Esempio n. 1
    def step(self, visual=False):
        self.iteration_step += 1

        # first step ever
        if len(self.open_nodes_list) == 0 and len(self.closed_nodes_list) == 0:
                    self.start[0], self.start[1], 0,
                    self.get_distance_between_points((self.start), (self.end)),
            return False  # Algorithm is not jet finished

        current_node = DNList(self.open_nodes_list).get_min_node(pop=True)

        # even if the dest. node has been seen before,
        # the path is not prooven to be the shortest

        # until it has been teared from the open list
        if current_node.get_coords() == self.end:
            self.reached_dest_node = current_node
            return True  # finished / found

        # only coords are returned
        suspicious_nodes = self.flaeche.get_neighbours(
        for nn in suspicious_nodes:
            # is in closed_list -> ignore
            closedDNL = DNList(self.closed_nodes_list, 'tuple')
            if not nn in closedDNL:

                # skip if blocked
                if self.flaeche.is_blocked(nn):

                sus_node = StarNode(
           + self.get_distance_between_points(
                        current_node.get_coords(), nn),
                    dd=self.get_distance_between_points(nn, (self.end)),

                # is in open_list -> event. update open list
                openDNL = DNList(self.open_nodes_list, 'tuple')
                # returns None if not in list
                some_open_node = openDNL.get_by_tuple(nn)
                if some_open_node != None:
                    if sus_node.full_costs < some_open_node.full_costs:
                # neigther nor -> append to open list
                del (some_open_node)

        if visual:

        return False  # not jet finshed
Esempio n. 2
    def step(self, visual=False):
        self.iteration_step += 1

        # first step ever
        if len(self.open_nodes_list) == 0 and len(self.closed_nodes_list) == 0:
            self.open_nodes_list.append(StarNode(self.start[0], self.start[1],
                                                 0, self.get_distance_between_points((self.start),
            return False    # Algorithm is not jet finished

        current_node = DNList(self.open_nodes_list).get_min_node(pop=True)

        # even if the dest. node has been seen before,
        # the path is not prooven to be the shortest

        # until it has been teared from the open list
        if current_node.get_coords() == self.end:
            self.reached_dest_node = current_node
            return True  # finished / found

        # only coords are returned
        suspicious_nodes = self.flaeche.get_neighbours(
        for nn in suspicious_nodes:
            # is in closed_list -> ignore
            closedDNL = DNList(self.closed_nodes_list, 'tuple')
            if not nn in closedDNL:

                # skip if blocked
                if self.flaeche.is_blocked(nn):

                sus_node = StarNode(nn[0], nn[1],
                                        current_node.get_coords(), nn),
                                        nn, (self.end)),

                # is in open_list -> event. update open list
                openDNL = DNList(self.open_nodes_list, 'tuple')
                # returns None if not in list
                some_open_node = openDNL.get_by_tuple(nn)
                if some_open_node != None:
                    if sus_node.full_costs < some_open_node.full_costs:
                # neigther nor -> append to open list

        if visual:

        return False  # not jet finshed
    def test_dijkstra_nodes_basic_funtionality(self):
        """testing init, get_min,  the home brewn node list """

        """test the ways of initialiation of DNLists"""
        myFlaeche = main.Flaeche(xdim=30, ydim=30, scale=1)
        myD = Dijkstra(myFlaeche, start_node=(0, 0), end_node=(20, 10))

        myDN_1 = StarNode(xx=3, yy=3, tt=4, dd=5, lastNode=None)
        myDN_2 = StarNode(xx=4, yy=3, tt=4, dd=5, lastNode=None)
        myDN_3 = StarNode(xx=5, yy=3, tt=4, dd=5, lastNode=None)
        myDN_4 = StarNode(xx=20, yy=9, tt=2, dd=1, lastNode=None)

        myDD_1 = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3])
        myDD_2 = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3])

        myDNL = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3])
        self.assertEqual([ii for ii in myDNL], [myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3])

        """insert a few nodes into the list, and iter over them by id"""
        myDNL_id_1 = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3], 'id')
        self.assertEqual([ii for ii in myDNL_id_1], ['3_3', '4_3', '5_3'])

        """alter the order of the few nodes , and iter over them by id"""
        myDNL_id_2 = DNList([myDN_3, myDN_2, myDN_1], 'id')
        self.assertEqual([ii for ii in myDNL_id_2], ['5_3', '4_3', '3_3'])

        """insert a few nodes into the list, and iter over them by tuple"""
        myDNL_tuple = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3], 'tuple')
        self.assertEqual([ii for ii in myDNL_tuple], [(3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 3)])

        """return a node by its id, if not exists return none """
        myDNL_ret_id = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3], 'id')
        self.assertEqual(myDNL_ret_id.get_by_id('3_3'), myDN_1)

        """return a node by its tuple, if not exists return none """
        myDNL_ret_tup = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3], 'tuple')
        self.assertEqual(myDNL_ret_id.get_by_tuple((3, 3)), myDN_1)
        self.assertIsNone(myDNL_ret_id.get_by_tuple((5, 5)))

