vcs_dir in vcses:
                if vcs_dir in dirs:
                    for vcsroot, vcsdirs, vcsfiles in os.walk(test_dir):
                        for vcsfile in vcsdirs + vcsfiles:
                            vfile = path.join(vcsroot, vcsfile)
                            fileutils.chmod(vfile, fileutils.RW, recurse=False)
                    shutil.rmtree(path.join(root, vcs_dir), False)

            # editors temp file leftovers
            tilde = b'~' if on_linux and py2 else '~'
            tilde_files = [
                path.join(root, file_loc) for file_loc in files
                if file_loc.endswith(tilde)
            for tf in tilde_files:
Esempio n. 2
def get_test_loc(test_path, test_data_dir, debug=False, exists=True):
    Given a `test_path` relative to the `test_data_dir` directory, return the
    location to a test file or directory for this path. No copy is done.
    if on_linux and py2:
        test_path = fsencode(test_path)
        test_data_dir = fsencode(test_data_dir)

    if debug:
        import inspect
        caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
        print('\nget_test_loc,%(caller)s,"%(test_path)s","%(test_data_dir)s"' %

    assert test_path
    assert test_data_dir

    if not path.exists(test_data_dir):
        raise IOError("[Errno 2] No such directory: test_data_dir not found:"
                      " '%(test_data_dir)s'" % locals())

    tpath = to_os_native_path(test_path)
    test_loc = path.abspath(path.join(test_data_dir, tpath))

    if exists and not path.exists(test_loc):
        raise IOError("[Errno 2] No such file or directory: "
                      "test_path not found: '%(test_loc)s'" % locals())

    return test_loc
Esempio n. 3
def check_scan_does_not_fail_when_scanning_unicode_files_and_paths(verbosity):
    test_dir = test_env.get_test_loc(u'unicodepath/uc')
    result_file = test_env.get_temp_file('json')

    if on_linux:
        test_dir = fsencode(test_dir)
        result_file = fsencode(result_file)

    args = [
        '--info', '--license', '--copyright', '--package', '--email', '--url',
        '--strip-root', test_dir, '--json', result_file
    ] + ([verbosity] if verbosity else [])
    results = run_scan_click(args)

    # the paths for each OS end up encoded differently.
    # See for details:

    if on_linux:
        expected = 'unicodepath/unicodepath.expected-linux.json' + verbosity
    elif on_mac:
        expected = 'unicodepath/unicodepath.expected-mac.json' + verbosity
    elif on_windows:
        expected = 'unicodepath/unicodepath.expected-win.json' + verbosity

    return results
Esempio n. 4
    def get_test_loc(self, test_path, copy=False, debug=False):
        Given a `test_path` relative to the self.test_data_dir directory, return the
        location to a test file or directory for this path. Copy to a temp
        test location if `copy` is True.
        test_data_dir = self.test_data_dir
        if on_linux and py2:
            test_path = fsencode(test_path)
            test_data_dir = fsencode(test_data_dir)

        if debug:
            import inspect
            caller = inspect.stack()[1][3]
            print('\nself.get_test_loc,%(caller)s,"%(test_path)s"' % locals())

        test_loc = get_test_loc(test_path, test_data_dir, debug=debug)
        if copy:
            base_name = path.basename(test_loc)
            if filetype.is_file(test_loc):
                # target must be an existing dir
                target_dir = self.get_temp_dir()
                fileutils.copyfile(test_loc, target_dir)
                test_loc = path.join(target_dir, base_name)
                # target must be a NON existing dir
                target_dir = path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), base_name)
                fileutils.copytree(test_loc, target_dir)
                # cleanup of VCS that could be left over from checkouts
                test_loc = target_dir
        return test_loc
def test_scan_can_handle_non_utf8_file_names_on_posix():
    test_dir = test_env.extract_test_tar_raw('non_utf8/non_unicode.tgz')
    result_file = test_env.get_temp_file('json')

    if on_linux and py2:
        test_dir = fsencode(test_dir)
        result_file = fsencode(result_file)

    args = ['-i', '--strip-root', test_dir, '--json', result_file]

