Esempio n. 1
    def brute(self):
        if self._bruteTopDomain:
            for line in WordList(self._defaultTopDomainDict):
                domain = partDomain + "." + line
                ip = self._checkDomain(domain)
                if ip:
                    yield Dict(domain=domain, ip=ip)

        for line in WordList(self._dictfile):
            domain = line.strip() + "." + self._domain
            ip = self._checkDomain(domain)
            if ip:
                yield Dict(domain=domain, ip=ip)
Esempio n. 2
def nmapScan(cmd, scannerPath=None):
    Nmap scan.
        a list of host, each host has attribute 'ip' 'port'
    result = list()

    if "-oX" not in cmd:
        cmd = cmd + " -oX -"
    if scannerPath:
        cmd.replace("nmap", scannerPath)

    popen = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
    scanResult =

    if not scanResult:
        return None
    #parse the nmap scan result
    xmlDoc = etree.XML(scanResult)
    hosts = xmlDoc.findall(".//host")
    for host in hosts:
            if host[0].get('state') != "up": continue
            ip = host[1].get('addr')

            ports = host.findall(".//port")
            for port in ports:
                if port[0].get('state') != "open": continue

                result.append(Dict(ip=ip, port=port.get('portid')))
        except IndexError:

    return result
Esempio n. 3
 def _parseHtml(self, document):
     tree = etree.HTML(document)
     for node in tree.xpath("//h3[@class='r']/a"):
         title = "".join([x for x in node.itertext()])
         url = node.get("href")
         urlStart = url.find("http")
         urlEnd = url.find("&sa")
         urlStart = urlStart if urlStart != -1 else 0
         urlEnd = urlEnd if urlEnd != -1 else len(url)
         yield Dict(title=title, url=url[urlStart:urlEnd])
Esempio n. 4
 def _parseHtml(self, document):
     tree = etree.HTML(document)
     for node in tree.xpath("//li[@class='b_algo']/h2/a"):
         title = "".join([x for x in node.itertext()])
         url = node.get("href")
         yield Dict(title=title, url=url)