        """return a node by its tuple, even if the DNodeList iters on ids """
        myDNL_ret_tup = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3], 'id')
        self.assertEqual(myDNL_ret_id.get_by_tuple((3, 3)), myDN_1)

        """test to retrive the minimal node from List"""
        myDNL_get_min = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3, myDN_4])
        self.assertEqual(myDNL_get_min.get_min_node(), myDN_4)

        """test to retrive the minimal node and remove it from the list"""
        myDNL_pop_min = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3, myDN_4])
        self.assertEqual(myDNL_pop_min.get_min_node(pop=True), myDN_4)
        self.assertNotEqual(myDNL_pop_min.get_min_node(), myDN_4)

        """test to get back the tuples of all nodes in the list"""
        myDNL_tup_list = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3])
        self.assertEqual(myDNL_tup_list.get_tuples(), [(3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 3)])

        """test to see what happens if the node list is empty"""

        """make sure that only each node id is only once in the list
           should be already managed in the initalization
           keep a 'global'/class list with all nodes
           * handling alternation after creation - maybe function_closurures
           * overwriting the append function

        """make sure that only nodes from the same Dijkstra are added"""
        # currently there is only one Dijkstra at a time

        """test to make sure, the list only takes dijkstra nodes"""
        # this does not work - not too urgent now
        # self.assertRaises(AssertionError, Dijkstra.DNList, [myDN_1, myDN_2, 1] )

        """insert a few nodes into the list, and iter over them returning 
           the distance traveled"""  # to be done when needed

        """insert a few nodes into the list, and iter over them returning 
Esempio n. 4
    def test_dijkstra_nodes_basic_funtionality(self):
        """testing init, get_min,  the home brewn node list """
        """test the ways of initialiation of DNLists"""
        myFlaeche = main.Flaeche(xdim=30, ydim=30, scale=1)
        myD = Dijkstra(myFlaeche, start_node=(0, 0), end_node=(20, 10))

        myDN_1 = StarNode(xx=3, yy=3, tt=4, dd=5, lastNode=None)
        myDN_2 = StarNode(xx=4, yy=3, tt=4, dd=5, lastNode=None)
        myDN_3 = StarNode(xx=5, yy=3, tt=4, dd=5, lastNode=None)
        myDN_4 = StarNode(xx=20, yy=9, tt=2, dd=1, lastNode=None)

        myDD_1 = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3])
        myDD_2 = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3])

        myDNL = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3])
        self.assertEqual([ii for ii in myDNL], [myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3])
        """insert a few nodes into the list, and iter over them by id"""
        myDNL_id_1 = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3], 'id')
        self.assertEqual([ii for ii in myDNL_id_1], ['3_3', '4_3', '5_3'])
        """alter the order of the few nodes , and iter over them by id"""
        myDNL_id_2 = DNList([myDN_3, myDN_2, myDN_1], 'id')
        self.assertEqual([ii for ii in myDNL_id_2], ['5_3', '4_3', '3_3'])
        """insert a few nodes into the list, and iter over them by tuple"""
        myDNL_tuple = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3], 'tuple')
        self.assertEqual([ii for ii in myDNL_tuple], [(3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 3)])
        """return a node by its id, if not exists return none """
        myDNL_ret_id = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3], 'id')
        self.assertEqual(myDNL_ret_id.get_by_id('3_3'), myDN_1)
        """return a node by its tuple, if not exists return none """
        myDNL_ret_tup = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3], 'tuple')
        self.assertEqual(myDNL_ret_id.get_by_tuple((3, 3)), myDN_1)
        self.assertIsNone(myDNL_ret_id.get_by_tuple((5, 5)))
        """return a node by its tuple, even if the DNodeList iters on ids """
        myDNL_ret_tup = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3], 'id')
        self.assertEqual(myDNL_ret_id.get_by_tuple((3, 3)), myDN_1)
        """test to retrive the minimal node from List"""
        myDNL_get_min = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3, myDN_4])
        self.assertEqual(myDNL_get_min.get_min_node(), myDN_4)
        """test to retrive the minimal node and remove it from the list"""
        myDNL_pop_min = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3, myDN_4])
        self.assertEqual(myDNL_pop_min.get_min_node(pop=True), myDN_4)
        self.assertNotEqual(myDNL_pop_min.get_min_node(), myDN_4)
        """test to get back the tuples of all nodes in the list"""
        myDNL_tup_list = DNList([myDN_1, myDN_2, myDN_3])
        self.assertEqual(myDNL_tup_list.get_tuples(), [(3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 3)])
        """test to see what happens if the node list is empty"""
        """make sure that only each node id is only once in the list
           should be already managed in the initalization
           keep a 'global'/class list with all nodes

           * handling alternation after creation - maybe function_closurures
           * overwriting the append function

        """make sure that only nodes from the same Dijkstra are added"""
        # currently there is only one Dijkstra at a time
        """test to make sure, the list only takes dijkstra nodes"""
        # this does not work - not too urgent now
        # self.assertRaises(AssertionError, Dijkstra.DNList, [myDN_1, myDN_2, 1] )

        """insert a few nodes into the list, and iter over them returning
           the distance traveled"""  # to be done when needed

        """insert a few nodes into the list, and iter over them returning