def test_straight_flush_beats_four_of_a_kind():
    GIVEN: A straight flush hand and a four-of-a-kind hand.
    WHEN:  We compare the hands.
    THEN:  The straight flush hand wins.
    straight_flush = PokerHand('2H 3H 4H 5H 6H')
    four_of_a_kind = PokerHand('AS AD AC AH JD')

    assert straight_flush.compare_with(four_of_a_kind) == 'Win'
def test_four_of_a_kind_beats_full_house():
    GIVEN: A full house and a four-of-a-kind.
    WHEN:  We compare the hands.
    THEN:  The four of a kind wins.
    full_house = PokerHand('2S AH 2H AS AC')
    four_of_a_kind = PokerHand('JS JD JC JH AD')

    assert four_of_a_kind.compare_with(full_house) == 'Win'
def test_highest_four_of_a_kind_wins():
    GIVEN: Two four-of-a-kind hands.
    WHEN: We compare the hands.
    THEN: The highest ranked four-of-a-kind wins.
    four_of_a_kind1 = PokerHand('AS AH 2H AD AC')
    four_of_a_kind2 = PokerHand('JS JD JC JH 3D')

    assert four_of_a_kind1.compare_with(four_of_a_kind2) == 'Win'
def test_straight_beats_three_of_a_kind():
    GIVEN: A straight and a three-of-a-kind.
    WHEN:  We compare the hands.
    THEN:  The straight wins.
    straight = PokerHand('2S 3H 4H 5S 6C')
    three_of_a_kind = PokerHand('AH AC 5H 6H AS')

    assert straight.compare_with(three_of_a_kind) == 'Win'
def test_equal_three_of_a_kinds_tie():
    GIVEN: A pair of equal three-of-a-kinds.
    WHEN:  We compare the hands.
    THEN:  The comparison is a tie.
    full_house1 = PokerHand('JS JC JD 2S 5C')
    full_house2 = PokerHand('JD 6C JH JS 9H')

    assert full_house1.compare_with(full_house2) == 'Tie'
def test_flush_beats_straight():
    GIVEN: A flush and a straight.
    WHEN:  We compare the hands.
    THEN:  The flush wins.
    flush = PokerHand('2H 3H 5H 6H 7H')
    straight = PokerHand('2S 3H 4H 5S 6C')

    assert flush.compare_with(straight) == "Win"
def test_equal_straights_tie():
    GIVEN: two straights of equal rank, but not necessarily identical suits.
    WHEN:  We compare the hands.
    THEN:  The comparison ties.
    straight1 = PokerHand('2S 3H 4H 5S 6C')
    straight2 = PokerHand('3D 4C 5H 6H 2S')

    assert straight1.compare_with(straight2) == 'Tie'
def test_highest_flush_wins():
    GIVEN: Two flushes.
    WHEN:  We compare the hands.
    THEN:  The highest flush wins.
    flush1 = PokerHand('AS 3S 4S 8S 2S')
    flush2 = PokerHand('2H 3H 5H 6H 7H')

    assert flush2.compare_with(flush1) == 'Win'
def test_equal_full_houses_tie():
    GIVEN: A pair of equal full houses.
    WHEN:  We compare the hands.
    THEN:  The comparison is a tie.
    full_house1 = PokerHand('JS JC KS KD KH')
    full_house2 = PokerHand('JD KD JH KC KS')

    assert full_house1.compare_with(full_house2) == 'Tie'
def test_full_house_beats_flush():
    GIVEN: A full house and a flush.
    WHEN:  We compare the hands.
    THEN:  The full house wins.
    full_house = PokerHand('2S AH 2H AS AC')
    flush = PokerHand('2H 3H 5H 6H 7H')

    assert full_house.compare_with(flush) == 'Win'
def test_lowest_straight_flush_loses():
    GIVEN: Two poker hands that are straight flushes.
    WHEN:  We compare the hands.
    THEN:  The highest straight glush wins.
    hand1 = PokerHand('2H 3H 4H 5H 6H')
    hand2 = PokerHand('KS AS TS QS JS')

    assert hand1.compare_with(hand2) == 'Lose'
def test_full_house_loses_to_four_of_a_kind():
    GIVEN: A full house and a four-of-a-kind.
    WHEN:  We compare the hands.
    THEN:  The full house loses.
    full_house = PokerHand('2S AH 2H AS AC')
    four_of_a_kind = PokerHand('JS JD JC JH AD')

    assert full_house.compare_with(four_of_a_kind) == 'Lose'
def test_equal_straight_is_a_tie():
    GIVEN: Two straights with identical card ranks.
    WHEN:  We compare the hands.
    THEN:  The comparison is a tie. It should compare straights on card 
           ranks only.
    straight1 = PokerHand('2S 3H 4H 5S 6C')
    straight2 = PokerHand('3D 4C 5H 6H 2S')

    assert straight1.compare_with(straight2) == 'Tie'
def test_poker_hand_factory_method_should_reject_the_wrong_number_of_cards():
    GIVEN: A poker hand string, without more than five cards'.
    WHEN:  We call the factory method passing the poker hand string.
    THEN:  The parser should reject the hand.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        result = PokerHand('TS JC QD KH AH 3D 7C 2S')
def test_hand_value_should_correctly_identify_four_of_a_kind():
    GIVEN: A four of a kind poker hand.
    WHEN:  We identify its hand value.
    THEN:  It should be correctly classified as a four of a kind.
    four_of_a_kind = PokerHand('AS AD AC AH JD')

    assert cph.hand_value(four_of_a_kind) == HandValue.FOUR_OF_A_KIND
def test_hand_value_should_correctly_identify_straight():
    GIVEN: A straight flush poker hand.
    WHEN:  We identify its hand value.
    THEN:  It should be correctly classified as a straight flush.
    straight = PokerHand('TD 8S 9C JD QH')

    assert cph.hand_value(straight) == HandValue.STRAIGHT
def test_hand_value_should_correctly_identify_four_of_a_kind():
    GIVEN: A straight flush poker hand.
    WHEN:  We identify its hand value.
    THEN:  It should be correctly classified as a straight flush.
    straight_flush = PokerHand('TD 8D 9D JD QD')

    assert cph.hand_value(straight_flush) == HandValue.STRAIGHT_FLUSH
def test_poker_hand_factory_method_should_reject_invalid_hand_strings():
    GIVEN: A valid poker hand string has the form 'RS RS RS RS RS', where
           'R' denotes the rank of the card, and 'S' denotes the suit of the 
    WHEN:  An invalid string is passed into the factory method.
    THEN:  The factory method should reject the string as invalid.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        result = PokerHand('potato potato potato potato')
def test_poker_hand_factory_method_should_accept_valid_hand_strings():
    GIVEN: A valid poker hand string, of the form 'RS RS RS RS RS', where
           'R' denotes the rank of the card, and 'S' denotes the suit of the 
    WHEN:  We call the factory method passing the poker hand string.
    THEN:  The factory method should correctly parse the string into a poker 
    result = PokerHand('TS JC QD KH AH')
    expected = Hand([
        Card(Rank.TEN, Suit.SPADES),
        Card(Rank.JACK, Suit.CLUBS),
        Card(Rank.QUEEN, Suit.DIAMONDS),
        Card(Rank.KING, Suit.HEARTS),
        Card(Rank.ACE, Suit.HEARTS)

    assert result.hand == expected.hand