    # the paths for each OS end up encoded differently.
    # See for details:

    if on_linux:
        expected = 'non_utf8/expected-linux.json'
    elif on_mac:
        expected = 'non_utf8/expected-mac.json'
    elif on_windows and py2:
        expected = 'non_utf8/expected-win-py2.json'
    elif on_windows and py3:
        expected = 'non_utf8/expected-win-py3.json'

    check_json_scan(test_env.get_test_loc(expected), result_file, regen=False)
Esempio n. 6
def extract_tar(location, target_dir, verbatim=False, *args, **kwargs):
    Extract a tar archive at location in the target_dir directory.
    If `verbatim` is True preserve the permissions.
    # always for using bytes for paths on all OSses... tar seems to use bytes internally
    # and get confused otherwise
    location = fsencode(location)
    if on_linux and py2:
        target_dir = fsencode(target_dir)

    with open(location, 'rb') as input_tar:
        tar = None
            tar =
            tarinfos = tar.getmembers()
            to_extract = []
            for tarinfo in tarinfos:
                if tar_can_extract(tarinfo, verbatim):
                    if not verbatim:
                        tarinfo.mode = 0o755
            tar.extractall(target_dir, members=to_extract)
            if tar:
Esempio n. 7
 def test_fsdecode_and_fsencode_are_idempotent(self):
     a = b'foo\xb1bar'
     b = u'foo\udcb1bar'
     assert a == fsencode(fsdecode(a))
     assert a == fsencode(fsdecode(b))
     assert b == fsdecode(fsencode(a))
     assert b == fsdecode(fsencode(b))
Esempio n. 8
def get_handlers(location):
    Return an iterable of (handler, type_matched, mime_matched,
    extension_matched,) for this `location`.
    if on_linux and py2:
        location = fileutils.fsencode(location)

    if filetype.is_file(location):

        T = contenttype.get_type(location)
        ftype = T.filetype_file.lower()
        mtype = T.mimetype_file

        if TRACE_DEEP:
                'get_handlers: processing %(location)s: ftype: %(ftype)s, mtype: %(mtype)s '
                % locals())
        for handler in archive_handlers:
            if not handler.extractors:

            extractor_count = len(handler.extractors)
            if extractor_count > 2:
                raise Exception('Maximum level of archive nesting is two.')

            # default to False
            type_matched = handler.filetypes and any(
                t in ftype for t in handler.filetypes)
            mime_matched = handler.mimetypes and any(
                m in mtype for m in handler.mimetypes)
            exts = handler.extensions
            if exts:
                if on_linux and py2:
                    exts = tuple(fileutils.fsencode(e) for e in exts)
                extension_matched = exts and location.lower().endswith(exts)

            if TRACE_DEEP:
                    '  get_handlers: matched type: %(type_matched)s, mime: %(mime_matched)s, ext: %(extension_matched)s'
                    % locals())

            if handler.strict and not all(
                [type_matched, mime_matched, extension_matched]):
                logger.debug('  get_handlers: skip strict' % locals())

            if type_matched or mime_matched or extension_matched:
                if TRACE_DEEP:
                    handler_name =
                        '     get_handlers: yielding handler: %(handler_name)r'
                        % locals())
                yield handler, type_matched, mime_matched, extension_matched
Esempio n. 9
def _extract_tar_raw(test_path, target_dir, to_bytes, *args, **kwargs):
    Raw simplified extract for certain really weird paths and file
    if to_bytes and py2:
        # use bytes for paths on ALL OSes (though this may fail on macOS)
        target_dir = fsencode(target_dir)
        test_path = fsencode(test_path)
    tar =
Esempio n. 10
def extract_zip_raw(location, target_dir, *args, **kwargs):
    Extract a zip archive file at location in the target_dir directory.
    Use the builtin extractall function
    if not path.isfile(location) and zipfile.is_zipfile(location):
        raise Exception('Incorrect zip file %(location)r' % locals())

