def test_link_performance(): # Apply link_performance to SISO QPSK and AWGN channel QPSK = QAMModem(4) def receiver(y, h, constellation): return QPSK.demodulate(y, 'hard') model = LinkModel(QPSK.modulate, SISOFlatChannel(fading_param=(1 + 0j, 0)), receiver, QPSK.num_bits_symbol, QPSK.constellation, QPSK.Es) BERs = link_performance(model, range(0, 9, 2), 600e4, 600) desired = erfc(sqrt(10**(arange(0, 9, 2) / 10) / 2)) / 2 assert_allclose(BERs, desired, rtol=0.25, err_msg='Wrong performance for SISO QPSK and AWGN channel') # Apply link_performance to MIMO 16QAM and 4x4 Rayleigh channel QAM16 = QAMModem(16) RayleighChannel = MIMOFlatChannel(4, 4) RayleighChannel.uncorr_rayleigh_fading(complex) def receiver(y, h, constellation): return QAM16.demodulate(kbest(y, h, constellation, 16), 'hard') model = LinkModel(QAM16.modulate, RayleighChannel, receiver, QAM16.num_bits_symbol, QAM16.constellation, QAM16.Es) SNRs = arange(0, 21, 5) + 10 * log10(QAM16.num_bits_symbol) BERs = link_performance(model, SNRs, 600e4, 600) desired = (2e-1, 1e-1, 3e-2, 2e-3, 4e-5) # From reference assert_allclose(BERs, desired, rtol=1.25, err_msg='Wrong performance for MIMO 16QAM and 4x4 Rayleigh channel')
def test_link_performance(): # Set seed seed(8071996) ###################################### # Build models & desired solutions ###################################### models = [] desired_bers = [] snr_range = [] labels = [] rtols = [] code_rates = [] # SISO QPSK and AWGN channel QPSK = QAMModem(4) def receiver(y, h, constellation, noise_var): return QPSK.demodulate(y, 'hard') models.append( LinkModel(QPSK.modulate, SISOFlatChannel(fading_param=(1 + 0j, 0)), receiver, QPSK.num_bits_symbol, QPSK.constellation, QPSK.Es)) snr_range.append(arange(0, 9, 2)) desired_bers.append(erfc(sqrt(10**(snr_range[-1] / 10) / 2)) / 2) labels.append('SISO QPSK and AWGN channel') rtols.append(.25) code_rates.append(1) # MIMO 16QAM, 4x4 Rayleigh channel and hard-output K-Best QAM16 = QAMModem(16) RayleighChannel = MIMOFlatChannel(4, 4) RayleighChannel.uncorr_rayleigh_fading(complex) def receiver(y, h, constellation, noise_var): return QAM16.demodulate(kbest(y, h, constellation, 16), 'hard') models.append( LinkModel(QAM16.modulate, RayleighChannel, receiver, QAM16.num_bits_symbol, QAM16.constellation, QAM16.Es)) snr_range.append(arange(0, 21, 5) + 10 * log10(QAM16.num_bits_symbol)) desired_bers.append((2e-1, 1e-1, 3e-2, 2e-3, 4e-5)) # From reference labels.append('MIMO 16QAM, 4x4 Rayleigh channel and hard-output K-Best') rtols.append(1.25) code_rates.append(1) # MIMO 16QAM, 4x4 Rayleigh channel and soft-output best-first QAM16 = QAMModem(16) RayleighChannel = MIMOFlatChannel(4, 4) RayleighChannel.uncorr_rayleigh_fading(complex) ldpc_params = get_ldpc_code_params( 'commpy/channelcoding/designs/ldpc/wimax/1440.720.txt', True) def modulate(bits): return QAM16.modulate( triang_ldpc_systematic_encode(bits, ldpc_params, False).reshape(-1, order='F')) def decoder(llrs): return ldpc_bp_decode(llrs, ldpc_params, 'MSA', 15)[0][:720].reshape(-1, order='F') def demode(symbs): return QAM16.demodulate(symbs, 'hard') def receiver(y, h, constellation, noise_var): return best_first_detector(y, h, constellation, (1, 3, 5), noise_var, demode, 500) models.append( LinkModel(modulate, RayleighChannel, receiver, QAM16.num_bits_symbol, QAM16.constellation, QAM16.Es, decoder, 0.5)) snr_range.append(arange(17, 20, 1)) desired_bers.append((1.7e-1, 1e-1, 2.5e-3)) # From reference labels.append( 'MIMO 16QAM, 4x4 Rayleigh channel and soft-output best-first') rtols.append(2) code_rates.append(.5) ###################################### # Make tests ###################################### for test in range(len(models)): BERs = link_performance(models[test], snr_range[test], 5e5, 200, 720, models[test].rate) assert_allclose(BERs, desired_bers[test], rtol=rtols[test], err_msg='Wrong performance for ' + labels[test]) full_metrics = models[test].link_performance_full_metrics( snr_range[test], 2500, 200, 720, models[test].rate) assert_allclose(full_metrics[0], desired_bers[test], rtol=rtols[test], err_msg='Wrong performance for ' + labels[test])
return modem.modulate(cc.conv_encode(bits, trellis1, 'cont')) # Demodulation function def demode(msg): return modem.demodulate(msg, 'hard') # Receiver function (no process required as there are no fading) def receiver(y, h, constellation, noise_var): return modem.demodulate(y, 'hard') # Decoder function def decoder(msg): return cc.viterbi_decode(msg, trellis1) # Build model from parameters code_rate = trellis1.k / trellis1.n model = lk.LinkModel(modulate, channels, receiver, modem.num_bits_symbol, modem.constellation, modem.Es, decoder, code_rate) # Test BERs = lk.link_performance(model, SNRs, 10000, 600, 5000, code_rate) plt.semilogy(SNRs, BERs, 'o-') plt.grid() plt.xlabel('Signal to Noise Ration (dB)') plt.ylabel('Bit Error Rate')