Esempio n. 1
def deletePatterns(req: deletePatterns_payload):
    cf.logmessage("deletePatterns api call")
    space_id = int(os.environ.get('SPACE_ID', 1))
    patternsSQL = cf.quoteNcomma(req.patterns)
    d1 = f"delete from pattern_stops where space_id={space_id} and pattern_id in ({patternsSQL})"
    d2 = f"delete from patterns where space_id={space_id} and id in ({patternsSQL})"

    d1Count = dbconnect.execSQL(d1)
    d2Count = dbconnect.execSQL(d2)

    # also trips and timings under the pattern
    d3 = f"delete from stop_times where space_id={space_id} and trip_id in (select id from trips where pattern_id in ({patternsSQL}) )"
    d4 = f"delete from trips where where space_id={space_id} and pattern_id in ({patternsSQL})"
    d3Count = dbconnect.execSQL(d3)
    d4Count = dbconnect.execSQL(d4)

    returnD = {
        'message': "success",
        "pattern_stops_deleted": d1Count,
        "patterns_deleted": d2Count,
        "trips_deleted": d4Count,
        "stop_times_deleted": d4Count
    return returnD
Esempio n. 2
def diagnoseStops(req: diagnoseStops_payload):
    Diagnose stops for deleting
    Fetch each stop's patterns, routes
    cf.logmessage("diagnoseStops api call")
    idsListSQL = cf.quoteNcomma(req.idsList)
    s1 = f"""
    select t1.stop_id, t1.pattern_id, 
    t2.route_id, as pattern_name, 
    t3.depot,, t3.description
    from pattern_stops as t1 
    left join patterns as t2
    on t1.pattern_id =
    left join routes as t3
    on t2.route_id =
    where t1.stop_id in ({idsListSQL})
    df1 = dbconnect.makeQuery(s1, output='df', fillna=False)

    returnD = {"message": "success"}
    if not len(df1):
        returnD['patternCount'] = 0
        return returnD

    # returnD['stops'] = df1.to_dict(orient='records')
    # print(df1)
    # print(df1['route_id'])
    # return returnD
    # print("uniques:",df1['route_id'].unique())

    returnD['patterns'] = [
        x for x in df1['pattern_id'].unique() if x is not None
    returnD['patternCount'] = len(returnD['patterns'])

    returnD['routes'] = [x for x in df1['route_id'].unique() if x is not None]
    returnD['routeCount'] = len(returnD['routes'])

    return returnD
Esempio n. 3
def deleteStops(req: deleteStops_payload):
    Delete stops
    cf.logmessage("deleteStops api call")
    idsList = req.idsList
    space_id = int(os.environ.get('SPACE_ID', 1))

    # dependencyStatus, details = checkStopDependency(idsList, space_id)

    # if not dependencyStatus:
    idsListSQL = cf.quoteNcomma(idsList)
    d1 = f"delete from stops_master where id in ({idsListSQL})"
    dCount = dbconnect.execSQL(d1)

    returnD = {
        "message": "success",
        "deleted": dCount,
        "confirmation_required": False
    if dCount:
        return returnD
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Nothing  to delete")
Esempio n. 4
def deleteStopsConfirm(req: deleteStopsConfirm_payload):
    cf.logmessage("deleteStopsConfirm api call")
    idsListSQL = cf.quoteNcomma(req.idsList)
    space_id = int(os.environ.get('SPACE_ID', 1))

    returnD = {"message": "success"}

    # find the patterns
    s1 = f"""select distinct pattern_id from pattern_stops 
    where space_id = {space_id}
    and stop_id in ({idsListSQL})"""
    patternsList = dbconnect.makeQuery(s1, output='column')

    if len(patternsList):

        # find which routes affected
        patternsListSQL = cf.quoteNcomma(patternsList)
        s4 = f"""select distinct route_id from patterns 
        where space_id = {space_id}
        and id in ({patternsListSQL})"""
        routesList = dbconnect.makeQuery(s4, output='column')
        returnD['routeCount'] = len(routesList)

        # delete stop's entries from pattern_stops
        d1 = f"""delete from pattern_stops 
        where space_id = {space_id}
        and stop_id in ({idsListSQL})"""
        pattern_deleted = dbconnect.execSQL(d1)
        returnD['patternCount'] = pattern_deleted

