Esempio n. 1
def corr(directory, threshold):

    df = complete.complete(directory, [i for i in range(1, 333)])
    # keeping track whether threshold has crossed or not

    id_list = df[df.nobs > threshold].id
    corr_list = []
    for i in id_list:
        with open(directory + "/{0:03}.csv".format(i), newline='') as csvfile:

            reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\n')
            # skip header file

            sulfate_list = []
            nitrate_list = []

            for row in reader:
                items = row[0].split(",")

                if not items[1] == "NA" and not items[2] == "NA":
            val = round(np.corrcoef(sulfate_list, nitrate_list)[0][1], 5)
    return corr_list
    def do_get_proposals(self, context):
        insert = context.get_iter()
        buffer = insert.get_buffer()

        incomplete = self._get_incomplete_string(context, '_.')
        if (not incomplete) or incomplete.isdigit(): return

        completes = complete(buffer.get_text(*buffer.get_bounds()), incomplete, insert.get_line())
        if not completes: return

        incomplete2 = self._get_incomplete_string(context, '_')

        def sortfunc(a, b):
            if a['abbr'].startswith('_'): return 1
            if b['abbr'].startswith('_'): return -1
            return a['abbr'] > b['abbr']

        def makeitem(item):
            # discard chars after opening parenthesis
            tmp = item['abbr'].split('(')
            if len(tmp) == 1: tmp = tmp[0]
            elif len(tmp) == 2 and tmp[1] == ')': tmp = tmp[0] + '()'
            else: tmp = tmp[0] + '('

            result = gsv.CompletionItem(item['abbr'], tmp)
            result.set_property('info', item['info'])
            return result

        return [makeitem(item) \
                for item in sorted(completes, cmp=sortfunc) \
                if item['abbr'].startswith(incomplete2)]
Esempio n. 3
    def do_get_proposals(self, context):
        insert = context.get_iter()
        buffer = insert.get_buffer()

        incomplete = self._get_incomplete_string(context, '_.')
        if (not incomplete) or incomplete.isdigit(): return

        completes = complete(buffer.get_text(*buffer.get_bounds()), incomplete,
        if not completes: return

        incomplete2 = self._get_incomplete_string(context, '_')

        def sortfunc(a, b):
            if a['abbr'].startswith('_'): return 1
            if b['abbr'].startswith('_'): return -1
            return a['abbr'] > b['abbr']

        def makeitem(item):
            # discard chars after opening parenthesis
            tmp = item['abbr'].split('(')
            if len(tmp) == 1: tmp = tmp[0]
            elif len(tmp) == 2 and tmp[1] == ')': tmp = tmp[0] + '()'
            else: tmp = tmp[0] + '('

            result = gsv.CompletionItem(item['abbr'], tmp)
            result.set_property('info', item['info'])
            return result

        return [makeitem(item) \
                for item in sorted(completes, cmp=sortfunc) \
                if item['abbr'].startswith(incomplete2)]
    def display_completions(self, view, event):
        """Find completions and display them."""

        doc = view.get_buffer()
        insert = doc.get_iter_at_mark(doc.get_insert())
        start = insert.copy()
        while start.backward_char():
            char = unicode(start.get_char())
            if not self.re_alpha.match(char) and not char == ".":
        incomplete = unicode(doc.get_text(start, insert))
        incomplete += unicode(event.string)
        if incomplete.isdigit():
            return self.cancel()
        completes =  complete( doc.get_text(*doc.get_bounds()), incomplete, insert.get_line())
        if not completes:
            return self.cancel()
        self.completes = completes

        if "." in incomplete:
            incompletelist = incomplete.split('.')
            newword = incompletelist[-1]
            self.completions = list(x['abbr'][len(newword):] for x in completes)
            length = len(newword)
            self.completions = list(x['abbr'][len(incomplete):] for x in completes)
            length = len(incomplete)
        for x in completes:
            x['completion'] = x['abbr'][length:]
        window = gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT
        rect = view.get_iter_location(insert)
        x, y = view.buffer_to_window_coords(window, rect.x, rect.y)
        x, y = view.translate_coordinates(self.window, x, y)
        self.show_popup(completes, x, y)
Esempio n. 5
    def display_completions(self, view, event):
        """Find completions and display them."""

