Esempio n. 1
def clean(job_list, context):
        Cleans the result of the selected computation (or everything if
        nothing specified).
        If cleaning a dynamic job, it *deletes* all jobs it created.

    db = context.get_compmake_db()

    # job_list = list(job_list) # don't ask me why XXX
    job_list = [x for x in job_list]

    if not job_list:
        job_list = list(all_jobs(db=db))

    if not job_list:

    # Use context
    if get_compmake_status() == CompmakeConstants.compmake_status_interactive:
        question = "Should I clean %d jobs? [y/n] " % len(job_list)
        answer = ask_question(question)
        if not answer:
            info('Not cleaned.')

    clean_targets(job_list, db=db)
Esempio n. 2
def clean(job_list, context):
        Cleans the result of the selected computation (or everything if
        nothing specified).
        If cleaning a dynamic job, it *deletes* all jobs it created.

    db = context.get_compmake_db()

    # job_list = list(job_list) # don't ask me why XXX
    job_list = [x for x in job_list]

    if not job_list:
        job_list = list(all_jobs(db=db))

    if not job_list:

    # Use context
    if get_compmake_status() == CompmakeConstants.compmake_status_interactive:
        question = "Should I clean %d jobs? [y/n] " % len(job_list)
        answer = ask_question(question)
        if not answer:
            info('Not cleaned.')

    clean_targets(job_list, db=db)
Esempio n. 3
def comp_(context, command_, *args, **kwargs):
        Main method to define a computation step.

        Extra arguments:

        :arg:job_id:   sets the job id (respects job_prefix)
        :arg:extra_dep: extra dependencies (not passed as arguments)
        :arg:command_name: used to define job name if job_id not provided.
        If not given, command_.__name__ is used.

        :arg:needs_context: if this is a dynamic job

        Raises UserError if command is not pickable.

    db = context.get_compmake_db()

    command = command_

    if hasattr(command, '__module__') and command.__module__ == '__main__':
        if not command in WarningStorage.warned:
            if WarningStorage.warned:
                # already warned for another function
                msg = ('(Same warning for function %r.)' % command.__name__)
                msg = ("A warning about the function %r: " % command.__name__)
                msg += (
                    "This function is defined directly in the __main__ "
                    "module, "
                    "which means that it cannot be pickled correctly due to "
                    "a limitation of Python and 'make new_process=1' will "
                    "fail. "
                    "For best results, please define functions in external "
                    "modules. "
                    'For more info, read '
                    ' '
                    'and the bug report')

    if get_compmake_status() == CompmakeConstants.compmake_status_slave:
        return None

    # Check that this is a pickable function
    except Exception as e:
        msg = ('Cannot pickle function. Make sure it is not a lambda '
               'function or a nested function. (This is a limitation of '
        raise_wrapped(UserError, e, msg, command=command)

    if CompmakeConstants.command_name_key in kwargs:
        command_desc = kwargs.pop(CompmakeConstants.command_name_key)
    elif hasattr(command, '__name__'):
        command_desc = command.__name__
        command_desc = type(command).__name__

    args = list(args)  # args is a non iterable tuple

    # Get job id from arguments
    if CompmakeConstants.job_id_key in kwargs:
        # make sure that command does not have itself a job_id key
            argspec = inspect.getargspec(command)
        except TypeError:
            # Assume Cython function
            # XXX: write test
            if CompmakeConstants.job_id_key in argspec.args:
                msg = ("You cannot define the job id in this way because %r "
                       "is already a parameter of this function." %
                raise UserError(msg)

        job_id = kwargs[CompmakeConstants.job_id_key]
        check_isinstance(job_id, six.string_types)
        if ' ' in job_id:
            msg = 'Invalid job id: %r' % job_id
            raise UserError(msg)

        job_prefix = context.get_comp_prefix()
        if job_prefix:
            job_id = '%s-%s' % (job_prefix, job_id)

        del kwargs[CompmakeConstants.job_id_key]

        if context.was_job_defined_in_this_session(job_id):
            # unless it is dynamically geneterated
            if not job_exists(job_id, db=db):
                msg = 'The job %r was defined but not found in DB. I will let it slide.' % job_id
                msg = 'The job %r was already defined in this session.' % job_id
                old_job = get_job(job_id, db=db)
                msg += '\n  old_job.defined_by: %s ' % old_job.defined_by
                msg += '\n context.currently_executing: %s ' % context.currently_executing
                msg += ' others defined in session: %s' % context.get_jobs_defined_in_this_session()
#                 warnings.warn('I know something is more complicated here')
                #             if old_job.defined_by is not None and
                # old_job.defined_by == context.currently_executing:
                #                 # exception, it's ok
                #                 pass
                #             else:

                msg = 'Job %r already defined.' % job_id
                raise UserError(msg)
            if job_exists(job_id, db=db):
                # ok, you gave us a job_id, but we still need to check whether
                # it is the same job
                stack = context.currently_executing
                defined_by = get_job(job_id, db=db).defined_by
                if defined_by == stack:
                    # this is the same job-redefining

                    for i in range(1000):  # XXX
                        n = '%s-%d' % (job_id, i)
                        if not job_exists(n, db=db):
                            job_id = n
                    if False:
                            'The job_id %r was given explicitly but already '
                            'defined.' % job_id)
                        print('current stack: %s' % stack)
                        print('    its stack: %s' % defined_by)
                        print('New job_id is %s' % job_id)

        job_id = generate_job_id(command_desc, context=context)


    # could be done better
    if 'needs_context' in kwargs:
        needs_context = True
        del kwargs['needs_context']
        needs_context = False

    if CompmakeConstants.extra_dep_key in kwargs:
        extra_dep = kwargs[CompmakeConstants.extra_dep_key]
        del kwargs[CompmakeConstants.extra_dep_key]

        if not isinstance(extra_dep, (list, Promise)):
            msg = ('The "extra_dep" argument must be a list of promises; '
                   'got: %s' % describe_value(extra_dep))
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if isinstance(extra_dep, Promise):
            extra_dep = [extra_dep]
        assert isinstance(extra_dep, list)
        for ed in extra_dep:
            if not isinstance(ed, Promise):
                msg = ('The "extra_dep" argument must be a list of promises; '
                       'got: %s' % describe_value(extra_dep))
                raise ValueError(msg)
        extra_dep = collect_dependencies(extra_dep)

        extra_dep = set()

    children = collect_dependencies([args, kwargs])

    for c in children:
        if not job_exists(c, db):
            msg = "Job %r references a job %r that doesnt exist." % (job_id, c)
            raise ValueError(msg)

    all_args = (command, args, kwargs)

    assert len(context.currently_executing) >= 1
    assert context.currently_executing[0] == 'root'
    c = Job(job_id=job_id,
    # Need to inherit the pickle
    if context.currently_executing[-1] != 'root':
        parent_job = get_job(context.currently_executing[-1], db)
        c.pickle_main_context = parent_job.pickle_main_context

    if job_exists(job_id, db):
        old_job = get_job(job_id, db)

        if old_job.defined_by != c.defined_by:
            warning('Redefinition of %s: ' % job_id)
            warning(' cur defined_by: %s' % c.defined_by)
            warning(' old defined_by: %s' % old_job.defined_by)

        if old_job.children != c.children:
            #warning('Redefinition problem:')
            #warning(' old children: %s' % (old_job.children))
            #warning(' old dyn children: %s' % old_job.dynamic_children)
            #warning(' new children: %s' % (c.children))

            # fixing this
            for x, deps in old_job.dynamic_children.items():
                if not x in c.children:
                    # not a child any more
                    # FIXME: ok but note it might be a dependence of a child
                    # continue
                c.dynamic_children[x] = deps
                for j in deps:
                    if not j in c.children:

        if old_job.parents != c.parents:
            # warning('Redefinition of %s: ' % job_id)
            #  warning(' cur parents: %s' % (c.parents))
            # warning(' old parents: %s' % old_job.parents)
            for p in old_job.parents:

                # TODO: preserve defines
                #     from compmake.ui.visualization import info
                #     info('defining job %r with children %r' % (job_id,
                # c.children))

                #     if True or c.defined_by == ['root']:

    for child in children:
        db_job_add_parent_relation(child=child, parent=job_id, db=db)

    if get_compmake_config('check_params') and job_exists(job_id, db):
        # OK, this is going to be black magic.
        # We want to load the previous job definition,
        # however, by unpickling(), it will start
        # __import__()ing the modules, perhaps
        # even the one that is calling us.
        # What happens, then is that it will try to
        # add another time this computation recursively.
        # What we do, is that we temporarely switch to
        # slave mode, so that recursive calls to comp()
        # are disabled.
        #             old_status = get_compmake_status()
        #             set_compmake_status(
        # CompmakeConstants.compmake_status_slave)
        all_args_old = get_job_args(job_id, db=db)
        #             set_compmake_status(old_status)
        same, reason = same_computation(all_args, all_args_old)