    if on_linux and py2:
        location = fsencode(location)
        target_dir = fsencode(target_dir)

    with zipfile.ZipFile(location) as zipf:
Esempio n. 11
def update_path_var(existing_path_var, new_path, pathsep=PATH_ENV_SEP):
    Return an updated value for the `existing_path_var` PATH-like environment
    variable value  by adding `new_path` to the front of that variable if
    `new_path` is not already part of this PATH-like variable.
    if not new_path:
        return existing_path_var

    existing_path_var = existing_path_var or EMPTY_STRING

    # ensure we use unicode or bytes depending on OSes
    # TODO: deal also with Python versions
    if on_linux and py2:
        # bytes ...
        existing_path_var = fsencode(existing_path_var)
        new_path = fsencode(new_path)
        pathsep = fsencode(pathsep)
        # ... and unicode otherwise
        existing_path_var = fsdecode(existing_path_var)
        new_path = fsdecode(new_path)
        pathsep = fsdecode(pathsep)

    path_elements = existing_path_var.split(pathsep)

    if not path_elements:
        updated_path_var = new_path

    elif new_path not in path_elements:
        # add new path to the front of the PATH env var
        path_elements.insert(0, new_path)
        updated_path_var = pathsep.join(path_elements)

        # new path is already in PATH, change nothing
        updated_path_var = existing_path_var

    if py2:
        # always use bytes for env vars...
        if isinstance(updated_path_var, compat.unicode):
            updated_path_var = fsencode(updated_path_var)
        # ... else use unicode
        if not isinstance(updated_path_var, compat.unicode):
            updated_path_var = fsdecode(updated_path_var)

    # at this stage new_path_env is unicode on all OSes on Py3
    # and on Py2 it is bytes on Linux and unicode elsewhere
    return updated_path_var
Esempio n. 12
    def get_temp_dir(self, sub_dir_path=None):
        Create a unique new temporary directory location. Create directories
        identified by sub_dir_path if provided in this temporary directory.
        Return the location for this unique directory joined with the
        sub_dir_path if any.
        # ensure that we have a new unique temp directory for each test run
        global test_run_temp_dir
        if not test_run_temp_dir:
            from scancode_config import scancode_root_dir
            test_tmp_root_dir = path.join(scancode_root_dir, 'tmp')
            # now we add a space in the path for testing path with spaces
            test_run_temp_dir = fileutils.get_temp_dir(
                base_dir=test_tmp_root_dir, prefix='scancode-tk-tests -')
        if on_linux and py2:
            test_run_temp_dir = fsencode(test_run_temp_dir)

        test_run_temp_subdir = fileutils.get_temp_dir(
            base_dir=test_run_temp_dir, prefix='')

        if sub_dir_path:
            # create a sub directory hierarchy if requested
            sub_dir_path = to_os_native_path(sub_dir_path)
            test_run_temp_subdir = path.join(test_run_temp_subdir,
        return test_run_temp_subdir
def test_extractcode_command_can_extract_archive_with_unicode_names(
    monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl, 'isatty', lambda _: True)
    test_dir = test_env.get_test_loc('unicodearch', copy=True)
    if on_linux:
        test_dir = fsencode(test_dir)
    runner = CliRunner()
    result = runner.invoke(extract_cli.extractcode, [test_dir])
    assert result.exit_code == 0

    uni_arch = b'unicodepath.tgz' if on_linux and py2 else 'unicodepath.tgz'
    uni_path = b'/unicodepath/' if on_linux and py2 else '/unicodepath/'

