def laod_data(dim): # Execute workload a for every dim print("\n\n==> Loading data: " + str(dim) + " record") command = commons.BIN_YCSB + "/ load jdbc -s -P " + commons.HOME_YCSB + "/workloads/workloada -P " + commons.SCRIPTS + "/postgres-prop -p recordcount=" + str( dim ) + " -p db.url=" + postgres_connection_string + " > " + commons.getOutputFilename( output_dir, "Load", None, dim, None, None) commons.executeBashCommand(command)
def run_workload(workload, dim, t, c, op): command = commons.BIN_YCSB + "/ run jdbc -s -P " + commons.HOME_YCSB + "/workloads/" + workload + " -P " + commons.SCRIPTS + "/postgres-prop -p recordcount=" + str( dim ) + " -threads " + str(c) + " -target " + str( t ) + " -p db.url=" + postgres_connection_string + " -p operationcount=" + str( op) + " > " + commons.getOutputFilename(output_dir, "Run", workload, dim, t, c) commons.executeBashCommand(command)
def run_workload(workload, dim, t, c, op, usage) : if usage=="local-docker": command = commons.BIN_YCSB + "/ run voltdb -P " + commons.HOME_YCSB + "/workloads/" + workload + " -P " + commons.SCRIPTS + "/voltdb-prop > " + commons.getOutputFilename(output_dir, "Run", workload, dim, t, c) elif usage=="local": command = commons.BIN_YCSB + "/ run voltdb -P " + commons.HOME_YCSB + "/workloads/" + workload + " > " + commons.getOutputFilename(output_dir, "Run", workload, dim, t, c) commons.executeBashCommand(command)
def laod_data(dim, usage) : # Execute workload a for every dim print("\n\n==> Loading data: " + str(dim) + " record") if usage=="local-docker": command = commons.BIN_YCSB + "/ load voltdb -P " + commons.HOME_YCSB + "/workloads/workloada -P " + commons.SCRIPTS + "/voltdb-prop > " + commons.getOutputFilename(output_dir, "Load", None, dim, None, None) elif usage=="local": command = commons.BIN_YCSB + "/ run voltdb -P " + commons.HOME_YCSB + "/workloads/workloada > " + commons.getOutputFilename(output_dir, "Run", None, dim, None, None) commons.executeBashCommand(command)
def generateAndShowThroughputLatencyPlotsComparison(input_dim, throughputs, clients, sources, workload): for c in clients: for dim in input_dim: # Generate plot Throughput / latency for every dim value reads = [] updates = [] scans = [] rmw = [] for source in sources: read = Serie(source) update = Serie(source) scan = Serie(source) readModifyWrite = Serie(source) cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) cur_path = os.path.join(cur_path, source) for t in throughputs: # new_path = os.path.join(cur_path, source ,"output-Run-dim" + str(dim) +".txt") # new_path = os.path.relpath("\\output\\test-mongo-scenarioA\\outputRun-dim" + str(dim) +".txt", cur_path) filename = commons.getOutputFilename( cur_path, "Run", workload, dim, t, c) new_path = os.path.join(cur_path, filename) f = open(new_path, "r") for line in f: if "[READ], AverageLatency(us)," in line: parts = line.split("[READ], AverageLatency(us), ") num = float(parts[1]) read.addPoint(t, num) elif "[UPDATE], AverageLatency(us)," in line: parts = line.split("[UPDATE], AverageLatency(us),") num = float(parts[1]) update.addPoint(t, num) elif "[SCAN], AverageLatency(us)," in line: parts = line.split("[SCAN], AverageLatency(us),") num = float(parts[1]) scan.addPoint(t, num) elif "[READ-MODIFY-WRITE], AverageLatency(us)," in line: parts = line.split( "[READ-MODIFY-WRITE], AverageLatency(us),") num = float(parts[1]) readModifyWrite.addPoint(t, num) f.close() reads.append(read) updates.append(update) scans.append(scan) rmw.append(readModifyWrite) marker = itertools.cycle((',', '+', '.', 'o', '*', 's', 'x')) for serie in reads: if ("postgres" in name_db = "Postgres" elif ("mongo" in name_db = "Mongodb" else: name_db = "Voltdb" if (len(serie.x) > 0): plt.plot(serie.x, serie.y, linewidth=1, marker=next(marker), markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=5, label="READ - " + name_db) for serie in updates: if ("postgres" in name_db = "Postgres" elif ("mongo" in name_db = "Mongodb" else: name_db = "Voltdb" if (len(serie.x) > 0): plt.plot(serie.x, serie.y, linewidth=1, marker=next(marker), markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=5, label="UPDATE - " + name_db) for serie in scans: if ("postgres" in name_db = "Postgres" elif ("mongo" in name_db = "Mongodb" else: name_db = "Voltdb" if (len(serie.x) > 0): plt.plot(serie.x, serie.y, linewidth=1, marker=next(marker), markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=5, label="SCAN - " + name_db) for serie in rmw: if ("postgres" in name_db = "Postgres" elif ("mongo" in name_db = "Mongodb" else: name_db = "Voltdb" if (len(serie.x) > 0): plt.plot(serie.x, serie.y, linewidth=1, marker=next(marker), markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=5, label="READ-MODIFY-WRITE - " + name_db) # naming the x axis plt.xlabel('Throughput') plt.xscale('log') # naming the y axis plt.ylabel('Average latency (us)') # giving a title to my graph plt.title(workload + ' Throughput / latency curve with Input dimension=' + str(dim) + " and " + str(c) + " clients") plt.legend() # function to show the plot
def generateAndShowInputLatencyPlots(input_dim, throughputs, clients, source, workload): cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) cur_path = os.path.join(cur_path, source) for c in clients: for t in throughputs: # Generate plot Input dim / latency for every throughput value read = Serie("read") update = Serie("update") scan = Serie("scan") readModifyWrite = Serie("Read-Modify-Write") for dim in input_dim: # new_path = os.path.join(cur_path, source ,"output-Run-dim" + str(dim) +".txt") # new_path = os.path.relpath("\\output\\test-mongo-scenarioA\\outputRun-dim" + str(dim) +".txt", cur_path) filename = commons.getOutputFilename(cur_path, "Run", workload, dim, t, c) new_path = os.path.join(cur_path, filename) f = open(new_path, "r") for line in f: if "[READ], AverageLatency(us)," in line: parts = line.split("[READ], AverageLatency(us), ") num = float(parts[1]) read.addPoint(dim, num) elif "[UPDATE], AverageLatency(us)," in line: parts = line.split("[UPDATE], AverageLatency(us),") num = float(parts[1]) update.addPoint(dim, num) elif "[SCAN], AverageLatency(us)," in line: parts = line.split("[SCAN], AverageLatency(us),") num = float(parts[1]) scan.addPoint(dim, num) elif "[READ-MODIFY-WRITE], AverageLatency(us)," in line: parts = line.split( "[READ-MODIFY-WRITE], AverageLatency(us),") num = float(parts[1]) readModifyWrite.addPoint(dim, num) f.close() if (len(read.x) > 0): plt.plot(read.x, read.y, linewidth=1, marker='o', markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=5, label="READ") if (len(update.x) > 0): plt.plot(update.x, update.y, linewidth=1, marker='o', markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=5, label="UPDATE") if (len(scan.x) > 0): plt.plot(scan.x, scan.y, linewidth=1, marker='o', markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=5, label="SCAN") if (len(readModifyWrite.x) > 0): plt.plot(readModifyWrite.x, readModifyWrite.y, linewidth=1, marker='o', markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=5, label="READ-MODIFY-WRITE") # naming the x axis plt.xlabel('Input dimension') plt.xscale('log') # naming the y axis plt.ylabel('Average latency (us)') # giving a title to my graph plt.title(workload + ' Input dimension / latency with Throughput=' + str(t) + " and " + str(c) + " clients") plt.legend() # function to show the plot