Esempio n. 1
 def test_execution_stats(self):
     from compmake import comp, batch_command
     # schedule some commands
     res = comp(f, comp(f), comp(f, comp(f)))
     result = compmake_execution_stats(res)
     res = get_job_userobject(result.job_id)
     assert isinstance(res, dict)
     print res
Esempio n. 2
def dump(non_empty_job_list, directory='.'):
    '''Dumps the content of jobs as pickle files.

    directory='.'   where to dump the files
    for job_id in non_empty_job_list:
        if is_job_userobject_available(job_id):
            user_object = get_job_userobject(job_id)
            filename = os.path.join(directory, job_id + '.pickle')
            with open(filename, 'w') as f:
                pickle.dump(user_object, f)
            info('Wrote %s' % filename)
            user_error('Job %s is not ready yet.' % job_id)
Esempio n. 3
def report_results_pairs_jobs(context, func, objspec1_name, objspec2_name,
    """ This version gets the jobs ID """
    reason2symbol = {}

    def get_string_result(res):
        if res is None:
            s = 'ok'
        elif isinstance(res, Skipped):
            s = 'skipped'
            reason = res.get_reason()
            if not reason in reason2symbol:
                reason2symbol[reason] = len(reason2symbol) + 1
            s += '(%s)' % reason2symbol[reason]

        elif isinstance(res, PartiallySkipped):
            parts = res.get_skipped_parts()
            s = 'no ' + ','.join(parts)
            print('how to interpret %s? ' % describe_value(res))
            s = '?'
        return s

    r = Report()
    if not jobs:
        r.text('warning', 'no test objects defined')
        return r

    rows = sorted(set([a for a, _ in jobs]))
    cols = sorted(set([b for _, b in jobs]))
    data = [[None for a in range(len(cols))] for b in range(len(rows))]
    # a nice bug: data = [[None * len(cols)] * len(rows)

    db = context.get_compmake_db()

    comb = itertools.product(enumerate(rows), enumerate(cols))
    for ((i, id_object1), (j, id_object2)) in comb:
        job_id = jobs[(id_object1, id_object2)]
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db)

        if cache.state == Cache.DONE:
            res = get_job_userobject(job_id, db)
            s = get_string_result(res)
        elif cache.state == Cache.FAILED:
            s = 'FAIL'
        elif cache.state == Cache.BLOCKED:
            s = 'blocked'
#         elif cache.state == Cache.IN_PROGRESS:
#             s = '(in progress)'
        elif cache.state == Cache.NOT_STARTED:
            s = ' '

        data[i][j] = s

    r.table('summary', rows=rows, data=data, cols=cols)

    expl = ""
    for reason, symbol in reason2symbol.items():
        expl += '(%s): %s\n' % (symbol, reason)
    r.text('notes', expl)

    return r
Esempio n. 4
def report_results_pairs_jobs(context, func, objspec1_name, objspec2_name, jobs):
    """ This version gets the jobs ID """
    reason2symbol = {}

    def get_string_result(res):
        if res is None:
            s = 'ok'
        elif isinstance(res, Skipped):
            s = 'skipped'
            reason = res.get_reason()
            if not reason in reason2symbol:
                reason2symbol[reason] = len(reason2symbol) + 1
            s += '(%s)' % reason2symbol[reason]

        elif isinstance(res, PartiallySkipped):
            parts = res.get_skipped_parts()
            s = 'no ' + ','.join(parts)
            print('how to interpret %s? ' % describe_value(res))
            s = '?'
        return s

    r = Report()
    if not jobs:
        r.text('warning', 'no test objects defined')
        return r

    rows = sorted(set([a for a, _ in jobs]))
    cols = sorted(set([b for _, b in jobs]))
    data = [[None for a in range(len(cols))] for b in range(len(rows))]
    # a nice bug: data = [[None * len(cols)] * len(rows)

    db = context.get_compmake_db()

    comb = itertools.product(enumerate(rows), enumerate(cols))
    for ((i, id_object1), (j, id_object2)) in comb:
        job_id = jobs[(id_object1, id_object2)]
        cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db)

        if cache.state == Cache.DONE:
            res = get_job_userobject(job_id, db)
            s = get_string_result(res)
        elif cache.state == Cache.FAILED:
            s = 'FAIL'
        elif cache.state == Cache.BLOCKED:
            s = 'blocked'
#         elif cache.state == Cache.IN_PROGRESS:
#             s = '(in progress)'
        elif cache.state == Cache.NOT_STARTED:
            s = ' '
            s = '?'

        data[i][j] = s

    r.table('summary', rows=rows, data=data, cols=cols)

    expl = ""
    for reason, symbol in list(reason2symbol.items()):
        expl += '(%s): %s\n' % (symbol, reason)
    r.text('notes', expl)

    return r