def getEnv( self ): out = dict( ) if compiler.isMSVC( ): compilerDirs = { "msvc2010": "VS100COMNTOOLS", "msvc2012": "VS110COMNTOOLS", "msvc2013": "VS120COMNTOOLS", "msvc2015": "VS140COMNTOOLS" } architectures = { "x86": "x86", "x64": "amd64", "x64_cross": "x86_amd64" } crossmodifier = "" if not compiler.isNative(): crossmodifier="_cross" status, result = subprocess.getstatusoutput( "\"%s\\..\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" %s > NUL && set" % ( os.getenv( compilerDirs[ compiler.getCompilerName( ) ] ), architectures[ compiler.architecture( ) + crossmodifier ]) ) if status != 0: print( "Failed to setup msvc compiler", file = sys.stderr ) out = self.stringToEnv( result ) elif compiler.isIntel( ): architectures = { "x86": "ia32", "x64": "intel64" } programFiles = os.getenv( "ProgramFiles(x86)" ) or os.getenv( "ProgramFiles" ) status, result = subprocess.getstatusoutput( "\"%s\\Intel\\Composer XE\\bin\\compilervars.bat\" %s > NUL && set" % ( programFiles, architectures[ compiler.architecture( ) ]) ) if status != 0: print( "Failed to setup intel compiler", file = sys.stderr ) out = self.stringToEnv( result ) elif compiler.isMinGW( ): out = { "Path": os.getenv( "Path" ) } return out
def getEnv(self): out = dict() if compiler.isMSVC(): compilerDirs = { "msvc2010": "VS100COMNTOOLS", "msvc2012": "VS110COMNTOOLS", "msvc2013": "VS120COMNTOOLS", "msvc2015": "VS140COMNTOOLS" } architectures = { "x86": "x86", "x64": "amd64", "x64_cross": "x86_amd64" } crossmodifier = "" if not compiler.isNative(): crossmodifier = "_cross" status, result = subprocess.getstatusoutput( "\"%s\\..\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat\" %s > NUL && set" % (os.getenv(compilerDirs[compiler.getCompilerName()]), architectures[compiler.architecture() + crossmodifier])) if status != 0: print("Failed to setup msvc compiler", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) out = self.stringToEnv(result) elif compiler.isIntel(): architectures = {"x86": "ia32", "x64": "intel64"} programFiles = os.getenv("ProgramFiles(x86)") or os.getenv( "ProgramFiles") status, result = subprocess.getstatusoutput( "\"%s\\Intel\\Composer XE\\bin\\compilervars.bat\" %s > NUL && set" % (programFiles, architectures[compiler.architecture()])) if status != 0: print("Failed to setup intel compiler", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) out = self.stringToEnv(result) elif compiler.isMinGW(): out = {"Path": os.getenv("Path")} return out
def binaryArchiveName(self, pkgSuffix=None, fileType=emergeSettings.get("Packager", "7ZipArchiveType", "7z")): if not pkgSuffix: pkgSuffix = '' if hasattr(self.subinfo.options.package, 'packageSuffix' ) and self.subinfo.options.package.packageSuffix: pkgSuffix = self.subinfo.options.package.packageSuffix return "%s-%s-%s-%s%s.%s" % ( self.package, compiler.architecture(), self.getPackageVersion()[0], compiler.getShortName(), pkgSuffix, fileType)
def __init__(self): AutoToolsPackageBase.__init__(self) self.subinfo.options.make.supportsMultijob = False self.subinfo.options.package.packageName = 'openssl' self.subinfo.options.package.packSources = False if compiler.architecture() == "x64": self.platform = "mingw64" else: self.platform = "mingw" self.supportsCCACHE = False self.buildInSource = True # target install needs perl with native path on configure time self.subinfo.options.configure.defines = " shared zlib-dynamic enable-camellia enable-idea enable-mdc2 enable-tlsext enable-rfc3779"
def buildArchitecture(self): """return the target CPU architecture""" compiler.architecture()
def getArchitecture(): return "-%s" % compiler.architecture()
def _replaceSetting(reg,new,text): return re.compile(reg, re.MULTILINE).sub(new,text) def resetSettings(): with open( os.path.join( EmergeStandardDirs.etcDir(), "kdesettings.ini.backup"),"rt+") as fin: text = text = _replaceSetting("^PACKAGE_IGNORES.*$", "PACKAGE_IGNORES =", text) text = _replaceSetting("^EMERGE_USE_CCACHE.*$", "#EMERGE_USE_CCACHE = True", text) text = _replaceSetting("^Python =.*$", "Python = C:\python34", text) text = _replaceSetting("^DOWNLOADDIR =.*$", "#DOWNLOADDIR = C:\kde\download", text) with open( os.path.join( EmergeStandardDirs.etcDir(), "kdesettings.ini"),"wt+") as fout: fout.write(text) if __name__ == "__main__": EmergeDebug.setVerbose(3) # we don't use the db directly and the file must not be locked del InstallDB.installdb backup() removeFromDB("dev-util") removeFromDB("gnuwin32") # we cant use the ini support to modify the settings as it would kill the comments resetSettings() utils.system("cd %s && git clean -xdf" % os.path.join(EmergeStandardDirs.emergeRoot(), "emerge")) utils.createDir(EmergeStandardDirs.tmpDir()) archiveName = os.path.join(EmergeStandardDirs.tmpDir(), "framewroks-sdk-%s-%s-%s.7z" % (compiler.getCompilerName(), compiler.architecture(), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) utils.deleteFile(archiveName) utils.system("7za a %s %s -x!build -x!msys -x!dev-utils -x!tmp -x!mingw* -x!etc/kdesettings.ini.backup -x!etc/portage/install.db.backup" % ( archiveName, EmergeStandardDirs.emergeRoot())) #utils.copyFile(os.path.join( EmergeStandardDirs.etcDir(), "kdesettings.ini"), os.path.join( EmergeStandardDirs.etcDir(), "kdesettings.ini.backup2"),linkOnly=False) restore()
def getArchitecture() -> str: return "-%s" % compiler.architecture()