Esempio n. 1
def showOverlapTable(rows, cols, **kwargs):
    """Show overlap table using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor`.  *rows* and 
    *cols* are sets of normal modes, and correspond to rows and columns of the 
    displayed overlap matrix.  Note that mode indices are incremented by 1.  
    List of modes should contain a set of contiguous modes from the same model. 
    Default arguments for :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor`:
      * ````
      * ``norm=plt.normalize(0, 1)``
    .. plot::
       showOverlapTable( p38_pca[:6], p38_anm[:6] )
       plt.title('p38 PCA vs ANM')

    .. plot::
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    overlap = abs(calcOverlap(rows, cols))
    if isinstance(rows, NMA):
        rows = rows[:]
    if isinstance(cols, NMA):
        cols = cols[:]
    cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap',
    norm = kwargs.pop('norm', plt.normalize(0, 1))
    show = (plt.pcolor(overlap, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwargs),
    x_range = np.arange(1, len(cols)+1)
    plt.xticks(x_range-0.5, x_range)
    y_range = np.arange(1, len(rows)+1)
    plt.yticks(y_range-0.5, y_range)
    plt.axis([0, len(cols), 0, len(rows)])
    return show
Esempio n. 2
def showOverlapTable(rows, cols, *args, **kwargs):
    """Show overlap table using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor`.  *rows* and 
    *cols* are sets of normal modes, and correspond to rows and columns of the 
    displayed matrix.  Note that mode indices are increased by 1.  List of 
    modes should contain a set of contiguous modes from the same model. 
    .. plot::
       showOverlapTable( p38_pca[:6], p38_anm[:6] )
       plt.title('p38 PCA vs ANM')

    .. plot::
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if not isinstance(rows, (NMA, ModeSet)):
        raise TypeError('rows must be an NMA model or a ModeSet, not {0:s}'
    if not isinstance(rows, (NMA, ModeSet)):
        raise TypeError('cols must be an NMA model or a ModeSet, not {0:s}'
    overlap = abs(calcOverlap(rows, cols))
    if isinstance(rows, NMA):
        rows = rows[:]
    if isinstance(cols, NMA):
        cols = cols[:]
    show = (plt.pcolor(overlap,, *args, **kwargs), 
    x_range = np.arange(1, len(cols)+1)
    plt.xticks(x_range-0.5, x_range)
    y_range = np.arange(1, len(rows)+1)
    plt.yticks(y_range-0.5, y_range)
    plt.axis([0, len(cols), 0, len(rows)])
    return show
Esempio n. 3
def showCumulOverlap(mode, modes, *args, **kwargs):
    """Show cumulative overlap using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
    :type mode: :class:`~.Mode`, :class:`~.Vector` 
    :arg modes: multiple modes
    :type modes: :class:`~.ModeSet`, :class:`~.ANM`, :class:`~.GNM`, 
    .. plot::
       showCumulOverlap( p38_pca[0], p38_anm )
       # Let's also show the overlap
       showOverlap( p38_pca[0], p38_anm )

    .. plot::
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if not isinstance(mode, (Mode, Vector)):
        raise TypeError('mode must be NMA, ModeSet, Mode or Vector, not {0:s}'
    if not isinstance(modes, (NMA, ModeSet)):
        raise TypeError('modes must be NMA, ModeSet, or Mode, not {0:s}'
    cumov = (calcOverlap(mode, modes) ** 2).cumsum() ** 0.5
    if isinstance(modes, NMA):
        arange = np.arange(0.5, len(modes)+0.5)
        arange = modes.getIndices() + 0.5
    show = plt.plot(arange, cumov, *args, **kwargs)
    plt.title('Cumulative overlap with {0:s}'.format(str(mode)))
    plt.xlabel('{0:s} mode index'.format(modes))
    plt.ylabel('Cumulative overlap')
    plt.axis((arange[0]-0.5, arange[-1]+0.5, 0, 1))
    return show
Esempio n. 4
def showOverlap(mode, modes, *args, **kwargs):
    """Show overlap :func:``.
    :arg mode: a single mode/vector
    :type mode: :class:`~.Mode`, :class:`~.Vector` 
    :arg modes: multiple modes
    :type modes: :class:`~.ModeSet`, :class:`~.ANM`, :class:`~.GNM`, 
    .. plot::
       showOverlap( p38_pca[0], p38_anm[:6] )