        doc = view.get_buffer()
        insert = doc.get_iter_at_mark(doc.get_insert())
        start = insert.copy()
        while start.backward_char():
            char = unicode(start.get_char())
            if not self.re_alpha.match(char) and not char == ".":
        incomplete = unicode(doc.get_text(start, insert))
        incomplete += unicode(event.string)
        if incomplete.isdigit():
            return self.cancel()
        completes =  complete( doc.get_text(*doc.get_bounds()), incomplete, insert.get_line())
        if not completes:
            return self.cancel()
        self.completes = completes

        if "." in incomplete:
            incompletelist = incomplete.split('.')
            newword = incompletelist[-1]
            self.completions = list(x['abbr'][len(newword):] for x in completes)
            length = len(newword)
            self.completions = list(x['abbr'][len(incomplete):] for x in completes)
            length = len(incomplete)
        for x in completes:
            x['completion'] = x['abbr'][length:]
        window = gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT
        rect = view.get_iter_location(insert)
        x, y = view.buffer_to_window_coords(window, rect.x, rect.y)
        x, y = view.translate_coordinates(self.window, x, y)
        self.show_popup(completes, x, y)
Esempio n. 6
    def _display_completions(self, view, event):
        """Find completions and display them in the completion window."""

        doc = view.get_buffer()
        insert = doc.get_iter_at_mark(doc.get_insert())
        start = insert.copy()
        while start.backward_char():
            char = unicode(start.get_char())
            if not self._re_alpha.match(char) and not char == ".":
        incomplete = unicode(doc.get_text(start, insert))
        incomplete += unicode(event.string)
        if incomplete.isdigit():
            # Usually completing numbers is not a good idea.
            return self._terminate_completion()
        self._completes =  complete( doc.get_text(*doc.get_bounds()), incomplete, insert.get_line())

        if "." in incomplete:
            incompletelist = incomplete.split('.')
            newword = incompletelist[-1]
            #self.completions = list(x['abbr'][len(newword):] for x in completes)
            length = len(newword)
            if not length==0 :
            #self.completions = list(x['abbr'][len(incomplete):] for x in completes)
            length = len(incomplete)
        self._find_completions(doc, incomplete)
        if not self._completions:
            return self._terminate_completion()
        self._show_completion_window(view, insert)
Esempio n. 7
def corr(directory, threshold):

    #open only those files whose nobs >threshold
    corrVect = []
    d = complete(directory, id=range(1, 333))
    for i in range(0, len(d)):
        if (d.loc[i]['nobs'] > threshold):
            n = d.loc[i]['id']
            with open(directory +
                      "/{num:0>3}.csv".format(num=str(n))) as csvfile:

                reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\n')

                sulf_vect = []
                nit_vect = []

                for row in reader:
                    items = row[0].split(",")

                    if (not items[1] == "NA" and not items[2] == "NA"):

                c = np.corrcoef(sulf_vect, nit_vect)
                c = c[0][1]
                c = float("{0:.5f}".format(c))


Esempio n. 8
def main():
    A().display(title="Automate A", wait=False)
    B().display(title="Automate B", wait=False)
    comp_aut1 = complete.complete(A())
    comp_aut2 = complete.complete(B())

    comp_aut1.display(title="Automate A complete", wait=False)
    comp_aut2.display(title="Automate B complete", wait=False)

    # Test pour intersection.
    toto = intersection(comp_aut1, comp_aut2)
    #   Test si l'automate retourné est bien l'intersection de A() par B()
    if type(toto) == str:
        print("AUTOMATE VIDE !")
        toto.display(title="A inter B", wait=False)

    # Test pour union.
    titi = union(comp_aut1, comp_aut2)
    titi.display(title="A union B", wait=False)
Esempio n. 9
from complete import complete
#from word_vectors import TfIdfEmbedding


complete("Book a meeting with Piyush for 2pm")
Esempio n. 10
import redis
from complete import build_set, complete

r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6379, db=0)
data = []
file = open('names', 'r')
for name in file:

build_set(r, "tmp", data)

print "Start Testing..."

for name in data:
    results = complete(r, "tmp", name, 10)
    if results[0] != name:
        print "ERROR:", name, results
    #    print "CORRECT:", name, results