        # now, update job in all the patterns where this stop was.

        for pN, pattern_id in enumerate(patternsList):
            s2 = f"""select id, stop_id, stop_sequence from pattern_stops 
            where space_id = {space_id}
            and pattern_id='{pattern_id}'
            order by stop_sequence
            pattern_stops = dbconnect.makeQuery(s2,
            # cf.logmessage(f"Pattern {pattern_id}: {len(pattern_stops)} stops originally")

            counter = 0
            for row in pattern_stops:
                if row['stop_id'] in req.idsList:
                    # pattern_deleted += 1
                counter += 1
                if row['stop_sequence'] == counter:
                    # sequence is as-is, do nothing
                    u1 = f"""update pattern_stops set stop_sequence={counter}
                    where id='{row['id']}'
                    ustatus = dbconnect.execSQL(u1)

            if counter > 0:
                    f"Changed pattern {pattern_id}, stops count changed to {counter}"

    # else if the stop isn't in any patterns, proceed to delete from stops_master

    # now delete from stops master
    d3 = f"delete from stops_master where id in ({idsListSQL})"
    dcount = dbconnect.execSQL(d3)
    returnD['stopCount'] = dcount

    return returnD
Esempio n. 5
async def saveTimings(req: Request):
    cf.logmessage("saveTimings api call")
    space_id = int(os.environ.get('SPACE_ID', 1))
    returnD = {'message': "success"}

    # making the api take a custom json array
    # from (that and other answers)
    reqD = await req.json()
    # print(reqD)

    if (not len(reqD.get('data', []))) or (not isinstance(
            reqD.get('data', []), list)):
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="No data")

    df1 = pd.DataFrame(reqD['data']).fillna('')
    if 'stop_id' in df1.columns: del df1['stop_id']
    if 'name' in df1.columns: del df1['name']

    keepcols = ['stop_sequence']
    df2 = pd.melt(df1,
                      ['trip_id', 'stop_sequence']).reset_index(drop=True)
    # df2.to_csv('stop_times.csv',index=False)

    df2['id'] = cf.assignUID(df2, length=7)
    df2['space_id'] = space_id

    # TO DO: time validation
    for N in range(len(df2)):
        if[N, 'arrival_time'] == '':
  [N, 'arrival_time'] = None

    tripsList = df2['trip_id'].unique().tolist()
    if not len(tripsList):
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="No tripIds in data")
    trip_idSQL = cf.quoteNcomma(tripsList)

    # fully delete existing stop_times for this pattern and replace with new
    d1 = f"""delete from stop_times
    where space_id = {space_id} 
    and trip_id in ({trip_idSQL})"""
    dCount1 = dbconnect.execSQL(d1)
    returnD['old_count'] = dCount1

    # df2.to_csv('sample.csv')
    iStatus1 = dbconnect.addTable(df2, 'stop_times')
    if not iStatus1:
        returnD['new_count'] = 0
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400,
                            detail="Failed to add stop_times data in DB")

    # update trips data
    # get all start times
    start_times_lookup = df2[df2['stop_sequence'] == 1][[
        'trip_id', 'arrival_time'

    # to do later: get all end times also. Or, decide to drop that and don't bother.

    returnD['trips_updated'] = 0
    for trip_id in tripsList:
        uList = []
        uList.append(f"last_updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")
        uList.append(f"modified_by = 'admin'")
        if start_times_lookup.get(trip_id, False):
            start_time = start_times_lookup[trip_id]['arrival_time']
            uList.append(f"start_time = '{start_time}'")
            uList.append(f"name = '{trip_id}_{start_time}'")
            uList.append(f"start_time = NULL")
            uList.append(f"name = '{trip_id}'")

        u1 = f"""update trips
        set {', '.join(uList)}
        where space_id = {space_id}
        and id = '{trip_id}'
        uCount = dbconnect.execSQL(u1)
        returnD['trips_updated'] += uCount

    returnD['new_count'] = len(df2)
    return returnD
Esempio n. 6
def updateTimingsForPattern(pattern_id, pattern_length):
    # to do: if a pattern's length has changed, then update timings entries for it
    space_id = int(os.environ.get('SPACE_ID', 1))
    totalAdded = totalRemoved = 0

    # find all trips for the pattern
    s1 = f"""select as trip_id,, t2.stop_sequence
    from trips as t1
    left join stop_times as t2
    on = t2.trip_id
    where t1.space_id = {space_id}
    and t1.pattern_id = '{pattern_id}'
    and t2.space_id = {space_id}
    order by t2.trip_id, t2.stop_sequence
    df_exist_all = dbconnect.makeQuery(s1, output='df', keepCols=True)
    # tripsList = dbconnect.makeQuery(s1, output='column')

    if not len(df_exist_all):
        return 0, 0, 0

    tripsList = df_exist_all['trip_id'].unique().tolist()