    .. plot::
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if not isinstance(mode, (Mode, Vector)):
        raise TypeError('mode must be Mode or Vector, not {0:s}'
    if not isinstance(modes, (NMA, ModeSet)):
        raise TypeError('modes must be NMA or ModeSet, not {0:s}'
    overlap = abs(calcOverlap(mode, modes))
    if isinstance(modes, NMA):
        arange = np.arange(0.5, len(modes)+0.5)
        arange = modes.getIndices() + 0.5
    show =, overlap, *args, **kwargs)
    plt.title('Overlap with {0:s}'.format(str(mode)))
    plt.xlabel('{0:s} mode index'.format(modes))
    return show
Esempio n. 5
def showCrossProjection(ensemble, mode_x, mode_y, scale=None, scalar=None, 
                        *args, **kwargs):
    """Show a projection of conformational deviations onto modes from
    different models using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.  This function 
    differs from :func:`showProjection` by accepting modes from two different 
    :arg ensemble: Ensemble for which deviations will be projected
    :type ensemble: :class:`~prody.ensemble.Ensemble`
    :arg mode_x: Projection onto this mode will be shown along x-axis. 
    :type mode_x: :class:`Mode`
    :arg mode_y: Projection onto this mode will be shown along y-axis.
    :type mode_y: :class:`Mode`
    :arg scale: Scale width of the projection onto one of modes. 
                ``x`` and ``y`` are accepted.
    :type scale: str
    :arg scalar: Scalar factor for ``x`` or ``y``.  If ``scalar=None`` is 
        passed, best scaling factor will be calculated and printed on the
    :type scalar: float
    The projected values are by default converted to RMSD. 
    Pass ``rmsd=False`` to calculate raw projection values.
    :class:`Vector` instances are accepted as *ensemble* argument to allow
    for projecting a deformation vector onto normal modes.  
    By default ``marker='o', ls='None'`` is passed to the plotting function 
    to disable lines.
    .. plot::
       showCrossProjection(p38_ensemble, p38_pca[0], p38_anm[2])
    .. plot::

    |example| See :ref:`pca-xray-plotting` for a more elaborate example."""

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if not isinstance(ensemble, (Ensemble, Conformation, Vector)):
        raise TypeError('ensemble must be Ensemble, Conformation, or Vector, '
                        'not {0:s}'.format(type(ensemble)))
    if not isinstance(mode_x, VectorBase):
        raise TypeError('mode_x must be a Mode instance, not {0:s}'
    if not mode_x.is3d():
        raise ValueError('mode_x must be 3-dimensional')
    if not isinstance(mode_y, VectorBase):
        raise TypeError('mode_y must be a Mode instance, not {0:s}'
    if not mode_y.is3d():
        raise ValueError('mode_y must be 3-dimensional')
    if scale is not None:
        assert isinstance(scale, str), 'scale must be a string'
        scale = scale.lower()
        assert scale in ('x', 'y'), 'scale must be x or y'
    if scalar is not None:
        assert isinstance(scalar, float), 'scalar must be a float'
    xcoords = calcProjection(ensemble, mode_x, kwargs.get('rmsd', True))
    ycoords = calcProjection(ensemble, mode_y, kwargs.pop('rmsd', True))
    if scale:
        if scalar is None:
            scalar = ((ycoords.max() - ycoords.min()) / 
                      (xcoords.max() - xcoords.min())) 
            scalar = scalar * np.sign(calcOverlap(mode_x, mode_y))
            if scale == 'x':
      'Projection onto {0:s} is scaled by {1:.2f}'
                            .format(mode_x, scalar))
                scalar = 1 / scalar
      'Projection onto {0:s} is scaled by {1:.2f}'
                            .format(mode_y, scalar))
        if scale == 'x':
            xcoords = xcoords * scalar  
            ycoords = ycoords * scalar
    if 'ls' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['ls'] = 'None'
    if 'marker' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['marker'] = 'o'
    show = plt.plot(xcoords, ycoords, *args, **kwargs)
    plt.xlabel('{0:s} coordinate'.format(mode_x))
    plt.ylabel('{0:s} coordinate'.format(mode_y))
    return show