        if not same:
            #print('different job, cleaning cache:\n%s  ' % reason)
            from import clean_targets
            clean_targets([job_id], db)
#             if job_cache_exists(job_id, db):
#                 delete_job_cache(job_id, db)
            publish(context, 'job-redefined', job_id=job_id, reason=reason)
            # print('ok, same job')
            # XXX TODO clean the cache
            #             else:
            #                 publish(context, 'job-already-defined',
            # job_id=job_id)

    set_job_args(job_id, all_args, db=db)
    set_job(job_id, c, db=db)
    publish(context, 'job-defined', job_id=job_id)

    return Promise(job_id)
Esempio n. 4
def comp_(context, command_, *args, **kwargs):
        Main method to define a computation step.

        Extra arguments:

        :arg:job_id:   sets the job id (respects job_prefix)
        :arg:extra_dep: extra dependencies (not passed as arguments)
        :arg:command_name: used to define job name if job_id not provided.
        If not given, command_.__name__ is used.

        :arg:needs_context: if this is a dynamic job

        Raises UserError if command is not pickable.

    db = context.get_compmake_db()

    command = command_

    if hasattr(command, '__module__') and command.__module__ == '__main__':
        if not command in WarningStorage.warned:
            if WarningStorage.warned:
                # already warned for another function
                msg = ('(Same warning for function %r.)' % command.__name__)
                msg = ("A warning about the function %r: " % command.__name__)
                msg += (
                    "This function is defined directly in the __main__ "
                    "module, "
                    "which means that it cannot be pickled correctly due to "
                    "a limitation of Python and 'make new_process=1' will "
                    "fail. "
                    "For best results, please define functions in external "
                    "modules. "
                    'For more info, read '
                    ' '
                    'and the bug report')

    if get_compmake_status() == CompmakeConstants.compmake_status_slave:
        return None

    # Check that this is a pickable function
    except Exception as e:
        msg = ('Cannot pickle function. Make sure it is not a lambda '
               'function or a nested function. (This is a limitation of '
        raise_wrapped(UserError, e, msg, command=command)

    if CompmakeConstants.command_name_key in kwargs:
        command_desc = kwargs.pop(CompmakeConstants.command_name_key)
    elif hasattr(command, '__name__'):
        command_desc = command.__name__
        command_desc = type(command).__name__

    args = list(args)  # args is a non iterable tuple

    # Get job id from arguments
    if CompmakeConstants.job_id_key in kwargs:
        # make sure that command does not have itself a job_id key
            argspec = inspect.getargspec(command)
        except TypeError:
            # Assume Cython function
            # XXX: write test
            if CompmakeConstants.job_id_key in argspec.args:
                msg = ("You cannot define the job id in this way because %r "
                       "is already a parameter of this function." %
                raise UserError(msg)

        job_id = kwargs[CompmakeConstants.job_id_key]
        check_isinstance(job_id, six.string_types)
        if ' ' in job_id:
            msg = 'Invalid job id: %r' % job_id
            raise UserError(msg)

        job_prefix = context.get_comp_prefix()
        if job_prefix:
            job_id = '%s-%s' % (job_prefix, job_id)

        del kwargs[CompmakeConstants.job_id_key]

        if context.was_job_defined_in_this_session(job_id):
            # unless it is dynamically geneterated
            if not job_exists(job_id, db=db):
                msg = 'The job %r was defined but not found in DB. I will let it slide.' % job_id
                msg = 'The job %r was already defined in this session.' % job_id
                old_job = get_job(job_id, db=db)
                msg += '\n  old_job.defined_by: %s ' % old_job.defined_by
                msg += '\n context.currently_executing: %s ' % context.currently_executing
                msg += ' others defined in session: %s' % context.get_jobs_defined_in_this_session(
                #                 warnings.warn('I know something is more complicated here')
                #             if old_job.defined_by is not None and
                # old_job.defined_by == context.currently_executing:
                #                 # exception, it's ok
                #                 pass
                #             else:

                msg = 'Job %r already defined.' % job_id
                raise UserError(msg)
            if job_exists(job_id, db=db):
                # ok, you gave us a job_id, but we still need to check whether
                # it is the same job
                stack = context.currently_executing
                defined_by = get_job(job_id, db=db).defined_by
                if defined_by == stack:
                    # this is the same job-redefining

                    for i in range(1000):  # XXX
                        n = '%s-%d' % (job_id, i)
                        if not job_exists(n, db=db):
                            job_id = n

                    if False:
                        print('The job_id %r was given explicitly but already '
                              'defined.' % job_id)
                        print('current stack: %s' % stack)
                        print('    its stack: %s' % defined_by)
                        print('New job_id is %s' % job_id)

        job_id = generate_job_id(command_desc, context=context)