    file_result = [
        f for f in map(as_posixpath, resource_iter(test_dir, with_dirs=False))
        if not f.endswith(uni_arch)
    file_result = [
        EMPTY_STRING.join(f.partition(uni_path)[1:]) for f in file_result
    file_result = [f for f in file_result if f]
    expected = [
        '/unicodepath/Ho_', '/unicodepath/Ho_a',
    assert sorted(expected) == sorted(file_result)
Esempio n. 14
def remove_archive_suffix(path):
    Remove all the extracted suffix from a path.
    if on_linux:
        path = fsencode(path)
    return re.sub(EXTRACT_SUFFIX, EMPTY_STRING, path)
Esempio n. 15
def remove_backslashes_and_dotdots(directory):
    Walk a directory and rename the files if their names contain backslashes.
    Return a list of errors if any.
    if on_linux:
        directory = fsencode(directory)
    errors = []
    for top, _, files in os.walk(directory):
        for filename in files:
            if not (WIN_PATH_SEP in filename or DOTDOT in filename):
                new_path = as_posixpath(filename)
                new_path = new_path.strip(POSIX_PATH_SEP)
                new_path = posixpath.normpath(new_path)
                new_path = new_path.replace(DOTDOT, POSIX_PATH_SEP)
                new_path = new_path.strip(POSIX_PATH_SEP)
                new_path = posixpath.normpath(new_path)
                segments = new_path.split(POSIX_PATH_SEP)
                directory = join(top, *segments[:-1])
                shutil.move(join(top, filename), join(top, *segments))
            except Exception:
                errors.append(join(top, filename))
    return errors
def test_extractcode_command_can_ignore(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(click._termui_impl, 'isatty', lambda _: True)
    test_dir = test_env.get_test_loc('extract_ignore', copy=True)
    if on_linux:
        test_dir = fsencode(test_dir)
    runner = CliRunner()
    result = runner.invoke(extract_cli.extractcode,
                           ['--ignore', '*.tar', test_dir])
    assert result.exit_code == 0

    file_result = [
        f for f in map(as_posixpath, resource_iter(test_dir, with_dirs=False))
        if not f.endswith('a.tar') or not f.endswith('b.tar')
    file_result = [
        for f in file_result
    file_result = [f for f in file_result if f]
    expected = [
    assert sorted(expected) == sorted(file_result)
def is_data(location, definitions=DATA_TYPE_DEFINITIONS):
    Return True isthe file at `location` is a data file.
    if on_linux and py2:
        location = fileutils.fsencode(location)

    if not filetype.is_file(location):
        return False

    T = get_type(location)
    ftype = T.filetype_file.lower()
    mtype = T.mimetype_file.lower()

    for ddef in definitions:
        type_matched = ddef.filetypes and any(t in ftype for t in ddef.filetypes)
        mime_matched = ddef.mimetypes and any(m in mtype for m in ddef.mimetypes)

        exts = ddef.extensions
        if exts:
            extension_matched = exts and location.lower().endswith(exts)

        if TRACE:
            logger_debug('is_data: considering def: %(ddef)r for %(location)s' % locals())
            logger_debug('matched type: %(type_matched)s, mime: %(mime_matched)s, ext: %(extension_matched)s' % locals())

        if ddef.strict and not all([type_matched, mime_matched, extension_matched]):

        if type_matched or mime_matched or extension_matched:
            if TRACE:
                logger_debug('is_data: True: %(location)s: ' % locals())
            return True

    return False
Esempio n. 18
def get_extraction_path(path):
    Return a path where to extract.
    if on_linux:
        path = fsencode(path)
    return path.rstrip(PATHS_SEPS) + EXTRACT_SUFFIX
Esempio n. 19
def is_extracted(location):
    Return True is the location is already extracted to the corresponding
    extraction location.
    if on_linux:
        location = fsencode(location)
    return location and exists(get_extraction_path(location))
Esempio n. 20
def is_extraction_path(path):
    Return True is the path points to an extraction path.
    if on_linux:
        path = fsencode(path)

    return path and path.rstrip(PATHS_SEPS).endswith(EXTRACT_SUFFIX)
Esempio n. 21
def update_path_environment(new_path, _os_module=_os_module):
    Update the PATH environment variable by adding `new_path` to the front
    of PATH if `new_path` is not alreday in the PATH.
    # note: _os_module is used to facilitate mock testing using an
    # object with a sep string attribute and an environ mapping
    # attribute

    if not new_path:

    new_path = new_path.strip()
    if not new_path:

    path_env = _os_module.environ.get(b'PATH')
    if not path_env:
        # this is quite unlikely to ever happen, but here for safety
        path_env = ''