    # if not len(tripsList):
    #     return len(tripsList), totalAdded, totalRemoved

    all_delIds = []
    all_df_new = []
    for trip_id in tripsList:
        # get existing
        cf.logmessage(f"trip_id: {trip_id}")

        df_exist = df_exist_all[df_exist_all['trip_id'] ==

        # space_id = int(os.environ.get('SPACE_ID',1))
        # s1 = f"""select id, stop_sequence from stop_times
        # where space_id = {space_id}
        # and trip_id = '{trip_id}'
        # order by stop_sequence
        # """
        # df_exist = dbconnect.makeQuery(s1, output='df', keepCols=True)

        if len(df_exist) == pattern_length:
            # no change needed!

        elif len(df_exist) > pattern_length:
            # delete flow
            delIds = df_exist[pattern_length:]['id'].tolist()
            if len(delIds): all_delIds += delIds

            # add flow
            newSeq = list(range(len(df_exist) + 1, pattern_length + 1))
            df_new = pd.DataFrame({'stop_sequence': newSeq})
            df_new['id'] = cf.assignUID(df_new, length=7)
            df_new['space_id'] = space_id
            df_new['trip_id'] = trip_id

    # delete at once
    if len(all_delIds):
        delIdsSQL = cf.quoteNcomma(all_delIds)
        cf.logmessage(f"ids to delete: {all_delIds}")
        d1 = f"""delete from stop_times
        where id in ({delIdsSQL})
        totalRemoved = dbconnect.execSQL(d1)

    # add at once
    if len(all_df_new):
        add_df = pd.concat(all_df_new, sort=False, ignore_index=True)
        totalAdded = dbconnect.addTable(add_df, 'stop_times')

    return len(tripsList), totalAdded, totalRemoved
Esempio n. 7
def loadTimings(req: loadTimings_payload):
    cf.logmessage("loadTimings api call")
    space_id = int(os.environ.get('SPACE_ID', 1))
    pattern_id = req.pattern_id
    returnD = {'message': "success", "stops": [], "trips": [], "num_trips": 0}

    # stops
    s1 = f"""select t1.stop_sequence, t1.stop_id, 
    from pattern_stops as t1
    left join stops_master as t2
    on t1.stop_id =
    where t1.space_id={space_id} 
    and t1.pattern_id = '{pattern_id}'
    order by t1.stop_sequence
    df1 = dbconnect.makeQuery(s1, output='df', keepCols=True, fillna=True)
    returnD['stops'] = df1.to_dict(orient='records')

    # trips
    s2 = f"""select * from trips 
    where space_id={space_id} 
    and pattern_id = '{pattern_id}'
    order by start_time
    df2 = dbconnect.makeQuery(s2, output='df', keepCols=True, fillna=True)
    df2['start_time'] = df2['start_time'].apply(lambda x: str(x)[:5])

    returnD['num_trips'] = len(df2)
    returnD['trips'] = df2.to_dict(orient='records')

    # timings
    if len(df2):
        trip_idSQL = cf.quoteNcomma(df2['id'].tolist())
        s3 = f"""select trip_id, stop_sequence, arrival_time from stop_times
        where space_id={space_id} 
        and trip_id in ({trip_idSQL})
        order by trip_id, stop_sequence
        df3 = dbconnect.makeQuery(s3, output='df', keepCols=True, fillna=True)
        # df3['trip_id'] = df3['trip_id'].apply(lambda x: f"trip_{x}")
        df3['arrival_time'] = df3['arrival_time'].apply(lambda x: str(x)[:5])

        df3 = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=['trip_id', 'stop_sequence', 'arrival_time'])

    # pivot by trip_id
    df4 = df3.pivot(index='stop_sequence',

    # merge in stop ids, names
    df5 = pd.merge(df1, df4, on='stop_sequence', how='left')

    # sort by start timings
    allCols = list(df5.columns)
    tripCols = [
        x for x in allCols if x not in ('stop_sequence', 'stop_id', 'name')
    newCols = ['stop_sequence', 'stop_id', 'name'] + sorted(tripCols)

    returnD['stop_times'] = df5[newCols].to_dict(orient='records')

    # TO DO: calc stop times offset from first trip or so

    cf.logmessage(f"Got {len(df2)} trips, {len(df3)} timings total")

    return returnD