    # could be done better
    if 'needs_context' in kwargs:
        needs_context = True
        del kwargs['needs_context']
        needs_context = False

    if CompmakeConstants.extra_dep_key in kwargs:
        extra_dep = kwargs[CompmakeConstants.extra_dep_key]
        del kwargs[CompmakeConstants.extra_dep_key]

        if not isinstance(extra_dep, (list, Promise)):
            msg = ('The "extra_dep" argument must be a list of promises; '
                   'got: %s' % describe_value(extra_dep))
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if isinstance(extra_dep, Promise):
            extra_dep = [extra_dep]
        assert isinstance(extra_dep, list)
        for ed in extra_dep:
            if not isinstance(ed, Promise):
                msg = ('The "extra_dep" argument must be a list of promises; '
                       'got: %s' % describe_value(extra_dep))
                raise ValueError(msg)
        extra_dep = collect_dependencies(extra_dep)

        extra_dep = set()

    children = collect_dependencies([args, kwargs])

    for c in children:
        if not job_exists(c, db):
            msg = "Job %r references a job %r that doesnt exist." % (job_id, c)
            raise ValueError(msg)

    all_args = (command, args, kwargs)

    assert len(context.currently_executing) >= 1
    assert context.currently_executing[0] == 'root'

    c = Job(job_id=job_id,

    # Need to inherit the pickle
    if context.currently_executing[-1] != 'root':
        parent_job = get_job(context.currently_executing[-1], db)
        c.pickle_main_context = parent_job.pickle_main_context

    if job_exists(job_id, db):
        old_job = get_job(job_id, db)

        if old_job.defined_by != c.defined_by:
            warning('Redefinition of %s: ' % job_id)
            warning(' cur defined_by: %s' % c.defined_by)
            warning(' old defined_by: %s' % old_job.defined_by)

        if old_job.children != c.children:
            #warning('Redefinition problem:')
            #warning(' old children: %s' % (old_job.children))
            #warning(' old dyn children: %s' % old_job.dynamic_children)
            #warning(' new children: %s' % (c.children))

            # fixing this
            for x, deps in old_job.dynamic_children.items():
                if not x in c.children:
                    # not a child any more
                    # FIXME: ok but note it might be a dependence of a child
                    # continue
                c.dynamic_children[x] = deps
                for j in deps:
                    if not j in c.children:

        if old_job.parents != c.parents:
            # warning('Redefinition of %s: ' % job_id)
            #  warning(' cur parents: %s' % (c.parents))
            # warning(' old parents: %s' % old_job.parents)
            for p in old_job.parents:

                # TODO: preserve defines
                #     from compmake.ui.visualization import info
                #     info('defining job %r with children %r' % (job_id,
                # c.children))

                #     if True or c.defined_by == ['root']:

    for child in children:
        db_job_add_parent_relation(child=child, parent=job_id, db=db)

    if get_compmake_config('check_params') and job_exists(job_id, db):
        # OK, this is going to be black magic.
        # We want to load the previous job definition,
        # however, by unpickling(), it will start
        # __import__()ing the modules, perhaps
        # even the one that is calling us.
        # What happens, then is that it will try to
        # add another time this computation recursively.
        # What we do, is that we temporarely switch to
        # slave mode, so that recursive calls to comp()
        # are disabled.
        #             old_status = get_compmake_status()
        #             set_compmake_status(
        # CompmakeConstants.compmake_status_slave)
        all_args_old = get_job_args(job_id, db=db)
        #             set_compmake_status(old_status)
        same, reason = same_computation(all_args, all_args_old)

        if not same:
            #print('different job, cleaning cache:\n%s  ' % reason)
            from import clean_targets
            clean_targets([job_id], db)
            #             if job_cache_exists(job_id, db):
            #                 delete_job_cache(job_id, db)
            publish(context, 'job-redefined', job_id=job_id, reason=reason)
            # print('ok, same job')
            # XXX TODO clean the cache
            #             else:
            #                 publish(context, 'job-already-defined',
            # job_id=job_id)

    set_job_args(job_id, all_args, db=db)
    set_job(job_id, c, db=db)
    publish(context, 'job-defined', job_id=job_id)

    return Promise(job_id)