Esempio n. 1
class BattleshipsServer(object):

    """ A server for providing a dashboard to Battleships game. """

    def __init__(self, host, port, competition=None):
        self._host = host
        self._port = port
        self._app = Bottle()

        self.competition = competition
        if not self.competition:
            self.competition = Competition(games_to_run=100)

            # Have a default AI for people to play against
            self.competition.add("Internal Demo", BattleshipsAI)

    def _route(self):
        """ Set up bottle routes for the app. """
        self._app.route('/', method="GET", callback=self.index)
        self._app.route('/entries', method="GET", callback=self.entries)
        self._app.route('/enter', method="POST", callback=self.add_entry)
        self._app.route('/static/<filepath:path>', callback=self.serve_static)

    def start(self):
        """ Start the bottle server. """, port=self._port)

    def serve_bower(self, filepath):
        """ Serve bower components. """
        return static_file(filepath, root='server/bower_components')

    def serve_static(self, filepath):
        """ Server /static files. """
        return static_file(filepath, root='server/static')

    def index(self):
        """ The game dashboard. """
        return template('index')

    def entries(self):
        """ Dump all entries as json. """
        return json.dumps(self.competition.entries.values(), cls=EntryEncoder)

    def add_entry(self, code=None, forms=None):
        """ Add an entry to the competition. """
        if code is None:
            code = request.files.get("filedata")
        if forms is None:
            forms = request.forms
        exec(code, globals())
        team_name = BattleshipsAI.TEAM_NAME
        if team_name in self.competition.entries and\
                not forms.get('replace') == "1":
            increment = 1
            while team_name + " " + n2w(increment) in self.competition.entries:
                increment += 1
            team_name = team_name + " " + n2w(increment)
        self.competition.add(team_name, BattleshipsAI)