    # ensure we use unicode or bytes depending on OSes
    if on_linux:
        new_path = fsencode(new_path)
        path_env = fsencode(path_env)
        sep = _os_module.pathsep
        new_path = fsdecode(new_path)
        path_env = fsdecode(path_env)
        sep = unicode(_os_module.pathsep)

    path_segments = path_env.split(sep)

    # add lib path to the front of the PATH env var
    # this will use bytes on Linux and unicode elsewhere
    if new_path not in path_segments:
        if not path_env:
            new_path_env = new_path
            new_path_env = sep.join([new_path, path_env])

        if not on_linux:
            # recode to bytes using FS encoding
            new_path_env = fsencode(new_path_env)
        # ... and set the variable back as bytes
        _os_module.environ[b'PATH'] = new_path_env
Esempio n. 22
def extract_twice(location, target_dir, extractor1, extractor2):
    Extract a nested compressed archive at `location` to `target_dir` using
    the `extractor1` function to a temporary directory then the `extractor2`
    function on the extracted payload of `extractor1`.

    Return a list of warning messages. Raise exceptions on errors.

    Typical nested archives include compressed tarballs and RPMs (containing a
    compressed cpio).

    Note: it would be easy to support deeper extractor chains, but this gets
    hard to trace and debug very quickly. A depth of two is simple and sane and
    covers most common cases.
    if on_linux and py2:
        location = fileutils.fsencode(location)
        target_dir = fileutils.fsencode(target_dir)
    abs_location = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(location))
    abs_target_dir = compat.unicode(
    # extract first the intermediate payload to a temp dir
    temp_target = compat.unicode(
    warnings = extractor1(abs_location, temp_target)
    if TRACE:
        logger.debug('extract_twice: temp_target: %(temp_target)r' % locals())

    # extract this intermediate payload to the final target_dir
        inner_archives = list(
            fileutils.resource_iter(temp_target, with_dirs=False))
        if not inner_archives:
            warnings.append(location + ': No files found in archive.')
            for extracted1_loc in inner_archives:
                if TRACE:
                        'extract_twice: extractor2: %(extracted1_loc)r' %
                warnings.extend(extractor2(extracted1_loc, abs_target_dir))
        # cleanup the temporary output from extractor1
    return warnings
Esempio n. 23
def new_name(location, is_dir=False):
    Return a new non-existing location from a `location` usable to write a file
    or create directory without overwriting existing files or directories in the same
    parent directory, ignoring the case of the filename.

    The case of the filename is ignored to ensure that similar results are returned
    across case sensitive (*nix) and case insensitive file systems.

    To find a new unique filename, this tries new names this way:
     * pad a directory name with _X where X is an incremented number.
     * pad a file base name with _X where X is an incremented number and keep
       the extension unchanged.
    assert location
    if on_linux:
        location = fsencode(location)
    location = location.rstrip(PATHS_SEPS)
    assert location

    parent = parent_directory(location)

    # all existing files or directory as lower case
    siblings_lower = set(s.lower() for s in os.listdir(parent))

    filename = file_name(location)

    # corner case
    if filename in (DOT, DOT):
        filename = UNDERSCORE

    # if unique, return this
    if filename.lower() not in siblings_lower:
        return join(parent, filename)

    # otherwise seek a unique name
    if is_dir:
        # directories do not have an "extension"
        base_name = filename
        ext = EMPTY_STRING
        base_name, dot, ext = filename.partition(DOT)
        if dot:
            ext = dot + ext
            base_name = filename
            ext = EMPTY_STRING

    # find a unique filename, adding a counter int to the base_name
    counter = 1
    while 1:
        filename = base_name + UNDERSCORE + str(counter) + ext
        if filename.lower() not in siblings_lower:
        counter += 1
    return join(parent, filename)
Esempio n. 24
 def __extract(self, test_path, extract_func=None, verbatim=False):
     Given an archive file identified by test_path relative
     to a test files directory, return a new temp directory where the
     archive file has been extracted using extract_func.
     If `verbatim` is True preserve the permissions.
     assert test_path and test_path != ''
     if on_linux and py2:
         test_path = fsencode(test_path)
     test_path = to_os_native_path(test_path)
     target_path = path.basename(test_path)
     target_dir = self.get_temp_dir(target_path)
     original_archive = self.get_test_loc(test_path)
     if on_linux and py2:
         target_dir = fsencode(target_dir)
         original_archive = fsencode(original_archive)
     extract_func(original_archive, target_dir, verbatim=verbatim)
     return target_dir
Esempio n. 25
def to_os_native_path(path):
    Normalize a path to use the native OS path separator.
    if on_linux and py2:
        path = fsencode(path)
    path = path.replace(POSIX_PATH_SEP, OS_PATH_SEP)
    path = path.replace(WIN_PATH_SEP, OS_PATH_SEP)
    path = path.rstrip(OS_PATH_SEP)
    return path
Esempio n. 26
    def process_codebase(self, codebase, custom_output, custom_template, **kwargs):
        results = self.get_files(codebase, **kwargs)
        version = codebase.get_or_create_current_header().tool_version

        if on_linux and py2:
            custom_template = fsencode(custom_template)

        template_loc = custom_template
        output_file = custom_output
        write_templated(output_file, results, version, template_loc)
Esempio n. 27
    def get_temp_file(self, extension=None, dir_name='td', file_name='tf'):
        Return a unique new temporary file location to a non-existing
        temporary file that can safely be created without a risk of name
        if extension is None:
            extension = '.txt'

        if on_linux and py2:
            extension = fsencode(extension)
            dir_name = fsencode(dir_name)
            file_name = fsencode(file_name)

        if extension and not extension.startswith(DOT):
            extension = DOT + extension

        file_name = file_name + extension
        temp_dir = self.get_temp_dir(dir_name)
        location = path.join(temp_dir, file_name)
        return location
Esempio n. 28
def extract_zip(location, target_dir, *args, **kwargs):
    Extract a zip archive file at location in the target_dir directory.
    if not path.isfile(location) and zipfile.is_zipfile(location):
        raise Exception('Incorrect zip file %(location)r' % locals())

    if on_linux and py2:
        location = fsencode(location)
        target_dir = fsencode(target_dir)

    with zipfile.ZipFile(location) as zipf:
        for info in zipf.infolist():
            name = info.filename
            content =
            target = path.join(target_dir, name)
            if not path.exists(path.dirname(target)):
            if not content and target.endswith(path.sep):
                if not path.exists(target):
            if not path.exists(target):
                with open(target, 'wb') as f:
Esempio n. 29
def get_best_handler(location, kinds=all_kinds):
    Return the best handler of None for the file at location.
    if on_linux:
        location = fileutils.fsencode(location)
    location = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(location))
    if not filetype.is_file(location):
    handlers = list(get_handlers(location))
    if TRACE_DEEP:
        logger.debug('get_best_handler: handlers: %(handlers)r ' % locals())

    if handlers:
        candidates = score_handlers(handlers)
        return candidates and pick_best_handler(candidates, kinds)
Esempio n. 30
def test_scan_does_not_fail_when_scanning_unicode_test_files_from_express():

    # On Windows, Python tar cannot extract these files. Other
    # extractors either fail or change the file name, making the test
    # moot. Git cannot check these files. So for now it makes no sense
    # to test this on Windows at all. Extractcode works fine, but does
    # rename the problematic files.

    test_dir = test_env.extract_test_tar_raw(b'unicode_fixtures.tar.gz')
    test_dir = fsencode(test_dir)

    args = [
        '-n0', '--info', '--license', '--copyright', '--package', '--email',
        '--url', '--strip-root', '--json', '-', test_dir